
Reviews 24
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 48
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Band Edits + Tags 603
Album Edits 16

Album Ratings 887
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 04-22-20 8:12 pm
Joined 08-22-11

Review Comments 11,869

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  • Butkuiss I can?t stop reading your name as ?fapcum? cheers
    December 19 12:06 AM
  • DePlazz https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/85308/Toxik-Dis-Morta/
    August 4 12:43 PM
  • Titan ok, jamming it right now via youtube
    February 20 03:21 AM
  • Titan i will check it and then check back in with you, thanks man!
    February 20 03:19 AM
  • Titan yeah i enjoy a little bit of it, or variations of it
    February 20 03:14 AM
  • Titan dude if you enjoy Awaken The Guardian, jam Arch / Matheos - Sympathetic Resonance.......album is incredible dude
    January 16 12:24 AM
  • Britch2tiger Aspid? Yeah, that's a mentioned album on my first One Album Band list.
    January 15 05:08 AM
  • OmairSh New FW record in the works. **** YES m/
    October 14 11:44 PM
  • danielcardoso Tbh they've grown off me immensely over the past 2 years. I can only stand any KISS related project in much small doses now.
    September 19 08:58 AM
  • danielcardoso Why does it seem as if a new KISS fanboy joins the site on a weekly basis now?
    September 18 07:05 PM
  • Titan i dont really listen to that stuff anymore
    August 22 10:58 AM
  • Titan i have but i don't own it
    August 21 11:59 PM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Your opinion on the final?
    July 5 11:34 PM
  • manosg Happy new year dude!
    January 1 08:43 AM
  • NeroCorleone80 Yeah Ive jammed Mental Vortex and No More Color a few times, both albums rule.
    December 20 12:49 PM
  • mandan How did you get into Pink Floyd?
    December 8 04:29 AM
  • Titan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFAskJN4YKE
    December 6 03:29 PM
  • manosg Sure man. If you need someone to talk to, just hit me up.
    December 1 09:23 AM
  • manosg Yeah girls, like all people, can be pretty ****ed up. But it's the process of life. We need to experience a number of failed attempts before we find the right situation for us. Regarding what you've built up until now, I can tell you that the largest portion of us had built very little stuff at the age of 19 so don't worry. Relax and try to find something you like doing and focus on that. Things will certainly find their way then.
    November 30 08:03 AM
  • manosg Hey dude just saw your list. Wanted to say hang in there and I'm sure that things always do get better. Conversations with parents are hard and if it makes any difference most of us have been there. But parents do feel love for their children and most times they behave like they do because they don't understand their kids. Not because they don't want to but because they have different life experiences so they lack the capacity to understand us. But the love is there which is all that matters.
    November 29 06:35 PM
  • mandan 25, what about you?
    November 28 11:33 PM
  • mandan VXI gets too much hate man. Some sweet jams on there.
    November 28 09:22 PM
  • mandan A shame so many people are quick to dismiss the Bailey Era. Honestly, I might come to prefer TXF to any 2nd Bruce Era Maiden and it def blows NPftD and FotD out of the water for me.
    November 26 06:03 PM
  • mandan The X Factor is hard underrated man. Some hard jams on it.
    November 26 05:16 PM
  • mandan I see you're not a fan of Motley Crue outside their first 2 records.
    November 23 04:50 PM
  • mandan I had trouble getting into it in the past, but soon enough I'll give both Blaze albums a chance. From what I recall, he's quite the skilled vocalist.
    November 14 02:09 AM
  • OmairSh Haha I was just messing around dude, I wouldn't recommend it if I didn't think you'd like the band. I had a feeling the power metal mention would turn you off it a little, trust me the band isn't like power metal. Sure dude, take your time :-). Just make sure to listen to their latest video at least "King of Errors", that chorus makes me cry its so good
    November 5 07:24 PM
  • OmairSh They're incorrectly tagged Power prog quite a lot. They do have very slight power tendencies musically but none of the cheese. And that too on their earlier albums. Their latest video (just because its so damn good) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pmmh69G-pt0, SDT song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf0mzSWA6Ts, TIC song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi3CCuAbEvE
    November 5 05:22 PM
  • OmairSh O M G look at Mr. "has no time to waste on bands below his high standards". Yeah dude they're worth it, Swedish dark prog metal. If I were to recommend one album it would probably ISOT because that's their most critically acclaimed. ISOT and SDT are darker and more progressive while RD and TIC are heavier and chuggier. First 5 albums are all great imo.
