
Soundoffs 8
Album Ratings 673
Objectivity 70%

Last Active 10-25-21 5:05 pm
Joined 06-07-19

Review Comments 3,301

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  • unclereich cute avatar ngl :3
    March 1 09:28 AM
  • nash1311 Yep. I think a lot of these teams that people expected to suck are actually turning out better than expected because these young dudes with something to prove are getting minutes. I love it
    October 25 05:32 PM
  • nash1311 How bout them Blazers?! I love it!
    October 25 02:30 PM
  • Purpl3Spartan Bro darko dropped a new album and im losing my mind
    September 26 04:53 AM
  • JayEnder Bandit buddy, hope you're doing well! :] miss seeing you around. Really think you should check the new Static Dress album, its amazing and I think you'll love it. All the boys are discussing it but I can feel your absence lol.
    May 26 05:59 AM
  • Purpl3Spartan Bro you check the new darko single with Rory yet? It?s solo good
    March 13 07:36 PM
  • JayEnder Hey its all good brother, I'll pull through. Just dealing with some heavy loneliness lately. Being single and having all my friends move away with their gfs just makes me feel like I'm behind in life. Definitely a weird and honestly terrifying world we live in right now. And that's great, might as well spend the winter months chattin with the boys about metalcore and stuff! Always like seeing you around!
    November 5 04:52 AM
  • JayEnder Hey dude! Yeah, we haven't shoutboxed in awhile. Always like talkin in threads cause its like a group chat with the boys haha. I'm hangin in there bud, feel pretty lost lately tho ngl. Hope you're doing well!
    November 3 10:14 PM
  • nash1311 Ditto! That and Tyrant are probs my favorites
    October 13 01:03 AM
  • nash1311 Whats your fave Sentinels single
    October 12 09:04 PM
  • Purpl3Spartan True lol. I remember hearing that they already had the next album tracked when they released the new album
    September 9 08:54 PM
  • Purpl3Spartan You checked the new Darko single yet? Goes hard
    September 4 04:04 AM
  • Purpl3Spartan No problem my dude
    August 27 10:29 PM
  • Purpl3Spartan Heyo, have you ever checked Weeping hour ?hunger
    August 26 10:23 PM
  • SteakByrnes For real lmao you'd think Tom would help them write good stuff again but it was just nonsense. I never even checked their latest in full tbh lol
    February 19 06:21 PM
  • SteakByrnes Lmao I don't doubt that, I haven't really been into Chelsea Grin's stuff since Jason Richardson left the band
    February 19 06:15 PM
  • SteakByrnes Oh yea I've seen the name thrown around a couple times and have been meaning to check them out haha, I'll def give them a jam soon :]
    February 19 06:10 PM
  • JayEnder Hey its all good man! I figured you were just busy. :] world is only getting more ****ing insane, so I try to stay off most social media too lately. Wishing the best for ya tho, hope everything is good and happy new year to you too brotha.
    January 7 08:25 PM
  • JayEnder I may have hyped it a lil hard LMAO. Still stoked you enjoyed it man! For me, it just embodies everything I love about music. Heavy, yet elegant and atmospheric. Which tracks stood out to you the most? Blueberry Memories Blue Mecca is god tier. Hope you had good speakers on that spin my brotha haha. I see you're digging Phoebe too, absolutely love her. Smoke Signals is like the best song ever
    December 25 07:40 AM
  • JayEnder Yeah brother, pretty much sounds like the opposite of my neck of the woods haha. Super desolate and absolutely nothing to do here in Northeast Wisco. At least where I live right on the border of Northern Michigan. But hey, an hour away I can least go to the record store and a halfway decent restaurant in Green Bay! If you're familiar with the Packers I drive by Lambeau Field a lot heh
    December 25 07:36 AM
  • JayEnder And whew, if there was one album that I'd practically beseech you to check out its the new Nothing album. No hyperbole, no joke, its easily my AOTY and might even crack my top 10 albums of all time. It's like, Peripheral Vision levels of amazing. Same producer too, the homie Will Yip. You GOTTA give The Great Dismal a whirl dude, you won't regret it.
