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Dewinged's AOTY 2017

2017 has been a great year for music. These are the albums i have enjoyed the most and not necessarily the best of the year (no one holds that truth, ain't it). Personally, 2017 has been a great year for me, family's healthy, I am about to get married with my long time girlfriend and I had some good times with old and new friends. It's been a great time in Sput too, you are all like family to me and I always enjoy reading your reviews, lists, general ramblings and rants, so please, keep doing that. Merry Christmas and I hope the next year brings you the best out there.
100Mount Eerie
A Crow Looked At Me

Label: P.W. Elverum & Sun, Ltd.
Genre: Death Folk

"A Crow Looked At Me" is an album I avoided for a good part of the year, a pandora box I didn't want to open, a place I just didn't want to be. I finally gave it a listen, it was after summer, and I didn't even finished it. It's not that I didn't like it, I don't even know if anyone can actually say they "liked" the music in Mount Eerie's devastating letter to his deceased wife but I certainly choose not to go back to it. His effort though, his willpower, that is something I can appreciate and embrace, and so i decided to add it to the list in the last minute.
Ons Vrije Fatum

Label: Dunkelheit Produktionen
Genre: Black Metal/Post punk

Few days into 2017 Laster dropped a very interesting blend of black metal, post-punk, gothic rock, and synths, creating a frankestein of a record apt for even the most purist squareheads of the genre.
98Avec Le Soleil Sortant De Sa Bouche
Pas pire pop, I Love You So Much

Label: Constellation
Genre: Krautrock

A very strange record. Hypnotic, eclectic, mesmerizing krautrock from Montreal. It feels like the soundtrack to a circus where lions escape from the cage and devour the children, bearded women have sex in public and acrobats fall to their death.
97Drab Majesty
The Demonstration

Label: Dais Records
Genre: Goth pop/Post punk

This is the solo project of Andrew Clinco, who had played drums in Marriages in the past. Like I said in the sound off, perfect jam for drinking cheap portugal wine from a chinese store and jumping between graves with your vampire pals at midnight.
96Julie Byrne
Not Even Happiness

Label: Ba Da Bing! / Basin Rock
Genre: Singer Songwriter

Julie was once a bedroom warrior. Her debut was good proof of it. One day she lost the key to that bedroom, so she started walking, ended up crossing the world, only to go back to her place and find out that the key was in her pocket the whole fucking time. This is the album that tells the story.
95Blanck Mass
World Eater

Label: Sacred Bones Records
Genre: Kill me if I know

This is the first time I am acquainted with the work of Mr. Benjamin John Power or any of his other projects. I came to this pretty late in the year. It was the track "Rhesus Negative" that, after melting my face, made me want to check the rest of the album.

Label: Ipecac Recordings
Genre: Atmospheric Post Metal

How to describe this... Something like Isis meets Deftones? I've heard this comparison a lot and it may be actually accurate. The fact that this is the work of a couple of musicians makes it even more impressive.
93Do Make Say Think
Stubborn Persistent Illusions

Label: Constellation
Genre: Post Rock

They definitely get the prize for best post rock opener track this year. The drum beat in "War on Torpor" is an irrefutable moment of inspiration but not the only one, since the album has moments like these in abundance. In a great year for post rock, DMST take their spot second to none.
92Circuit Des Yeux
Reaching For Indigo

Label: Drag City
Genre: Experimental Folk

Haley Fohr's baritone voice fills every pore of my skin. "Reaching For Indigo" is an album elusive to tags but instrumentally rich and with a tangible level of madness attached to it.
91Toby Driver

Label: Flenser Records
Genre: Ambient / Singer Songwriter / Art Rock

Kayo Dot's Toby Driver is an artist which I respect immensely, not only because of his work with the band but also for being able of crafting an album like "Madonnawhore", putting some distance between himself and the absolute chaos that reigns in Kayo Dot to expose another side of his music, a more relaxed, pensive perspective that has filled many nights this year.

Label: Self-released
Genre: Progressive Death metal

One of the metal highlights this year is this 4 track beast of an album from progressive death metal veterans Cormorant. I found the use of clean vocals and moments of serenity gave the album some nice moments to breathe when navigating through the longer tracks. Really solid metal album and one more for their already consolidated career.

Label: Dead Oceans
Genre: Shoegaze

I've never heard Souvlaki so i thought, "man, you gotta hear Souvlaki before this" and then I didn't and now everything's ruined. On the other hand, and from the point of view of someone who comes to the band for the first time, I can understand the praise behind the band and... yeah, I'll be on my way to check "Souvlaki" now.
88Fleet Foxes

Label: Nonesuch
Genre: Folk

Why I always confuse this cover with Elder's? Well there has been an overspreading love for this album this year, and I gotta admit, it is indeed a very strong and solid folk album. They are actually coming to my town next month but knowing myself I will end up missing it.
87Ex Eye
Ex Eye

Label: Relapse Records
Genre: Bending / Free Black Metal Jazz

When sax players get bored of playing jazz and funk real weird shit happens, illuminati stuff man, I tell you. Finding this took some digging. The cover was surely alluring enough for me to check it out (I have a soft spot for vigilant eyes) and to my surprise, this was such a crazy mix of styles. Renowned sax player Colin Stetson's and Liturgy's drummer Greg Fox direct the course of one of the most hilarious albums of the year (still can't beat Igorrrr in that though).
Savage Sinusoid

