
Reviews 11
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 21
News Articles 24
Band Edits + Tags 3
Album Edits 48

Album Ratings 867
Objectivity 58%

Last Active 12-06-21 10:56 pm
Joined 09-01-11

Review Comments 9,748

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  • Hyperion1001 i havent seen it yet but i heard about it on the latest rlm video. def gonna check.
    May 28 04:10 PM
  • WretchedCacophony they're looking for you
    April 11 05:44 PM
  • botb Thanks for checking it dawg. Moving back to Richmond next year, we gotta get up and get to a show or something
    November 2 07:26 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Good user. Have a delicious cookie :)
    September 23 11:17 AM
  • pizzamachine I walked into that one lol
    September 11 06:22 PM
  • pizzamachine Yessss now the experiment begins?.
    September 11 02:58 PM
  • pizzamachine Put u in a dungeon whatchu gonna doooooo
    September 11 04:30 AM
  • SAPoodle Thank you so much for checking it out and giving such kind feedback! It's huge motivation to keep going and keep trying to get better. This album means a lot to me so I'm genuinely so happy that you enjoyed it. Always appreciate you just taking the time to listen. Thank you
    September 7 11:51 PM
  • Dedes Rajna lol my b just check the comp Black Tears, wicked freaky blend of dark folk/gregorian chants/I think Indian folk?? idk what is but it's labeled as neoclassical dark wave so take that as you will lol
    September 6 08:41 PM
  • Dedes you ever jam Rajnal
    September 6 04:13 AM
  • SAPoodle If you're interested in hearing the new album, it's out now! https://claustrophobia1.bandcamp.com/album/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-love
    September 4 11:41 PM
  • SAPoodle Hey, long time! I have a new album out next Friday and just released the first song from it. I know you really enjoyed my more dark ambient stuff and unfortunately this is continuing to go in the opposite direction to that haha but if you'd like to give the song a listen you can do so here: https://youtu.be/NVhOjSsPCiA?si=oQt7CEk6gAQ-gBI5
    August 25 01:47 AM
  • DaveyMonsoon I feel ya. I almost couldn't believe it myself until someone pointed it out to me as well, haha.
    May 17 10:59 PM
  • Panzerchrist Would you be interested in listening to the new record we're finishing up? Maybe giving me your 2 cents?
    February 23 04:39 PM
  • Panzerchrist Also I totally forgot we've had similar discussions before. Lol. It's been a long couple of years.
    February 23 04:38 PM
  • mindleviticus I appreciate the advice man! I put out a new hyacinth record BTW, and I'm going to try to look for ambient electronic music publications and YouTube channels to share it on :]
    November 22 10:45 PM
  • mindleviticus And how do you get the word out so people could listen to it? I don't really market my music all that well so I'm just curious.
    November 16 09:46 PM
  • mindleviticus I checked out your death metal EP and it's pretty killer, was that all you? Really like the vocals especially :]
    November 16 09:45 PM
  • Hey! Are you checking out that new Haavard record? I just received a download code, but I haven't listened yet. I would definitely like to hear your thoughts!
    November 11 03:46 AM
  • Gameofmetal I'll try that and see if it sounds better.
    October 26 10:00 PM
  • Gameofmetal Great, glad you liked it. Do you think it works fine for them to just bleed into each other like that within the same track?
    October 26 07:38 PM
  • Gameofmetal Sent you an email a few days back about our collab, just wanted to get your input on something.
    October 26 06:35 PM
  • Gameofmetal If you don?t wanna drop a personal email in my shoutbox then my business email is darkwatcher000@gmail.com, drop me a line there and we can start talking.
    April 17 07:11 PM
  • Gameofmetal Hey man, I'm gearing up to do some new Dark Watcher stuff this year, if you're still interested in collabing on something I'm down to start bouncing some ideas around.
