
Who Made Who



by deflepp0925 USER (16 Reviews)
July 31st, 2006 | 27 replies

Release Date: 1986 | Tracklist

AC/DC is the one name that, despite those living under a rock, everyone has heard of. Their defining form of rock 'n' roll has made them famous (arguably infamous) throughout the entire world. AC/DC was started with Angus and Malcom Young. For short time, these were the only two of the famous lineup now know to be classic AC. After missing a gig, Malcom and Angus replaced their singer with Ronald Belford Scott, now known as Bon Scott. In 1975, the lineup was Malcom, Angus, Bon, Mark Evans on bass, and Phil Rudd on drums. AC/DC released High Voltage, T.N.T., Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, and Let There Be Rock in the mid 1970's and became Australia's biggest musical act, and soon Europe's as well after sigining to Atlantic records between T.N.T. and Dirty Deeds. In 1977, Mark Evans was replaced with Cliff Williams. AC/DC soon became big in America as well and in 1979, the band released Highway To Hell, which launched AC to the top of the rock charts and record players of Europe, Australia, and America. Produced by the famous Mutt Lange, the album produced hits such as "Highway to Hell", a rock anthem, and "If You Want Blood (You Got It)".
In 1980, Bon Scott died due to a variety of different theories (which could take some time to get into), and was replaced by ex-Geordie singer Brian Johnson, after the band reached a mutual decision that Bon would have wanted AC to continue.
AC/DC began to release yet another string of rock n roll legends, including Back In Black, For Those About To Rock (We Salute You), Flick of the Switch, and Fly on the Wall. Due to differences with Malcom, and rumors of paranoia and alchoholism, Phil Rudd was replaced by Simon Wright, before the release of Flick of the Switch. In 1986, they released Who Made Who.
Who Made Who is a compilation also being the soundtrack to the Stephen King movie, Maximum Overdrive. It sold over 5 Million copies in the U.S. alone.

Who Made Who, 3:27 Who Made Who - This song is short, simple and sweet. The drums are extremely simple, and the progression is just kind of laid back but classic AC/DC. Half way through the first verse, the guitars change from the simple powerchords to a Thunderstruck sounding riff. The chorus is pretty simple as well. This song pretty much speaks for itself because God knows there's not a whole lot to say. The solo is pretty average, but it fits. Lyrically, the song is extremely well done. As for the vocals, I've never, from a true standpoint, been a fan of the vocals, but for AC/DC, they are at their best. The progression is simple but paced well. A good way to get you into the album. A song you can't resist blasting in your car.

You Shook Me All Night Long, 3:31 Back In Black - This IS the classic AC/DC song that no matter who you are, you know it. Off of Back In Black, this is arguably one of the greatest AC/DC songs of the band's time with Johnson. The drums are, again pretty simple, and so are the guitars, but the riffs are classic, as well as original and undeniably influencial. The solo in the song, is a nice spice to the song. The lyrics in this song are well written, and literally oozing with the typical sexual themes of the time. The song is an easy classic and one that gets your fist pumping.

D.T., 2:56 Who Made Who - This song starts off with a simple drum beat, and leads into a kind of drawn out intro. This song is about as simple as it gets. The drums are featured most exclusively, without a doubt. The beats do however get slightly more complex as the track progresses. The guitars are constantly changing what they are doing, in terms of Angus. Malcom is doing exactly what he is always doing, the same riff as the one in the intro, while Angus is varying his licks. The last 45, 50 seconds or so are clean, and it fades out at the normal pace. This is an instrumental done well, for the fact that it is not too long.

Sink The Pink, 4:15 Fly On The Wall - The opening riff kind of sets the whole mood for the song. It is catchy and upbeat and kind of lets you know to begin that it is going to make you want to crank the volume. The drums, as usual, are very simple, and kind of just there, but nonetheless, are played well with some interesting fills to spice up the track a little. The guitars are pretty much in sync with each other, and through the song, it is mostly the same riff, or closely rooted in it. The vocals are few and far between, so they don't exactly stick out. The lyrical work on this song is commendable, though, really shining in the chorus, although it doesn't always seem to make sense. The progression of the song is pretty simple and similar to everything else. I tend to find this song drawn out a little bit too much after about 3:00, where there is a solo-like thing.

Ride On, 5:50 Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap - This song starts slow and stays that way for much of the track. The one good thing about this song is the vocals, which are actually average, in terms of ability, meaning that they are not screechy and sometimes annoying as Hell. The lyrics are very well written. Although the chorus does speed up, it is only for a few seconds and the song does tend to get boring. The drums are barely audible for what they are doing. The guitar is only a few different licks. This song is obviously meant to feature vocals and lyrics exclusively. After the first minute and a half or two minutes, you become bored and the song really will tend to be skipped after the first couple of times hearing it. However, it's down pace does kind of keep Angus at bay if you know what I mean.