Label: Metal Blade Records
Genre: Twisting / Baroque / Death Metal

Speaking of the devil, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!? Well this is the craziest shit I've heard, not only this year, but in a very long time. A genre defiling and profanation that has to be heard to be believed.
85Death From Above
Outrage! Is Now

Label: Last Gang Records
Genre: Alternative Rock

By the end of summer I was playing drums with a friend (he was playing bass) and we were just jamming trying to build up a 2 man project which failed abruptly when he decided to do... a one man project! lol! I've never heard DFA before, and I don't really understand some of the bad critics I've seen. The album sounds great, that bass tone is amazing and it has plenty of catchy tunes.
84Jay Som
Everybody Works

Label: Polyvinyl
Genre: Indie Rock / Pop

I've seen a lot of people love "The Bus Song" but let me tell ya, the real magic is in "One More Time, Please"; that solo in the end is air guitar worthy folks. Anyway, a fantastic album, which I am sure we all can agree on.

Label: Merge Records / Dead Oceans
Genre: Chamber rock? (Help me Fripp, Doof!)

This year was also the first time I've been introduced to Mr. Dan Bejar's charming crooning. Months later I am still trying to figure out any of his lyrics but "Ken" is such an easy listening that I keep going back to it when I feel like sinking myself in some good whisky while dancing naked with my shadow after a hot bath.
82Oh Sees

Label: Castle Face
Genre: Garage Orc Rock

With an opener like "The Static God" they already had won me over. There is a remarkable work behind that guitar tone that needs to be also highlighted, along with the... orc? aesthetic of the vocals. Best orc band in Mordor, hands down.
81Everything Everything
A Fever Dream

Label: RCA Victor, Sony Music
Genre: Indie Pop/ Art Rock

There is much to love in Higgs' frantic falsettos and the constantly twisted mood throughout the album. Not gonna lie, it took some effort to get into what the band was offering, but once it clicked now it won't let go. This record sounds even better when your body is actually high with fever, I can confirm that. "Night of the Long Knives" is one of my favourite tracks of the year and it makes me as crazy as hasan in a bachelor's party in Las Vegas.
80St. Vincent

Label: Loma Vista
Genre: Indie Rock / Art Pop

Best ass of the year!? Definitely not! Why did I enjoy this album is still a mystery to me. I've never heard her music before, I am not interested in her cuestionable fashion choices and it's not a style I would choose to play if I am, at least, sober, but I have to admit it: I really enjoyed "Masseduction", openly, with no regrets.
79Ninet Tayeb
Paper Parachute

Label: White Magic Music
Genre: Alternative Rock

Steven Wilson's solo album never clicked with me. I gave it a few tries and it just didn't talk to me. On the other hand, there was a song called "Pariah", featuring an unknown voice credited as Ninet Tayeb. I clearly remember the meltdown that ensued in Wilson's thread that resulted in SoccerRiot popping a an emergency review for this album. That's Ninet's power, her middle east charms are highly alluring, so be careful there.
A Common Truth

Label: Constellation
Genre: Ambient Pop / Classical

One of those albums that sadly went under the radar for many people. A Silver Mount Zion and Esmerine's cello player Rebecca Foon's solo album is a total treat for the ears. Not only her instrument speaks to me in very special ways, but also her voice was a very pleasant surprise.

Label: Flying Nun Records
Genre: Dream Pop

When I listen to "Morningside" I always picture budgie driving along the coastline in a convertible, watching the sunset while jamming this like a total boss. He was the one that introduced me to Fazerdaze some time ago when she had only published her strong debut EP. "Morningside" confirms her as one of the most interesting dream pop artists on the rise and I can't wait where she is going from here.
76The Menzingers
After the Party

Label: Epitaph
Genre: Pop Punk

Treb's review's summary summed it up pretty nicely: "So you just turned 30, now what?" Well, I turned 40 this year. My friends keep getting married, kids pop everywhere and I am left wandering what's the meaning of the Universe (maybe not for long). I haven't heard a full pop punk album since like... never? For some reason, the way The Menzingers do their thing is so easy to go along that I was just sold pretty quickly, starting with "Lookers" and recently with title track "After the Party".
Death Peak

Label: Warp Records
Genre: IDM / Abstract Techno

It's been a great year for electronic music. I say it like I have any idea of what the fuck I'm talking about but the truth is, I am a total pleb for electronic music so the last thing you want to use this list for is for getting electronic recs. To name a few, Relinquished, Sniff, Potsy and Lucid's end of the year lists is where you will find the good stuff. Nevertheless, a few releases stayed with me, Clark's "Death Peak" being one of them. This album really feels like climbing a mountain named death peak.
Two Parts Viper

Label: Cooking Vinyl USA
Genre: Pissed Off Rock

In spite of having some "not so interesting tracks", the bulk of "Two Parts Viper" is rabid and raw, and I vibe a lot with it. The post hardcore duo from Atlanta is responsible for one of the most explosive albums of the year. Someone was really fucking pissed on that closer track and it shows with a hell of a vocal performance.

