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Rick and Morty Squanched

Every episode ever. Get schwitfy bitchez.
Marquee Moon

Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate
It’s a tried sequel that knows it’s a tired sequel, and yet still manages to not work very well. The skits aren’t as funny, and while Jerry’s side-plot does have some good laughs, it’s fairly predictable. The fact that this episode, which is still pretty solid, is the worst episode of the show is only a testament to its overall quality.

Ricksy Business
A party episode who’s main joke is that it’s Rick throwing a party. It’s not nearly as clever or funny as any of the other season 1 episodes, and Jerry and Beth’s disturbing sideplot is more strange and interesting somehow. The stopping-time thing is clever but every other animated show has done it.
29The Body
I Shall Die Here

Mortynight Run
The weakest episodes are often the ones with better sideplots than main ones, and this one is a doozy. Jerry trapped(?) in a daycare deisgned specifically for Jerrys is a brilliant, hilarious, and kind of depressing idea that works far better than Morty’s adventure with a Fart, though the moral ambiguity of the conclusion is pretty great. OH, and that arcade game was fantastic.
28Royal Blood
Out of the Black

Something Ricked This Way Comes
A pretty great if basic episode that got some early development for Summer. Rick’s battles with the devil were well thought out and extremely amusing, and even if the Devil’s character was nothing original, Summer’s relationship with him was. Oh, and the Pluto sideplot is pretty funny as well.
27TV on the Radio

A smart start to the show, the Pilot serves as a far more violent and cynical beginning to the show (compared to other season 1 episodes), basically letting the viewers know “If you can’t handle this shit, you should get out now.” The characters are still getting figured out, but overall it’s a classic, hilarious, bat-shit insane opener.
Kid A

Raising Gazorpazorp
One of the first episodes to truly make both plots mesh together, both adventures here were pretty entertaining. While the planet-run-by-women thing has been done by other shows like Futurama, Rick and Summer’s experiences on the planet are pretty goddamn funny. Even better is Morty’s experiences as a parent, which add up to a emotionally satisfying conclusion.
25Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

Rest and Ricklaxation
In some ways a throwback to Star Trek, Rick and Morty are split into two selves, one evil, and one good. While it’s not the most original plot, the writers did a great job of framing the two sides of the characters here and really delving into what makes them so great in the first place. It’s really meta, and if it wasn’t that funny of an episode, it’s incredibly well done.
24Pink Floyd
Atom Heart Mother

Get Schwifty
A classic case of a fucking ridiculous plot that they somehow pull of well, everything about the episode works despite the fact that it shouldn’t. It’s hard to even talk about this episode because of how insane it is, but it’s just really really funny.
Tales from the Punchbowl

Morty’s Mind Blowers
A great subversion of the already tired “Interdimensional Cable” series, delving in deeply to the relationship between Rick and Morty. I also thought it was great that the “blank slate” Rick and Morty were in a way inversions of the characters we’re used to. The gag of Summer having to fix everything (seemingly not for the first time) and then the two of them berating her was fantastic as well.
22Have a Nice Life
The Unnatural World

M. Night Shaym-Aliens!
Like a snowball of sci-fi craziness, this episode keeps rolling on and on getting bigger and bigger with each insane idea that it uses. While everything doesn’t all click together as well as it should, but overall it’s just a great episode. Jerry’s subplot is hilarious too.
21Kanye West
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

Big Trouble in Little Sanchez
All goes great until it all goes batshit insane, just like nearly every other episode of Rick and Morty. This episode takes a sitcom-worthy plot and turns it into something dark and twisted, with a great Jerry and Beth subplot that ends up not mattering because they end up hating each other again by the next episode. (As the pattern goes).
20Eagles Of Death Metal
Death By Sexy

Look Who’s Purging Now
Could have easily been a tired pop-culture rip-off in the style of The Simpsons, but ended up being a pretty brilliant rumination of anger and society. This episode really helps prove the added depth of Season 3 compared to other seasons, relying on emotional decisions rather than cold logic to move the plot along. And it just works so much better.
Master of Puppets

Auto Erotic Assimilation
A central gag that works ridiculously well, it’s really interesting to get some hard information on Rick’s past here. The whole experience on the planet is deliciously disturbing, but really fascinating in other ways. It all goes to show how funny this show can be while still getting you to scratch your head and think.
Marquee Moon

Rixty Minutes
There were some really great skits here, and I loved the conclusion that they reached with Jerry and Beth. Perhaps the first time the show delivered a potent emotional punch, but it directly correlates to one of my main problems with the first couple seasons; there are no emotional arcs. Beth and Jerry start every episode hating each other and end loving each other; it’s a frustrating experience that thankfully righted itself by the third season.
17Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

Rickmancing the Stone
A great Mad Max parody that manages to have some catharsis for the characters despite all the never-ending violence and outer turmoil. It’s just pretty-much an average Rick and Morty episode; clever, funny, and at its best quite heartfelt.
A Rush of Blood to the Head

Anatomy Park
Despite the brilliance of the previous episode “Lawnmower Dog,” this one is the one that made me want to continue watching Rick and Morty all the way through. It’s an ingenious concept, blending two seemingly disparate sci-fi ideas to create a hilarious and unique plot that holds up ridiculously well to the future of the series.
15The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Are You Experienced

The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy
The “Rick and Jerry” show worked very well at exploring both of the characters and the complicated relationship between them. This is one of the many season 3 episodes that truly seemed to have an effect on character understandings of each other, which is a great quality. It’s not as funny as some other episodes, but it’s just a great idea for the show executed extremely well.
The Bends

