
Soundoffs 8
Album Ratings 948
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 04-23-17 4:56 am
Joined 12-25-14

Review Comments 3,815

04.24.21 Dine Alone Records Coloured Vinyl Haul04.10.21 Vinyl Purchases
12.04.19 Vinyl listening for the day02.12.18 Rec me post rock classics
02.07.18 Rec me folk classics 01.13.18 Album rec comp
12.20.17 Yet another rec comp 1012.19.17 Yet another rec comp 9
12.17.17 Yet another rec comp 812.15.17 Yet another rec comp 7
12.14.17 Yet another rec comp 612.10.17 Yet another rec comp 5
12.09.17 Yet another rec comp 412.06.17 Yet another rec comp 3
12.05.17 Yet another rec comp 212.03.17 Yet another rec comp
10.30.17 I need more 5's10.11.17 New albums I bought/rec me shit
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Album rec comp

Recently I've had a lot more time to listen to albums, so I figured I might as well take some recs. This is basically the same thing as tacos' list, you can rec 2 albums each, after I listen to it I'll give a writeup and a rating, and as long as I haven't rated the album you rec it's fair game. I'll be taking 100 recs, gonna try to finish this before winter ends, as I'll be a lot busier with university later on
1Ready Set Fall!

I'll be taking recs until the list is full, so if you haven't recced anything yet, drop a few below
2The fucking hotlights
High Society Torture Party

Just Joe

This sounded like 39 if it tried to be more complex and had more post hardcore/ noise rock influences, but not as catchy. It was somewhat enjoyable to jam, but I doubt I'll return to it.
Thirteen Urban Ways 4 Groovy Bohemian Days

Just Joe

To say this album is unorthodox would be an understatement. It incorporates numerous genres into it's already quaint brand of black metal, for no other reason than to make it stand out. The transition from genre to genre rarely works, often seeing poor songwriting choices, such as an awkward jazz section sandwiched between black metal. This album's disjointedness makes Zeal and Ardor appear seamless. This album is at it's best when it is ditching all the experimental genre infusion, and sticking with regular black metal. There is some extremely well made black metal on here, it just happens to be in 4 minute chunks spread across the album. Inconsistency aside, this was a unique listen, and I surprisingly enjoyed it.

User avg: 3.25
Slow forever


I know this is a double album, but holy shit this album dragged on forever. The 84 minute runtime felt closer to 2 hours. I wasn't expecting the drastic change in sound from Gin, it almost sounds like a completely different band. Bringing in Charlie Fell to replace mcsorely was a good move, as he is the superior vocalist, and sounds absolutely mental at times on here. With that being said, I still prefer their old sound much more than this. This is heavy, and has its moments of brilliance, but their old sound was more consistent overall, and I prefer the sludgy black metal over whatever this is (cowboy metal as I saw someone describe it).
5We All Die (Laughing)


This is a fairly typical doom/stoner album, chocked full of riffs, riffs, and more riffs. It's fairly by the numbers doom, with a few outside influences rearing up every once in a while, such as blast beats, and vocals that range from generic doom to generic death metal. It's nothing special, but it's still a fun album.

User avg: 3.5


Let me preface this by saying that I am not a big fan of djent. It's always come off as boring and contrived to me; but with that said these guys manage to pull it off decently. It doesn't come off as monotonous, and at times I found myself bobbing my head to the groove. There are some interesting ideas demonstrated on this album, most of which are technically impressive, but can lean towards wankery. Both the clean and harsh vocals are simply passable, as they fit well with the music. Overall this album is overlong and slightly self indulgent, but that's to be expected with prog.
7Misery signals


Metalcore done right. The vocals are great, the instrumentation is progressive without coming off as obnoxious, and it flows well. The album was the perfect length, having enough substance to feel like an LP, without over staying it's welcome. Overall good shit.

