Another Michael
New Music And Big Pop



by HelloJoe USER (8 Reviews)
November 2nd, 2021 | 7 replies

Release Date: 2021 | Tracklist

Review Summary: A warm and nostalgic debut album from a band with a lot of individual strengths that culminate into a solid whole.

Another Michael are a three piece group from Pennsylvania comprised of Michael Doherty, Alenni Davis and Nick Sebastiano. This is their debut full-length album titled New Music and Big Pop, and it’s a very cute album. Tapping into the independent twee pop with surf rock inflections come consideration of The Beach Boys, they are a band that move as a very strong and confident unit with tight instrumentation, three part harmonies and nostalgic melodies.

The first song on the album is ‘New Music’ which is a perfect summation of the album’s disposition. It is soft, melodic and finds vocalist Michael Doherty in self-reflection and profundity in otherwise banal circumstances.

“We were up late online talking about new music
And you sent me a link to a song that I’d never heard before
I need to get my headphones on
Just think about the long pause after it’s gone
And never forget the times I was wrong
I swear I’ll follow along”

Tapping into that sense of finality when a song or an album finishes and the moment of silence follows, using that space as an opportunity to self-reflect speaks to me as a modern man’s observation, maybe somewhat introverted and self-deprecating but certainly thoughtful and considered. I admire how he can explore his faults but find a nugget of confidence in himself, too. Like on ‘I’m Not Home’ where he sings

“I can be pretty tired and lazy, but I want you all to know
That I’m building a boat to assure you that I’m composed”

There’s also a certain innocence to the lyrical style. It’s not complicated or verbose, and this calls to mind the same sense of naivety that came on Brian Wilson’s lyricism for The Beach Boys. For Another Michael, it certainly sells the sincerity of the self-reflection and I find it very relatable.

All this is carried by a warm acoustic palette. A snugly mic'd acoustic guitar drives much of the music’s rhythm while Alenni Davis’ electric guitar offers accentuations like the fidgeting shreds on ‘Row’ or the blossoming strums on ‘I know You’re Wrong’. The bass here is nicely balanced too, giving into the song’s soft and hazy vibe. It’s a nicely engineered set of instruments. If I had one complaint here, it would be that maybe the drum machine is a little tinny on tracks like ‘Shaky Cam’. A personal preference but I would have liked to have heard that same rhythm played on brushes and an acoustic kit instead.

Additionally, ‘I’m Not Home’ doesn’t quite work alongside the other brighter songs. It’s a folk song in the style of Simon & Garfunkel or Fleet Foxes, and stands out as the album’s melancholic refrain but a breakdown featuring a rather limp air-horn doesn’t quite nail the dark undercurrents that it should. All the same, it’s got good qualities like the aforementioned lyrics and reverberated vocals that do deliver.

Although a lot of the record is quite understated, there’s a lot of hidden magic in here. Doherty as a song-writer composes a variety of song-structures from dedicated verse-chorus pop songs to folk tunes or an album closer that ends with a building outro. His voice too is a perfect match for the gentle innocence of the album. He’s flanked either side by matching harmonies. Sebastiano’s is a subtle baritone while Davis is a secret weapon! Her vocal tracking at the end of ‘Shaky Cam’ is particularly awesome, but I also love her brief moment in the spotlight on ‘Row’. I’d love to hear her and Doherty fully duet in the future as their voices are a wonderful compliment.

And I am certainly excited for Another Michael’s future. I think this is a very strong debut that delivers familiar styles in a sincere way. The cards are on the table regarding what they might do next but with empathetic lyrics, well rendered sound and solid song-writing, I think there’s going to be a lot of good music from them in the future.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
Staff Reviewer
November 2nd 2021


Album Rating: 3.0

Quite enjoyed this when I listened, although nothing stood out quite as much as New Music

Nice review - I’d say balance out using “I” statements versus describing the music as an outside observer. The “I” can sometimes make it sound more like a blog than a review. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you have some great descriptions of the music that make the more casual statements stick out. But certainly pos’d!

November 2nd 2021


Album Rating: 3.5

It's intentional. I know a lot of criticism is written as an objective observer. That's kind of traditionally the way it's supposed to go but these writings are meant to be a bit more informal, I suppose. It's maybe a bit personable but I like it. I kind of wanted to peal back and just speak openly and wholeheartedly rather than with a sense of disengagement.

I feel you, man. I'm a particular sucker for this sort of stuff. 'New Music' is definitely a standout along with 'Row' and 'Shaky Cam'. Thank you for the comment. : )

Staff Reviewer
November 3rd 2021


Album Rating: 3.0

In that case - Nice job! I definitely feel like I sometimes forget to listen to music with the idea of enjoying it at the forefront, so making the reviews more personable seems like it could be a good way to balance that idea

Intrigued by the stuff you're reviewing - Going to give that Matt Carmichael a shot

November 3rd 2021


Album Rating: 3.5

Thanks! I'm just going through my collection for 2021 and getting thoughts out. It's very cathartic so I get why people love to do it. : )

April 25th 2022


Album Rating: 3.5

These guys have a new single.

April 25th 2022


didnt know u did revuz

April 25th 2022


Album Rating: 3.5

Neither did I. They just appeared. :-O

I haven't posted a new review in a while, but I did write 8 so far.

The new song is very cute and a pleasant listen. I like it. Great mix on this one, too.

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