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01.06.22 con's best o' 202111.16.21 svmmercamp!
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07.27.18 Con's Band, First and Last Album07.23.18 this is the new wave.
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List is top 75 of the year, thanks for the great year Sput.
1Kevin Devine

Indie Rock/Alternative/Singer-Songwriter
Always been a big Kevin Devine fan, especially his earlier stuff and this is a solid release from him as well. Unfortunately, it’s a bit same-y and simplistic throughout and other than a couple songs nothing really sticks out.
Highlight: Magic Magnet
2Blowout [OR]
No Beer, No Dad

Cute little album from the Oregon natives that combines simplistic indie rock with some emo revival leanings. Female vocals as well which is cute and appealing but the vocals are mixed way too low to the point where it really hurts the album. Either way this is a fun listen.
Highlight: Indiana
3Rae Sremmurd
SremmLife 2

Trap/Party Rap
The long awaited (lol not really) sequel to SremmLife 1 and it is basically that album pt.2 which is fine. There are some bangers on here and then there are some god-awful tracks that never should’ve seen the light of day (I’m looking at you Set the Roof). Would pre-game to again though
Highlights: Start a Party, Do Yoga
4J. Cole
4 Your Eyez Only

Hip-Hop/”Soft” Rap
J. Cole for me has always been a middle of the road rapper with some fantastic tracks, but he’s never been able to make fantastic album front to back. 4 Your Eyez Only is no exception and it features some insane, classic J. Cole bangers and some sappy, annoying slow “rap ballads” which is also classic J. Cole. Either way there’s 3-4 enjoyable tracks on here with some woke lyrics so I’ll give him that.
Highlights: Immortal, Neighbors
5Teen Suicide
It's the Big Joyous Celebration..

Eclectic Lo-fi/Indie/Emo
Teen Suicide does it best when they keep their production cheap sounding and their fuzziness at 100%. With this magnum opus of an album the production is great which actually hinders the sound and aesthetic of the band. With 26 songs on an album there’s bound to be some bad songs and there are plenty of those on here, but if you cut 10-15 tracks you have a nice little album. As it is though, this is a pretty tough album to listen to all the way through.
Highlights: It’s Just a Pop Song, Alex
6Mock Orange
Put the kid on the Sleepy Horse

Indie Rock/Emo
Admittedly, this is the first album I listened to by these guys and I was quite impressed. I was introduced to it due to a friend constantly playing it in his car before and after smoke sessions. As with a lot of the previous albums on this list, however, it suffers from inconsistency as there are 3-4 insanely solid songs and a couple songs that are grating to listen to. Overall I would definitely recommend checking this out as it didn’t gain too much traction
Highlight: Window

Ah yes Drake’s Views, the album that was supposed to be a career-defining moment. Unfortunately, this was far from the case as it ended up being another poppy party rap album destined for the radio. Not that this is a problem, however, as there are still some really enjoyable tracks. The biggest flaw isn’t in the music however, but instead the lyrics as most come off as cheesy and a bit lazy. He barely even talks about Toronto which was thought to be the entire point about this album. Still, it’s a fun album with some fun tracks.
Highlights: Feel No Ways, Still Here, Keep the Family Close
8Beach Slang
A Loud Bash of Teenage Feelings

Nostalgia Punk/Alternative
Beach Slang’s first full length effort was a pretty incredible display of raw aggression and catchy hooks while maintaining a sense of nostalgia. With their second effort, basically take the sameyness from the first album while stripping away some of the feeling. This was a bit of a disappointment, but out of context it’s still a solid indie punk effort and if you liked their first album there will definitely be some tracks on here you’ll enjoy.
Highlights: Atom Bomb, Art Damage

Emo/Not-so-pop Punk
Dowsing has been a solid emo band but has failed to create anything remotely original. On top of this, most of their discog isn’t too memorable either other than a few noteworthy songs (someone say Gengar??? X3). With this album, they do make a conscious effort to make something somewhat original by moving away from the stereotypical Midwest emo sound, but what they land on is a punk album without the aggression and an emo album without the feels. Fortunately, 2-3 songs are very, very solid that saves this album from mediocrity and these songs are still some of my favorites of this year.
Highlights: I’m Sorry, You’re Great, Red Legs Kicking
10Moose Blood

