Final Origin

Reviews 41
Approval 90%

Soundoffs 10
News Articles 31
Band Edits + Tags 7
Album Edits 30

Album Ratings 265
Objectivity 63%

Last Active 12-28-21 6:24 pm
Joined 02-10-05

Review Comments 891

03.19.21 Released a New Single07.08.17 My Top Games of the Year So Far
03.20.16 Need some new recs!02.21.16 Recorded Vocals for the first time...
02.06.16 Released a New Track11.04.15 Made a Nine Inch Nails Remix
10.28.15 New Echo Tail EP (User-Made)10.16.15 A FinalOrigin New Track/Demo
09.13.15 News and New Demo from Echo Tail07.16.15 Going to Munich Tomorrow...
07.08.15 10 Years, 500 Comments06.14.15 New Track off my Upcoming Album
06.01.15 GY!BE Albums Ranked04.26.15 Vinyl are an addiction...
03.30.15 Decided to start collecting Vinyl03.08.15 Check Out My New Album!
02.08.15 Recorded A New Song For My Next Album12.15.14 Released my Third Album on Bandcamp
More »

Released a New Single

Just released a new track off our upcoming album on Spotify and other streaming places. I had to record this track all by myself due to pandemic issues (getting together with my brother to record stuff) so I had to learn how to play drums somewhat decent pretty quickly but it was a nice challenge. Hope you guys can check the track out and see what you think of it!
1Echo Tail
A Brief Escape From Life

Album is coming out in 3 weeks time!

This was heavily on rotation when recording the new album, massive sound and loved every track on it
3The Body
I have fought against it, But I can’t any longer

Also took some inspiration from some of the noise elements from The Body in general as well, just love the harshness on their records
Atheist's Cornea

Just another influence on the new album as well, especially love Shining Finger and Ticking Time and String
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