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Last Active 12-22-22 5:40 pm
Joined 04-05-14

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01.15.24 Sab's nice 2023 list 01.01.23 Sab's cozy 2022 list
12.27.21 Sab's smol 2021 list 12.31.20 Sab's tiny 2020 list
10.22.20 Italy under curfew01.06.20 Sab's mini 2019 list
12.26.18 Sab's slim 2018 list12.31.17 Sab's fast 2017 list
08.31.17 Mountain and sea // digs of old and new01.04.17 Sab's cute 2016 list
01.01.16 Sab's lazy 2015 list07.04.15 Toto last night

Sab's cute 2016 list

Lunatic year, strange highs and strange lows. Same for music, I heard a lot of great stuff but we lost legends. Albums are grouped by rating but not ranked, except 1 is 1. I'm only adding the things I liked for positive vibes and stuff. Albums with little/no description are albums where genre+rating are enough. I'm only adding albums that I've listened to enough to form an opinion. For example I checked Harmonium's L'heptade XL but I didn't find the time to explore well such an album, I only know that it rules. You can always order my ratings by release date if you want to see them all. (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. ・ 。゚
66Axel Rudi Pell
Game of Sins

Heavy metal
I'm a fan of Pell and I thought this was good, but nothing more, see my review. At least it brought the band to Italy for the first time in 10 years, and boy they ruled the night.

Black metal
The Raging Tides

Thrash metal
63Grand Magus
Sword Songs

Epic manly heavy metal for vikings or something
The two bonus tracks make it a 3, otherwise I'm not 100% sure. That's because the album is really short and verges on simplicity, so my opinion swings depending on my mood for that stuff. "Forged in Iron - Crowned in Steel" is probably my favorite track, cute throwback to the doom style. Also cover artwork is sweet

Electropop??? Synthpop? Tropical something?? Idk what this is since the genre's really not my territory. But I really enjoyed it for what it is. Until the sun needs to riiiiiise
The Devil Strikes Again

Thrashy heavy/power metal
A throwback release aimed to sound like 90s Rage. So no more proggy symphonic stuff. It's good fun in its simplicity but I hope Peavy still has some ambition left for the band. On a sidenote my favorite track "Into the Fire" is a bonus track, in an album that suffers from lack of variety. Goddamnit guys
Anvil Is Anvil

Heavy metal that goes hard
The album title says it all. It's Anvil, the dudes rule and they can play. But it's nothing too special if you aren't interested in this "old" stuff.
The Cycle Never Ends

Epic metal
I think it lacks on replayability but it's good stuff. Also artwork slays
Cosmic Explorer

J-pop, electronic side
A cool release. This "Star Train" is GOAT
57Game Over
Crimes Against Reality

Thrash metal

Nothing too special and probably a bit closer to a 2.5, but it's good soothing background music. Vocals reminds me of Burzum. Sounds just like the artwork suggests.

Pop metal really / some middle eastern influence (Tunisian band)
It seems this band started as some kind of "middle eastern Dream Theater", as some say. However they apparently went down a poppy route, and I can totally believe it, because Legacy (basically a s/t, "myrath" means "legacy") is really a pop(metal) album. It's full of catchy stuff and a few great cuts, but I'd say it's flawed by nature: it grew off quickly. The single "Believer" and especially "Nobody Lives" are keepers though.
Rotten Spiral

Thrash metal with a modern groovy approach and some blast beats left from the band's grindy past
See my review. It's definitely their worst, I see it as kinda rushed and transitional. On the positive side I got to see them live and it grinded my skull in the best way possible. Front row too... STOP THIS AUTOPSYYYYYYY m/
Distruzione were one of the opening acts m/ m/ m/
53Il Castello di Atlante
Arx Atlantis

Prog rock
A bit of a let down. "Non Ho Mai Imparato" hits me personally and is one of my favorite songs of the year. Sadly I feel the rest doesn't really compare. Still it's cool to see the Castle still standing strong since 1974.
52Metal Church

Thrash(y) metal
51Esperanza Spalding
Emily's D+Evolution

Jazz fusion / soul
Some tracks I really like, others much less. I expected to dig it a lot more.
Metal Resistance

J-pop goes metal and triggers those who take themselves too seriously. "Amore" is beaut
She Sleeps, She Sleeps