Tumblr Pop-Punk/Emo
Moose Blood is pretty melodramatic, I must admit but they do it pretty well, especially on their first album. With Blush, setting aside the lyrics, the main issue is that the album as a whole is just pretty average pop-punk without the charm. Still, if you’re a fan of the genre this will prove to be a solid release. However, much like the rest of the albums this LP is saved by an absolutely brilliant shoegaze/post-rock influenced song and is by far the album’s strongest song.
Highlight: Shimmer
Hail Something

Indie Punk/Emo
I keep flip flopping from a 3 to a 3.5 on this album so this seems like an appropriate rating. Anyways, my review sums my thoughts up pretty well so click on it if you’re really interested. Overall a frustratingly good album from a band with a lot of potential.
Highlights: Just Explode, Earth Around Me
12Frightened Rabbit
Painting of a Panic Attack

Drunk Folk/Scottish Indie
Ahh we are into the 3.5s now. Seemingly my favorite rating to give out and 2016 was no exception. Starting us off we have Frightened Rabbit’s 2016 effort Painting of a Panic Attack which proves to be another solid release from the band. The album starts off very strong and it might’ve beaten out The Midnight Organ if it wasn’t for the boring 2nd half. Nevertheless, it still is a great album overall even if it is a bit tough to complete in entirety.
Highlights: Get Out, An Otherwise Disappointing Life
13Direct Hit!
Wasted Mind

BTMI Worship Pop Punk
Don’t have too much to say about this album to be quite honest. It’s really solid pop-punk music from Milwaukee with just the right amount of aggression and catchiness. However, it is not as endearing as PUP’s effort and doesn’t have quite the staying power. Their album before this, Brainless God, is better in my opinion. Definitely check this if you haven’t though.
Highlights: Paid in Brains, Was It the Acid?
14Thee Oh Sees
A Weird Exits

Psych Rock/Indie
Again, I wrote a semi-decent review on this album and my opinion hasn’t changed too much on this album. Still need to check the rest of their discog though as this was a cool modern psych, jam album.
Highlights: Ticklish Warrior, Gelatinous Cube
15Arrows In Her
It Tired Me All The Same

Twinkly Emo
This is very stereotypical Midwest emo revival bullshit but that’s my shit so this is pretty great in my opinion. Nothing on this album really sets them apart from any other band in the genre however, and I swear I’ve listened to this thing like 10 times and after every listen I say to myself “I need to relisten to this to get a better feel of the album” so idk if that means it’s forgettable or what. Either way, it’s pretty solid so I would check this if you like this kind of stuff.
Highlights: Revoke, t/t
Burden Piece

Moody Emo/Indie
Clique is a pretty difficult band to describe but I’ll give it a go anyways. They write short songs usually 2 minutes or under with some lazy sounding vocals that perfectly fit the sludgy, moody instrumentation. They aren’t necessarily punk and they aren’t really emo so they kinda fit in their own genre which is cool because it’s actually pretty original. This is their sophomore debut, however, and it just misses the mark when compared to their debut. Still an interesting album worth checking though.
Highlights: Worth, Top Field, Boundaries
17Run the Jewels
Run the Jewels 3

Hipster Rap
Okay this is pretty good stuff I must admit even if it’s a bit preachy/singing to the choir. Songs on here range from slightly annoying to jaw dropping in terms of production and songwriting. However, neither El-P nor Killer Mike sound as hungry and vicious as they did on RTJ2 which made that album so great. Still, there are some great tracks on here making it a must check pre-2017 despite its recent release
Highlights: Legend Has It, Don’t Get Captured, A Report to the Shareholders…

Moody Punk/Emo
Much like Clique, these guys make short, moody jams but they turn the aggression up a notch on this debut release. It’s pretty raw and a bit sloppy but all of those things work in the album’s favor as this is an impressive release. Also, it features a Sputnik member (Kevin Goldfinger if ya have ever seen him around) and I didn’t know this until after I had discovered the album! Small world huh.
Highlights: Quarry, Best Friends Forever, Summer Sucks
19Maxo Kream
The Persona Tape