Rick Potion #9
Probably the most fucked-up episode ever released from Rick and Morty. As usual, a seemingly innocent request mutated into a horrible never-ending nightmare for the characters with consequences that would ripple throughout the show for years. This may not be one of the “greats,” but it’s one of the most important and recognizable plots of the entire run, and the conclusion is just a great instance of deus ex machina.
In Rainbows

The ABC’s of Beth
This episode worked for me way better than it should have. Maybe it’s that I seem to have gotten to the point where I’m watching the show for the deep character dynamics than the jokes, but this is one of the most emotionally invigorating the show has to offer so far. Bringing Beth’s fantastic season 3 arc to a climax, we really delved into her and Rick’s relationship for the first time, in a fucked up but amazing episode of Rick and Morty. Oh, and the Jerry subplot was great too.
12Regina Spektor
Remember Us To Life

Total Rickall
And now we’re getting to the true classics of the show. I know this is a bit lower on my list than it would be on others’, but there’s a certain disjointedness to the humor that didn’t quite click with me. Yes, I know that’s the point, but I thought that they could have done a bit more hilarity in the flashbacks, but everything that took place in the present from the murderous rampage to the relationship between Jerry and Sleepy Gary was absolutely brilliant. It’s just one of those bizarre concepts that the show manages to pull off so damn well.
Brand New Eyes

The Ricks Must Be Crazy
A crazy-ass inception-level episode of insane bullshit. Also just a really really funny exploration of Rick’s circular reasoning. In some ways this legitimately seemed like it could be an episode of Futurama in terms of the tone and conflict, which is always a great thing. Also, the “Summer is safe” subplot might be one of the greatest subplots ever to be on this show.
10The Police

A Rickle in Time
The showrunners speak negatively of this episode, saying that they never got it right. I can attest to thinking that there definitely seems to be a little something missing in “A Rickle in Time”, but the central concept is so brilliant and it’s animated so cleverly that it’s easy to forget and just get lost in this colossal clusterfuck.
9Queens of the Stone Age

Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender
This one grew off of me a bit on my second viewing due to a somewhat weak conclusion, but overall it’s an incredible and twisted inversion of a “Justice League.” Rick’s semi-justified villainy is a brilliant twist, and easily the best scene derive from the team trying to solve his antics. There was potential for some emotion here that was sacrificed for a joke, which I’m not sure totally paid off, but either way this is a classic Rick and Morty, easily.
8Black Sabbath
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

Pickle Rick
Perhaps a perfect example of how Season 3 was able to work so well, it effectively blends a mindbogglingly strange concept of pure rage and violence with deep family drama that tangles with each other in such an effective way that it’s hard to imagine either of the plots separately. The two contrast and add to each other in such a satisfying way that it serves as a blueprint for the rest of Season 3’s emotional arcs to come.
7Pink Floyd

Lawnmower Dog
Perhaps the best way to start Rick and Morty, the two characters are actually pushed to the side for an increasingly dire and dramatic story about the Rise of the Planet of the Dogs. Both stories are hilarious, and this episode will always remain an early classic, and not just because of the timeless line “Where are my testicles, Summer?”
The Blue Room

Meeseeks and Destroy
Probably the most recognizable episode of the show thus far (and rightfully so), it builds off of a brilliant central concept that slowly unfurls into outright insanity. The strange and uncomfortable Rick and Morty b-plot only adds to the strange and unique feel of this episode, and it might be the best way to explain to someone just what exactly Rick and Morty is.
5Green Day
American Idiot

The Rickchurian Mandate
Another episode I may have rated too highly, but it has three of the most important things that Rick and Morty has to offer: mind-bending action, neverending jokes, and a big heart. The family’s emotional arc had increased weight this time around and it all pays off wonderfully.
4The Smashing Pumpkins
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind
The first time that the scope of the show was fully revealed, this episode is a masterpiece in of itself. filled to the brim is science-fiction ideas stacked on top of each other, it might just be led by one of the smartest concepts that the show has ever put forth thus far. Rick’s conflicts with the Council of Ricks are perhaps the most amusing aspect here, but this is just one fined tuned machine of an episode.
3Avenged Sevenfold
City of Evil

The Ricklantis Mixup
Further delving into the insanity of the world that “Close Rick-counters” set up, “Ricklantis” explores past subplots and ideas to create a strange menagerie of themes and emotions. It’s just a giant insane ball of too many ideas and plots that only works because it’s a Rick and Morty episode and nothing else. It’s ballsy, but they pull it off perfectly.
2Linkin Park
A Thousand Suns

The Rickshank Redemption
Aight, so I’ll just say here than I consider this and the preceding episode “Wedding Squanchers” to be a two-parter, but I’ll break them apart here for the sake of whatever. Anyway, this along with the other are the perfect Rick and Morty episodes. This one brings some kick-ass action, a brilliant climax, and never-ending gags and concepts. What more could we ask for?
1Brand New
Science Fiction

The Wedding Squanchers
The season 2 finale finally brought in the permanent emotional punch that had been lacking in the show in my opinion since the start. Even though a few episodes relied of emotional scenes for laughs or for the sake of a clean conclusion, this one meant something to all of the characters and had a lasting impact on the show. This emotion, combined with the crazy wedding, the screaming sun, the tiny planet, and a plethora of hilarious jokes, all come together to make the beat Rick and Morty episode yet, as well as one of the best animated episodes of anything, ever. Period.
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