    April 15 11:32 PM
  • Gameofmetal Whenever you want bby :)
    March 10 01:34 PM
  • Gameofmetal Hey bud, I tried doing some death metal too :P https://acridtomb.bandcamp.com/releases
    March 10 01:59 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Nice rev bro I really enjoyed it!!
    February 17 02:57 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Haha I haven?t come across that one yet. Thanks for the rec! I?ll def check it out and let you know what I think. Thanks again boss! And congrats on the success of your album release! Good to see it high on the list on bandcamp!
    January 27 05:51 PM
  • zaruyache riffs m//
    January 27 02:30 AM
  • Atari It was my pleasure covering it! I?m just glad to hear u think it turned out ok. It?s a really cool EP and looking forward to hearing what you come up with in the future
    January 24 07:10 PM
  • Atari It?s up :] if there?s something that you?re not thrilled with or anything I need to change/add let me know and I?d be happy to edit it. It?s a fun EP and hopefully my review helps give it more exposure
    January 23 07:14 PM
  • Atari yeah man it rules and I'm honored to cover it! Really appreciate you being patient about it but will definitely get something out there when I can
    January 19 09:08 PM
  • Atari Yo, I'm definitely still down but I've been busy so no guarantee I will have something up by Friday. .. but will shoot for this weekend. I'd be honored but won't have hard feelings if you had someone else who wants to cover it that's more reliable right now lol. just jammed today and it rules.. I missed the files in your email the first time somehow ;)
    January 18 10:07 PM
  • Atari hell yeah just let me know when there's an official release date and I'll be sure to dib it. you're an insanely talented guy. been listening to more dm than usual lately and that track really hit the spot
    December 6 11:12 PM
  • mindleviticus s*** man this is really pro sounding, I like the production a lot, the vocals are great and you came out swingin' with some quality riffs man. Really looking forward to the full EP :]
    December 6 09:52 PM
  • Panzerchrist I hope to have the full length out here within a couple months. At the very least, both of the singles are done, and I'm really happy with them. If you're interested, I can send you the links sometime.
    December 6 07:13 PM
  • Panzerchrist And I totally understand the vocal aspect, for sure. There are some long clean vocal passages on the new record and I've agonized over them longer than anything else in the history of the project. Lol. But your vocals are definitely there. They have a great timbre that meshes especially well with the instrumentation, so I wouldn't stress too much over them.But yeah, let me know when the full project is out. I'd love to give it a good, loud playthrough :)
    December 6 05:22 PM
  • Panzerchrist But yeah, I really enjoyed the track. Did you do all of the mixing, instrumentation and vocals yourself?
    December 6 04:57 PM
  • Panzerchrist I thoroughly enjoyed that track. Riffs were interesting, progressions were concise and there, and I especially liked the mix. Has that earthy, chaotic tone that I look for in my death metal. I'd say, personally, that I'd like to see the vocals isolated a bit more just as a personal preference, but I also understand it as a specific mixing preference, and one that doesn't take away anything. More so, I just enjoy the delivery and would like to be able to pick it out more.
    December 6 04:57 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Dude who did you band name artwork? I?m working on a new DM project too
    December 6 04:49 PM
  • Gameofmetal Will do.
    December 6 04:13 PM
  • Atari yo I'm thinking I'd gladly review your dm EP when it drops unless you already had someone in mind :]
    December 6 04:02 PM
  • Divaman No problem. Come back to us when you have the time.
    November 4 05:39 PM
  • Divaman Say DB, have you got a song for us this month on SOTD? The theme is Songs With a Color in the Title, https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=197834
    November 3 06:06 PM
  • Gameofmetal idk i guess i feel like it would be cool to see you just wail on like an introduction to the album or an interlude or something, but weaving some of your style into a track might also rule.
    August 20 12:25 AM
  • Gameofmetal haha don't really have anything big yet, just floating the idea by you.