Southern Rap/Trap
This came as a surprise to be honest as I really had no idea what this was going to be like. Maxo slays on the first track though with some really impressive rapping that builds into probably the best song on the mixtape. However, he doesn’t let up and even though it’s a bit hit and miss, Maxo is able to churn out 6-7 pretty solid, hype trap bangers. Definitely a rapper to keep an eye on in the upcoming year or two.
Highlights: Choppas, Hit Mane, Smoke Break
A Moon Shaped Pool

Soft Art Rock
Of course Radiohead makes this list, even if it was a bit underwhelming in my opinion. This was pleasant the first couple times I listened to it but it really never begged for more than those few listens. Nevertheless, we got to finally to hear an album version of True Love Waits which was incredible, and Ful Stop/The Numbers stole the show with their production and complexity. Definitely a great album but that’s to be expected by Radiohead at this point so nothing too special.
Highlights: True Love Waits, Decks Dark, Ful Stop
21Wye Oak

Electro-Indie Rock/Dream Pop
This is actually pretty similar to AMSP in my opinion, except a bit more focused on consistency and the whole dreamy atmosphere. The electronic influences are really well mixed throughout this album while the indie rock tendencies are typical but solid nonetheless. No song really sticks out though and other than the electronic influences the album isn’t too special in my opinion. Definitely a pleasant listen though, so I would recommend to anyone that has an interest in these genres.
Highlight: If You Should See
22Conor Oberst

A nice little release from one of my favorite lyricists and songwriters and general. If you are a fan of Bright Eyes/any of Conor’s projects, you will probably enjoy this album. It’s basically a stripped-down version of his usual stuff, usually featuring only a piano or an acoustic guitar. Also, expect a lot of harmonicas which is nice at first but starts to get old after a bit. Some heartbreaking tracks on here as well, so if you’re in a sad mood this will definitely keep you down.
Highlights: Gossamer Thin, A Little Uncanny, Barbary Coast (Later)
23Broken Beak
Some Nerve

Indie Rock/Emo
Side project of Brendan from Modern Baseball but if, for some reason, you hate his singing voice, fear not because he is just the guitarist in this band! The lead singer is pretty solid and gives off a gruff, punk-esque flair which is definitely a cool addition. The live version of Deliver had me really psyched for this full length and while it didn’t necessarily disappoint, most of the songs on here don’t live up to it. Either way, fun stuff and a cool, unheard of emo band for ya guys.
Highlights: Deliver, Echo
24Pkew Pkew Pkew
Pkew Pkew Pkew

Party Punk/Pop Punk
This is fucking fun, carefree lyrics, shout-along vocals, and riffs than jam pretty hard. This album just makes me wanna get really drunk with my bandmates at some college basement party. Sadly, there’s really nothing else to this album even if some of the lyrics are pretty clever/funny. It’s been done before, sure, but I don’t care because fuck it, it’s fun as shit.
Highlights: Mid 20s Skateboarder, Asshole Pandemic, Let’s Order a Pizza
Come to Mexico

Math Rock
This is also fucking fun but the musicianship on here is a lot more thought out and complex and just overall better. However, this is mostly an instrumental album so it’s missing that lyrical charm. Still, the atmosphere on here is very pretty and uplifting, and the mathy guitar riffs are really fun and inspiring. This is pretty stereotypical math rock, but they do it well enough that it’s excusable. A lot like Clever Girl but without the brass section.
Highlights: Yaaaago, 100% repos

Jangle Pop/Indie Rock
Top 50 here we go! To start us off we have a short and sweet little EP from the Bloomington based indie band Hoops. This is the definition of charming with it’s sweet, melodic guitars and synths coupled with the slightly lo-fi vocals and a solid rhythmic section. With only 5 songs, there’s really not many issues with this EP other than 1 or 2 slightly forgettable songs. The hooks on here are pretty infectious and the lead guitar is even more infectious. Would def recommend to anyone that likes any indie in general.
Highlight: Cool 2
27Local Natives
Sunlit Youth

Synthpop/Indie Rock
Local Natives have always been a solid indie band and haven’t released a poor album with Sunlit Youth being no exception. On this album, they change it up a bit, however, and incorporate some more electronic elements and even some jazz-esque bits seen in Jellyfish and Coins. Some of the tracks on here are pretty lackluster and don’t have the same energy as their first album, but the highlights are right up with the best in their discography (Sun Hands, Who Knows, Who Cares). Very underrated album
Highlights: Coins, Past Lives
28Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Skeleton Tree