Label: UDR
Genre: Progressive Metal

Katatonia meets Tool, they get married, they have a lycan baby, the creature grows, devours them and shits a record. This is it. I resisted this album, like someone fighting off the flu, or an allergy, because it just felt too familiar to the bands I've mentioned and anything they were doing, the other bands were already doing it better, but in all honesty, "Lykaia" has something else.
Burial Songs

Label: Graven Earth Records
Genre: Doom / Shoegaze

"Burial Songs" is the perfect example of the few times that being a hoarder bitch actually pays off. Post rock at times, reminiscent of some Alcest or Pallbearer too, the band proved to be something to keep my ears on.

Label: Deep Medi Musik
Genre: Trip Hop / Downtempo

Their debut was mind blowing, and they are probably one of my favourite active trip hop outfits. This second album didn't fail to impress. The duo from Belgium still makes good use of the soulful voice of Amina Osmanu to ride the music created by her partner Bruno Truyens. An absolute must listen even if you are slightly into soul or trip hop.
Odd Hours

Label: Inflated Records
Genre: Math Rock

Absolutely no idea where these guys came from but what a pleasant surprise. Guitar/Vocals and drums and a total bastard album full of good math rock vibes, great hooks and undeniable fun.

Label: Trashmouth Records
Genre: Post Punk / Psychedelic Witch Rock

I reviewed these ladies a couple of months ago. One of those cases of looking at the cover and knowing this was going to be special (maybe special bad, or special good, you never know). In this case, well, can't say that I was blown away by their musical prowess, but Madonnatron is a far more enjoyable album than what I expected. Tags are not enough, you better check it yourself.
68The Afghan Whigs
In Spades

Label: Sub Pop
Genre: Alternative Rock

I wasn't familiar with them in the 90s but of course, when I saw the name popping out on my list of new releases I quickly checked it out. I didn't expect for this album to sound so fresh and so relevant to these times while keeping that 90s sound. They might have done a pact or two wih the devil.

Label: White Sun Rec
Genre: Electronic Pop

JFDR sounds like Bjork, she comes from the same place as Bjork, she has the same number of arms and legs than Bjork, and she was the same age as Bjork when she recorded... one of her albums. Jofridur Akadottir's debut might be very well covering the ground left uncovered by her senpai with her own "Utopia" though. There are no animal sounds here, if that helps.

Label: Profound Lore Records
Genre: Doom

Pallbearer have definitely served as an introduction to doom to a lot of people. Their style is very accessible and it's amazing how much Brett Campbell's voice has improved in this album. So, I don't know, can we say this is doom for people that don't like doom?
Mechanics of Dominion

Label: Constellation
Genre: Classical / Post rock

The neoclassical project formed by members of Godspeed You! Black Emperor and A Silver Mt. Zion is music for people looking for post rock seen from a different lens. While still mantaining the long, instrumental passages of the bands they come from, Esmerine makes use of exotic and classical instrumentation to create beautiful passages and moments of restrained euphoria. Their music is less time demanding and hence easier to digest. For post rock fans this is something that you don't want to miss.
Silver Eye

Label: Mute
Genre: Synth Pop

There has been a good number of comebacks this year, some good, some not, some they didn't even try and stalled in past glories. I've been waiting for new music from Goldfrapp for quite some time and I wasn't disappointed. Everything that made Goldfrapp big in the past is there, and then some more. If I had to choose a track it will definitely be "Faux Suede Drifter".

"Alison, come out of that branch, everyone is seeing you!".
Eternal Rituals For The Accretion of Light

Label: Prosthetic Records
genre: Progressive Metal / Atmospheric Rock

I don't really know how to describe Junius' music, since they touch on very different styles. Slow tempos, heaviness and clean vocal melodies are a constant through. The production has some room for improvement and it has a few moments where the album drags a little but overall this third album is proof that Junius have some interesting ideas and the means to bring them to life.

Label: Brainfeeder
Genre: Experimental IDM

Another electronic highlight for me this year was Lapalux's "Ruinism". His ambient IDM collage decorated with brilliant vocal performances courtesy of JFDR, Talvi or Louisahhh definitely leaves an impact. Credit to Pots for helping me discovering it.
61Frankie Rose
Cage Tropicale

Label: Slumberland Records / Grey Market
Genre: Dream Pop

Frankie Rose's dream pop is that of summer nights of vodka and fried chicken with a generous dosis of 80s pop. This dropped in August and quickly became a soundtrack for those morning commutes. Having been out of the music scene for a while seems to have had very little effect in Rose's hability for creating hypnotic choruses and soothing melodies. The video for "Red Museum" is weird as hell though.

Label: Hammock Music
Genre: Ambient / Post Rock

Hammock has been consistently one of the best post rock/ambient magicians for many, many years but this new album is a step beyond and even away from the Hammock we have known until now. Seemingly a requiem for a nephew, the album deals with the devastating feelings of loss and the helplessness towards the suffering of those we love. It's not a confortable thing to write about here, but having gone through things like this myself, "Mysterium" resonates with even more strength and succeeds in depicting the sorrow and misery that follows the death of a beloved one.
59King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard

Label: Pfff, all over the place plus a mix of self-released
Genre: Psychedelic Rock

Switching to a brighter mood, we have the King Gizzard with the best album they have made this week. By far, the most prolific psychedelic outfit at this side of the stars, "Polygondwanaland" seems to be a bit more... proggy? (I hate the word too), opening with a 10 minute rite of passage for the unworthy listener and allowing themselves to experiment with synths and spoken word. This being my first experience with the band doesn't allow me to speak much about it but all I can say is that this opened the doors for a band I was meaning to check for quite some time.
58Julien Baker
Turn Out The Lights