User avg: 3.8
8Tom waits
Bone Machine


This dude is a living legend, not much else can be said. The only logical conclusion to how Tom's voice got so gravelly is that he came out of the womb smoking a pack of fags. This has a dark western vibe that I absolutely love, and his voice is truly unique.
Bonsai Superstar


Disjointed and sporadic, Brainiac have somehow managed to create a catchy noise rock record. Everything on this record is clicking, making the album reach the potential that it shows early on. Certain songs can be somewhat unsettling, but that just adds to the appeal. A job well done.

User avg: 4.3
10Nostromo (che)
Ecce lex


This band is a well oiled machine. They produce a suffocating brand of metalcore with grind influences, that is fast, concise, and at times surprisingly subdued. The vocalist is a madman, and like the rest of the band is unrelelntless. The album didn't overstay it's welcome, and left me wanting more.
11Chelsea wolfe


I've never checked out chelsea wolfe because while the songs that I've heard from her have been great, they tend to blur together, and that was the case on this album. Aside from the bold opener, and the offkilter closer, nothing truly stood out to me. I'm not saying that they were unremarkable, because I've always enjoyed chelsea's brand of melancholic gothic/industrial paired with her unique voice; it just seems to me that this is the kind of music that I zone out to, and have trouble differentiating most of the tracks. With that said, this was a very enjoyable listen and almost exactly the level of excellence I expected from her after initially hearing a couple of her singles.

User avg: 3.8
Back to Times of Splendor


Melodic deal metal with an emphasis on melodic. The band incorporates a bunch of unconventional instruments that I'm too lazy to look up, and it adds a medieval feel to the album. The album riffs, but I'd prefer the album to have more of a bite to it, as it feels closer to folk metal than an semblance of death metal (including melodic) at most times.
13Fireball ministry
The second great awakening


This is fairly standard sabbath worshiping stoner rock, with the majority of the riffs seeming oddly familiar. The vocals are typical stoner rock vocals, so nothing too impressive, but still serviceable enough to compliment the Music. This album fades into the background when you listen to it every once in a while when the riffs get too repetitive, but rears back up when the riff switches making you notice it again. All in all, this is solid yet unremarkable stoner rock that would be perfect to put on while you have a few beers.

User avg: 3.45
14Amia venera landscape
The Long Procession


I've had this album on the backburner for years now, and I'm not sure why, seeing as I should love this. These guys really remind me of a heavier version of Rinoa/devil sold his soul, fusing post hardcore, metalcore, and post metal together to make an enthralling sound that few bands can pull off well. The main thing that separates these guys from the aforementioned bands is the touch of sludge that they add to their music, putting them within the same realm as bands such as knut, and harlots.The harsh vocals are vicious, and the cleans were a pleasant surprise, seeing as they are not only listenable, but enjoyable, a quality that you can't take for granted in metalcore. The instrumentation is engaging and doesn't let up, making for a highly enjoyable listen.


Symphonic, melodic, and progressive death metal blended into one? Three of the most over the top subgenres of death metal doesn't exactly sound like my cup of tea. The album is divided into three sections, with those sections divided into acts. I'm sure the lyrical content changes, but I didn't notice much of a difference aurally; it sounded like one slab of over-grandiose metal. The male vocalist is nothing special, spewing out standard death metal vocals, and the female vocalist doesn't do much for me either. I can see the appeal, but it isn't really my thing.

User avg: 3.85
16The Microphones
The Glow Pt. 2


To be honest, the biggest revelation that came from this was realizing that lil peep sampled it. The album has so many ideas that could have been expanded upon further, but weren't, with phil pursuing many other ideas instead, and honestly that isn't a bad thing. The album was interesting all the way through, and I will definitely return to it.
17The avalanches
Since I Left You


If this isn't a feel good summer album, I don't know what is. As cliche as it is, I imagine myself on a tropical beach enjoying the sun when I hear this. I'm taken out of that illusion by the occasional annoying vocal sample that makes me pray that the song will be over soon. Frontier psychiatrist is one of the songs guilty of this, when it comes on it makes you wonder why the group decided to keep it on an already bloated album.This album would benefit greatly by trimming the fat (roughly 20 minutes) and putting a much more concise finished product forward.

