
Reviews 14
Soundoffs 170
News Articles 6
Band Edits + Tags 3,272
Album Edits 967

Album Ratings 6965
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 01-06-23 12:48 am
Joined 02-27-13

Review Comments 8,346

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  • cylinder Nice! I'm sure it was worth it, seeing her live sounds amazing. I've still only heard Ys, I should get on her other albums. And yeah, right lol. I imagine them in the studio playing it back and going, "yeah, that sounds good" lmao. Looks like we've both been on a bit of a bdm kick lately. I def gotta check that new Regurgitated Entrails, the demo was sickkkk
    June 3 04:58 PM
  • cylinder oh btw, you might be interested in my most recent list
    May 17 07:43 PM
  • cylinder nice! how was Utah? and for sure, i get that. it (Necrobiology) is super addicting. lookin forward to those next reviews! and yeah, goregrind goes with booze quite well XD i've been trying to quit drinking, that sure was a fun night though haha. and yeah man everything about that album is hilarious lol
    May 17 07:34 PM
  • cylinder bask in the glory of this production job:
    May 13 05:16 PM
  • cylinder You know you got wasted last night when you wake up and find three goregrind albums in your 5s that weren?t there before looooool
    May 11 07:02 PM
  • cylinder And yeah the Blowtorch side is kinda hilarious lol, I love how it's not even on the album's bandcamp page, there's just a link to the youtube video for it. I guess Blowtorch might not have a bandcamp- i dunno, kinda funny tho. And ah, Mulholland Dr, that's what it's from! I knew I recognized it but I haven't seen that in a while. Very cool thing to sample from
    May 7 10:28 PM
  • cylinder Yeah you're right, we don't have to switch off. That was Sput-mentality acting up, I guess. Like "no, I wanted to be the one to review that one!" lol. You're right, the more the merrier. And yeah that LDOH album ****in slays. Goregrind has been clicking hard for me lately. It used to all sound so homogenous but now that I've heard so much bdm, slam, grind, and noisecore, I feel like I'm getting a lot more discerning of all the subtle differences in technique between bands.
    May 7 10:26 PM
  • cylinder Maybe we could take turns with Effluence, considering he's got a bunch more on the way XD I'm gonna start checking his other projects too.
    May 6 02:06 PM
  • cylinder sense he tries to do that with his concepts too. Given dm's preoccupation with death in its concepts tho, I'm just surprised I haven't seen another dm band arrive at this concept before, at least not in such a direct way. I feel like if a dm band tried to do this concept back in the 90s, they would've been laughed at. Like, "how can plants be brutal?" Well, Effluence found a way lol. Now I'm inspired, maybe I'll try to write a review too.
    May 6 02:05 PM
  • cylinder Agreed. I think it's becoming my favorite too, topping both Spawning and Sarmat. It's just so satisfying, addicting and replayable. More compact and digestible than Sarmat and even more strange, esoteric layers to it than Spawning or Liquified. I love the concept so much too. 'Necrobiology,' as in the life... of dead things? It's a paradox and yet it also makes sense in a weird way. I think it's perfect for Effluence's aesthetic too- he's reimagined what dm can be musically so it only makes
    May 6 02:02 PM
  • cylinder Dude. Necrobiology is so. ****ing. good. I am in awe at the genius of this man.
    May 6 01:33 PM
  • cylinder new Effluence tomorrow!!! they got merch now too!!! i'm def grabbin a t-shirt.
    May 2 09:31 PM
  • cylinder Yeah, I probably should, along with all the other longer ones. And nice, glad you're diggin Techdog! lmk when you get to the end haha
    May 2 06:50 PM
  • cylinder hey man, thanks for peepin the list! what'd you think of my lil review for I Will Never Let You Go?
    April 25 04:24 PM
  • cylinder 2023 list is up!
    April 21 09:36 PM
  • cylinder thanks man, and yeah that album's amazing! i think i might even like it a little more than Reflection by Dario Zenker, and that one's a 4.5 for me too haha those bros are techno masters. and they run the Ilian label! legends.
    April 4 06:05 PM
  • cylinder *update lol
    April 1 03:09 PM
  • cylinder Yo, just an on the 2023 list. Now that I've actually started writing the descriptions, I'm realizing this is gonna take longer than I thought. I've written on 5 albums and I'm already over 3000 words lol. Chippin away at it tho, I'll get there
    April 1 01:55 PM
  • Futures oh yeah man definitely lol. happens to everyone. usually for me when i was writing i would be doing something completely different and a line would pop into my head. you'll come up with something. maybe i should start writing again.