    November 5 05:15 PM
  • OmairSh Hey fac you haven't heard Evergrey?
    November 5 04:05 AM
  • ShadowRemains get this asap: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/soundoff.php?albumid=74473#124076
    October 28 04:00 AM
  • Vader It's cool to see someone else as into Necroticism and Manic Impressions
    October 23 05:46 PM
  • Let I can't help but read your name as fapcum. Anyway, nice digs, Convulse rules.
    October 18 12:47 AM
  • OmairSh The crowd dude, the CROWD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE622Jmcir8
    October 11 09:27 PM
  • CamWJohnson Thank you for the very mature response to my comment, cat. I will stick with my guns, and I'm sure I'll build followers. I'll see what I can do, but this is how I've always done things, and I've been getting solid reception from Rotten Tomatoes and other review sites. A person I believe to be a pro music critic praised my album review style once.
    October 11 08:47 PM
  • CamWJohnson I'm content with my reviews' length, taking pride in the detail. The sentences are lengthy, but there isn't but 5-7 of them in the paragraphs, of which there aren't but 3 or 4. My film reviews are longer, and I haven't really gotten much complaint in my almost five years as a film critics. If you don't like it, please take your business elsewhere, because I and, I'm sure, plenty others are just fine.
    October 11 08:14 PM
  • Pon keep bumpin the gud bumps
    October 4 10:59 PM
  • CaptainDooRight new track would be nice to get your feedback: https://soundcloud.com/therealtrvth/orgasmic-progressing-forests
    September 26 11:34 PM
  • danielcardoso Hey man, have you checked Ace Frehley's new album yet?
    September 9 11:15 AM
  • manosg Hey man, how are things there with the whole default thing?
    July 31 06:12 PM
  • OmairSh Sorry about Argentina's loss. Had a few good chances. Germany was my second team , but I also wanted Messi to win the WC. On the bright side you guys reached a final after so long.
    July 14 02:09 AM
  • manosg Congrats on your national team man, hope you win it all on Sunday. Vamos vamos Argentina!
    July 10 07:18 AM
  • MrSirLordGentleman Si, fue una verdadera lastima, si algo caracteriza a este equipo es que dejaban todo en la cancha, Medel hizo un partidazo y eso que esta desgarrado, definitivamente merecían mas. Tengo fe para la Copa America del prox. año (para que alguna vez ganemos una por la mierda), y bueno, esperar que para Rusia '18 la edad no afecte mucho a este equipo jaja
    June 29 04:03 AM
  • mandan I'm slow as **** man. Btw, I'm a bit disappointed by the inconsistencies in this World Cup tournament. I expected better from quite a few teams.
    June 25 07:07 AM
  • OmairSh Well, what are you waiting for?! Actually The Perfect Element is their best album so maybe you could check that when you're in the mood. It's top quality prog metal, very different from most of the bands out there (especially the DT clones)
    June 22 04:10 PM
  • OmairSh Looks like he's carrying the Argentine team as well to a certain extent. Wonder goal by him. Btw have you heard Pain of Salvation?
    June 22 02:23 PM
  • OmairSh Your heart must have been in your mouth during those Iran counter attacks :P
    June 22 02:33 AM
  • mandan I can empathize with that, and while I do like them, particularly in terms of their albums, it's great to see someone who disagrees. The site is a bit too flooded with Beatlemaniacs if you ask me. Particularly in terms of the major 60's bands, more so the major British Invasion bands of that time. So it's nice to see someone who isn't a blind sheep to Beatlemania.
    June 5 01:38 AM
  • mandan Dude, what issues, if any, do you have with the Beatles? I'm just curious, really.
    June 5 12:12 AM
  • mandan Yeah, variety was def one of Zep's strong suits. They didn't do the same thing over and over.