Art Rock/Tragedycore
The passing of Nick’s son was a gift and a curse (mostly a curse but for the sake of music there’s some good that came out of it). This album is really dark and depressing and unsettling as Nick takes you deep into the inner workings of his brain. He is obviously hurting but his poetic lyrics hide this pain behind metaphors and other musings in a really brilliant way. The only thing holding me back from giving this a higher rating is some songs drone on for too long and this isn’t really my type of music to begin with. Still though, this is both an impressive release and an important one for 2016.
Highlights: Girl in Amber, I Need You
29Band of Horses
Why Are You OK

Indie Folk
Ok so this album really surprised me as I haven’t been into the recent outputs that this band has offered. Even though they were a solid alt rock band with their first two albums, their latest have been kind of boring and uninspired. This marks a change in that sound as the opening track gives off this slowcore-esque vibe that works really well. The first half of this album is nearly flawless but once the Americana/country influences creep in too much in the second half it loses all of its momentum. Despite this, Band of Horses managed to release a promising album for once.
Highlights: Dull Times/The Moon, Hag, In a Drawer
30Posture & The Grizzly
I Am Satan

Emo/Post Rock
This is a much different band than the one found on Busch Hymns. The punky aggression is replaced with a more mature sound and a newfound focus on both atmosphere and crescendos. Again, this an emo band that is doing nothing too new, but their mix of post-rock influences work really well with the usual Midwest, twinkly sound. This album is also very consistent and doesn’t falter at the end like so many of these other albums have.
Highlights: Acid Bomb, Shooting Sparks
A Seat At The Table

Very impressed with this album especially from a production standpoint. Like wow this might be one of my favorite albums production wise just listen to that first track. Anyways this was an enjoyable listen from the sister of Beyonce I guess?? Only issue with this is the interludes are kind of unnecessary and would’ve worked better if there wasn’t like 6 of them haha. Overall though a lush album to listen to and the features are all pretty spot on.
Highlights: Mad, F.U.B.U.
32Gold Panda
Good Luck And Do Your Best

Very cool electronic album that is chill to listen to but also hype enough that it doesn’t get too boring. Not really much else to say honestly, just check this album out.
Highlights: In My Car, Metal Bird, Time Eater
33The Avalanches

Honestly, I haven’t jammed this in a while but from what I can remember this was a solid album that almost was as good as their first album. There’s some funky tracks on here and some really cool songs but also some dumb songs. Overall, it’s a very well-produced album that is incredibly fluid and really fun to listen to. Will have to listen to this in full again sometime that’s for sure.
Highlights: Subways, Frankie Sinatra
Promise Everything

I really enjoyed Basement’s last effort and while this didn’t live up to it I was pretty happy with this album overall. Has 4-5 really solid emo/pop punk tracks and the closer is absolutely brilliant. It can get a bit same-y and uninspired at times but this band still jams hard. A bit of an underrated album on here, it really brings the feels in my opinion.
Highlights: Halo, Aquasun, Promise Everything

Jazz Rap/Chillsoul
This was another late, end of the year listen for me and I am very happy I ended up listening to this because it’s killer. I only knew of Noname from Chance’s stuff and she was solid but I was curious if she could hold her own in a full mixtape. She definitely does and gets the whole chill rap sound down to a pat with some really clever wordplay as well. It does get a bit too same-y as the album goes on but it’s short enough that it’s excusable. Excited to see what she will do next.
Highlights: Sunny Duet, Bye Bye Baby, Diddy Bop
36ScHoolboy Q
Blank Face LP

Gangsta Gangsta Gangsta Rap
This album feels like Schoolboy attempting to break away from his usual pop rap/southern hip hop sound in favor for a darker, more intense style. For the most part this works really well and Schoolboy is able to make some of his best songs yet. Some of the beats on here are really sick and while the lyricism isn’t quite there yet, Schoolboy is at least making an obvious effort. Two things that ruin this album for me are the E-40 feature which is the worst feature of 2016 since it ruins an otherwise sick song, and the inexcusable pop rap song Overtime. Other than that, this was very solid and impressive from the Q.
Highlights: Groovy Tony, JoHn Muir, By Any Means
37Chance the Rapper
Coloring Book

