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Last Active 01-03-23 11:21 pm
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03.28.24 20NEEK23 - Musics 03.02.24 20NEEK23 - Films
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Neek's 2023 Cram List

what? could it be??? oh dear god I've fallen behind, even worse than before. i have little excuse for not being on top of it with releases this year (besides the entertainment industry falling apart--whatever), ive even already fallen behind on bands i actually like!! so pls pls, what have i missed? limiting this to 3 recs per person--pls behave.

Man half of this was a bold re-invention of Algiers sound, and the other half is a super overblown and limp concept album that's as simple as it is didactic. That's a bit harsh, and I've been enjoying "Bite Back" a LOT these days, but I'd love to see them make a really potent album at half the length.

Choice Cutz: "Bite Back" "Irreversible Damage" "Green Iris"
Choice Buttz: literally any of the interludes
2Thomas Azier
The Inventory of Our Desire

Substantially more low-key than his groovy 2020 offering, this time around Azier combines gorgeous melodies with subtle ambience and occasionally not-so-subtle theatrics.

Choice Cutz: “What Does it Mean to Be Free?” “Dada Talk on Hell Island”
Choice Buttz: “Blue Eyed Baby”
3Young Fathers
Heavy Heavy

A volcano of globe-spanning joy and ambition, Heavy Heavy manages to merge pop songwriting with a more diverse array of sounds than I could’ve ever expected. From the commanding opening duo onwards, this is an ecstatic and involving record for anyone who can nevertheless stomach a strong helping of cheese.

Choice Cutz: “Rice” “I Saw” “Holy Moly”
Choice Buttz: “Shoot Me Down” “Be Your Lady”
After The Magic

Even at its loudest and messiest, this thing is absolutely gorgeous. Almost every song here is surprisingly memorable, and despite the song lengths almost every detour feels well worth it.

Choice Cutz: “After the Magic” “Arrival”
Choice Buttz: “Blossom”
How to Sink Slowly

I was frequently pleased and infrequently staggered by this album, but when it hits it does hit hard. It’s an album that shines In its longest tracks, which are strangely more captivating throughout their runtimes than the majority of the album. Still, it’s hard to fault gaze this well-crafted, especially when its quality never dips below good.

Choice Cutz: “Sleepwalk to Sink” “Spring”
Choice Buttz: —
Rat Saw God


While I may not totally get the hype behind “Bull Believer,” I’ll happily admit this takes a sledgehammer through a lot of rock I’ve been listening to lately—its guitar snarls and churns are earnest yet unsettling, just as the vocals are graceful yet propulsive.

Choice Cutz: “Hot Rotten Grass Smell” “Chosen to Deserve” “Turkey Vultures”
Choice Butz: “Got Shocked” “Formula One”
7The National
First Two Pages of Frankenstein

I've found these guys to be pretty plain indie rock more often than not (don't check my ratings), but dear god is this bland. Yes ok it is very very nice, and lots of songs contain interesting elements, but they're rarely developed. The whole thing just feels undercooked, can't believe they did a second one.

Choice Cutz: "Eucalyptus" "New Order T-Shirt"
Choice Buttz: i can't remember
8The National
Laugh Track

Agh--the majority of this is merely a light improvement on the tepid indie rock of the predecessor, but god damn does "Space Invader" and especially "Smoke Detector" fuck. The latter is just the sort of rambly groove I think they're best at, and it might be my favorite track of theirs (I'm due for a re-binge of their discog).

Choice Cutz: "Space Invader" "Smoke Detector"
Choice Butt: "Laugh Track"
9Jessie Ware
That! Feels Good!


This! Was fun! Really enjoyed this throwback-pop album, kinda reminded me of stuff like Dua Lipa or Lady Gaga but with a bit more flair and a bit less memorability. Don't get me wrong, there are some hard bops here, but things could've used a shake-up now and then.

Cutz: "Begin Again" "Freak Me Now"
10Yune Pinku

Lol well I liked this one enough to do a write-up for the Community Best of EPs so go read that blurb instead!