    August 20 12:15 AM
  • Gameofmetal We should do a Rota Fortunae/Dark Watcher collab on a track sometime :)
    August 17 07:36 PM
  • Essence thanks man :] likewise hope things are going well over there! not too many shows quite yet but we'll get there, should have something posted this week
    August 10 01:02 PM
  • Essence i said this on instagram but the new rota is awesome great job :]
    August 6 02:58 PM
  • garas Heyo! I just came to say congrats to you for your album, and now you have a fan! ;]
    July 17 07:46 PM
  • Divaman Hey DB, if you haven't noticed, Sunnyvale already has his review posted.
    July 12 06:34 PM
  • Divaman Clarification - actually, Sunnyvale said he's going to be away this weekend and hopes to work the review next week.
    July 9 05:24 PM
  • Divaman Hey DB, good news. I reached out to Sunnyvale, who also really liked the album. He said he's going to be away next week, but he'd be interested in reviewing it when he comes back.
    July 9 12:32 AM
  • Divaman Yeah, I'm definitely on the move, thanks. Let me see what I can do re/getting someone to review it.
    July 8 03:49 PM
  • Divaman Man, this is a sweet album DB. I picked it up a few days ago, and I'm giving it a first full listen now.
    July 8 02:54 AM
  • Divaman I will. Might take me a couple of weeks to get to it -- I've been sick, so I'm very backed up on my listening. But it's officially on my list.
    June 25 12:20 AM
  • Divaman Very cool. I like that first sample song.
    June 24 09:06 PM
  • Divaman Hey DB, I was wondering if you'd be OK w/sharing what part of the country you're from? Also, is Rota Fortunae a solo project or a band? Thanks.
    June 24 06:43 PM
  • bnelso55 Thanks for reaching out! Just like your last two records, the new one is enjoying regular airtime at our house. I was sold after hearing Wayfarer one time through, so it was easy to throw my support behind it. I really observing how you develop this project. You have a core sound that holds up so well alongside slight alterations and experiments you undertake with each new release. And I really think you have something to be especially proud of with Hinterland
    June 23 01:45 AM
  • mindleviticus Thanks a lot for listening man!
    June 16 03:39 PM
  • mindleviticus Also I?m trying specifically not too sound like another shred metal guitarist, I?m influenced a lot by bands like An Endless Sporadic and Blotted Science and stuff
    June 16 03:21 PM
  • mindleviticus Theres no bass at all, I have some low synth notes playing making a somewhat low end but thats it, Im gonna add a multiband compressor to the low end of the guitars for chunkier palm mutes though :] and I will add bass just later
    June 16 03:16 PM
  • mindleviticus https://vocaroo.com/1bUULD4DqoqG I?m gonna change quite a bit after the 3:10 and onward mark
    June 15 09:26 PM
  • mindleviticus Wanna hear an excerpt of the new song I'm working on? no bass tracking yet and it's probably gonna be altered quite a bit but just let me know :]
    June 15 03:41 PM
  • BaselineOOO No problem, just trying to help. I wish you luck in finding a pair to your liking!
    June 14 06:38 PM
  • Panzerchrist Which reminds me, I'd absolutely love to get your opinion on the new material when I have a final mix for it.
    June 14 06:37 PM
  • Panzerchrist Was curious bc I've had a violin part written for a track off the newest album for some time now and I've absolutely STRUGGLED to find anyone willing to record it. I've actually tried fiverr myself but I've had no luck
    June 14 06:30 PM
  • Gnocchi Have you got a linkie or is this bad boy on Apple music?
    June 14 11:02 AM
  • SAPoodle Hey, finally got around to listening to your new album and it's awesome! You should be proud of this one, it sounds great and it's got a wonderful atmosphere to it.
    June 14 07:59 AM
  • Panzerchrist Hey dude, who does the violins for your records?
    June 14 01:23 AM
  • Gnocchi sweet man. when did you release it??