Happy Rap/Gospel Rap
Even with all the hype surrounding this I knew this wouldn’t touch Acid Rap. However, I was still excited to see where Chance went with his sound, and the change was a welcome one for sure. Although many think this is by far his worst effort, there are still many songs on here that are some of the best in Chance’s discog. He may get a bit too gospel-y/preachy and some songs on here are a bit too slow for my tastes, but overall this was a solid effort even if overhyped a bit.
Highlights: Angels, No Problem, How Great
38Kanye West
The Life of Pablo

Yeezus Rap
Speaking of overhyped albums…yeah haha. This was still pretty great but I expected a lot better from Kanye. Instead of making a cohesive album this just feels like he threw together a ton of songs and released it without really thinking about the tracklist. The highlights on here though are actually pretty incredible and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t listen to a ton of these frequently this year. If you played one of these songs at a party, there’s a pretty good chance everyone would be pretty hype so good job Ye.
Highlights: Ultralight Beam, FML, No More Parties in LA, Freestyle 4
39Into It. Over It.

Indie Rock/Emo
Another album I reviewed this year woo! Re-listened to this though a couple days ago and it was even better than I remembered, hence the high 3.5. Anyways, give this a shot if you’re an emo rev fan, Evan Weiss is a solid songwriter.
Highlights: Vis Major, Anesthetic, Required Reading
Parallel Lives

Post Rock/Emo
And another review of mine so if ya want more info just click the album. Basically, there’s some spell-binding songs and there are a couple duds but overall very impressive.
Highlights: Left Behind, Shiver, Eyes
41Kendrick Lamar
untitled unmastered.

Untitled Rap/Unmastered Rap
And here we are at the 4s of 2016, and starting us off strong is Kendrick’s release. Untitled 2 and 7 are some of KDot’s best songs he’s ever made so it was a surprise to see them on a “b-side” album of sorts. Those songs alone warrant a 4 but there’s a couple other interesting tracks that keep the album pretty interesting. Very excited to see what he has up his sleeve next.
Highlights: 7, 2
42Mom Jeans
best buds

Sappy Emo/Punk
Warning, this is very sappy sounding and very, very stereotypical emo to a point where I feel like I should hate this but I really don’t. The Bob’s Burgers sample is just perfect and the vocals are just whiney enough that it’s kinda endearing and fun. Most of these songs jam really hard as well which is great as well. Emo revival at its most fun and with JANK gone hopefully these guys can take the torch for the scene (please no sexual assault for the love of GOD)
Highlights: Edward 40hands, Death Cup

Dream Pop/Indie Pop
This is a really fun album with a laid back, dreamy kind of feel. The vocals can be a bit off putting at times, but they really add to the atmosphere and they make this album pretty unique. This band wasn’t even on my radar until a friend of mine recommended them to me so this came out of nowhere for me. Great album to relax to, and the melodies are actually pretty intricate on here. Would recommend.
Highlights: Sun on My Back, Fortunes
Pussy's Dead

Noise Pop/Robogaze
Having only known two or three Autolux songs before this, I came into this album expecting some shoegaze fuzziness after TheSpaceMan exhausted all of his efforts to get me to listen to this. Instead, this album sounded nothing like that and honestly, I think this is a genre of itself. It’s sleek sounding, futuristic, the drumming is perfection, and the hooks have a lot of pop appeal. Yet, it’s a dark, brooding album that keeps you on your toes. TheSpaceMan has a killer review for this album so check that if you want more info on it. Definitely one of the most unique albums I’ve listened to this year.
Highlights: Brainwasher, Hamster Suite, Soft Scene
45Camp Cope
Camp Cope

Cute Emo/Indie Rock
Special thanks to BlushfulHippocrene for rec-ing me this and for writing such a beautiful review for it. He really nails the description for this album, much better than I can do in a short list soundoff. This is sweet though, really basic emo but the lyrics are cute and the emotion is conveyed really well throughout this album.
Highlights: West Side Story, Stove Lighter, Lost
The White Album

Power Pop/Alternative
Weezer is back (finally) and this is such an enjoyable listen. I honestly wasn’t the biggest fan of their last album despite there being obvious improvements in their sound, but the White Album blow that out of the water for me. Obviously, they are still missing some of their charm from their early days, but this is probably the best album Weezer could release in 2016.
Highlights: Thank God for Girls, California Kids, L.A. Girlz
Prelude (.3333)