    May 22 10:43 PM
  • mandan We seem to have similar opinions on Sabbath and Zep for the most part. I find it fascinating to note all the different things Sabbath did on their First 6.
    May 22 10:35 PM
  • mandan I see you're not a big fan of GN'R.
    May 22 06:25 AM
  • mandan Yeah, def give it time.
    May 22 01:31 AM
  • mandan How has it gone with QotSA?
    May 21 04:07 AM
  • mandan Yeah man, I'm not a big fan of Dream Theater, I'm more of a Queensryche fan. I can't deny that IandW and Awake have their charms though.
    May 8 11:58 PM
  • mandan Added it to my dig list. Do you play any instrument dude?
    May 8 04:16 AM
  • mandan I applaud you for your independent opinion man, it sometimes takes courage to hold on to non-mainstream opinions. BTW, Coroner rules. Mental Vortex is da bomb.
    May 4 08:21 PM
  • mandan I notice that you don't seem to be a big fan of "comeback era Maiden" (when Bruce rejoined to the present).
    May 4 02:56 AM
  • mandan I need to listen to The Lamb more man, need to see if I can overcome my issues with it. But yeah, Genesis was pretty impressive from NC to Selling, and The Lamb has its merits as well.
    May 4 02:51 AM
  • mandan It's incredible how those guys conceptualized those 3 albums in a row, my mind gets blown away just thinking about it. Sabbath and Floyd were probably responsible for the most well-executed trilogies in rock n' roll, from a purely analytical, non-fanboy standpoint.
    April 24 05:02 AM
  • mandan Animals is my current fave, but can't go wrong with those or Darkside.
    April 23 05:11 PM
  • mandan We seem to have similar views on Floyd dude. Ofc, everyone has a different fave.
    April 23 04:36 PM
  • mandan I've been getting into them these days. Pale Folklore rules hard imo. The Mantle is sweet too, although I haven't rated it yet.
    April 20 11:15 PM
  • mandan Fair enough dude. It grew off me a bit though, I'll admit that. I've been getting into Agalloch recently, are you familiar with 'em?
    April 20 05:51 AM
  • mandan That makes me feel good man. Yeah, I'm one of the few who doesn't hate Turbo and has somewhat of a liking for latter-day Queensryche. We all have our soft spots I guess. But yeah, I'm glad you admitted that, some elitists might say "oh, that sucks, I shouldn't like it", but generally speaking, I think some albums deserve a chance, sometimes we can end up liking stuff we originally hated.
    April 20 01:20 AM
  • mandan Dude, is there an album or two that many people hate but you like?
    April 20 01:00 AM
  • mandan I see you don't like Radiohead that much.
    April 11 05:48 AM
  • mandan Probably Driven to Tears or When the World is Running Down.
    March 31 01:26 AM
  • mandan Sweet.
    March 31 01:20 AM
  • mandan It's music that's relaxing and uplifting at the same time, dunno if that makes sense.
    March 31 01:00 AM
  • mandan A shame that only a few of us dig 'em. Jethro, Hans and Rowan like 'em too.
    March 31 12:50 AM
  • mandan Jammin' some Police dude, ZM is such an epic album.
    March 28 09:42 PM
  • mandan Dude, I see myself 5ing Symbolic in the near future, such a fantastic record. Feels like pretty much the pinnacle of all things metal.
    March 24 04:29 AM
  • OmairSh Vocals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJwSZIajEvI
    March 17 11:03 PM
  • BigHans Dude jam that ranger album I reviewed yesterday, riffs for days
    March 5 06:54 PM
  • OmairSh Ah I don't listen to DM and BM much anymore. They used to occupy the majority of my time back in undergrad. I've become soft. Yeah boi, Barcelona and Atletico Madrid. Which is your team?
    February 26 07:11 PM
  • OmairSh Gong, Rush, The Doors. Livin in the 70's. You tell
    February 26 11:28 AM
  • OmairSh Sup with the supping sup
    February 26 03:16 AM
  • mandan Dude, I know we disagree, but I hope you're clear that it's nothing personal. Overall, I think you're one of the coolest users on the site, and we do share similar tastes. Also, I personally prefer Megadeth and Anthrax to Metallica overall.