    March 25 06:53 PM
  • NightOnDrunkMountain Don't miss out on the new Verberis this Friday man!
    March 25 05:50 PM
  • Futures so much music man. so many classics to check out. not enough time lol. how do you do it?
    March 24 05:12 PM
  • Futures yeah i've been taking my time haha. idk how people jam albums once and move on. i like to spend some time with the good ones. electronic is a genre i need to immerse myself in eventually. like what i've heard from aphex twin and boards of canada. oh i listened to the everyone asked about you first ep! paper airplanes paper hearts is one of the best emo songs, definitely heard it before somewhere. so good.
    March 21 05:07 PM
  • evilford Idk if I knew that u were a contrib but I dont think I did, so huge congrats brother
    March 21 05:47 AM
  • Futures thanks my man, means a lot. i'm hanging in there. think this down time has made me rediscover my love for music though which is great. i will be jamming that for sure, probably today. i've been all over the place getting into some essentials i never jammed. was on a slayer kick for a bit. listening to black sabbath for the first time has been super fun. also some new releases like jfac and some black metal. gonna dive move into dm like death, gorguts. heard songs but never a full album!
    March 18 07:44 PM
  • cylinder What do you think of the new Ulcerate song? I think it's pretty sick.
    March 18 06:43 PM
  • cylinder It'll definitely take a while if I do, the thing that'll take the most time is finding 5 more albums I like enough to buy. Lol, that'd be dope! Bubble wrap is basically a musical instrument, right? And the list is in the works! Expect to see it up by the end of this week. I've just had a lot of other stuff goin on lately.
    March 18 06:29 PM
  • Futures lol same here. damn glad you're all good! been a rough bit for me. long story short cancer came back and i had to stay away from home for 6 weeks for treatment. now i'm dealing with a bad case of pneumonia as a reaction, was in the hospital for 4 days last week. been having symptoms for over a month, sucks hard. doing a bit better now, jamming hard while recovering.
    March 17 04:03 AM
  • Futures nice to see you still around man. hope you're well.
    March 17 03:35 AM
  • neekafat ooooooh no i hadn't but those are some good names behind it! i reallyyyy need to see Blackcoat's Daughter as well. and thanks C:
    March 14 12:58 AM
  • cylinder Hah, understandable! I might check some other releases from the label and see if there's 5 more I'd even wanna buy haha. In that case, maybe I'll give it a try! And yeah, I get what you mean. A testament to the quality of your writing, I suppose!
    March 13 05:24 PM
  • cylinder Doesn't look like any have been made yet. You could be the first, haha!
    March 11 03:06 PM
  • cylinder Oh, looks like you have to buy bot box boxes plus five other releases from the label. Then you make a musical piece out of the box they ship you all the albums in, then all the pieces get put up on another bandcamp page. What a cool idea haha
    March 11 02:01 PM
  • cylinder Yup, I see ya! Looks like I'd already been following you haha. Yeah, I love the spirit of it too. And yeah, I thought that was hilarious! I think you have to buy 5 albums from the label tho, if I recall. I'd love to hear some of the albums that have been contributed, I should check that soon. Something like that would be really fun to make too I think. Hey, congrats on the promotion btw!
    March 11 01:59 PM
  • Pon :benj:
    March 8 03:57 AM
  • Pon congrats on contrib brother
    March 8 02:01 AM
  • cylinder beats on that one. I am on bandcamp, yes. brickybrick is my username. And yeah that Unami album is something else - so otherworldly and almost all the sounds come solely from cardboard boxes, lol. Maybe a bit long, but the standout moments make it well worth it. Bruh, that 2.5 for We Are the Romans hurts tho!!!
    February 22 08:22 PM
  • cylinder hey man, sorry for the late reply again. that's dope you checked the SIR E.U album and enjoyed it so much! I've been holding off showing it to people, at least until I write a review for it, just cuz it's so out there. So that's really cool you got into it. Check his album R E D H E L L Y /Twin Towers next, that's the next best one imo - might be a little better even, tough call. That one wasn't recorded live like the other one, so the beats are even crazier. I think Tooth Choir did most of the
    February 22 08:21 PM
  • Hawks LMAO go to my new list! Its a general/non challenge metal rec list lol.