Grammar Emo/Indie Rock
The soundoff for this makes absolutely no sense (hence the genre tag), but nevertheless this is pretty cool. Sounds like a mix between The Postal Service and The Appleseed Cast which is definitely a great combination. The best song on here is by far the 9-minute magnum opus Another Flammarion Woodcut which utilizes electronic elements while constantly building to a blissful climax. Would definitely recommend to anyone.
Highlight: Another Flammarion Woodcut
Alpe Lusia

Tech House
Very inexperienced in this genre and I’ll be honest I’m not even the biggest house fan, per say, but this was pretty fantastic. Some parts got a bit too “house-y” but other than that there’s really nothing wrong with this. The melodies are fantastic throughout this album and the last 6 tracks are perfect basically. Definitely will take you to another world. Thanks Potsy
Highlights: 22 Degree Halo, For My Better Half
49Anderson .Paak

Saw this guy live twice this year and both times were amazing. He’s got such a charming sound and it really shines through on this LP. I had this at a 3.5 for the longest time but after relistening to it recently, I realized there are only 2-3 songs I dislike which is pretty impressive for such a long album. Overall, this guy is going places and I’m very excited to see what he puts out next.
Highlights: The Season, Put Me Thru, Come Down
50Pity Sex
White Hot Moon

Wrote a pretty ~nostalgic~ review for this so check that out if ya want more info. Basically, it’s a cool little shoegze/emo album but nothing too exciting. Very solid though and Nothing Rips Through Me is gonna be one of my favorite songs of the year. RIP Pity Sex
Highlights: Nothing Rips Through Me, Plum
51Tiny Moving Parts

Twinkly Emo/Math Rock
Tiny Moving Parts is a very solid band but their albums end up become very grating to listen to in full. This is mostly due to the melodramatic vocal performances that not only gets a bit old but even annoying to listen to. Fortunately, they have found a way to break that streak with their third album Celebrate. The songwriting is top notch on this album and the energy is very contagious. Seeing them live sealed the deal for me this summer and this is definitely worthy of being in the top 25.
Highlights: Good Enough, Birdhouse, Breathe Deep

A band I discovered through the r/emo subreddit and wow do these guys slay. At only 7 songs, there are no poor tracks on this thing. This is raw aggression and anger, especially seen with the vocal performance of the lead singer and the lyrics. The production is pretty slick as well for a band that is relatively unheard of. This brings the jams and feels hard.
Highlights: Heather, Tiptoeing, Angling
53Touche Amore
Stage Four

An album that just beats out Admit is mostly for how emotional the lyrical content is as this is all surrounding the death of Jeremy’s mother. Some of the lines hit way too hard and it is pretty obvious that the band is pouring everything they have into this album. Album closer features a guest performance from Julien Baker which gets extra points from me just for that honestly. This is probably my favorite release by them, really brings the feels.
Highlights: Skyscraper, Rapture, Benediction
54All Human
Teenagers, You Don't Have to Die

Indie Rock/Indietronica
Another end of the year listen and this really blew me away. I was afraid that this album wouldn’t be able to justify its length but other than a lackluster closer, this is a pretty solid album overall. This album isn’t your everyday indie album either, as it’s got a bit of everything ranging from electronic elements to darker post-hardcore breakdowns. Oh, and it jams hard.
Highlights: Where’s My Upslope?, And So Peter Dances, Desert Fox Cubs…
The Thrill of Living

Midwest Emo
Another band that wasn’t on my radar at all until this year (shoutout to Hesperus for giving them the attention they needed!). This album jams really really hard especially the opening track which is one of my most played songs of the year. The subject matter is also pretty refreshing for the scene as they tackle issues about LGBTQ rights and the issues that come with being gay in America. Make no mistake though because these guys hit hard both musically and in the feels so check em out if ya haven’t already
Highlights: I Can’t Sleep, The Hand That Strikes…, I Still Can’t Sleep
Tired of Tomorrow