Label: Matador
Genre: Singer Songwriter

I had really high hopes for Baker's sophomore album after the beauty that was her debut, as it is widely known and felt on this site. There is a considerable jump in quality regarding production and she proves once more that she is a really talented lyricist, but I still want her to come out of her comfort zone and slap my face. She comes close to that in title track and specially in closer "Claws in Your Back" where her lungs explode with that overwhelming torrent of voice that Julien has made her own. "Turn Out the Lights" is a beautiful album, make no mistake, but I know she is capable of doing much more and I eagerly wait for it.
57Mutoid Man
War Moans

Label: Sargent House
Genre: Metal (best of)

A very serious album, a deep exercise of reflection on the different issues affecting our modern society. There are recent talks of a Cave In reunion, well, to be honest I hope Stephen Brodsky keeps the motor running with Mutoid Man because this is one of the funniest and most entertainning albums of the year. Seriousy, those highs...!
Who Told You To Think?​?​!​!​?​!​?​!​?​!

Label: Ruby Yacht
Genre: Hip Hop

I told you I was an electric pleb but there is something else I would like to confess: I am absolutely ignorant when it comes to hip hop. I've heard a few albums I liked this year, say Oddisee, Loyle Carner, Vince Staples but no other felt as home as Milo's. I love the way the man crafts his beats, not short of melody and interesting textures, while his style is really clear and easy to follow (an addition when you are not a native English speaker). "Call + Form (Picture)" is hands down my favourite hip hop track of the year.
55The National
Sleep Well Beast

Label: 4AD
Genre: Indie Rock

Somehow, I have managed to walk this earth for 40 years without listening to The National until this year. "The Boxer" was my introduction to them and I was effectively blown away. Much has been and will be said about this new album so I'll leave it for the true "conosseurs" to speak the good word. I certainly enjoyed it.
Every Country's Sun

Label: Temporary Residence Limited
Genre: Post Rock / Alternative

I saw Mogwai live many years ago and they teared down the theater where they played. It's not a band that I expect to flop anytime soon, so "Every Country's Sun" was exactly what I hoped and longed for. The instrumental tracks are as good as always but I found an even more remarkable evolution in tracks like "Party in the Dark" thanks to those catchy vocals and easy going tempos.
53Nothing But Thieves
Broken Machine

Label: RCA, Sony Music
Genre: Alternative Rock

Well, this was a very surprising indie rock outburst featuring a surprisingly talented vocalist. The young british band put any established band of the same family against the ropes with shameful easiness. Go and check "Amsterdam" for a quick sample of what they are pulling off in this record. Also, deluxe edition cover is best cover [3456836].
52Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch
Blade Runner 2049

Label: Epic / Alcon Sleeping Giant Records / Sony Music
Genre: Soundtrack

I watched this 3 times in the theater this year. First time alone, half-drunk, and struggling to stay awake. The second time was with my gf, on a shitty screen in a very small theater, and the third with some friends in glorious IMAX 3D. I am not gonna lie, I was dead worried when I heard Hans Zimmer was going to score this instead of Vangelis. Not that Zimmer is a bad composer, by any means, but I kind of expected the full package of the 80s masterpiece. Vangelis though, stated that: "You can never repeat certain things. It’s only once in lifetime. It’s like doing another Chariots of Fire, it’s impossible." The man had a point there. Nevertheless, Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch did an outstanding job scoring this and the inclusion of "Tears in the Rain" was a nice little detail that raised my arm's hair when I saw the scene on screen.
51And So I Watch You From Afar
The Endless Shimmering

Label: Sargent House
Genre: Post Rock / Instrumental

I recorded vocals for this album but the band wrote me that due to technical reasons, my vocal tracks didn't make it to the album. Nex time, boys! No hard feelings! In all seriousness, this is probably the best instrumental album of the year. There is the right amount of mathy fills, post rock and easy going sections, enough to keep my short attention span in check. "A Slow Unfolding of Wings" is very representative of all the goodness in this album.
50Zola Jesus

Label: Sacred Bones Records
Genre: Experimental Electronic Pop

There were lonely nights this year, the kind of nights you eat cereals with hot milk for dinner which, by the way, is a perfectly acceptable dinner, and you roll on the blanket, jamming Okovi while crying in solitude until passing out on the sofa. Zola Jesus is one of the most underrated artists like... ever. Not only she is an absolute powerhouse, her apocalyptic industrial darkwave is up there with the likes of Chelsea Wolfe, Nicole Saboune or Darkher just to give some examples.
Relatives In Descent

Label: Domino
Genre: Post punk

If there is a genre I opened up myself to this year that is post punk. It's a style whose vocals never had any appeal to me. It wasn't until I stopped and carefully went along with the lyrics that I realized how much I like stuff like Protomartyr. The drumming in "Relatives in Descent" was the first thing that stroke me but when those guitar erupt in opener "A Private Understanding" I knew I was in for quite the ride.