Dark jazz
It wants to create an unsettling and heavy atmosphere but, while I consider it a good album, I think it comes off as slightly boring if not in the right mood. As in it fails to bring me in the needed mood, a thing that albums like B&DCoG's Sunset Mission do without any help from me. It feels constricted by invisible chains as if they didn't know if they wanted to do something crazy or not. The title track for example doesn't really go anywhere in particular. First track rules.
Pussy's Dead

Noise pop? Idk not my territory [2] but I can dig it
47Steve Porcaro
Someday / Somehow

80s pop
Keyboardist and founding member of Toto, Steve Porcaro was interested in making a solo record since the 80s. He finally did, and I'm glad of it. It's a good pop album, even if some tracks get a bit tedious. "Back to You" is one of my favorite songs of 2016, and features all the three Porcaro brothers playing together because it's an oldie that finally saw the light. That's quite emotional... stay with us Steve, as long as you can. RIP Jeff and Mike
46Show Me A Dinosaur
Show Me A Dinosaur

I don't think it's particularly special but it's a solid offering. "Gone" is my favorite.
45Wo Fat
Midnight Cometh

Stoner/psych metal
Decision Day

Thrash with some black-ish feel

Uhm, it's like a non-metal version of recent Katatonia with an occasional electronic beat and a singer that seems like a fusion between Jonas Renkse and Maynard James Keenan. The Katatonia comparison is obvious, because this is a new project by Fredrik Norrman. It's cool, a more intimate version of Katatonia. But it doesn't feel realized enough, closer to a demo of ideas than an LP in spirit. "Caustic Reflection" and "The Annual Loss" are great songs, I have expectations for this band.
Invention of Knowledge

Prog rock
Jon Anderson and Roine Stolt join to create what seemed a return to Yes' past of epic tracks. The result is a bit of a disappointment. There's too much Anderson, too much big lyrics, not enough instrumental passages to let us breathe and give more depths to the music.
The Prelude Implicit

Prog AOR
It's a cool surprise. Kansas in 2016 is enjoyable. Gotta say I'm not too big on the vocals, they sound a bit overproduced to me. That said he seems to have the same voice during live shows (checked some videos), so I guess he just doesn't rub me in the best way.

Prog rock/metal
Bad production aside, Sorceress is an enjoyable effort. But really, from Opeth I'd like more. There's more character than in Pale Communion, but now we have to work on replayability. Generally there's too much alternation between great and forgettable moments. It's a good album though, I don't want to bash it too much.
Handmade Cities

Elevator metal that manages to not suck
38High Spirits

Speed/heavy metal
Title says it all, Half a hour of uplifting fun.
37Sonata Arctica
The Ninth Hour

Power metal
Don't be fooled by the two singles, which also open the album. This is the closer the band have been to their classic sound in, well, more than a decade. In fact, The Ninth Hour can be seen as the sequel to Reckoning Night, which it also recalls through "White Pearl, Black Oceans Part II". Also, a few tracks see double bass galloping really close to albums like Silence, see "Rise a Night" for reference. All in all I don't think this is a particularly impressive album (try to digest all of its 62 minutes and tell me), but surely a step in a direction that can appeal to every kind of fan.
36Yanagi Nagi
Follow My Tracks

Less ambitious than past releases, and it's felt in how much more "standard j-pop/rock stuff" the music feels. Nervertheless it's Yanagi Nagi, so it's all cool.
Handful of Stars

Jethro Tull + Deep Purple
It's derivative, but that doesn't make it bad. There are some great moments, especially the long title track. Admittedly though, the new tracks are really only three, and I'm not too crazy for "Mother". The title track is an edited version of the same track appeared on the band's debut. The two covers are pleasant but I'd say a 'good' rating is fair for this release.
34Emily Jane White
They Moved in Shadow All Together

Chamber folk / ethereal pop
Late find. "Behind the Glass" is stunning but the rest grew off a bit quickly. Too homogeneous maybe. Nevertheless, a good album. I'll explore her works sooner or later.
33Thank You Scientist
Stranger Heads Prevail

Jazz fusion / whatever this whiney rock thing is called
Great stuff but listening to this album feels like swallowing an entire cake. Taken indivudually most of the tracks would lead to a 3.5 at least but as a whole it's close to unsustainable. It's a shame. Why must everything be longer than a hour these days goddamnit. Faves: "Rube Goldberg Variations", "Caverns", "A Wolf in Cheap Clothing".
32Venomous Concept
Kick Me Silly - VC III