Cutz: "Heartbeat" "Sports" "Blush Cut"
Butt: "Night Light"
11Angel Olsen
Forever Means

I jammed this once and completely forgot what it sounded like, which is kinda of how I felt about her latest LP so I don't think this'd grow on me.

Cut: "Forever Means"
12Saya Gray

I think I liked this more than I was supposed to, but I found the quieter moments moving and the crazier movements so enjoyable. I wouldn't say this is an improvement over 19 Masters, but I'm even more interested in hearing what this artist does next after hearing this.

Choice Cutz: "PREYING MANTIS !" "..2 2 CENTIPEDES"
Butt: honestly its all fun
Formal Growth in the Desert

Was unimpressed with this at first but it gradually started to show real life, even if it leans in a similar direction that I find a lot of post-punk buands are going in. It's hardly a genre classic, but its got some really great tracks.

Choice Cutz: "We Know the Rats" "Let's Tip the Creator" "Rain Garden"
Choice Buttz: "For Tomorrow" "Fun in Hi Skool"

This was more pleasant than anything, but when it works its spelling-binding. I think her pop instincts are the best they've been yet, but so much of this just feels like filler.

Choice Cutz: "Amelia" "Sea Lion"
Choice Buttz: the openers
15Jason Isbell

To me this was more of the solid-as-hell same from Jason Isbell + Co. That is to say, a convincing assortment of folk-rock tunes that will never once attempt to reinvent the wheel, but remains moving and captivating throughout. I for one haven't been truly shaken by him since the best tracks of Southeastern, but its good to know he can deliver the goods.

Choice Cut: "Miles"
False Lankum

Even though I had plenty of hype built up for this from the constant recommendations I received for this post-folk totem, I was still floored by how deep and unique a sound it manages to carve from traditional and modern folk influences. Gonna need some time to really let this one simmer, but just wow.

I enjoyed this sizzler of an indie rock record even more than I expected--while it can sometimes fall into cookie-cutter tropes, its shapeshifting sound is as convincing as its implementation of all its various influences. This is a tight, smoldering example of a genre that will never quit.

Choice Cutz: "Olympus" "Salad"
18Indigo De Souza
All of This Will End

Was pretty let down by this after her previous record kicked ass, and that appears to be the general consensus here. Conversely, this one is at its best in the gentler moments like the t/t and the spacious "Not My Body." Other times, it's almost as if she made a concentrated effort to write a less interesting record.

Choice Cut: "All of This Will End"
19Lauren Bousfield

Another release I enjoyed more than I expected, this is some absolutely manic breaks/electronic/PC(?)/whatever music that truly owns its craziness without sacrificing listenability. There are plenty of brilliant, agressive moments abound, ones that I'm finding stuck in my head despite their seemingly unapproachable trappings. Hope to spend a lot more time with this one in the near future.

Choice Cutz: "Mansions..." "Headstone Prices on Credit"
20JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown
Scaring the Hoes

This is an absolutely delirious hip-hop album with some hysterical samples and absolutely killer beats. Damned if I can follow the lyrics, but these songs kick ass.

Choice Cutz: "Garbage Pale Kids" "God Loves You"
21Carly Rae Jepsen
The Loveliest Time

Was markedly less into this one than Loneliest, but there are certainly some true bops--in some ways its just as inconsistent of a record, but with lower highs. That being said, I love the gentle groove of "Kollage" and the stuttering beat of "Put it to Rest"--neither of which would fit Loneliest as well as they do this record.

Choice Cutz: "Kollage" "Put it to Rest"
22Gia Margaret
Romantic Piano

I wasn't as moved by this as I was with "Mia Gargaret" but this is a truly lovely collection of piano and ambient pieces. Continuing to lean off of her voice is an interesting decision, and definitely cements her in a fairly unique spot in the indiesphere. There's always the risk I run of underrating this (my ADHD makes ambient listens a little difficult if I'm multitasking), but I hope to come back again soon (:

Choice Cutz: "2017" "Guitar Piece"
23Miya Folick

Miya Folick's previous artpop offerings where genuinely exciting and funky, whereas her latest seems more preoccupied with owning the pop-star appeal. She succeeds in proving herself up to snuff as a pop performer here, but the music itself has lost a good chunk of her identity as an artist.