    February 15 06:10 PM
  • cylinder Oh hey, I just remembered, you?ve actually heard one SIR E.U track already! ?Plonk IX? from Plonk by Huerco S! I know you?ve heard it cuz I got that album from your 2022 list haha
    February 6 02:40 AM
  • cylinder And thanks for the heads up about the Effluence CD! I need to hear that bonus track. Won't be able to nab it until I get paid unfortunately, hopefully there's some copies left!
    February 6 01:31 AM
  • cylinder wanted to provide a list that shows people how many truly unique and amazing works slip completely under the radar, as opposed to the same 50 albums you see popping up on everyone else's lists. That's cool you've found a lot of stuff that you would've included! I think that's just a reflection of how much music is out there now, it's insane.
    February 6 01:30 AM
  • cylinder is from). Like I said, it's all freestyled and SIR had never even HEARD the beats before. They also work the environmental sounds that happen (passing cars, people walking through the lobby, etc.) into the production. All that combined with how amazing SIR E.U is as a performer makes for one of the most unique and satisfying rap albums I've ever heard. And yeah, thanks for saying that, I really wanted to make it as robust as possible! I know one can never really be "objective" about music, but I
    February 6 01:28 AM
  • cylinder I Will Never Let You Go is the SIR E.U album I was referring to. He freestyles everything he raps and his production is always WAY ahead of the curve (usually done by others, most often Tooth Choir and folks from the Full Service collective, namely Jack Inslee and Wreck Tech). Seriously, these guys make JPEGMAFIA look like a square. You've never heard hip-hop production like this. This album in particular was fully recorded in a podcast studio in the lobby of the LINE hotel in DC (where SIR E.U
    February 6 01:25 AM
  • cylinder wanted to check, so I haven?t heard any 2024 stuff yet besides Effluence. I already have enough to make a pretty epic list I think, but I want to make it as epic as possible lol got any 2024 reccs for me to check once I?m done?
    February 3 12:25 AM
  • cylinder Yeah, definitely. And yeah, I totally get what you mean. Always so exciting to find an artist that no one seems to know about but is genuinely so good. I can def relate there, one of my top 5 albums of 2023 is by this rapper SIR E.U who has under a thousand listeners on Spotify lol. I plan on writing a review for it, but again, it?s just so hard to describe and I haven?t had the time to devote that kind of brainpower lately lol. Lately I?ve been working my way through the last few 2023 albums I
    February 3 12:23 AM
  • cylinder You did a really good job describing what the music sounds like too, which can be so tricky when it comes to stuff like this.
    January 30 04:34 PM
  • cylinder Gotta love when a soundoff turns into a review! I imagine that's how inspiring the release was for you, which I can totally relate to.
    January 30 04:30 PM
  • cylinder Awesome review, man! Well done. I think you did a great job giving the reader context when it comes to what Effluence does and regarding their recent discography/what makes this new release so special. I think you got across the unique specialness of the title track, too. I especially liked the line "The more superlatives used, the more it demystifies the delightful anomaly that is this song and it just needs to be experienced to be appreciated." So true.
    January 30 04:28 PM
  • cylinder I would also agree they've always been experimental first, metal second - which I think is what makes them so unique. And thanks for the compliment bro, same to you! We're def musical neighbors, especially when it comes to metal and electronic
    January 22 09:16 PM
  • cylinder Agreed that they're the most interesting even amongst their peers. Encenathrakh are particularly "locked in," I feel. Trichomoniasis, however, I feel have more potential. Makeshift Crematoria def has quite a few moments of strange otherworldliness that could be expanded upon. Their next 2023 release, Harvest... while still great, didn't exactly deliver on that though, so I guess we'll see what happens. Whereas Effluence has gotten more advanced with every release. Next level for sure.
    January 22 09:15 PM
  • cylinder I really adore it too. All three tracks are incredible but that last one might be their most advanced achievement yet. (Tough call between that and Sarmat for me.) Everything they put out seems to be unlike anything else I've heard. ****in wizards.
    January 19 10:04 PM
  • cylinder Agreed, darkest yet, and probably the most experimental too. They're venturing into pure sound art at this point, how exciting. And yeah, harrowing af. That sample is hella creepy. I wouldn't doubt there'll be an LP coming this year, that's basically what they did last year too, right? Sarmat and then Liquified? Crazy this new one was made before Liquified tho. Best of luck on that review, this kind of stuff is hard to describe!