    June 13 09:36 AM
  • mindleviticus No problem dude! Yessir but it?s coming along slowly unfortunately only got one song on the go right now, it?s been a hell of a year and a half man
    June 11 02:22 AM
  • mindleviticus Damn this is really professional sounding man. The way the piano sounds on the first song is so good. Sounds a lot like Vali obviously but your songwriting is different enough that I would be able to distinguish against it. I can also hear some Wardruna influence as well on tracks like Rivulet. Really really solid stuff.
    June 10 02:54 PM
  • Elynna Just finished my first listen and it ticks all the right boxes, even during a scorching June heatwave :] ?I feel like its an improvement over your EPs mostly in terms of songwriting, some of the compositions are beautiful (I found Sea and Ash, Crepuscule and Totem particularly impressive). Your influences are obviously there - Vali, Ulvesang, Sangre, Ulvers Kveld etc. - but it still retains a strong sense of personal identity. I'll be jamming it some more in the coming days of deadline stress
    June 7 05:53 PM
  • Divaman Glad you're enjoying it. That's exactly the reaction I had to it.
    June 7 02:53 PM
  • mindleviticus Also do you know how to put up an album/artist on rym? It's confusing as hell :[
    June 7 01:46 PM
  • mindleviticus Oh HELL yeah! Thanks man, I'll check it out this morning, hope you're doing well!
    June 7 01:03 PM
  • Divaman Hey DB, if you're interested, the Song of the Day list is inviting artists who'd like to rec one of their own tracks. I know there are still a few spots open. It's at:https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=196495
    June 5 03:47 AM
  • Atari Hey man! Will definitely check it out. No promises on the review tho I?m so rusty atm but am trying to get back into it so you never know ;)
    June 4 09:17 PM
  • Gameofmetal Nice, my main goal was to blend the sounds better together to minimize the jarring tonal shifts that happened at times on the first EP and I think I did a pretty good job of that.
    April 9 08:42 PM
  • Gameofmetal New Dark Watcher songs :) https://darkwatcher.bandcamp.com/album/hymns-of-a-godless-land
    April 2 09:44 PM
  • mindleviticus Thanks dude I appreciate it :] now show me some of your new music bro!
    January 8 03:24 PM
  • mindleviticus Thanks a lot man!
    January 7 02:54 PM
  • mindleviticus Yessir :]
    January 7 02:54 PM
  • mindleviticus Yo dude that new track of yours is sick! When's the album coming out? I just put out a new noppslyde record too if you're interested https://noppslyde.bandcamp.com/album/only-for-the-driven
    January 4 08:30 PM
  • Gameofmetal dunno if you're into war metal but I just dropped an EP with my war metal side projecthttps://cynocephalus.bandcamp.com/
    December 5 10:06 PM
  • Gameofmetal wayfarer was a solid track, will have to check some of your other stuff soon
    October 12 07:01 PM
  • Gameofmetal Yep
    October 12 01:51 PM
  • Gameofmetal The vocalist in the band actually does all the art as far as I know. Will check your thing out.
    October 12 01:30 PM
  • Gameofmetal sup dude, just released an album with a different band that you may enjoy https://soundcloud.com/adiabolimusic/sets/a-diaboli
    October 11 07:42 PM
  • Atari hey man, I will def check it out this weekend :]
    October 8 02:35 PM
  • lalchimiste Yes it has indees been a while! I Hope you are going well. I jammed that song 4 times in a row, amazing. Gave some feedback on the thread. Super excited to listen to the full thing! The recording sounds gorgeous, like if I was in the same room, super crisp and organic tones amazing
    October 7 01:36 PM
  • Josh D. it's really good, you're like a cousin to Musk Ox
    October 7 09:45 AM
  • Pangea Hey DungeonBoy! you got a song for the July sotd? the theme is songs about/from your hometown or local region. https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=192338
    July 5 12:34 PM
  • Divaman Hey DB, have you got a song for us this month? https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=191567
    May 5 10:15 PM
  • Atari It?s actually the first album I?ve heard by them lol. But yeah it?s insanely solid! glad you?re digging it
    March 31 07:14 PM
  • Atari yo, this new Suicide Machines album is some excellent skate punk
    March 31 05:36 PM
  • necropig glad to hear
    March 24 06:07 PM
  • Divaman Hey DungeonBoy, have you got a song for us this month? The theme is "Winter".