Hells Bells, 5:13 Back In Black - Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...The classic bells tolling and into the classic guitar lick that anyone who considers themself a fan of rock should know. The whole song fades in nicely, and sets the tone for a slightly slower tempo with the same rock factor. This classic's verses are actually a bit unexpected, because the verses change their sound and speed a little bit, and the guitar changes the riffs up. The drums are pretty simple but as usual, has its moments with some cool fills. The lyrics are nicely written, even though it sound like, from the title, it will be a little evil (which it's not). The song is slightly repetative but the verse to chorus switch actually makes it bearable to the extent where you're not bored, as much as intrigued. The track is a little strange because it is one of those songs you don't expect to like at first. It took me a couple times listening to it to really appreciate it for the true headbanger it is.

Shake Your Foundations, 4:10 Fly On The Wall - This song is just one of the many examples of how Angus can turn a simple riff into something cool, and make it fit a song as well. The simplicity of AC/DC, and Angus's unique charisma is what make songs like "Shake" so fun to listen to. An easy song to get up and move to. Everything else is pretty average. It is a bit drawn out, for how few change offs occur, but I can usually stand to listen through it. A lot like "Sink". The lyrics are well, typical AC/DC. Kind of unexpected, strange, well written, and a bit hard to understand at times.

Chase the Ace, 3:01 Who Made Who - The opening riff to this song is pretty much what the whole track revolves around. After hearing the tracks before this one, it tends to be a little boring but musically, a pretty average song with all instruments. Because this is an instrumental, it is a little harder to review.

For Those About To Rock (We Salute You), 5:43 For Those... Another classic, and undeniably one of the classic lines of rock. The song starts off with a simple lick, and changes off a few different times during the bridge, verse, chorus, etc. The drums are simple as usual, with those damn fills that are so catchy. The guitars are classic AC, but the high point of the song is really the lyrics. Everything else can get boring but the lyrics are the classic part about this song. They stand for everything a good rock band should stand for. The only appropriate way to end a compilation.

OK, so I realize that this is also a soundtrack, but for a compilation not to include Back In Black, T.N.T. etc, and include lesser songs isn't right. But still, this is a great album worth buying if you like AC enough. This album was remastered in 2003.

After Who Made Who, AC/DC released many more successful albums, DVD's, and continually worked their way to the top of the charts all over the world. From Angus's trademark school uniform, to the music that made them famous, AC/DC will go down as the all time most influencial, and definitive bands of rock 'n' roll since Led Zeppelin.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
south_of_heaven 11
July 31st 2006


The song 'Who Made Who' is a classic in my eyes. I love it.
I'm not a big TBT fan, but this one was good.

The Jungler
July 31st 2006


:lol: at title and cover to this album. These guys are kinda horrible.

Cygnus Inter Anates
July 31st 2006


It's funny how they put three of their older songs on this. AC/DC rock at original material.

July 31st 2006


I met this kid who was in love with AC/DC, so he got a live DVD. Upon watching the DVD billions of times, he memorized all of the moves Angus did on stage during the songs. He performed them once... it was pretty hilarious.

July 31st 2006


Actually Cygnus Jr., only three of these songs are original. This album was supposed released sort of as a soundtrack to a Stephen King movie, and only three new songs were written and recorded for it.

A for effort.This Message Edited On 07.31.06

July 31st 2006


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

i agree bron yr aur, but as for the compilation part of it,

they should have put better songs instead of stuff from fly on the wall and the likes

July 31st 2006


A big downside to this is that they only included one Bon song, which in the review you didn't give much credit. When you said "it is meant to feature Brian Johnson", do you mean that it should have been sung by Brian?

I think Ride On is a very good song, especially on AC/DC standards because it's very laid back, slow, not just a vehicle for Angus to solo all over the place.

July 31st 2006


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

oops, when i said it was meant to feature brian, i didn't realize it was bon, i thought this was all brian,

but i meant that it was suppposed to exclusively feature the vocals, not that it should have been done by brian

i am going to edit that thanks

July 31st 2006


i also thought they should've put some better songs on this album, but still a great compilation.

July 31st 2006


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off

yes it is

The Door Mouse
July 31st 2006


i like acdc but all of their songs sound the same

Two-Headed Boy
October 25th 2006


Album Rating: 1.0

This is honestly one of the worst CDs I've ever heard.

John Paul Harrison
October 25th 2006


The title track alone is 86% awful.

October 30th 2006


Ride on deserves a better rating

October 30th 2006


Ha Ha!
This was a really lame review, you just stated what everyone already thinks about there songs.
Except Ride On, which has an awesome solo.
Plus, it was horribly written, better luck next time.

December 12th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

Good Review! :chug: but, I think Ride On deserves more credit.

February 18th 2007


Awesome review!

March 1st 2007


Well they put the songs that were in the maximum overdrive.... which is not back in black... or tnt..

Two-Headed Boy
March 1st 2007


Album Rating: 1.0

OK I just got this is a compilation. This Message Edited On 03.01.07

March 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

Needless to say I think Who Made Who is a good song. This album is just a soundtrack for a movie...isn't exactly a real album, just some songs put together for the movie. Ride On is excellent!This Message Edited On 03.01.07

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