    January 19 10:00 PM
  • cylinder Oh wow. That third track is something else entirely.
    January 19 03:52 AM
  • cylinder OH s***!!!!!! Thanks for the heads up, dude! That was very based of you. Sorry for the late reply btw, been busy. And yeah sputnikmusic dot com def needs some work that it?ll never get lol my favorite is quotation marks and apostrophes turning into question marks in the soundoffs. Like come on, apostrophes too, really? Lol.
    January 18 10:43 PM
  • JayEnder Hell yeah, so glad to hear that man! I'm sure the anxiety leading up to it was worse than the actual ordeal. You blink and you're out cold lol, anaesthesia is crazy.
    January 16 07:12 PM
  • JayEnder Hey bro, how did your surgery end up going? Hope you're doing better now!
    January 15 08:16 AM
  • zaruyache ye and I got so annoyed that nobody'd added the third album that I forgot to even check if it was in the EP section lol.
    July 25 12:53 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Chek out Lunar Chamber. Hug
    May 3 08:22 PM
  • Anthracks they don't have the most dynamic sound, but i think they do straight up brutal death metal better than anyone else right now
    April 29 10:59 AM
  • Anthracks
    April 19 01:53 AM
  • Anthracks keep your eyes peeled for new molested divinity dropping next month too
    April 10 05:40 PM
  • Anthracks yes it's sick. love the mix of disgorge and nile styles
    April 10 05:36 PM
  • YoYoMancuso we've officially overthrown the Capitol
    February 3 11:57 PM
  • necropig its nerdin
    January 3 06:03 PM
  • Pangea Friendly reminder that i still need your secret santa rec! only a few days left
    December 21 05:32 PM
  • Panzerchrist Thanks mang. That's a good album
    December 20 03:57 AM
  • Pangea Hey send you a friend request on discord. I'm Joren there, but i do have a Pangea avatar
    December 17 02:00 PM
  • Pangea Got it thanks!
    December 13 09:29 PM
  • Pangea hey brainmelter, do you have a discord or email or something where i can message you for secret santa later?
    December 13 08:46 AM
  • JayEnder Hey fair enough, just glad you gave it a peep. I saw that initial 3.5 ;]
    June 3 06:40 PM
  • JayEnder All good, sput's coding is ass. And yesssss that song is gonna make the Gorguts fans flip a tit lol. Nice rating too!
    May 27 04:09 AM
  • JayEnder Hell yeah, Lofty Grave too. Call me crazy but I might like the live version of Glitch Cannon more haha. Still gotta slap a 5 on it dude, its so good and Will's last with the band so I gotta
    May 27 03:55 AM
  • JayEnder Dude Cryogenic Dreamworld is absolutely nuts.
    May 27 03:37 AM
  • DavidYowi That sounds awesome man! That's gotta feel embarrassing for both the sound guy and the rhythm guitarist. BI were insane when I saw them, that BI/Immo concert sounds like amatch made in heaven. Yeah Succumb vocalist is insane, glad she also gave an intense visual performance on stage as well. Glad you had a lot of fun, happy bleated birthday
    January 14 12:47 PM
  • DavidYowi No I totally get that. It?s always devastating to lose a fellow sput user. How was the Blood Incantation/Succumb concert?
    January 11 04:06 PM
  • DavidYowi I finished my year end list. I hope you enjoy it
    January 6 10:26 PM
  • zakalwe Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you too mate.
    December 26 01:54 PM
  • zakalwe Its been a bit of a stifled year in terms of anything thats been really out of the blue staggering. Amyl and the Sniffers is my aoty. Despite my tastes being all over the place I am an old punk at heart and they really do carry the spirit. I have fond memories of listening to Ben Howard in the Spring and Wolf Alice in the summer. Recently I really like Signals by Marconi. For rock Motorpsychos one was great.
    December 21 10:21 PM
  • zakalwe Cradle of Filth. Bloody love it other than that not a great deal else. Hooded Menace springs to mind.
    December 18 08:08 AM
  • zakalwe Haha bloody hard to flush I bet. In terms of death metal I find it scratches an itch not a lot else does. Not the sort of stuff I can listen to all day long but it definitely has its place and when it?s good it is absolutely phenomenal.