Choice Cutz: "Bad Thing" "Nothing to See"
24100 Gecs
10,000 gecs

This is gecs alright! Their brand has definitely run a bit thin since their debut, especially since so many artists have managed to frame their cynical mish-mashes in a more emotionally resonant way without resorting to cynicism or overt flamboyance. It's a hit or miss affair now more than ever, but the hits might be even more memorable than before.

Choice Cutz: "Dumbest Girl Alive" "Doritos & Fritos"
25Crisis Sigil
God Cum Poltergeist

26U.S. Girls
Bless This Mess

This genuinely sounds like an album written by someone who didn't read a single sentence of reviews for their last record. And honestly, good for her, but as much as this does feel like a progression in her sound somewhat, the vast majority of what didn't work in her last album appears here as well. It still has some highs that showcase her awesome voice doing not super irritating things, and it's definitely not a step down, but I'd be hard pressed to consider this an improvement for her.

Choice Cut: "St. James Way"
27Olivia Rodrigo

While this certainly peters out a bit before it ends, this is overall an eclectic and exciting pop-rock album from one of the genres brightest new stars. I hadn't really listened to much of her yet (no aversion, just hadn't took the step) so I'm impressed with the confidence she's pulling around already, she owns the rock star persona better than some of her contemporaries, but she's still no Billie Eilish to me.

Choice Cutz: "bad idea right?" "vampire"
28Shakey Graves
Movie of the Week

Honestly kinda a snoozer, but still a mildly entertaining and largely pleasant folk-rock album. It's really much too one-note for its bloated length, and its influences aren't nearly as exciting as his prior album, big like I said, there are small joys to be had.

Choice Cut: "Playing Along"
29Night Verses
Every Sound Has a Color in the Valley of Night...

Another winner from these guys!! Never did a proper dive into them after their last album, which I also enjoyed years ago, and this is a great excuse to. I appreciate the brevity of breaking this project into two parts, as their freewheeling progressive metal stylings can start to feel a bit superfluous when they overstay their welcome. But the band almost always manages to keep things exciting and throw curveballs that somehow almost always feel earned.

Choice Cutz: "8 Gates of Pleasure" "Love in a Liminal Space"
The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We

This wasn’t what I expected from Mitski, in the best way. I really enjoy her leaning on these chiller, free-flowing tracks, even if they do get a bit twee. Her voice takes on a jazzy style that’s splendid for the material—I might even backtrack to Laurel Hell after this.

Choice Cutz: “I’m Your Man” “Buffalo Replaced”
Choice Buttz: “Bug Like an Angel”
31Sea Lemon
Stop At Nothing



Sea Lemon!! This is a VERY dream-pop EP, in that it doesn’t stray far from what you’d expect from the genre (barring some serious bounce), but it 100% nails that sweet comfy bliss nothing else can quite deliver. “Cellar”’s chorus is one of the genre’s best in years.

Choice Cut: “Cellar”
Choice Butt: (none!!)


CHEPANG!!!! SWATTAAAA!!!! with names like that and an album cover like THAT expectations are gonna be high, even if you are a grindcore album. And man did these crush them. You might have an eye-roll stored for whatever this prog-grind spectacle could have in store for you, but by the time you've pulled it out you'll already be down for whatever the fuck. Just ask the conceptually fraught Act IV that I'd have a hard time excusing anywhere else--here it is awesome and hilarious. Does it fuck everything up? of course it does. fuck you. hell

Choice Cutz: "Ba" "NA" "Anumati"
33Gezan with Million Wish Collective



What the fuck. ANOCHI is an electrifying overload to the senses that would listen the average listener dancing while scratching their head at the same time. It’s the best kind of art-pop, dangling melodies like a carrot before lashing you with dissonance when you get to comfortable. More please!!