Grindcore / hardcore
Winter Thrice

Prog metal / black metal influence
Great vocal works by different persons (Garm guests!), but perhaps there are too many vocals throughout the album because it ends up feeling bloated. They're a real pleasure to listen to, but it could have been even better. "The Rhymes of the Mountain" and "Panorama" are my faves.
30Steven Wilson
4 1/2

Prog rock
Sacred Blood "Divine" Lies

AOR (proggy kinda ish)
It doesn't break any ground but it is accurately built to be as enjoyable as possible. It succeeds. It isn't complex but it isn't painfully straightforward either, and it works nicely as a full listen as it fulfilled greatly the task of accompanying my movements for quite some days. The title track, "Afraid of the Night" and "Quiet Rhapsody" are my faves. Catley, with his 68 years, offers a very strong vocal performance that always saves the day.
Too Loud to Live, Too Drunk to Die

Lemmy is smiling.
27Death Angel
The Evil Divide

Thrash metal
Another great addition to a great discography. The first half really slaps, "Father of Lies" has that "proggy" dynamic that characterizes the band's finest moments. I hope they'll move (back) in that direction. "Lost" rules, a lot.
26The Black Queen
Fever Daydream

You could say I listened to this album at the right moment, but I really dig it. "Ice to Never" has such a huge hook. My other highlights are "That Death Cannot Touch" and "Taman Shud".
25Fates Warning
Theories of Flight

Prog metal
I'm not super crazy about the shorter tracks, as things like "Seven Stars" don't possess that much of an identity. But overall it's a great album, sustained by the epics, by catchiness, and by the absolutely stunning opener "From the Rooftops".
24Le Orme
Felona e/and Sorona (2016)

Prog rock
Le Orme's 50th anniversary (1966!). Different arrangements, live drums and re-recorded vocals give F&S a new life in 2016, offered again in both English and Italian language. A must hear for those who loved the original album.
23Diamond Head
Diamond Head

Heavy metal
Another surprise, Diamonds Head's self-titled rocks very hard. Riffs aren't the only offering, and tracks like "Blood on My Hands" present a dynamic structure with some calm interludes. "Diamonds" is beyond catchy, great pick for a singer too.
The Uncanny Valley

21Snarky Puppy
Culcha Vulcha

Jazz fusion
20Billy Talent
Afraid of Heights

Alt rock
A big missfire in the forgettable "Louder than the DJ" but most of the rest is really great. After a messy Dead Silence BT found inspiration again and returned to the sound of the trilogy. "Ghost Ship of Cannibal Rats" is up there with their best songs, and the lengthy "Rabbit Down the Hole" further shows a band still in possess of their spark.

Fuzzy doom metal with clean female vocals and an occult feel

Hardcore / sludgy / slaps pre hard, monolithic feel
17Richard Bona and Mandekan Cubano

Afro-jazz / world
Bassist/singer Richard Bona is one of my new discoveries. This collaboration is a real pleasure to the ear, "Muntula Moto" is endlessly replayable. I missed a live show near me, it would have likely ruled.

Experimental (yes I have no idea what to write)
Only negative thing is that I'm not too crazy for the reworking of "Nowhere/Catastrophe" because I madly love the original.
15An Autumn For Crippled Children

See my review. Probably their weakest overall but still great. "Swallowed by Night’s Despair" is so good.
Live At Montreux 1991

Balls heavy hard rock, some AOR ballads, a furious jazz fusion piece and some blues
Toto is a band for which I'm almost as excited for a live album as I am for a full-length. This old show comemmorates the last tour with Jeff and Mike Porcaro. RIP [2]
The Regal Tribe

Death metal
Really tight, I love how the tracks flow into each other. "Throwing the Gift Away" is my favorite track, those clean vocals weren't expected.
Concepts of Math: Book One

Thrash/prog metal
Hopefully a teaser for an even better LP to come.
11Avenged Sevenfold
The Stage

Heavy/prog metal
A7X's most ambitious release and their first shot at a concept album, based around artificial intelligence. It's too long, Shadows' vocals aren't always the best and the mix is gross (though big props for being crankable). But it works. Not in the best way possible, but it works. A lot of great stuff to find; my highlights are "Sunny Disposition", "Fermi Paradox" and "God Damn". A section of the almost 16 minutes long closer "Exist" vaguely reminds me of Camel, so there's also that. I'm eager to see what the band will do in the future. In the meantime, I guess I'll catch another live show. Citing a comment I read elsewhere from a DT fan: "I'm a long time Dream Theater fanboy and I can't believe that this year A7X managed to release a better prog metal album".