    December 13 09:19 PM
  • zakalwe You are incorrect about that Cadaveric Fumes album mate
    December 12 06:23 PM
  • el_newg u cute
    November 14 04:50 PM
  • Anthracks when i purchased the compilation they told me that they are re-issuing EIP next and still working on a second album
    September 9 08:34 AM
  • Anthracks wow. thank you so much for sharing. i remember reading years ago that they got back together, but i expected them to just fade out again. unfortunately it looks like it's just a compilation, but i will still buy it in hopes that they will write some new stuff.
    September 7 10:06 PM
  • Funeralopolis Thank you for your donation. I agree, deathspell and Kate bush both rule hard and ate so opposite lol. They're both among my top favourites.
    August 23 01:45 PM
  • parksungjoon o im not familiar with the channel i just had the bands written down somewhere and ended up checking recently
    August 6 11:26 PM
  • parksungjoon glad u like [:
    August 6 10:52 PM
  • parksungjoon
    August 6 04:21 PM
  • Gnocchi The more the merrier tbh dude. Means more hype for a band that probably deserves it : )
    May 21 08:03 AM
  • Gnocchi with a 4.8 rating and a dig that ive had for months....maybe ; ]
    May 20 10:56 PM
  • DavidYowi I remember you talking about getting into brutal death metal. What are some of your bdm recs that aren?t Defeated Sanity?
    May 4 01:56 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD **** yeah Mefitis rules! Agree on replacing Afterbirth for Obliteration. I was going to replace them for Dissection actually. I don t stop listening to them since yesterday.
    March 10 10:46 AM
  • TaiL4ever Thanks For the Greetings, S N G O K smaE
    March 2 10:06 AM
  • porcupinetheater Yo man, thank you so much! Now for the real test of if I can hold myself accountable to the release schedule lol
    March 2 02:43 AM
  • Pon perhaps
    February 12 09:55 AM
  • Pon is the real deal
    February 2 07:18 AM
  • Kusangii Never heard of them! Which I'm actually thankful for because most tech-death names looks familiar in one way or another lol. Looks really cool. Seeing how hyped up the new Ad Nauseam album is too, I'll have to give it a shot.Hows life treating you otherwise?
    January 30 06:01 PM
  • Kusangii Sounds cool man. I'm suuuuper picky when it comes to the dissonant death stuff, so we'll just have to cross our fingers for this one. Any other tech-death you have in store for me? Been ages since I've checked out that genre tbh
    January 27 11:44 PM
  • Kusangii Sweet, I'm honestly not a big Ulcerate or DO fan, but I need some more m/ in my life right now so I'll give it a shot :)
    January 27 01:15 PM
  • parksungjoon merry christmas bro thats why im still on this site to spread the love and mb find some stuff too
    December 25 05:28 AM
  • parksungjoon nahh just digging through stuff and the 1st one i have to credit ghandhi for
    December 25 05:26 AM
  • parksungjoon
    December 25 03:55 AM
  • parksungjoon
    December 24 11:30 AM
  • parksungjoon according to m-a its just a normal album, cassette and cd originally, remastered 2020 but with no extra tracks. and yea, sweet bdm
    December 22 07:06 PM
  • parksungjoon credit to sonic for the find
    December 22 03:00 AM
  • dedex oi thanks a lot my man!
    September 29 06:57 AM
  • Anthracks EV is one of the all time great albums. Relentless. They reformed a few years ago but I don?t think anything has come of it sadly
    August 14 04:42 AM
  • Anthracks lemme know what you think of new disavowed. best year for bdm in a minute
    August 3 02:03 AM
  • Anthracks i give it 97/100 which makes it their third best behind chapters (98) and psalms (100). to me it's a mix of chapters and prelude but with all kinds of new ideas. seems like their proggiest
    July 28 04:44 PM
  • Anthracks sanguinary impetus fuuuuuucks
    July 25 01:14 AM
  • Anthracks if it's "easy" then it has the potential of being a 100/100 album for me cause i got devangelic and molested divinity at 92/91 respectively
    July 5 12:12 PM
  • Anthracks three weeks until i can hear new defeated slut :]
    July 2 01:35 PM
  • Anthracks oh haha. yeah i'll wait for mine to come in. got the splatter vinyl and cd so I can listen on all three formats. plenty of other music to hold me over until then.
    May 7 01:38 AM
  • Anthracks i'm not sure i'll let you know when my copy comes in. I don't listen to singles :o
    May 6 10:30 PM
  • TheNotrap Cheers. I prefer BDM that derives more directly from Suffocation. However I have been meaning to revisit Defeated Sanity for some time now, I may have heard them in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    May 3 09:05 AM
  • Pon Sent to ur DMs
    April 17 07:38 PM
  • Pon Do you discord fren?