Choice Cutz: “Death Penalty Dog:” “We Can’t Take it Anymore” “JUST LOVE”
Choice Butt: oh god i wouldnt dare
34Small Leaks Sink Ships
Low Tide


As far as Modest Mouse-ian, Everything Everything-esque indie rock goes, this is one of the most convincing and effortless releases I’ve heard in a while. It feels a bit coy and coddling when playing it straight, but the twistiest moments here are genuinely sublime.

Choice Cutz: “Waiting on the Water” “Floating” “I Luv the Valley OH!”
Choice Butt: “Buying Time”
35Faced Out (USA-MO)
Faced Out


Ahhh I really wanted to like this, but this is all the messy parts of emo that I don't really like smashed together with a bunch of loud horns. Some parts were genuinely affecting, but a lot of it was just too overwrought for me to take seriously :(

Choice Cut: "Running"
36Dust (AU)
et cetera, etc


I enjoyed a good chunk of this EP but overall I didn't think it really stood out as a post-punk EP. They have great energy but unless this is their niche, I don't see it swaying many folks.

Choice Cut: "The Gutter" "Alternator"
Big Tear


This was such a nice folk/art pop album, I'd say in the vein of Laura Stevenson and the like. This stands out thanks to the confident vocals and floral acoustics, which blended with the other instrumentation wonderfully. There's some hard hitters too--"Melody" in particular packs an emotional gut punch, while "Helium" is so smooth it could go on either of your parent's playlists without them noticing. Very bitter/sweet stuff (:

Choice Cutz: "Helium" "Animal"
Choice Butt: "Knife"
38The Veils
...And Out of the Void Came Love


Wow I wanted to like this but I wasn't really on board with the droning vocals and how every single song on this very long album felt like a shade of the same thing. This is also my first Veils album so maybe this just wasn't the one to start with, but honestly this is kinda what I'm afraid Nick Cave is gonna sound like when I finally check him out.

Choice Cutz: "Epoch" "The Pearl (Part II)"
39Gazelle Twin
Black Dog


Very fun spooky/scary dark electronic album (idek the genre terms for this one). Definitely a bit pleased with itself and not every experiment is worth its runtime but there's some genuinely cool and freaky picks here. Really enjoy the vocals and overall flavor of this so I'll probably backtrack a bit to her earlier stuff. "Two Worlds" gave me Blackstar vibes which I don't say every day.

Choice Cutz: "Fear Keeps Us Alive" "Author of You"
Choice Buttz: "Unstoppable Force"
40Wesley Gonzalez
Wild Garlic


This is enjoyable in the way you might hear a good band playing at a bar and then think wow they're really good but forget about them the moment you leave. The longer the went on the more it reminded me of Elvis Costello, and that's just not my vibe man. But power to ya! This guy is very good at what he does.

Choice Cut: "When I Rot"
Choice Butt: "Dress Rehearsal"


This was jangly and clattery in fun ways and challenging ways in ways that made me tap my foot but also hurt my head. I feel like I gained brain cells from listening to it, but it's also a bit impenetrable, and I wish there was a little bit more melody for me to hang onto.

Choice Cutz: "Duality" "Fourth Perspective"
Choice Butt: -
42Girl Ray


Aw this was really fun/cute! It shares a lot in common with indie pop artists like Moon Kissed but through an even funkier/disco lens. Definitely my speed, definitely has some great highlights.

Choice Cutz: "Hold Tight" "True Love" "Give Me Your Love"
43John Donne
Hard Times


Ben never fails to rec the cozy warm hug smooth shit and this is no exception. This feels equal parts classic folk and progressive even in its low-fi ways. When it breaks form, it really moves you. When it doesn't, it also moves you. That's good folkin'!

Choice Cutz: "Lord Byron" "Injuries on Film"
Choice Butts: "Me of Little Faith"


The opener is a total stomper, and the rest of the album is no letdown. This is some hyperkinetic, loose-but-tight noise rock that scratches a lot of itches I haven't been able to satisfy this year. The vocals are maybe not as exciting as the rest of the instrumentation, but they fit the rambunctious style to a T.

