
Reviews 31
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 273
News Articles 96
Band Edits + Tags 228
Album Edits 299

Album Ratings 2961
Objectivity 68%

Last Active 10-27-18 6:52 am
Joined 09-16-11

Review Comments 6,900

04.29.22 the Mariners gave me COVID08.17.20 non-fashy war metal
06.19.20 give me more crust06.15.20 RIP baseball
04.05.20 dark, winter-y post-rock vibes04.08.18 Fuck the Dodgers
02.23.18 Black Panther was fucking dope11.29.17 acceptable Christmas music
04.29.17 Vinyl flexing01.03.17 V. productive record store experience
08.25.16 Fingerpicking: some fun songs to learn/04.02.16 satanic wind tunnel death metal
03.22.16 sad scottish hipsters11.30.15 indie folk 4 jesus
09.12.15 I left my course notes at an outcrop in07.29.15 dankest vinyl
07.28.15 Grad school applications, plz advise06.24.15 dank 2015 post-metal
More »

Grad school applications, plz advise

deadlines come up in 5 months and mild panic begins to seep into my brain, please give advice if any of you have been through this process list is digs
1The Ascent of Everest
How Lonely Sits the City
2We Lost the Sea
Departure Songs
New Bermuda

get hype fuck
4The Oh Hellos
Through The Deep, Dark Valley
If You Leave
6Hope Drone
Cloak of Ash
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