Doom metal
Great stuff, though I'm not sure if it's better than the debut. The warm clean vocals make the album for me, with "Candlelight" being pleasantly emotive and later detouring into funeral doom territory.

Blackgaze without that much gaze
Solid dynamic long tracks that often incorporate melodic guitar playing with some interesting emotional results like in "Devour" and "Thirst".
Alpe Lusia

I was drawn in by the artwork, and partly by the Sputnik hype. I didn't expect to like it this much. It's a very relaxing and intimate listen, unexpectedly emotional, with great production. It lasts for a hour but surprisingly I'm not bothered at all. A surprise of 2016. Favorite tracks: "22 Degree Halo", "Tanz für Drei".
Here Be Monsters

Psych/prog rock
Excellent effort. "Big Black Dog" is terrific and it would raise the rating to 4.5 alone if not for the fact that in the end I feel like the record is slightly missing something, like it needed another meaty track to be really complete, even though the length is already 46 minutes.
6Mad Fellaz

Prog rock / jazz fusion
A big band with many instruments, they adopt a twin guitar approach but don't refuse some flute and sax here and there. The first album was instrumental but this time they have a singer accompanying the music with some sweet female vocals. It's still mostly instrumental-driven though. The album is less jazzy than the debut, the heavy guitar riffs of "Moslem Sabbath" indicate a bigger focus on modern influences (this band cites as such anything from King Crimson to Opeth). One thing it shares with the debut is the length. Out of seven tracks, five are quite lengthy with three of them running for over 11 minutes. Thankfully diversity saves the album and the tracks feel shorter than what they are. Far from a sophomore slump, II confirms Mad Fellaz as a very promising rising star, it seems they are well received in Japan too.
5Cuong Vu Trio and Pat Metheny
Cuong Vu Trio Meets Pat Metheny

Jazz fusion
Another quality release under Metheny's belt. The album features an excellent replay value due to its lunatic behavior. There's a trippy acid feel, and "Telescope" features an electric guitar passage that sounds almost shoegazy.

Doom / black / drone / survival metal
Monstrous monolithic blackened doom metal with droning landscapes of utmost sorrow. Surprisingly clean production, it's ironically a pleasurable listen. The music is carried by strong vocals (obviously harsh) that recite some lyrics that are quite better than what one could imagine at first. I'm not going to lie, what kept me coming back to the album was the insane cover artwork, probably my favorite of 2016. Thankfully, it fits the music very well.
3Klimt 1918
Sentimentale Jugend

Shoegaze / "Poisoned old pop music" (dream pop?) and post punk influence
See my review. Two albums, I prefer Sentimentale with "Belvedere" being one of my favorite songs of 2016. Sentimentale is a strong 4, Jugend is more of a 3.5 but with really strong peaks. The twin bundle contains a bonus track. An overall 4 seems just right. Possibly the band's greatest achievements, surely their most mature. A lot of influences going on, "Juvenile" could be a Joy Division song and "Take My Breath Away" is a cover of the pop hit from Top Gun.
Terminal Redux

Thrash/black/prog metal
Admittedly I haven't listend to it as much as I should have (loudness didn't help), but each time I checked to see if it was really a 4.5 I always ended up with a yes. Slightly closer to a 4 maybe? The excellent concept is a boost. Sadly missed a live show near me, seems they played the entire album.
The Fall of Hearts

Somber prog metal
Who would have thought. After resting on their laurels a bit with DEK, Katatonia change line-up and release an album that's easily their best played, written and most musically mature yet, their first truly progressive album, one could say. A career defining work. Furthermore, the 5.1 DVD is the best sounding metal album I've heard in 2016, so check it instead of pretending to like the compressed CD. I could totally see myself 5ing this if it wasn't slightly bloated. Saw the band on the album's tour too.
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