User avg: 3.85
18Uncle Tupelo
March 16 to 20, 1992


Americana has always been a favorite genre of mine to put on and relax to, and this album reminded me why that is. When I hear this I reminisce about loading bales of straw, pulling weeds and picking vegetables for people to earn a few bucks here and there. The vocals have a country flair to them without having too much of a hick twang, which is a bonus. The acoustic guitar and occasional banjo really tie this album together, with simplistic strumming accompanying the vocals.
Public Cemetery Party


This is a fun alternative rock/metal album. It reminds me of newer mastodon at times, complete with vocals that occasionally remind of Brent Hinds (which isn't a good thing). There are other influences that I can't put my finger on, but it's fun regardless.

User avg: 3.8


This album has a malign beauty to it; like a dead flower, dried from rot and decay. There's something beautiful, yet unsettling about the unique atmosphere that this album's ambiance creates. If Oneohtrix Point Never ever attempted to create a black metal album, I'd imagine it would sound something like this.
21Giant Squid
The Ichthyologist


Going into this listen I knew nothing about this album except for the fact that sevengill rides it's metaphorical dick HARD. I can understand why now. When I initially saw the prog tag it made me wary of what was to come, but I was concerned for nothing. This band takes the same sort of approach as the ocean does on their later records by choosing to take a more atmospheric approach, rather than trying to wow with technicality. There are times that the vocals remind me of Steve von till, which is both a good and a bad thing. It's good because steve von till is a great vocalist, so being compared to him is a compliment, but it's unfortunate for the band because it makes me realize how much more I'd rather be listening to neurosis.

User avg: 4.1
Watching from a Distance


Getting cucked from a bush has never sounded so melancholic. I'm not sure about he concept, but the emotion in the man's voice is undeniable. The instrumentation is slow and plodding, which matches the vocals well. Overall a solid listen.
Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill


How can something so light and airy feel so heavy? The album is filled with hushed vocals scattered across an ambient backdrop, yet it feels like it is physically weighing me down from the sheer emotion displayed. A truly beautiful album.

User Avg:3.95
24overlord (aus)
Demonstration of Intimidation


A fairly standard beatdown demo, nothing complex about it, and there's nothing wrong with that. Heavy as fuck, but the vocalist sounds like an absolute fucking bogan
Goop World


I already knew Kirb was a beauty from the tracks you've showed me on discord, but this is fuckin insane. Kirb has flow for days, and the beats are fuckin amazing. Plus it's always nice to see a rapper who doesn't use young metro beats. The only downside to this is his voice grows tiresome over an 18 track album.

User avg: 3.65
26The Chariot
Long Live


Long live is fast and straight to the point. This album doesn't fuck around with twinkly atmosphere or sung vocals, this album is in your face hardcore from start to finish. The Chariot pummel you with track after track of aggression until before you realize it, the album is already over. Despite this, no tracks really stood out to me the way cheek. did on one wing, so I was left waiting for a track that would blow me away, and it never came.


Very pretty post black metal that has a lush atmosphere. It's nothing original but it's still a great listen. The album cover is very fitting.

User avg: 3.65
Oath Bound


This is another band that's been hyped a lot on here that I haven't bothered to check, mainly because I'm not into the whole middle earth concept, but alas I am now forced to listen to it. The two words that best describe this are: grandiose and long. Folk metal usually comes off as somewhat over the top, and this is no exception. Paired with the Tolkien themes that I'm assuming this album was based upon (I'm too lazy to look up if this album is an outlier) it can come off as cheesy. The main problem that I have with this album is one that plagues the majority of metal albums: excessive length (a problem that no sput user has ever dealt with in real life). It feels like every song on this is 10 minutes long, and near the end I was waiting for it to conclude. With all that said it's still fun like any music of this sort should be, so it is still enjoyable.
29falls of rauros
Vigilance Perennial


Honestly this didn't impress me that much. Sure the instrumentation is technically impressive, and they manage to create an atmosphere, but it just sounded like more of the same to me.