    February 23 03:36 AM
  • mandan Have you heard Testament's Dark Roots of the Earth? If so, what's your opinion of it?
    February 13 05:15 AM
  • mandan I'll hear it again soon, need to be in the proper mood for Maiden.I take it MoR, Paranoid and S/T are your Top 3 Sabbath.
    February 5 03:40 AM
  • mandan Maiden's debut is fantastic dude, liking it a lot more than when I first heard it. That duo of "Phantom of the Opera" and "Transylvania" goes hard.
    February 1 03:48 AM
  • mandan As for Bath, I might give it another chance later this year.
    January 25 04:35 AM
  • mandan Yeaj, don't get me wrong, I respect his taste but I have noticed that he does have a traditionalist bent. I have a slight disagreement with him over Porcupine Tree (I love Stupid Dream and he's not a big fan of it) but I have found that I agree with him on some things, particularly in these last few months. I'm also not as harsh on latter-day Queensryche as he is (although O:MCII is pretty average and DtC blows).
    January 25 04:32 AM
  • mandan Do you think JT is one of the most conservative users on this site with regards to musical taste?
    January 25 02:25 AM
  • mandan Well, here in Puerto Rico it's pretty bad too. Both main political parties have screwed up the country. We're facing recession, a shrinking labor force, and a massive government deficit. Hopefully things will change though, but it's pretty tough.
    January 22 02:02 AM
  • mandan How's the economy in Argentina doing?
    January 16 02:01 AM
  • mandan Check out my latest list: it's a JP ranking.
    December 18 06:25 AM
  • demigod! **** yeah man prepare to get your socks rocked way off
    December 18 12:23 AM
  • demigod! def check those who fear tomorrow when you get the chance. pure aggressive thrashy punk metal with blistering leads, crazy drumming and awesome riffs/ vocals. one of my favourite albums ever.
    December 17 04:45 AM
  • demigod! you tell me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXH44pAl5s0
    December 17 04:33 AM
  • demigod! sup dude you ever jam Integrity before?
    December 17 03:17 AM
  • mandan On another note, I'm thinking of keeping British Steel on a solid 4. My personal rating for it might be like a 4.1 or 4.2.
    December 3 11:51 PM
  • mandan Es una isla (o archipielago) en las Antillas.Estamos al este de La Española; y somos un territorio de los Estados Unidos.
    December 3 11:50 PM
  • mandan Cool dude. Yo soy puertorriqueño.
    December 3 11:36 PM
  • mandan And what country do you live in?
    December 3 10:26 PM
  • mandan Is facupm a username based on your real name?
    December 3 05:42 PM
  • NapalmCrusader Bueno, si sabbath vale cada segundo entonces voy a ir, tristemente estoy medio quebrado así que como buen pobre me tocó ir a la localidad iron man y llegar temprano
    October 12 01:20 PM
  • NapalmCrusader Oye facpum, tu en que localidad estuviste en el concierto de megadeth y black sabbath ? Es para saber por que se van a presentar el 19 de octubre y quiero ver si vale la pena comprar la boleta, no es cara pero tampoco es que sea lo mas barato ?
    October 10 01:23 AM
  • Geadom http://plug.dj/hybrid-theory/ WE ARE INNAO
    July 23 04:28 AM
  • Mister Twister I'm just kidding around, I didn't even 5 it, though it is borderline IMO. It's a really good album, it's basically neo-classical and progressive metal at the same time. Works really well, I feel you would like it.
    July 22 02:03 AM
  • Mister Twister Good to know, Milagros Charm is probably their best IMO, but Grand Opus is right up there. You should pre-emptively give it a 5 just because it's so awesome :D
    July 21 06:33 PM
  • Mister Twister You said you were gonna drop a rating on Time Requiem :c
    July 20 04:05 PM
  • pribosse check it out bro http://necrodogg.bandcamp.com/album/spontaneous-combustion
    July 13 02:13 AM
  • Geadom http://plug.dj/beefyqueefy/
    July 7 05:38 AM
  • Atari no rush dude I'm busy myself haven't even listened to my album yet take your time ;)
    July 4 03:01 AM
  • ncguitar del Audax Italiano (nos fue mal en el torneo de apertura), tu evidentemente eres del boca
    June 25 05:37 PM
  • ncguitar si preguntas por la liga chilena no mucho jaja, si hablas del resto entonces por supuesto
    June 25 06:12 AM
  • Geadom i have that album since a long time ago, its ****ing great, but i need to jam it more. Thanks!