    April 17 02:58 PM
  • Spag I've always like the stories for it as well, and yeah I would say it's definitely one of the most challenging games of the series. I got the game when I was 9, and I did find the scenes a mixture of cool but disturbing I gotta say lol.
    March 7 06:43 AM
  • Spag Thanks! And yeah TM Black is awesome and is pretty much my favorite game. I'm actually heavily involved in the TM community, lot of friends and I play twisted metal black online on a revival server, it's awesome, I have a ton of videos of it on YouTube as well. :)
    March 4 11:44 PM
  • parksungjoon
    February 23 06:10 PM
  • RolyPoly So do you actually like that dempagumi album now? I see that you've raised your rating
    December 5 01:21 PM
  • unclereich
    November 9 10:10 AM
  • StarlessCore Yea that tape crazy good
    October 23 10:55 AM
  • mrdogthrow nah i dig Ultu heavily, Miles did alot for the sound that album had and it was fun. Their 3rd album was fun for what it was but Gidim is clearly trying to be more like that which i am not a fan of
    October 18 03:49 AM
  • mrdogthrow aww come on Ian has sick vox tho
    October 18 02:06 AM
  • Slex Yeah unfortunately I don?t know what and Sowing couldn?t figure it out so he contacted Jom about it, just gotta wait now
    August 2 10:08 PM
  • Papa Universe ooh aussie dm, gimme gimme
    July 15 05:37 PM
  • Papa Universe yo, did you give me a DM rec yet or not? can't remember
    July 15 11:56 AM
  • Marehelm Hey fren! Have you heard Winter - Into Darkness? More death/doom than death, but it's still my rec :-)
    July 7 09:36 AM
  • TheSpirit if there's an official stream yoiu're good!
    June 27 01:17 PM
  • TheSpirit Haha, as long as I land False, I am definitely okay with a more passionate Falls of Rauros fan taking over!
    June 26 05:38 PM
  • TheSpirit You can take this one as long as you leave me False and Falls of Rauros!
    June 26 05:31 PM
  • TheSpirit i'm thinking it's going to be my BM AOTY tbh.
    June 25 07:03 PM
  • Marehelm Ah, no worries man - I've been meaning to check out Tomb Mold forever!
    June 17 05:04 AM
  • Papa Universe Kataklysm - Sorcery
    June 16 08:32 PM
  • Papa Universe oh, is this happening? do I rec Mare or you?
    June 16 07:51 PM
  • Marehelm Yo Brain man, you gotta hit me up with a rec that's on Spotify, otherwise I'll never get through it. Sorry for the hassle
    June 16 05:57 PM
  • zaruyache jammed like half of it then got put off by the clunky drum sound. vox are different too and it wasn't as intense as their first record from what i'd heard. :-(
    May 25 05:57 AM
  • zaruyache i mean eh i think i'm kind of over their style in general now adays but we'll see.
    May 24 01:12 PM
  • zaruyache was nonplussed on a casual stereo speaker listen, mikko is a ****, and 2 trigger ye olde metal fans ;;;)))
    May 23 11:01 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD I'm glad you went to the video man...that blue room part (which is the begining of closing track) is amazing...
    May 14 10:20 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD No I m not, but I m feeling the pressure lol I ve never reviewed before.
    May 14 10:18 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD For sure man. Try it with the YouTube full album video. Drummer is crazy cool af. The solo guy with crack the skye hoodie brings the goods. This s*** is really good and production is top notch (bass is awesome and audible fe) -
    May 14 09:58 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD dude. you did Warforged - I - Voice already?
    May 14 12:32 PM
  • imthexxxy bruh I got my bitch on speed dial for that s*** lol
    May 7 07:24 AM
  • TheSpaceMan but i ended up just ****ing around with skarlet cause my buddy plays kitana and i didnt wanna do him dirty like that
    May 1 11:28 PM
  • TheSpaceMan yeah kotals strings starting with back 2 and forward 2 are both ace, easily what makes him viable. but removing the tick throw off forward 3 was a slap to the face, and his only mids are the super slow startup forward 2 and the down 1 jab everyone has, which makes him really tough to play in up close / pressure fights cause everyone else can swing below him quick af
    May 1 11:27 PM
  • TheSpaceMan yeah thats true timing is tight for some really sluggish moves after a knockup. I had my heart set on kotal but hes pretty rough in the nuetral game cause his only mid is way too slow, so im also trying kano. wanna learn one of the biddies now, maybe skarlet or kitana.