Compared to GoE, this isn’t as great as it does slow down a lot near the end of the album, but overall this was still a very impressive release. It brings the fuzzy feels which, other than Pity Sex, no other band really did this year. The first half of this album is basically as good, if not, better than anything on GoE as well, especially the highlights. Hopefully this band can continue to be this consistent.
Highlights: Fever Queen, Eaten by Worms, A.C.D.
57Told Slant
Going By

Took me awhile but after a couple listens through I’ve gotten used to Told Slant’s vocalist, and once you do you can really see the beauty behind the music here. These songs are very delicate, almost as if they are ready to break at any moment, constantly on the edge of self-destruction. It’s a subdued album, however, as the band mostly relies on simple melodies and sparing use of percussion. The beautiful moments on here cut you right to the core though, and I’ve found that when I’m at my lowest I often turn to this album. It’s reassuring in a way, despite its sadness, which makes it so amazing.
Highlights: Tsunami, Low Hymnal, Sweater
58Bon Iver
22, A Million

Indie Pop/Electronica
Bon Iver gets “experimental” with this album and for the most part it works well. Many people think this is his worst album, but I think this beats out his S/T by a bit. The sampling and production work pretty well, and there are some really stunning songs on this album. It does get a bit pretentious/boring at parts, but overall this was a solid release and I found myself listening to this a ton this fall/winter.
Highlights: 8 (circle), Over Soon, Strafford Apts

Another late year listen which was fucking incredible, Kaytranada is a production genius and the features on this thing are more than on point. From the smooth, sultry songs influenced by classic R&B, to the club bangers this album has it all. Plus, it’s very consistent and has very minimal slip-ups, making the entire listen through a fun, enjoyable experience. Keep an eye out for this guy.
Highlights: Glowed Up, Got it Good, Together
60 American Football
American Football (2016)

Twinkly Emo/Soft Rock
Review sums up my thoughts [4]. Very pleasant listen even if the vocals are mixed too high and the lyrics are a bit lazy.
Highlights: Desire Gets in the Way, Where Are We Now?, Born to Lose
The Dream Is Over

I still like their S/T a bit more but this is such a killer album full with energy and witty lyrics. The first two tracks absolutely slay and are probably the best on here, but the rest of the album is very solid still. Can’t really pick out a weak track either, just a fun energy ridden album all in all.
Highlights: DVP, Old Wounds, If This Tours Doesn’t Kill You

Political Rap
Everyone thinking RTJ3 is political and “woke” and shit like that should check this album out because it’s done in a much better way in my opinion. Very politically charged but not the “you’re right I’m wrong” kind of attitude usually seen. Instead, Kemba takes the pressing issues within the black community and shoves them right in the listener’s face, ugly and gnarled but it’s hard not to appreciate. The beats are pretty dark and although there aren’t any “bangers” on here, Kemba still manages to produce some fantastic tracks on here. If it wasn’t for Denzel Curry this would easily be my rap AOTY.
Highlights: Brown Skin Jesus, Already, The New Black Theory
Versace Summer

Party Emo/(M)emo
Wrote a little review for this haha I didn’t realize how many of these albums I reviewed until I made this list tbh. Either way this is fucking fun, RIP JANK.
Highlights: Versace Summer, General Tso What
64Joyce Manor

Pop Punk/Emo
What started off as a lackluster album turned quickly into one of my most played albums of the year. I was really only impressed by 3 songs at first but after a couple listens only 2-3 songs don’t impress me. Eighteen is probably my SOTY and is definitely my most played song on spotify. This doesn’t have as much punk energy as their last effort, but the songwriting has actually improved a bit in my opinion. Very fun album from a very fun band.
Highlights: Eighteen, Stairs, Last You Heard of Me
65Denzel Curry

Shout Rap
Denzel Curry is probably my favorite rapper at the moment. His energy and aggression are unmatched right now and this album proves he’s able to make more than just a rap banger (Ultimate). The lyrics are also really amazing as they point out a lot of issues within America while staying witty and even kinda fun (see how many pokemon references you can find). Overall a really solid rap album and definitely the best of the year for the genre.
Highlights: Gook, ULT, Story: No Title
66James Blake
The Colour in Anything