    December 19 12:04 AM
  • JayEnder Niceee man, how's life been on the west coast? I've never gone out that far in my entire life. Furthest has been Colorado and I got a brutal migraine from altitude sickness while hiking the Rockies and thought that was it for me, lmao. I've been okay dude, just workin and keepin up on my jams, you know the drill. Damn, appreciating the classics I see that's awesome! On top of Palm Reader, whose new album slaps ass btw, and isn't Bilmuri Johnny Franck?
    December 19 12:00 AM
  • JayEnder Haha no problem dude! Being sober and 2020 do not mix... so I don't blame ya one bit. We are all hoping for some kind of holiday cheer after dealing with the destruction of modern society lol, but its not very festive in Northeast Wisco. Hell if there's one thing 2020 is good for, there's absolutely no snow on the ground in the middle of December... which is practically unheard of for this area haha. And that's good bro, what you been jamming lately? Got any recs?
    December 17 02:28 AM
  • SteakByrnes I will for sure, I'll give ya a shout brother :]
    December 15 09:13 PM
  • SteakByrnes Denver is pretty sweet man! And oh yea dude that'd be sweet, we could meet up and chill, talk about jams and all that good s*** my guy :] You're def among my favorite users on this site man, always been a dope dude
    December 15 09:03 PM
  • SteakByrnes He just really likes the city I think! He lived in Denver for 10 years and went to Portland a fair bit while out west, and he's not really loving being back on the east coast haha. But I get that, it sounds nice to be outside the city and have a bunch of natural sites to see. I'd love to go to Portland one day
    December 15 08:22 PM
  • SteakByrnes Lol yea I've heard that, out there you get a tiny bit of snow and close everything whereas here there can be a foot of snow out and things are open for business lmao, wild how that works out. My brother is actually thinking of moving out to Portland
    December 15 06:08 PM
  • SteakByrnes For sure man we all need a relaxing end of the year lol. And yea we've gotten some snow here and there, only stuck once but even that didn't last long. We've been getting a lot of flurries mostly haha. Does it snow a lot out where you are at all?
    December 15 04:18 PM
  • SteakByrnes That sounds pretty chill man should be good to have a more relaxed holiday haha. I don't have much going on, gonna go to my moms house on Christmas and then go to my gf's parents house for New Year's, should be a somewhat chill holiday week!
    December 15 04:06 PM
  • SteakByrnes Ya lol it's like they know man, they wanna keep you entertained so you stay lol. You have any plans for the holidays?
    December 15 01:11 PM
  • SteakByrnes I feel that man haha, was in a few bands in high school and college but haven't been in a while now. And yea lol that's the big obstacle, everybody our age wants to do it so the field is so diluted by now. Always good to give it a shot tho! Hell I'd even give a writing position some thought haha
    December 14 08:05 PM
  • SteakByrnes Those would be fun fields man, if I wasn't in comp sci fields I would def go the music route lol. You play anything? And video games was my dream for a long time, I kinda do wanna get back into messing around with game development at some point. You got this broski, I'm sure anywhere would be lucky to have ya :] and yea he can get a bit samey but it sounds so well done either way haha. nothing below a 3.5 so far
    December 14 07:40 PM
  • SteakByrnes Ya I get that for sure, what else would you like to do? And yea man I love these short little bursts of music he puts out, and it's always such a solid sound. Even tho I do have a soft spot for Attack Attack, this stuff is so much better haha. Eggy Pocket is very quickly becoming one of my favorite releases this year
    December 14 07:07 PM
  • SteakByrnes Been doing it for a little over a year now, I dig it for sure haha. And nice dude that sounds like a good gig, do you like it? Also side note, I'm going through Bilmuri's discog and I really like it lol it's a good fit for him
    December 14 06:28 PM
  • SteakByrnes I'm a software design engineer, I work for a high end audio place called McIntosh Labs! And yea I gotta get a bunch of stuff together for the list, I'm gonna include just random finds not necessarily released in 2020 as well lol. And nice dude, sometimes you need a slow bit of work to catch yourself haha, what is it you do?
    December 14 06:08 PM
  • SteakByrnes Hey man not much, just been working a lot and jamming as much as I can to stay sane haha. Things are hectic at work with trying to get stuff done in time, the usual. I'm gonna try to get a year end list out there tho, been a few years since I've done that! How've you been man?