    May 1 01:14 AM
  • TheSpaceMan im really digging it, obv gonna miss x that game was my baby but this one is a nice change of pace. the slower pace makes it more methodical but x was way more execution heavy and thus had a way higher skill gap it seems
    May 1 12:08 AM
  • BITCHBOSS do you like my av?
    April 11 08:25 AM
  • Frippertronics Officially comes out on the 15th next month
    February 21 12:24 AM
  • Frippertronics listened to the box since it leaked and it's only getting better
    February 20 10:14 AM
  • Frippertronics thinkin
    February 20 10:01 AM
  • TheSpaceMan oh bro i completely missed your shout my b. game looks pretty cool, not sure how i feel about the recharging meter situation and def not a fan of the fatal blow but we'll see. character's faces look a bit chubby and odd but the fighting looks super crisp and other than those doubts im so unbelievably psyched
    February 14 10:36 PM
  • Anthracks Haha, I made a prototype version in late '17 but I think I lost it. I'll make it again once 2019 wraps up, though.
    January 27 05:12 PM
  • GhandiLioLOLThisME sellin that jizzmix. bitches thinkin they snortin coke and they snortin nut
    January 24 10:20 PM
  • GhandiLioLOLThisME cookin that coca hcl with that bakin soda and jizz for the remix
    January 24 10:13 PM
  • Papa Universe Hopefully I'll score higher than usual with this one: Glacial Tomb - s/t
    January 10 06:48 AM
  • Marehelm Hey man! Check the new rec order on the Adventures, forget about my rec :)
    January 10 06:04 AM
  • Marehelm Hey man! You get Detest - Dorval
    January 9 08:48 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD TKS Will check. On Tomb Mold now m/ m/ m/
    January 3 03:07 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD and...infernal coil is ****in awesome
    January 2 03:26 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD on it and checking Infernal Coil already...pressing play now X)
    December 29 05:24 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD year's list is done. Check what I loved you may love as well X)
    December 20 04:24 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Okaaay u welcome.merry xmax
    December 8 03:51 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD
    December 7 07:18 PM
  • GhandhiLion ill check that indie band out some time. Im a brit but have a good harvest!
    November 22 10:17 PM
  • Marehelm No worries, man! What we lack in speed, we make up for with persistence! I've finished my education, that might be what you're thinking of? Anyway, job-search here I come!
    November 19 12:37 PM
  • GhandhiLion lul i meant this
    November 18 11:25 PM
  • GhandhiLion np
    November 18 11:24 PM
  • Papa Universe It shall be received.
    October 9 09:17 AM
  • Marehelm Hey man! Yyrkoon - Occult Medicine
    October 5 12:14 PM
  • Pon m/m/
    September 25 02:11 AM
  • necropig Yessss m/
    September 22 09:17 PM
  • butcherboy entering you as a ringer into the rec competition, but only if you give me a rec in the next twenty minutes.. aaaaaaand GO!
    September 12 04:36 PM
  • TheSpirit Not yet! My rating is just reminder to listen when it comes out/how i felt about the two tracks that are already available
    September 6 12:30 AM
  • necropig Aye must be on something wack, you should check thy darkened shade, gooood shizzle
    September 2 12:35 PM
  • necropig Awesome to hear m/ you've rated the wrong page though lol, it's here as ION (US) I rec'd it to Evok but alas it got a 2 :[
    September 2 02:58 AM
  • Marehelm Nice, been wanting to check that one out. Going fairly well: two songs (18 minutes total) is more or less finished besides vocals. Hopefully they will be done quite soon :-)
    August 28 11:15 AM
  • Papa Universe I bestow upon thee Ribspreader - Congregating the Sick
    August 27 10:59 PM
  • Valkoor952 I meant as in rank in competitive matches
    August 23 06:57 PM
  • Valkoor952 What rank are you on RL man
    August 23 12:00 PM
  • Chortles ... edward - fortune teller is my favorite thing so far this year (deep house infused with some wild kraut/psych stuff, totally unique). it felt like it was testing my patience the first few listens but once it unfolded i couldn't stop listening, think it's a masterpiece now. give it a try if you like! glad you're open to lots of electronic stuff. if u have any recs for me btw please feel free. i'm down for anything: been kind of in a slump recently, all i jam as of late are game soundtracks lol
    August 22 11:37 PM
  • Chortles eyoo dude! i'm alright, how about you? haha the man that can huh?? i can only hope. here's some stuff i've loved this yr that u might enjoy -- skee mask - compro (breakbeat/ambient, beautiful textures and very sleek); varg (swe) - crush (intimate ambient techno, discomforting atmosphere); rival consoles - persona (comparable to jon hopkins, but more brooding and much less... mechanical, i much prefer it to singularity). also, i'm not sure if it would be ur thing but might as well bring it up....