This was actually my introduction to James Blake as I had only heard of him before this album. Very glad J checked it out though because this album represents a lot of genres that I've always loved combined with genres I've been trying to get more into. His electronic influences and production skills are displayed with pride on his third LP and despite it being slightly too long, he is able to keep it interesting while bringing a lot of new ideas to the table.
Highlights: Points, I Need a Forest Fire, Radio Silence
67Modern Baseball
Holy Ghost

Emo/Pop Punk
Wrote a review, check it out, blah blah blah.
Highlights: Just Another Face, Coding These to Lukens, Hiding
68Glass Animals
How To Be A Human Being

Hipster Pop/Electronica
For once I think this is an album that beats the debut album, just by a little though. Still, Glass Animals prove they have some staying power in the indie scene with this really interesting conceptual album that portrays different "characters" the lead character talked to in real life. Although a bit surface level, the concept adds a lot to the listening experience and the music is pretty outstanding as well. S2E3 is probably the best song they have made and definitely a contender for SOTY. Despite the standout, the album is incredibly consistent and very fun all the way through.
Highlights: Season 2 Episode 3, The Other Side of Paradise, Agnes
69Frank Ocean

How could Franky follow up ChannelORANGE? The amount of hype surrounding this album was astounding in itself and as we've seen in 2016 if there's a lot of hype there's bound to be many disappointed fans. Although the couldn't match the lush brilliance of his debut, Frank Ocean is still able to put out an incredible and consistent R&B album. Focusing more on the subdued rather than the bright and loud cO, Blonde proves to be a consistent and heartbreaking album as Frank spews his guts about his love life and his nervousness for the future. Definitely one of my most played albums.
Highlights: Nights, Siegfried, Solo
70Jeff Rosenstock

Nostalgia Part Punk
We Cool was better but this is exactly what I wanted from a new Jeff Rosenstock album. This man knows how to write a hook like really welll and half these songs seem to be constantly stuck in my head at the same time. Seeing him live this year on tour for this album was also pretty incredible, definitely one of my favorites songwriters and this album just solidifies that thought.
Highlights: Staring Out the Window..., We Begged 2 Explode, I Did Something Weird Last Night
71Old Gray
Slow Burn

This was my last review of 2016 and a pretty fitting one. Music is prob 4 worthy but the emotional connector I have with this album bumps it to a 4.5.
Highlights: Everything is in your hands, razor blade, communion
72Childish Gambino
"Awaken, My Love!"

Childish Gambino, the love of my life. I'll admit I'm biased when it comes to rating his albums, but this is genuinely a fantastic release. BTI will still be my favorite album by him and I kinda expected this to be my AOTY but other than that this was fantastic. Who would've thought a funk album would be one of the b st albums in 2016? This guy made it happen. Incredibly talented musician and it makes me so happy to see him doing so well in life right now.
Highlights: Me and Your Momma, Stand Tall, Riot, Redbone

Alt Country/Emo
This album is so killer like it hits all the right spots for me. The folky/emo/country combination shouldn't work at all but it fucking does like more bands should be doing this sound. It's so endearing and the lyrics on here are actually really beautifully written and of course incredibly depressing. If it wasn't for Then Again (which is still a decent song) this might be a 5 and I can honestly see this growing to a 5 it's just that good.
Highlights: Aphasia, Cadmium, New Friends, Size of the Moon
74The Hotelier

Emo/Indie Rock
I thought this was going to be my AOTY when it came out despite it not living up to the ghost of Home, but CSH just snuck by it. This was a really impressive release that shows off The Hotelier'a songwriting chops, proving they can write more than just pop punk/emo jams. This album is a bit more subdued but it allows for some impressive ballads and indie songs that don't just rely on riffs that jam hard. Another album that has one of my SOTY. Definitely one of the best emo revival bands out right now.
Highlights: Two Deliverances, Sun, Piano Player, End of Reel
75Car Seat Headrest
Teens of Denial

Indie Rock
4.73/5 AOTY
Yep this is my AOTY. CSH come out of nowhere with this album and I'm probably not the only one who had no idea who these guys were until this album. I always thought this was gonna be 2 or 3 but what solidified it for me was listening to this album in the car with my dad as he drove me down to college. He loved the album so much and watching him listen to it was an experience i'll never forget. Drunk Drivers is his favorite song. For once we share the same AOTY so thank you 2016.
Highlights: The Ballad of Costa Concordia, Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales, Fill in the Blank, Vincent
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