Jaded Sun
Gypsy Trip



by jars80 USER (3 Reviews)
October 30th, 2008 | 9 replies

Release Date: 2008 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Si la vida se muestra justa para Jaded Sun deberían aprovechar el éxito de The Answer y la mirada que el mundo musical le esta dando a ésa parte del continente europeo (Irlanda), de donde también sobresalen Glyder, para mostrarse y darle a conocer al

A veces, o mejor dicho, muchas veces la vida es muy injusta, la música (como parte importante de la vida, al menos en la m*a) no escapa de eso, aqu* se puede aplicar aquello de que para triunfar en la vida hay que tener talento y suerte, a veces el talento no se tiene pero si la suerte y se triunfa (tal vez le puedas llamar oportunismo o como quieras) lamentablemente otras veces tienes el talento pero no la suerte y no triunfas y all* es donde dices “…que injusta es la vida”, si no que se lo pregunten a los ingleses Hurricane Party, Roadstar y Heaven’s Basement, para quienes no lo sepan (que seguramente son muchos) se trata de la misma banda que ha sido obligada a cambiar varias veces de nombre por distintas circunstancias, pero eso es otra historia y quiénes aqu* nos ocupan son los irlandeses Jaded Sun.

Lo anterior lo traigo a colación por que con Gypsy Trip, primer disco de Jaded Sun, deber*an tener mejor suerte que la que están teniendo ya que talento es lo que destilan; si decimos que la banda practica un Hard Rock con reminiscencias Blues y de Rock Sureño resulta obvio cuales serian sus influencias, desde los ingleses The Rolling Stones o Led Zeppelin hasta los americanos Aerosmith o Lynyrd Skynyrd pasando por ZZ Top, The Black Crowes, Faces e inclusive bandas de corte sleaze de los ochenta como Little Caesar, L.A Guns y, por supuesto, Gun N’ Roses, en fin, todo un compendio de influencias muy bien asimiladas y transformadas a lo que es el siglo XXI con cierto aire setentero.

Y all* están los magn*ficos once cortes del disco, desde la inicial “Breaking Through” con guiños a Led Zeppelin que también son evidentes, por ejemplo, en “Can’t Stop”, hasta “She's Got Class” que cierra el primer disco de los irlandeses, y es que aunque vengan de Europa, como ya lo mencionaba antes, también hay fuertes influencias de bandas americanas y eso se aprecia en temas como “Crave”, “He Knows Home” y “Sweetness” que recuerdan a la más grande de aquél pa*s, Aerosmith, o a The Black Crowes en “Fever” y “Hey You!” que recuerda gratamente a los ingleses Faces. Y as* podr*a seguir mencionando canciones y emparentándolas con grandes bandas de la historia de la música pero las obras hechas canciones por Jaded Sun brillan y tienen validez por si mismas y all* sacan la cara “Positive”, “Higher” o la distorsionada y efectiva “Crazy Man”.

Si la vida se muestra justa para Jaded Sun deber*an aprovechar el éxito de The Answer y la mirada que el mundo musical le esta dando a ésa parte del continente europeo (Irlanda), de donde también sobresalen Glyder, para mostrarse y darle a conocer al mundo entero que Gypsy Trip es, si no el mejor, por lo menos uno de los mejores discos Rock de este año o incluso de lo que llevamos del presente siglo.

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October 30th 2008


Why is the track listing in English...??? Grrrr!!!

October 30th 2008


Summary: If life was fair for Jaded Sun should build on the success of The Answer and the look that the musical world is giving this part of Europe (Ireland), where they also stand Glyder, for display and let him discover andalusia

At times, or more, often life is very unfair, music (as an important part of life, at least in the m * a) is no exception to that, here * can be applied to those who succeed in life have to be talented and lucky, sometimes you do not have the talent but if you are lucky and wins (perhaps you can call opportunism or as you like) unfortunately sometimes you have the talent but not the luck and no wins and all * Is where you say "... that life is unfair, if not to be wondering what the British Hurricane Party, Roadstar and Heaven's Basement, for those who do not know (which surely are many) is the same band he has been forced to change its name several times for various reasons, but that's another story and who we are dealing here * are the Irish Jaded Sun.

This what I bring that up with Gypsy Trip, the first record of Jaded Sun, * an obligation to have better luck that they are taking because talent is what distill, if we say that the band practiced a Hard Rock Reminiscent Blues Southern Rock and it is obvious which would be their influences, from the English The Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin to Aerosmith and Lynyrd Skynyrd Americans passing by ZZ Top, The Black Crowes, Faces and even cut Sleaze bands of the eighties as Little Caesar, LA Guns and, of course, Gun N 'Roses, finally, a compendium of influences very well absorbed and converted to what is the twenty-first century with an air setentero.

October 30th 2008


And all the magnetic * * scientists are eleven cuts on the disc, from the original "Breaking Through" with winks to Led Zeppelin who are also evident, for example, in "Can not Stop" to "She's Got Class" that closes the first disc of the Irish, and that is that although they come from Europe, as I mentioned before, there were also strong influences of American bands and this is evident in subjects such as "Crave," "He Knows Home" and "Sweetness" that remind the biggest one pa * s, Aerosmith, or The Black Crowes in "Fever" and "Hey You!" pleasantly reminded that the English faces. And as * * may keep mentioning songs and relatives with big bands in the history of music but the song works made by Jaded Sun shine, and are valid for themselves and get all the face * "Positive", "Higher "Or the distorted and effective" Crazy Man. "

If life was fair for duty Jaded Sun * n build on the success of The Answer and the look that the musical world is giving this part of Europe (Ireland), where they also excel Glyder to show and give the entire world that Gypsy Trip is, if not the best, at least one of the best rock discs of this year or even what we have in this century.

October 30th 2008


interesting and well done review.

October 30th 2008


well i mean you can't really say it's well done because all you have is a broken up translation of it

October 30th 2008


I wonder how the hell he hasn't been noticed by the mods, this is his third review.

October 30th 2008


I should neg because i'm a racist pig headed American but i'll wait and see how this plays out first.

I'm kidding about the first line. i don't want anyone thinking of the wrong idea about balls.This Message Edited On 10.30.08

October 30th 2008


well i AM a racist pig headed american and i DID neg the review

October 30th 2008


does he not realize that every review is in english. or maybe he's just doing this to be a dick.

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