    December 14 01:11 PM
  • JayEnder Hey Bandit! I was just thinking about stopping by to say what's up to you. What a coincidence! Haha, I'm doing pretty good man. Just trudging along in this s***show of a year. Was really frustrated with the state of things for awhile, but lately I shut out and just focus on my jams. Appreciate you stopping by dude, how have you been holding up?
    December 13 03:58 AM
  • JayEnder Oof haha, well lets pretend that never happened and I'll just rewrite it verbatim to the best of my memory. ?
    December 13 03:50 AM
  • SteakByrnes Lol I feel that, there's a bunch of old stuff that never leave my rotation man. And KWAS is so good dude, just banger after banger after banger, I miss that Parkway Drive lol
    October 23 05:27 PM
  • SteakByrnes Sweeet dude I'm glad you dug them :] and hell yea lol I love doing nostalgic dives back into old stuff I used to jam back in high school and whatnot. Righteous rating for Killing With A Smile lol
    October 23 05:14 PM
  • JesperL yeah i feel you lol, same for me.. burying myself in uni/work to stay sane and trying to not get sick has been my mo this year :] hope you dig it! atm i'm trying to put together a playlist exclusively filled with somewhere nowhere's best tracks to make listening to the full thing less of a chore haha
    October 10 08:32 PM
  • JesperL hey! hope you're doing well, i feel like you might dig the seer believer record that came out this year. some real smooth, gleemer-esque indie rock
    October 10 05:53 PM
  • SteakByrnes They're melodic hardcore in the vein of Counterparts and Climates I'd say, really solid album :] I think you'll dig it!
    October 9 10:06 PM
  • SteakByrnes
    October 9 05:20 PM
  • SteakByrnes I've only ever driven through Detroit haha, one day I'd like to get to the west coast and visit a bunch of places. And yea it's kinda pricey here but nothing toooo terrible, the worst part is finding somewhere that doesn't have like a waiting list lol, or finding apartments that aren't s***ty or low quality.
    September 24 02:10 PM
  • SteakByrnes Oh word haha I've been an east coast guy my whole life, farthest west I've made it is Denver I think lol. Lake George was incredible tho! It's so beautiful out there, and the lake was nice to swim in and to sit back and enjoy the view. We're looking to just move somewhere around the city, I live in Binghamton NY lol so the suburbs more like it.
    September 23 11:55 PM
  • SteakByrnes Yea that's the plan! I love those laid back chill trips haha, we took one a few months ago out to Lake George and it ruled. Hoping we can find a place soon so we can move in together, been wanting to do that for so long now lol
    September 23 06:27 PM
  • Yea that's the plan! I love those laid back chill trips haha, we took one a few months ago out to Lake George and it ruled. Hoping we can find a place soon so we can move in together, been wanting to do that for so long now lol
    September 23 06:26 PM
  • SteakByrnes Good to hear man! I couldn't imagine buying a house yet haha, I've been just looking for places to rent. And we're gonna get a hotel on Long Island and go to Montauk and just chill haha nothing too crazy but it should be a fun time :]
    September 23 05:21 PM
  • SteakByrnes Thanks brother! And oh wow haha I hope you don't have a hard time selling it! This whole pandemic really threw a lot of wrenches in a lot of plans lol it's the worst, do you have another house lined up?
    September 23 03:33 PM
  • SteakByrnes Hey man! I've been doing well, just working and jamming a lot haha. I'll be 25 on Friday, gonna take the day off and just hang out with my girlfriend all weekend so I'm looking forward to that! How have you been my guy?
    September 23 03:20 PM
  • JayEnder That greatly motivates me brother. Thanks for that. Time just keeps passing by, I gotta take my chance or continue to live in mediocrity.
    September 21 12:07 AM
  • JayEnder Also, how about Santiago Peak tho omg that one is becoming my favorite
    September 19 07:12 AM
  • JayEnder "If you're not killing yourself by working too much then you're slacking I guess?" Damn dude, that quote hits hard haha. I'm sorry to hear you're going through some s*** too, but if its any consolation I'm almost certain everybody in the world is. And yea, I still live with him. And I'm 23... You're right. I gotta get out and move on
    September 19 07:11 AM
  • JayEnder On a good note tho... that new Movements album is absolutely amazing dude. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. I won't spoil anything haha.