By the way, this is Papa Uni's AOTY. In case you don't know it yet ;)
48Nadine Shah
Holiday Destination

Label: 1965 Records
Genre: Indie Pop / Rock

Her debut flew under the radar of many people, which is a shame because it was outstanding. A lot of the songs on that album reminded me of what Akira Yamaoka use to do with Mary Elizabeth McGlynn for the Silent Hill soundtracks. Dark and raw rock songs with godly melodies. This one is a bit different though and I see Nadine swiftly switching to a popper approach but keeping that gloomy texture in her music. The cover/title combo is one of the best (sadly) of the year.
47The Bug vs Earth
Concrete Desert

Label: Ninja Tune
Genre: Destructive Ambient

This is the perfect album for your kid's birthday parties. Call a clown too and you will grant them an unforgettable evening. London based-producer Kevin Martin allies with Earth's Dylan Carlson to create a thrilling soundtrack for the contaminated, corrupted, defiled, filthy, derelict, tainted, depraved, desolated and hopeless hole where the story of "Concrete Desert" takes place. I have to be in the mood for this though, and JK Flesh's gutturals are not what I would have added as arrangements go but it adds up to the total despair that is this album.
46Bent Knee
Land Animal

Label: Inside Out Music, Sony Music
Genre: Prog Rock / Art Rock

The mother of dragons would be proud. My first impression after hearing the first two tracks of "Land Animal" was actually quite strong and track after track the band kept doing things I didn't expect but the second half started to feel a litte bit weaker. Courtney Swain's cabaresque vocals paired with the occasional FNM's Jim Martin(esque) riffs courtesy of guitar player Ben Levin carry the album through a rollercoaster of emotional outbreaks and virtuos performing.
45Cherry Glazerr

Label: Secretly Canadian
Genre: Indie Rock

The young LA trio named after an NPR reporter have created one of the most entrancing indie rock albums of the year. Clem's voice is pure poison that glues to your ears and lingers in your brain after every listen. "Moon Dust" is worthy of Guitar Hero 578 if it's not included in any other guitar game that I don't know of.
44Susanne Sundfor
Music For People In Trouble

Label: Bella Union / Sonnet Sound Limited
Genre: Acoustic Singer Songwriter

I've rec'd this album to half of the userbase here (sorry!), so I guess it's no surprise it ended up on the list. It was actually SInternet who recommended me "The Brothel" some time ago but this is almost like a totally different artist. Gone are the pop anthems from "The Brothel" in favour of quiet and intimate songs accompanied by guitar or piano and infinite background sounds and textures that envelop the outstanding voice of Miss Sundfor. Chortles made a fantastic review for this album so be sure to give it a read.
Mass VI

Label: Neurot Recordings
Genre: Post metal

Amenra enjoy nowadays the absolute certainty that they are one of the most consistent post metal acts of the scene. This sixth album keeps pushing the band further and deeper to the point of overwhelming fragility as well as sheer brutality. The tumultous times that band members seem to have gone through makes this an even more heartful listen.
42Brian Eno

Label: Warp Records / Opal Records
Genre: Ambient

"Reflection" was released on January 1st. I was back home in Spain for Christmas, woke up early in the morning, grabbed a coffee and jammed this on the balcony while freezing myself watching the sunrise. It was such a magical moment and well, what can I say, i love the man.
41Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Luciferian Towers

Label: Constellation
Genre: Post Rock

GY!BE is definitely a live band, and after hearing "Luciferian Towers" I am more than convinced that the band is starting to find it difficult to show what an incredible collective of musicians they are just with a simple record. But I hear this and I can easily portrait how it sounds live and honestly, not many bands are capable to create this kind of tension, build ups and sound explosions like they do.
40Public Service Broadcasting
Every Valley

Label: Play It Again Sam
Genre: Krautrock / Post rock

I am saving this album for those long days we are gonna spend in that Vault-Tec nuclear shelter after North Korea brainfarts next year. The archival and research work behind the british duo's fourth long play is very impressive. Funny tags like Indietronica would be a good way to describe their music but there is a lot more to it. "Progress" featuring Tracyanne Campbell is, by far, my favourite track.
39Bell Witch
Mirror Reaper

Label: Profound Lore Records
Genre: Funeral Doom

It's been a great year for funeral doom (or so I have heard) but no other album have dropped my jaw to the ground like "Mirror Reaper". The cover art made by polish artist Mariusz Lewandowski (really people, check out his art because it's mind blowing) is the perfect depiction of what this album is. I feel the cold in my soul when listening to this, folks, I promise.
38Wolf Alice
Visions of a Life

Label: Dirty Hit
Genre: Indie Rock / Shoegaze

Wolf Alice wins the price as the most confusing album of the year. The incredible opener "Heavenward" is followed by the unfortunates "Yuk Foo" and "Beatifully Unconventional", which quickly made me reconsider, among other things, my choices in life. Digging deeper though, I found dream pop gems like "Don't Delete the Kisses", acoustic highlight "After The Zero Hour" and the formidable closer and title track that spawns 8 minutes of droning wonder. So to resume, have faith, and push ahead.
All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of Hell

Label: Rise Records / BMG
Genre: Alternative Rock

This is borderline the amount of teenagery pop my old mind can afford. But the thing with Pvris is, they take that extra step and drench their music in a dark mantle which somehow brings it closer to my personal taste. Lynn Gunn's vocal stamina and control is the force that drives their music but it would fall flat if it wasn't for the extraordinary work that Alex Babinski and Brian MacDonald do in the background.