User avg: 3.35
Sol Eye Sea I


Another band that's been on my radar for years now, irepress' take on the post metal genre is mostly instrumental, with sparsely used vocals. They remind me of a mathy Russian circles. When this album is at its best not many bands can top it. High quality post metal/rock.
Second Toughest in the Infants


When I looked at the track lengths on this album I thought to myself "oh great another overlong album", but before I knew it, the album was already over. The music is interesting and ever changing, making the album never feel stagnant. The vocals are monotonous, but in a good way, like a post punk vocalist. There are times where they are somewhat comparable to Dave Gahan. Despite how fast the album went by, I'd still prefer if the first 2 tracks weren't 15 minutes each.

User avg: 3.95
above the weeping world

papa universe

Insomnium are another band that I've heard one album by, loved it, and then proceeded to never listen to them again. They play a smooth brand of melodeath that is especially melodic. Everything is on point here, the vocals and instrumentation compliment eachother perfectly and are great in their own right. It's no "the day it all came down" but it's close.

papa universe

A very solid post metal release that manages to be melodic without sacrificing any if the brutality. This band has heavy sludge leanings, which is always a plus for post metal. Heavily inspired by cult of luna, these guys manage to do their sound justice. A band to look out for in the future.

User avg: 3.95
first utterance


OK what the fuck. This feels like something that the wickens here would listen to while they dance naked around a fire deep in the woods. I stumbled across this a few years ago and decided not to listen to it because I was fucking retarded. I'm not going to try to describe the sound of the album because I just can't, that would be futile. This could be a potential 5, and I don't just toss out 5s like candy.


Jazz oriented prog rock from the seventies that utilizes an array of different instruments? Fuck, why not? This album is a mindfuck, with its hypnotizing instrumentals, and crooned vocals. They're singing about creatures that come out in the night, and rape, which further adds to the oddity of this. His vocals are lovely, and so is the album (rape lyrics aside)

User avg: 4.35
The Invisible Mountain


Really good drone/ black metal that reminds me of Locrian at points. Demented and dark this would make for a good late night listen. I got a bad head rush and nearly passed out while listening to this, and it made for an unsettling soundtrack to my fight to stay conscious. All in all an extremely solid record.
37Townes van zandt
Townes Van Zandt


Townes has a melancholic, yet hopeful essence to him. His lyrics are melancholic, but there is something uplifting about his voice, which is perfect for country/folk. Townes is at his best when it's just him and his guitar, and that is in full effect here. The man can make anything sound good.

User avg: 3.95
38July talk


These guys are only popular in canada, and it's easy to see why. Sadly I'm already very familiar with them, as my sister has seen them live twice, and won't stop raving about them. July Talk make bluesy rock'n'roll in the same vein as the black keys, what makes them different from their contemporaries are the dueling male/female vocals. The male vocalist has a low gravelly voice, that would be perfectly suited for folk or stoner metal, he is by far my favorite part of the band. The female vocalist has a voice that would be perfect for a sign language teacher. Her voice is grating on the ears, and I can't stand her. Add that to the cringy lyrics, generic song structures, and fetish for putting addition symbols in their song titles, this makes for an unremarkable listen.
39Eighteen visions


Mid 2000's metalcore in the vein of Every Time I Die, except it was made in 2017. This record is pure fun, balls to the wall metalcore that makes you reminisce of the good ol' days. Nothing special, but still a lot of fun.

User avg: 3
Dark Towers, Bright Lights


This is basically the boys from omega massif making a heavier version of omega Massif, but with vocals. That equates to some quality post metal. It's similar to Overmars in the way that it destroys everything in its path with its sheer heaviness. Definitely not something new, but it's done well enough to sound fresh.
41Buried at sea


A mix of psychedelic and post metal, Buried at sea is like a mixture of Minsk and Rwake. An album that is equally crushing and atmospheric, Buried at Sea have developed a successful formula here. It's a shame that they aren't making music anymore.