    September 18 06:38 AM
  • JayEnder This world has gone to complete s*** man. It's really difficult to get motivated when everything is falling apart, agreed. I just hope we can get back to attending shows by next year... And for sure, they say you meet the right people and things fall into place. I just wish my dad woulf stop pestering me about "getting my life together" and "figuring out what I wanna do" like bro what were you doing at 23? Partying with your friends that's what lmao.
    September 17 05:35 PM
  • JayEnder Just trudging along brother. A lot on my mind lately, and tbh I'm scared for my future. Or lack of. I don't know what the hell I wanna do as a career... That, and a s*** ton of other factors make me wanna just lay in bed and never get up again.
    September 16 09:48 PM
  • JayEnder And everything will work out just fine for you my friend :] hope you and your girl live a happy life together!
    August 20 06:54 PM
  • JayEnder Hey man, I appreciate that. One of the few things I have goin for me lol. And who knows, you could be right. Might run into her at the coffee shop or record store someday! Life always seems to work out in the end, but lately it seems life only keeps me down. I need to get outta my hometown so badly... as much of a generic pop punk statement that is. This area sucks man. Alcoholics and degeneracy runs rampant.
    August 20 06:51 PM
  • JayEnder Conversation was going great, and then she just like shut down. I wasn't being flirty or anything... Just seemed like a sweet lil chat I thought. She was telling me how she was pissed about having to stay at work an extra 3 hours, and I said damn that sucks I just lost my job recently so you're doing better than me. That's probably what did it lmao
    August 18 03:49 AM
  • JayEnder I love Like Knives so much dude. That entire album is amazing. Comin' Home of course will always be a classic. And no problem buddy, always good seeing you around here. That's super cool, some high school relationships were just meant to be. 10 years together is way awesome good for you dude!! And I sure hope so, since my ex and I broke up my confidence has been at an all time low. Thought I had something the other day with the cute cashier at Tilly's but she got really shy for some reason.
    August 18 03:45 AM
  • JayEnder Little Hell RULES. The Grand Optimist is the one for me on that album. Sometimes has my favorite songs by him tho... I love singing Delaware. And that's super sweet mane. You seem like a great dude so doesn't surprise me you got a lady. Being lonely sucks.
    August 18 03:08 AM
  • SteakByrnes Haha yea dude same, and no problem it just came up in my recommended and thought I'd share. EP drops in like October
    August 18 02:23 AM
  • SteakByrnes
    August 18 01:34 AM
  • JayEnder Ahh yes the man himself Dallas Green. Dude, he's honestly my favorite singer of all time if I had to choose. Bring Me Your Love helped me cope with my breakup so much. Love singing along with that heartbroken bastard lol.
    August 18 12:23 AM
  • JayEnder Carrie and Lowell is also fantastic. Most people consider that one to be his classic, but his more uplifting and almost nostalgic sounding songs is the Sufjan I enjoy the most. Illinois and Michigan are full of those haha.
    August 18 12:15 AM
  • JayEnder Illinois for sure dude. Or Michigan. Both flawless albums that hold a lot of emotional weight, yet tranquility to them. Perfect start if you're on a folk kick! Sufjan is the man.
    August 18 12:12 AM
  • JayEnder Whew, now I can sleep at night. Yeah, instrumentally they are probably my favorite band of all time... I just love em to death man. I do understand your gripes with the vocals however, they are one note for the most part. But Jesse and Karl both bring that powerful old school metalcore emotion that I'm a sucker for. And YES, you gotta give Mayfield a shot. Their cleans are ehhh, but beyond that SUPER good band. Check Careless Love for sure. You might find some goodies on there.
    August 13 06:46 PM
  • JayEnder I forgive you buddy. Just thought a band like this would be right up your alley considering you like Counterparts so much. And considering they're the fathers of the genre :/ this is not a guilt trip I swear. Lol. And I'm glad to see you at least got some enjoyment out of Controller and Malice.
    August 12 09:07 PM
  • JayEnder Bandit. I love you but your Mis Sigs ratings have broken my spirit
    August 8 12:47 AM
  • JesperL hey! it's been a sec but i made this list because of your comment on the gleemer thread lol, don't know if you were aware yet :]
    August 4 09:09 PM

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