Label: One Little Indian
Genre: Bjork

Bjork has been with me 20 years. I have literally grown up listening to her music and it's difficult for me saying that an album of hers is either good or bad. It's just Bjork for me, there is a familiar, almost motherly feel always there, some sort of connection that keeps me grounded and calm. "Utopia" is definitely not my favourite of hers, and I still think Arca is not the best choice as a producer but he can still make Bjork shine in tracks like "Arisen My Senses", "Blissing Me" or Saint".
35Hundred Waters

Label: !K7 Records
Genre: Electronic Pop

I have to credit Lucid and Blush for hyping me to check this album. This is somehow so unique and so, so good. There is A LOT going on in "Communicating" and after many listens I always find little details here and there that I haven't heard before. A grower in the best sense of the word.

Label: Ninja Tune
Genre: Downtempo

A new Bonobo album always makes the year a tad better. I am always curious to see who the Ninja Tune prodigy is gonna feature on vocals in every album. His past choices led me to discover amazing artists like Fink or Andreya Triana and in this case, although I already knew Rhye (oh god bring that new album already!) I discovered Nicole Miglis, which funny enough, is the singer of the previous entry, Hundred Waters. These two tracks, "Break Apart" and "Surface" are my highlights
33Arcane Roots
Melancholia Hymns

Label: Easy Life
Genre: Prog Rock / Alternative

Anything close to Fair to Midland gets an automatic upvote. Although there is NOTHING close to Fair to Midland, a track like "Matter" made me really excited of what this three piece is capable of. It might be a consistency choice with the title of the album but the band relies a little bit too much on slow tempos and quiet tracks when in reality they are able to blast away tracks like said "Matter". I still have to scourge their catalogue because they were a recent find but all I can say is that they have me on the edge of my seat.
32Tera Melos
Trash Generator

Label: Sargent House
Genre: Math Rock

The math rock machine is back! One of the most unexpected and impressive comebacks of the year for me. "Trash Generator" marks an another important milestone for the Sacramento veterans, as it is easily one of their best albums. The introductory guitar in the title track put a stupid smile in my face when I first heard it. Fucking Tera Melos!
31Sufjan Stevens
Carrie and Lowell Live

Label: Asthmatic Kitty Records
Genre: Live album

To hell with the no live albums rule. This is the best live album I've heard in a long time. Amazing renditions and recreations of his legendary album with an incredible back band. Stevens' vocal performance is flawless, his band on point and goddammit, I would have sold two camels, 30 kilos of wheat, my ps4 with 2 games and one of my 12 children to see this live.
30Kairon IRSE!

Label: Svart Records
Genre: Psychedelic Rock / Shoegaze

I have seen a lot of bands turning from rock to electronic music in all my years, a LOT of them. But not many times I've seen a band turning from shoegaze to psychedelic rock with the eloquence showed in "Ruination". This is one of the best and most overlooked albums this year. There are still remnants of their old sound in tracks like "Llullaillaco" or "Starik" if that was your thing, so everyone happy.
29Hazel English
Just Give In / Never Going Home

Label: Polyvinyl
Genre: Dream Pop

I have to thank budgie also for this rec and for threatening my life if I didn't review it (lol!). Hazel English's pair of EPs really sticked with me. This is dream pop with strong summer vibes, where Hazel's beautiful voice and songwriting shines in favourites "Other Lives" and "Love is Dead", among others. I wish she would get more love around these parts, so give it a try and bring back those warm summer days (next to a stove, for full effect).

Label: Relapse Records
Genre: Synthrock

Mastodon's Brann has been very busy this year. The unweavering drummer goes hand on hand this time vs. 2 synths! As stupid this premise is, the album is incredibly fun and a must for Mastodon fans.
A Pink Sunset For No One

Label: Fire Records
Genre: Ambient / Experimental

I was really excited for this release back in February, and Sarah Lipstate, a.k.a. Noveller did surpass my expectations. This is an artist that armed with a single guitar and a million and a half pedals is able to craft the most amazing and perplexing sound textures you could imagine. For an ambient record it is fairly short and the album is so easy to drink that i just found myself coming back to it again and again. Some tracks, like "Corridors" have a nice 80s tint to it too, which always bring some good old nostalgia.
26Electric Eye
From the Poisonous Tree

Label: Jansen Plateproduksjon
Genre: Psyche Rock

Electric Eye is a psychedelic rock act that I could never get into because it just sounded like everyone else. I let their 2016's "Different Sun" quickly fall into oblivion so I was stunned to see the massive improvement in this last album. The band has made some serious homework, going over their sound and adding at the same time than erasing elements in their music. The result is a memorable psychedelic rock album with traces of funk, 60s rock and lizard worshipping worth every listen.

Label: Ghostly International
Genre: Experimental / Downtempo

Polish producer, Michal Jacaszek was fairly unknown to me until the beginning of the year when I came across this cryptic and magical album. KWIATY flirts with ambient, electronic and downtempo featuring the gorgeous vocals of singer Hania Malarowska. The whole album has a really nice lo-fi feel to it and includes one of the most beautiful songs of the year, the one titled "To Perenna".

Label: Sargent House
Genre: Doom / Sludge / Drone

Wata for president!