Choice Cutz: "I Used to Paint" "Made of Mist"
Choice Butt: "I Am Pudding"
45Slow Transits
Trans-Atlantic Test Flight


Gonna be honest, a lot of this sounded like mid Radiohead b-sides that didn't really grab me, but that's hardly the worst spot to be in! I wish I couldn't say it was working for them, but one of the best tracks one nailed the Radiohead thing ("Telephon!") and another created a really unique psych/electronic soundscape ("Plasma").
46Life In Vacuum


This is a lot more straightforward punk than I'm used to enjoying, but fuck if tracks like "Hugo" and "The Office" don't absolutely slay will never straying too far from their punk roots. This is great modern post-punk, often with so much energy that it's as danceable as it is moshable. Will be coming back to this band.

Choice Cutz: "Hugo" "The Office"
47There Will Be Fireworks
Summer Moon

Being a sadboy aficionado, I quite enjoy this record despite not understanding how it’s getting acclaim on the level of Gang of Youths or Copeland. It’s sort-of bargain-bin blender indie-rock, rarely is there a moment of real inspiration but it all sounds really nice! It has three successive closers, which stretches its earnestness thin. There’s a real power to the music here, and too often it goes nowhere.

Choice Cutz: “Holding Back the Dark” “Love Comes Around”
Choice Buttz: “Our Lady of Sorrows” “Old-Time Tunes”
48Empty Country
Empty Country II

As far as 70s-inspired soft-rock goes, this is pretty great. It’s at its best when emphasizing its shoegaze elements and D’Agostino’s androgynous vocals, and at its worst when feigning punky rambunctiousness and mewling ballads. But still, it’s enough to convince me to keep an eye on this band!

Choice Cutz: “Dustine” “Erlking” “Cool S”
Choice Buttz: “Sad” “FLA”

Flashing nocturnal melodies like dime-store neon, Acopia certainly walks the walk, but its grooves don’t cut quite as deeply as the depressive vibes from Two People and Ex:Re respective debuts. Perhaps it’s too a high bar I’ve set for them, but this brand of night-time trip-hop is becoming my bread and butter and we must have standards!

Choice Cutz: “Be Enough” “Holding On”
Choice Buttz: “Disengage” “Intentions"

As, uh, discussed at length in the discussion thread for this /fine/ album, this does certainly ring of basic bitch energy as far as heavy electronic music is concerned—no small part in thanks to my recent Ada Rook journey. But especially in the context of their Disco4 duology, this feels painfully lacking in fresh ideas and voices.

Choice Buttz: “CRACK METAL” “SICKO” (mostly bc of the names tho)
51Kumo 99

Yes ok Johnny this FUCKS, but I still find it notably less catchy or balanced than its predecessor. That’s not to say there isn’t ludicrous amounts of fun to be had with this bite-sized electro-smorgasbord--because there is! Check it out!!

Choice Cutz: “Dopamine Chaser” “W.I.M.P.”

This is some superrrrrrr chill high music. Gentle waves of electronic and acoustic instrumentation with some pleasingly confident (if not totally captivating) vocals to boot. “Crushing” belongs on your stonergirl playlist.

Choice Cutz: “Crushing” “Face in the Moon” “Pure Smile Snake Venom”
Choice Butt: "Chop Suey" (i mean r u fucking kidding me)
Bleak and Colorful


I really loved the energy of this kickass rock record, but I felt that it's brand of tight musicianship mixed with loose performances wasn't unique enough to cover all its blemishes. Still got a great kick out of it and will be jamming the highlights in days to come.

Choice Cutz: "San Antonio Dog Fight" "Serrated" "Unwell"
54MX-80 Sound
Better Than Life


This one didn't really do much for me, it's really cool that these guys pioneered this sound but tbh it sounds tired and the worn-out production does the bouncier tracks no favors. There's some cool stuff here but it all muddled together for me by the end.
55Jeff Rosenstock


Urg sorry but this is just not my thing! My patience for Jeff Rosenstock has worn thin, and I used to give him an excuse even in my general disdain for pop-punk. I don't know, it just feels like he thinks he's better than the genre, and so anything fun he tries reeks of "artistry" when come on man I just wanna jam. The rare weirder stuff here is actually best, but it's clear that he thinks this is what it means to let loose.