    August 22 11:33 PM
  • YakNips oh yeah man the guitar tone is incredible and one of my fave things about his playing is how he takes these beautiful melodies and plays them in a way that sounds so twisted.. but nah it's pretty dry here, considering the demographics are elderly white people, young escapist drug addicts, and transients with dogs and guitars butchering bob dylan songs. i'm the best in the area hahaha. but yeah i was pretty disappointed, honeycomb and near are the only songs worth coming back to.
    August 11 09:15 PM
  • ZombieToyDuck Didn't you have an Ito illustration as an avatar at one point? What was that from?
    August 7 06:49 PM
  • YakNips -is an indie band called slow corpse. other than that there?s nothing really going on
    July 24 07:14 AM
  • YakNips niiice i also figured out like the first bit of that riff in a different key once lol, but i?d like the figure out that ~one~ riff in je revais du nord. but yeah i knew a guy who knew a guy who blew out his pecs and can?t lift anything more than 5 pounds so it?s definitely something to be wary of. and i don?t know any of those so i?ll check them out so i don?t stagnate, and nah it sucks tbh. there?s really nothing going on between SF and Eugene really, the only decent band in my town-
    July 24 07:12 AM
  • hal1ax ayy good pappy rates
    July 24 12:12 AM
  • YakNips agreed man it's basically the best way to release negative energy along with music. do you do the standard free weight stuff like squats and deadlifts? cause right now i bench but i've been avoiding the other two for fear of ****ing up my back, even though those two look the coolest. hopefully i'm not missing out on too much. but i've been listening to a s*** ton of peste noire for some reason, never really liked them until a couple months ago and now they're almost half of what i listen to, wbu
    July 18 10:02 AM
  • teamster Did you try the latest from Trna yet?
    July 13 09:10 PM
  • TheSpirit i am! i've been busy the last few days, but i've able to brainstorm some review stuff up. i'll let you know when i post it!
    July 13 01:16 PM
  • YakNips near, but I gotta jam more to form a full opinion. and don?t worry about it
    July 13 08:45 AM
  • YakNips nice man i?ve been mostly weight training too, just want to crush my enemies with my bare hands tbh. but yeah i?ve also been trying to eat more power greens/veggies and consume more organic meat/eggs but just cause i?m lazy i end up getting most of my protein from jimmy dean breakfast bowls, protein shakes, and protein bars lol. but yeah true there really is no rush i?m just so excited to share the stuff i?ve got. and what i?ve jammed so far has hit me in the guilty pleasure spot, especially
    July 13 08:44 AM
  • YakNips i've been doing well man, glad to hear you've been working out more because i've been doing the same, are you doing weight training or just general cardio/core stuff or a mix of both? excited to hear your demo as well. but yeah i'm still working on the new SS album, been struggling a little bit with the last couple of songs but hopefully i'll have it out sometime next month. and i actually haven't listened to it yet lol but i'm downloading it right now so i'll get back to you on that soon.
    July 11 10:51 PM
  • YakNips nah i?m still in southern oregon i just felt a fit of inspiration after listening to honeycomb and typed that up. hope you?re doing well
    July 11 04:54 AM
  • Marehelm Your new rec: Interment - Where Death Will Increase 1991-1994. Links to my demo-stuff: and
    July 3 02:02 PM
  • Marehelm Hmm, weird. It hit you up with a new link later today along with a new rec! :-)
    July 3 08:42 AM
  • Marehelm Henlo fren! If you haven't heard it, my rec is Dan Swano - Moontower
    July 2 08:30 AM
  • Papa Universe I'm currently amid another rec-waterfall with Conmaniac, so the pause Mare gave us was more or less welcome.
    June 26 06:41 AM

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