I don't think I need to introduce Boris at this point. After having fucked around with different styles, albums and probaby one or two prohibited rituals, the Japanese legends recover their landmark sound and deliver what everyone would expect from them: bleeding ears of doom happiness.
23Soup (NO)

Label: Crispin Glover Records
Genre: Post rock / Prog rock

One of the best post rock with vocals albums I've heard this year. I can't remember exactly how or why I checked this album but I was convinced from first listen that I had stroke gold. The atmosphere on this thing is superb and its length fairly decent for a post rock album. A song like "Sleepers" will probably be a good example of what these norwegians can do.
Para Quienes Aún Viven

Label: Superball Music
Genre: Post Rock / Flamenco

I have been listening to Toundra for a long time; one of the best post rock bands in Spain, they started to get international recognition in the last couple of years. Their union with flamenco singer Niño de Elche formed this project know as Exquirla (Shard). The marriage of post rock with flamenco is not new since also Spanish noise rock veterans Lagartija Nick already did something similar with "Omega", collaborating with legendary flamenco figure Enrique Morente and his daughter, Estrella Morente. "Omega" veered towards flamenco more than to rock but in the case of Exquirla, the balance between these two different styles is, I would say, just perfect.

Label: Atomnation
Genre: Ambient techno

So many nights I've taken this to sleep. Insomnia remedy, 100%. I don't know the exact technical tag for this but I think Ambient Techno is accurate enough. Minimal sounds intertwined with occasional vocals and steady patterns. An electronic essential.
Thin Black Duke

Label: Hydra Head Records
Genre: Eeeeehhh... Avantgarde?

Every year that took to make this album has paid off in spades. "Thin Duke" establishes Oxbow as one of the most unique bands on this planet. Whatever you think this album is, you won't believe it until you jam it because there is no way to describe it properly.
19Broken Social Scene
Hug of Thunder

Label: Arts & Crafts
Genre: Indie Rock

This was my introduction to BSC and after the first 3 songs I was floored. Charming melodies and one anthem after the other. I specially love Emily Haines's voice in "Protest Song" and the subtle variations of styles that run through the 12 tracks of "Hug of Thunder".
18Elder (USA-MA)
Reflections of a Floating World

Label: Stickman Records
Genre: Stoner

When you start an album with a song like "Sanctuary" and you follow it with another 3 tracks of roughly 11 minutes each, you gotta be damn sure that you can pull it off. Elder does it with such easiness that is almost insulting. The production on this thing is nectar to my ears and that guitar tone is... aaaaaaaaah. Definitely one of the best stoner albums of the year.
The Almanac

Label: Self-Released
Genre: Atmospheric Death metal

I was hoarding through bandcamp back in October I think, and stumbled upon these guys called Kardashev. First thing I thought was "ok, a russian dj doing ambient?" but oh boy, I was so wrong. I reviewed this thing myself after space tripping a couple of times with it. The only qualm I would have is the saturated production but you get used to it after a few seconds. The review thread turned into a celebration of the djent stick, Jurassic Park and Bryce Dallas Howard thanks to bloc and Steakbyrnes. Good times.
16Phoebe Bridgers
Stranger In The Alps

Label: Dead Oceans
Genre: Singer Songwriter

What does she have that connects with everybody? This is to me what I think Julie Baker's debut was in 2015 for a lot of people. If "Smoke Signals" doesn't strike even a tiny note in your cold rotten heart, you are undoubtedly dead on the inside. I am also proud to be the one that added her to database and rated first! Atari's wonderful review also definitely helped to spread the love for this album.
The Tower

Label: Stickman Records
Genre: Stoner / Psychedelic Rock

This came really close to Elder's "Reflections of a Floating World" for best stoner/psyche rock album of the year. The legends, Motorpsycho, the band that just can't do a bad album. Few bands have such a long and consistent streak of albums in my book. "The Tower" runs for a colossal 1 hour and a half and the closer, "Ship of Fools" might be one of the best tracks the band has ever done.

Label: Kranky
Genre: Ambient / Drone

I float in the darkness when I listen to this, shapeless and lifeless. This is like looking into the abyss, right in the fucking eye, only to be stared back and melted into a mere puddle of shadows. Ethereal darkwave and neoclassical ambient drone to orchestrate my moments of confortable detachment from reality.
Emperor of Sand

Label: Reprise Records
Genre: Mastodonte

Beyond the controversy, the disagreements, and what could or couldn't have been, in "Emperor of Sand" I only see 4 friends making an amazing metal album that sounds like the perfect blend of their past and present sound. Their vocals have improved immensely, the epic arrangements from "Crack the Skye" are there in contrast with the more simplistic approach of the last 2 albums and, like this wasn't enough, the band puts out an EP like "Cold Dark Place" out of fucking nowhere featuring some of their best material in recent times. Hats off Mastodonte.
12Nicole Saboune

Label: Century Media
Genre: Post punk / Goth Rock

Technically this was released 2 years go, but it was re-released by Century Media this year with an extra track (a Madonna cover, no less!), so i decided to include it. It was also my first review on Sput and well, just let me go with this one. I found her darkwave semi-gothic post punk thing exactly at the time I was really into Chelsea Wolfe and stuff like that so it was in the right place at the right moment for me. I can't recommend this album enough.
The Optimist

Label: Kscope
Genre: Prog Rock

Anathema is a band that never fails to impress me. They continue doing so with every record, they continue making outstanding music, they continue giving me exactly what I expect with every new album. This time, I have only words of high praise for Lee Douglas' performance on "The Optimist". A song like "Endless Ways" takes the achievement of being the only track that have brought me close to weep like a 3 year old lost in a shopping mall.
10Manchester Orchestra
A Black Mile to the Surface

Label: Loma Vista / Favorite Gentlemen
Genre; Indie Rock

Top 10! Here we go!!