Choice Cutz: "3 Summers" "Head"
Songs of Abundance, Psalms of Grief


Yeah this kicks ass! While it grew off of me a tad the longer I listened to it, the rush of creativity here is really something to behold. Nearly every track has something going for it, and even if it ends up more muddled than it started, this is a really cool blend of modern metal and rock music.

Choice Cutz: "Dream Hive" "Ghost Limbs" "To the Gallows"
Sorry I Haven’t Called


I sat on this for a moment because I wasn't sure how it would settle--it fell off a bit for me but this is still one of the freshest and most assured collections of pop songs I've heard this year. Some stellar highlights, and even the misses have a groove and catchiness to them. Again, the staying power isn't as high as I was hoping, but these cutz will be on my playlists for a long time coming.

Choice Cutz: "Can I Talk My Shit?" "Do Your Worst"
Love's Holiday


Now this is rock music!! A dark and kind of unsettling mix of tracks. There's a strong sonic cohesion here but the tracks all stand strong on their own. Excited to unpack this one more.
59Bathe Alone
Fall With The Lights Down


I accidentally jammed the EP and not the full LP but the second half is even better!

Choice Cutz: "Decades & Dreams" "Waste It"
60Tiny Ruins


Really cool stuff. Love how easily the folk influence weaves into the dream poppy production. Vocals here are super sweet, love when a song settles into a groove. Will peruse further.
61Kid Fears
Undying Love


Yeah this was really damn good!! A really strong mix of shoegaze and dream pop, one of the cleanest combinations I've heard of the two genres since their genes separated. It felt a little long in the tooth for some reason, but I loved the vocals and muscle to the guitars, great stuff!

Choice Cutz: "Lemon" "Ruby""On Landing"
62Neggy Gemmy
CBD Reiki Moonbeam

Just one of the most enjoyable and effervescent releases I've heard all year, I'm head over heels for Neggy Gemmy's blend of psych/pop/dance/electronic music. "California" is concentrated bliss, "Beep Beep" is the most dancable meme I've heard all year, and "Seeing Stars" makes me wanna do fucking cartwheels its just such a fun tune. I'm probably gonna procrastinate a proper writeup for this till the end of time, but may this stand as a shrine to this dope lil thing.

Choice Cutz: "California" "Daydream" "Beep Beep" "Seeing Stars" "On the Floor"
Choice Buttz: "Twisted" "Gemmy Juice"
63The Hirsch Effekt


Well this was something!! I'll definitely have to give this another pass because a lot of it flew over my head during my listen, but I really admired the attempt to break away from metalcore norms, even if I felt a lot of its weirder excursions were more performative than actually baked into the DNA of the songwriting.

Choice Cut: "Granica"
64Hinako Omori
stillness, softness​.​.​.

Demon of the Fall

This was just a bit too fluttery and opaque for me to really feel like I've got a handle on it, but I really loved this vibe and what it's trying to do. The more tangible tracks like "foundation" and "cyanotype memories" are just gorgeous, and even the ambient tracks all have something to offer.

Choice Cutz: "Astral" "Foundation"
65Ryuichi Sakamoto

Demon of the Fall
66Yves Tumor
Praise a Lord Who Chews, But Does Not Consume...

This is an absolute blast if an album, really all over the place but always maintaining an accessible groove or hook--it's eclectic without losing cohesion. Especially love the edgy, sexy thrill of the opening duo. The highs are even higher than I've heard from them in the past, so I think it's about time I did a deep dive into that discog.

Choice Cutz: "God Is a Circle" "Lovely Sewer"
Love in the Void

This is a big, cheesy post-rock album, one that is very pleasant but also a bit plain like buttered bread. I was a bit surprised to find that this is a legacy act and not a young band making some nice sounds fucking around with some guitars, but I suppose there is a confidence and comfort that brings a serenity to the ambience.