User avg: 3.85
Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends


My knowledge of coldplay going into this is whatever I remember from my mom playing Parachutes on every road trip that I can remember when I was a kid. This album is much different from Parachutes, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing. The only memorable song was "death and all his friends", with the rest came off as bland and in ffensive, yet somewhat catchy. There's aren't many faults here, but there aren't many strengths either.
43Peter Gabriel


This is my second introduction to Peter Gabriel, with my first being Stan playing shock the monkey on a boombox outside of Wendy's window in a south park episode. This is a little bit better. There are some really cool ideas on here, and Gabriel has a great voice, but this seems like an album that needs repeated listens to fully click.

User avg: 3.4
44The new age
Think Too Much; Feel Too Little


The new age have crafted an extremely catchy metalcore album. The harsh vocals are decent, and the clean vocals are insanely catchy. They incorporate electronic into their sound and it works well together. Overall, this album seems like the definition of a guilty pleasure.
In the Wake of Our Discord


It's basically what you described, ADTR like pop punk/metalcore but slightly heavier. The vocals are decent, and the instrumentation is above average. A fun listen.

User avg: 3.5


An intense melodic hardcore album brimming with emotion. The strained vocals add another layer to this, taking it above most other bands in the genre, along with the intensified instrumentation. I'm gonna keep the summary short and sweet, like the album.
47Title fight
Floral green


This album gives me some early 2000s emo vibes, I love the vocals, and the gazey instrumentals are a nice touch. This was all unexpected, as the second I looked at the band name I automatically assumed it was all pop punk band. It doesn't come off as whiny, which is always all plus. Enjoyable emo with some punk influences.

User avg: 3.9
48Electric wizard




A suffocating mix of death, doom, and black metal, that's primary genre switches frequently between the three genres mentioned previously. At times it sounds like a bm album with dm influences, but at other times it sounds like a doom album with dm influences, and so on. The album is suffocating and relentless at parts, which is countered by a few small patches of ambient. It can get a little tedious at points, but is still a great listen.

User avg: 3.95
50Redshift pilots
Moonlight Synthesis


This album started off at a high, and went down from there. At first it sounded like a great black gaze record with some prog leanings, but as the album went on I realized that it was actually just a prog metal/ hardcore band who decided to incorporate black gaze tendencies into their sound. It's still a really good record, just not what I hoped for after hearing the start.
51An autumn for crippled children
Try Not To Destroy Everything You Love


This was a fairly typical blackgaze affair. Even for blackgaze the production feels too clean, I'd have preferred if they went a bit grittier. The album art matches the album perfectly.

User avg: 3.7
52Manic street preachers
The holy bible


My opinion on this album remains unchanged from when we listened to it in dubtrack
53Jeff Buckley


Dude was one of the best crooners out there. There's a melancholic yet hopeful vibe to this album which is nice. Not gonna go too in depth with this one, seeing as its widely considered a classic.

User avg: 3.95
54The Goslings
Grandeur of Hair


An aural assault; this may be the noisiest gaze record out there. There is something almost soothing about the monotony of this album mixed with the droning vocals.
Grape Blueprints Pour Spinach Olive Grape


A fun mixture of post rock, math rock, and emo, this album is an underappreciated gem. Vocals are used sparsely, but when they are they fit well.

User avg 3.85
56Coaltar of the Deepers


This was a really cool listen. There are so many different genres packed into this album without it feeling cluttered. I'm not huge on the vocals, but they're not a key part in making this work.
57Ling Tosite Sigure


Some crazy ass weaboo post hardcore. Can't for into specifics since I jammed this 5 days ago, but it's really good. The youtube comments section makes me wanna die tho

User avg: 3.95
58Circle Takes the Square
As the Roots Undo


This album feels sloppy at points, and not the type that comes from an overabundance of emotion. At times it feels careless and lazy. The dueling vocals are really nice though.
59Tidal arms
the sun exploding


Interesting blending of genres, mixes elements of post hardcore, metalcore, and post rock well

User avg: 3.75
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