Mozart Season
Is Heaven Everything You Thought It Would Be?



by Pharoh USER (1 Reviews)
August 3rd, 2011 | 17 replies

Release Date: 2006 | Tracklist

Review Summary: The Sound Of Teenage Emotion

Mozart Season is a Post-hardcore band that formed in 2005, Fresh out of high school they released "Is Heaven Everything You Thought It Would Be?", even with the lack of experience of being a band this EP is in the ball park with Saosin's "Translating The Name" Mozart season beautiful displays the emotions and thoughts they are trying to express throughout their album

Lets start with "Cellar Doors, Donnie" The intro greets us with a audio clip from the movie "Donnie Darko" which starts the album with a chilly note. The cleans sound excellent and the screams sound very chaotic at moments, they pull off the duo vocals quiet well. The fierceness and the emotional vocals overlap each other in a beauty and the beast manner, fits the song quiet well. This track does not disappoint. Song Rating 4.3

In the following track "God Of War" Its starts of slowly with a beautiful melody then gradually flows into a faster beat. This is the first track that features the synthesizer, which flows with the song well, doesn't obnoxiously poke its head into unnecessary areas. In the beginning half of the song the piano playing matches the beat of the drums in which makes a beautiful melody behind the angelic singing and the ferocious screaming. The chorus of the song screams about the frustrations of life.
Song Rating 4.2

The next track "Midnight Train To Bellevue" fails to shine with the rest of the songs, but doesn't devalue the album at all, its still a wonderful track to bob your head to, Its also the heaviest song in the album as well. Its starts off with the sound of a train passing by and the listener is met with great guitar lead and then greeted by the duo singing then faces with a relenting breakdown. Not the best song here but still great to listen to.
Song Rating 3.5

In the next to last song "Pianos/Prophecies In Kodak" is the gem of the album, it is one of the best songs in Post-Hardcore ever conjured up. it starts off with a beautiful piano intro, which the screamer soon joins to battle with the beautiful sounding instrument. Also a little later the clean sings in a duo motion like in the earlier songs stated above and counter balances the screamer. In some moments this song they sing one part faster than the next part, they sort of cut it off with one longer note, it is excuted well and brings up variety in the song structure. In the latter side of the song, the instrumentation slows down a bit and the cleans overlap each other in a tasteful fashion, soon it cuts of into a crazy ending which the screamer takes control of the song and drives it into the ground, Masterpeice,
Song Rating 5

The aftermath, in the final song "Groupie (Without The Secks)" It is the only acoustic song in the EP. The intro greets us with a beautiful medley with the keyboard complimenting the sound of the guitar in the background. The soft vocals really drive the song emotionally, it is full of feelings that even the untrained ear can notice. The piano really compliments the guitar and the voice of the singer in helps shape the song to beautiful heights. This song is a really great song to end the EP With. Song Rating 5

Pros: Every instrument is used tastefully in it edifies the vocalists.
The duo vocals really help shine the songs emotion and brings variety to the table

Cons: Some songs aren't in level with each other, like some songs are better than others.

Recommended tracks: "Pianos/Prophecies In Kodak, Groupie (Without The Secks), Cellar Doors, Donnie",

user ratings (11)

Comments:Add a Comment 
August 3rd 2011


Album Rating: 4.5

My First Review Ever.

August 3rd 2011


I love this, the music I mean. Reviews pretty good too, Pos.

August 3rd 2011


Congrats on first review. : )

August 3rd 2011


I'm a fan of their Apotheosis album

Iamthe Nightstars
August 3rd 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

Good stuff, this brings back memories. Prophecies in Kodak is really catchy and Groupie is such a great track as well.

August 4th 2011


lame band name, thus I am skeptical

oh and don't do track-by-track reviews kid

August 4th 2011


Album Rating: 4.5

why shouldnt i review track by track?

August 5th 2011


They hate it on this site, dunno why.

August 6th 2011


Album Rating: 4.5

any suggestions for improvements?

August 6th 2011


I wouldn't do track-by-track, just mention as a whole how the album shines and give examples within tracks of where it shines/fails/etc.

August 10th 2011


yeah track by track reviews are so dumb to read, their usually poorly constructed, pseudo intellectual opinions...and giving this album the 2nd highest rating possible is borderline insulting lol...this is such generic warped tour music

August 10th 2011


best advice I can give you is to read lots and lots of staff/featured reviews and just get used to how they write about records and the little strategies they use.

you're a decent writer, you'll do fine here, you've just got some things to pick up on

August 10th 2011


won't neg because it's a first review, but there are lote of fundamental mistakes in the review that any experienced writer wouldn't make

but with that said you do a good job of describing the music

October 22nd 2011


The problem with this review is its poor grammar and punctuation. Let's take a look at your first paragraph:

Mozart Season is a Post-hardcore band

- the "P" in "Post-hardcore" should be in lower case

that formed in 2005,

- replace the comma with a period

Fresh out of high school they released "Is Heaven Everything You Thought It Would Be?",

- replace the comma with a period

even with the lack of experience of being a band this EP is in the ball park with Saosin's "Translating The Name"

- "even" needs to be capitalized
- put a comma between "band" and "this"
- start with something like "Despite the band's lack of musical experience..."
- sentence needs a period

Mozart season beautiful displays the emotions and thoughts they are trying to express throughout their album

- capitalize "season"
- change "beautiful" to "beautifully"
- the sentence needs a period

January 28th 2014


Album Rating: 3.0

What does pos mean?

June 11th 2022


Great review! This EP still holds up like a gem after all these years. I was wondering do you happen to own a copy of this EP? Asking because of the image you provided.

August 2nd 2023


Album Rating: 4.0

Good album bad review

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