    June 25 03:27 AM
  • VlacDrac Claro que valen la pena, fueron los pioneros del Sludge Metal. Empieza con Bullhead, lo recomiendo altamente. Si te gusta Black Sabbath puede que te gusten.
    June 25 03:09 AM
  • VlacDrac ¿Te gustan los Melvins?
    June 25 12:50 AM
  • Scum De caba. vos?
    June 19 07:20 PM
  • Scum Si si, soy de Argentina
    June 19 02:41 AM
  • Kman418 i thought you'd want to know that every time i see your username, i read fapcum
    May 7 08:22 AM
  • mandan You have impressive taste dude.
    May 7 01:41 AM
  • ViperAces it was a bug actually, i think they fixed it though
    April 15 06:41 AM
  • ReturnToRock It is, I'm just too lazy to write it.
    January 12 06:33 PM
  • manosg man you warned me but I had to listen to Carnival of Souls. It's one of those albums which I forced myself to listen 'til the end. Simply awful.
    January 5 06:38 PM
  • Deviant. It'll make sense if I move the other three as well though! I completely see both sides of the argument (for being on the Kiss pages and the respective solo pages) and yeah they were part of a greater Kiss project, but they are also technically solo works. They can only be one page because it makes no sense to have two reviews for different entries and the ratings split like that, so I'm going to keep it on Ace's solo page
    December 17 02:08 AM
  • sonicrocker well yea he's a worthless idiot
    December 16 02:54 AM
  • sonicrocker complain to the mods bro
    December 15 08:47 PM
  • skeletorissatan Thanks bro, im gonna be doing some REALLY wierd ones soon haha (miley cyrus, amongst others) :P
    October 14 11:34 AM
  • BodomThrashMachine fair point i guess... i'm pretty picky with vocals myself which is why i almost never listen to power metal or thrash bands whose singers have a high pitched voice.
    August 4 11:12 AM
  • BodomThrashMachine the vocalist of Mastodon does an incredible job. no other vocal style would complement this type of sludgy proggy metal and he executes it very well. iunno i think you just don't get this music type, and that's fine i guess
    August 3 07:58 AM
  • BodomThrashMachine no... just no...
    August 2 10:09 PM
  • Da11thMytrillSphere Te soy honesto, no es muy de mi agrado el futbol de mi pais y nunca me he sentido identificado con ninguno de los grandes equipos que hay ( Millos, America, Nacional, Santa Fe, Junior y demas). Soy mas seguidor de la Bundesliga o la Premier Leauge.America descendio pero gano la primera etapa del torneo de la B , entonces jugará final con el ganador de la segunda etapa para definir si vuelve a la A o no, lo mas probable es que ascienda . Con respecto a la final, Santa Fe quedo de campeon.
    July 16 12:59 PM
  • DarthMann thanks bro im glad yo liked it
    July 16 06:55 AM
  • Da11thMytrillSphere Colombia, the land of Oscar Cordoba, Jorge Bermudez and El Chicho Serna.
    July 16 02:17 AM
  • Da11thMytrillSphere I'm from Latin America too.
    July 15 05:56 PM
  • Da11thMytrillSphere I see, that cool.
    July 15 05:56 PM
  • Da11thMytrillSphere I like your reviews, good job. By the way, are you latin american ?? I guess so because I really doubt an american, or an europan could have a riquelme's picture as a avatar .
    July 15 02:31 PM
  • ThrashTillDeath94 Thanks bro, really makes me want to keep going when i hear feedback like that.
    July 1 02:46 AM
  • facupm gotta do: Machine Head , Virtual XI
    March 11 05:09 AM
  • ReturnToRock I bloody DESPISE Gene. And being a bass player myself, even more so. LOL
    February 29 09:16 AM
  • imsogeek Bitch
    February 29 02:05 AM

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