Choice Cutz: "UnTruth" "Undoing"
68Caroline Polachek
Desire, I Want To Turn Into You

I had mixed expectations going into this even though this brand of art-pop is really up my alley (thanks johnny), and I have to say this landed squarely in the middle of them. This is a super smooth and satisfying pop album, but things feel a bit too protracted and artificially arranged to really hook me in. Sure, there is the odd highlight, but this mostly congeals into an agreeable blob for me by the end. I did check her debut and enjoyed that slightly more, so chances are I'll be here next time around anyway!

Choice Cutz: "Smoke" "Fly to You"
69Maria BC
Spike Field

This is just fricken lovely. Cold, sad, and lovely, just like the midwestern winters i miss so dearly. Maybe it's that imagery she evokes so easily that wins me over, maybe it's her gentle blend of folk, indie, and glitch influences that create something extremely organic even at its most frigid. Idk, but its so good!

Choice Cutz: "Haruspex" "Tied" "Still"
70Foo Fighters
But Here We Are

Is This It-ass title aside, this is really good. Who woulda known perpetually just-good band would make a more than good album! Crazy!! This'll probably stack some awards for the pure shock that concept gives people.

Cutz: "Show Me How" "The Teacher"
Dream Hacker

Even looser and less nail-down-able than her previous record, I still found myself really enjoying her opaque style of electronic. When it shines it really shines, but I felt too often the music was dancing around an idea rather than attacking it directly--your mileage may vary on that, but for me it was intermittently frustrating.

Choice Cutz: "Light Burst" "Overlap" "Good Fool"


Hahahaha okay I get the hype, but this kind of kitsch is super hit-or-miss for me. It earns points for being a fun shake-up for indie rock, but again I don't love how coy and ironic it feels sometimes. But it's good!

Choice Cutz: "Goes w/o Saying" "So Twisted Fate" "Gone Back to Standford"
73Narrow Head
Moments of Clarity

Too often I felt this was leaning wayyyyyy to hard on those 90s grune/gaze classics it so obviously lifts from, but in the back half especially I felt like it was really coming into its own in a fun way. Hopefully their next record will be a bit more original, but I'll be there for it regardless.

Choice Cutz: "Gearhead" "Soft to Touch"
74Alice Longyu Gao
Let's Hope Heteros Fail, Learn, and Retire


Choice Cutz: "Come 2 Brazil"


Very cool very chill techno stuff, I'm still a baby to this genre but I enjoyed the vibes here very much.

Choice Cutz: "Seiler and Typhon" "She Hates That Chord"
Dawn of the Final Hour


For pretty much the entire first half of this I felt like I was getting thrown into the deep end of electronic music and had no life vest, but the way this slowly comes into focus and settles into some really strong beats is awesome. It just gets better the farther down the rabbit hole you go.

Choice Cutz: "How to Fall Out of Love" "The Whipser" "Third Strike"
77Tkay Maidza
Sweet Justice

Higher Lonely Power

I'm not normally big into pop-punk-adjacent stuff but I'm really glad I checked this--this is great modern alt rock! It's a bit theatrical and some of its lyrics stick out the wrong way, but I really love the energy and songwriting here. The more progressive elements were really interesting to me and even though it peters off a little in the end, it's one of the better rock albums to come out this year.

Choice Cutz: "I Want to Start a Religion" "Jerking off the Sky" "How Did it Use to Be?"
79Frost Children
Hearth Room

Hyper-pop duo making an indie rock album? Now that I'm here for. Despite those two genres sounding mutually exclusive on paper, there's some really great musicianship that comes from them refusing to go about it the way you'd expect them to. The gentler moments shine, but there's some heavy catharsis for anyone willing to take the plunge!

Choice Cutz: "Bernadette" "Stare at the Sun" "Frost Park"

Compared to their previous release, I thought this leaned more on instrumental emo cliches and less on the luscious, almost pastoral guitar soundscapes hinted at earlier. That being said, the heavier moments here do land well (aside from the weird opener) so maybe I'm just looking back with rosy goggles as its been a while, but still I was very impressed with the musicianship this time around. It just feels a bit more showy than before.

Choice Cutz: "smolder" "lovespell"
81Lake Malice

82Helena Deland
Goodnight Summerland

83Peter Gabriel

84Sylvie Jay
Your Loss

85King Creosote

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