Nothing that I say will convince you to check this at this point if you haven't done it already. There are things being told in this album, sang, played, that you have to experience by yourself and they might be in sync with your life in this moment or not. The last minute of "The Silence" is, by a long shot, the most powerful musical moment of the year.
Chalice Hymnal

Label: Temporary Residence Limited
Genre: Experimental / Esoteric post rock

Grails have been one of the bands that have inspired me the most throughout the years. Constantly evolving since their first post rock days to whatever the hell they are doing now, they have always been consistent and excellent in their craft. "Chalice Hymnal" is just one step ahead for the band, an album that feels like a natural continuation of "Deep Politics" but introducing more electronic elements and expanding that wonderful Ernio Morricone influence in their recent sound.

Label: Sargent House
Genre: Post hardcore / Punk rock

The absolute revelation of 2017 is this 3 piece from Belgium, with drummer/vocalist Stefanie Mannaerts being the most badass musician of the year. Brutus' mix of punk rock and post hardcore shows a cohesive band with a fantastic collection of tracks ready to kickstart what could be a promising career.
The Road, Pt. 1

Label: Songs For The Def
Genre: Trip Hop/Electronic/Art Pop

There has been a fair amount of turbulence since "Where Did The Night Fall" in the UNKLE universe, specially since the dead of vocalist Gavin Clark, the band had been left in a weird place and the last thing I expected was an album like "The Road Pt. 1". An album that brings the best of what made UNKLE one of the most imaginative and variated trip hop acts of the scene. Mark Lanegan, Keaton Henson or Elliott Power are only some of the guest voices that shape Lavelle & co. 's latest effort.
6The New Pornographers
Whiteout Conditions

Label: Concord Records
Genre: Power Pop/Indie Rock

I have never heard Dan Bejar's (Destroyer) version of The New Pornographers, and to be perfecly honest I didn't even know he used to be in the band until very recently. I came to this album with no previous knowledge and I was fairly impressed. I was hearing some Supertramp, some Steve Miller Band, B52... a kind of pop or rock I had forgotten long ago but that, somehow, sounded fresh and engaging. Opener track "Play for Money" followed by title track "Whiteout Conditions" quickly became one of my favourite one-two punches and I found myself going back to it over and over. Those melodies! Now I just gonna have to go back and check the rest of their discography because I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.
About U

Label: RCA
Genre: Indie Pop

Like I said, I have listened to a LOT of indie pop this year, specially female fronted, but there was one single album that blew me away and kept growing with every listen from the very first spin. This trio from LA has written the most enticing pop album I've listened in a good while. The latent 80s vibes and the strong charisma of singer Katie Gavin mark an amazing debut and hopefully the beginning of a long run for the band. You can keep your Lordes and Keishas, this is where the true magic is for me.
4Chelsea Wolfe
Hiss Spun

Label: Sargent House
Genre: Gothic Rock/Doom

Here we are again. The odds of success for "Hiss Spun" could not had been higher for me, since Chelsea Wolfe is easily one of my favourite artists of the last decade. The way she webs her world and drags you to it is impossible to resist. Her approach for this album is interesting, departing from the darkwave of "Abyss" but cherishing everything that makes her unique. Kurt Ballou's choice as a producer might have been on the table since Wolfe collaborated with Converge in that Blood Moon project that was played live in full in Roadburn. I have to admit that I had my doubts before hearing the result of this union but now that the album has settled in, this couldn't have been better.

Label: Bella Union
Genre: Indie Pop/Dream Pop

Really minimal synth/noise pop from Denmark, but there's something about it I can't explain. Nanna Schannong and Soffie Viemose's almost twin voices have something inherently fragile and pure in their tone, combined with the jazzy electronic style of drummer Steffen Lundtoft and breath taking songwriting and production, this is one of the most magical albums of the year.
The Assassination of Julius Caesar

Label: House of Mythology
Genre: Synthpop/Darkwave/Art Pop

There wasn't a single person on this planet expecting Ulver to do something like this. I mean, they had played with this concept in the past but never took the plunge. I joked many times this year saying they released the best Depeche Mode album of the year but I think the album goes far beyond that. Tracks like "Rolling Stone" or "Angelus Novus" showcase a band at the top of their game. I personally don't care how many times they change styles, no matter they do next a post celtic death popcore opera, I will still, most probably, 5 it to death.
1King Woman
Created In The Image Of Suffering

Label: Relapse Records
Genre: Doom/Shoegaze

And AOTY goes to... KING WOMAN! Since February, when this thing came out, it has been constantly moving around the top 10, up and down, but always in. King Woman's mix of doom and shoegaze is just godsent for me. A few seconds into "Utopia" I already knew this was going to impale my soul but it was "Hierophant"'s second half what finished me up and convinced me this was the best thing I was gonna hear this year. Kristina Esfandiari's ghostly voice harmonies sailing through the heavy storms the band creates is just everything I longed for.
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