    March 9 09:57 PM
  • parksungjoon https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=190800
    February 22 10:26 PM
  • garas Ah, so none of my soundoffs go unnoticed, huh? Hahaha! Anyway, I admit that that album was goofy (and the music videos were pretty fun also), but after seeing all the hype everywhere (LOTS of ads for example), it was disappointing. Tbh, I wanted to skip the last songs because they were so uninteresing - at least, in my opinion. Sure they have fantasy and ideas, but I don't really want to jam the album again :|
    February 12 10:27 PM
  • Egarran Great! Yeah it's awesome.
    February 7 10:05 PM
  • parksungjoon hmm im p sure i remembered u being cool
    February 6 09:29 PM
  • parksungjoon r u cool
    February 6 09:24 PM
  • parksungjoon i gotta ask u one thing
    February 6 08:58 PM
  • Divaman Het db, have you got a song for us this month? https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=190606
    February 5 12:45 AM
  • GhandhiLion No problemo gunganboi
    February 3 09:28 PM
  • Sevengill Absolute, man. Thanks for taking the time to really get to know it. Can't wait to read your review!
    January 23 09:59 PM
  • Sevengill alright, I reached out to the label about adding you to the promo list. they'll send it in the next week or so, but if you're itching to post the review, there should be plenty of info on the label's Bandcamp page. https://avantgardemusic.bandcamp.com/album/thunder-in-the-mountains
    January 23 07:06 PM
  • Sevengill hey man, I saw you're interested in reviewing new Dzö-nga. would you like a press kit for it?
    January 23 04:43 PM
  • Divaman OK, sounds good. See you then.
    January 8 10:13 PM
  • Divaman Hi DB. Have you got a SOTD for us? This month's theme is your top song of the 2010's.
    January 8 01:18 PM
  • Panzerchrist Hey, do you want an early copy of the demo? I'd love to get your thoughts.
    December 13 02:27 AM
  • CaptainDooRight my wife made me get rid of my set to save room so had no choice put to get this program but im happy with it so far but i wanna get drums again in the future hahaha
    December 12 09:16 PM
  • CaptainDooRight im really glad you like the riffs, yeah i spent a lot of time to find a program that can be tweaked to sound as real as possible because i hate the drums where you can tell theyre programmed, i use xln audio addictive drums, my fav by far that ive heard
    December 12 09:14 PM
  • CaptainDooRight the guitar is my main and first instrument so my music has always been guitar driven at its forefront, but nowadays i enjoy playing many different things and try to look at the songs i write as one instrument instead of seperate ones
    December 12 09:06 PM
  • CaptainDooRight cool I'm glad you like Tu Testum, one of the most fun tracks to write. well since i sold my drum set i had to program these drums but everything else is organic, tbh its easier for me to play drums than it is to program them, it takes forever. as far as the writing process i typically write the guitars and bass first, then layer the drums and add vox last, but sometimes i will do the drums and guitars at the same time to make the flow even tighter, and rarely will i do drums first
    December 12 09:05 PM
  • CaptainDooRight oh cool! im glad you like the first track, i spent forever listening to the all the tracks trying to decide which would best as the opener, i wanted to create as much natural flow as possible between the tracks
    December 12 08:35 PM
  • CaptainDooRight sweet man i hope you enjoy! took me months to complete
    December 12 08:09 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dungeon hey whats up bro, can you jam my new trvth album just released it today, ::]] https://trvth.bandcamp.com/album/inordinate-and-surpassing
    December 12 07:20 PM
  • Gameofmetal And yeah, I like that Wayfarer album but it was very different from what I hoped it would be. I might call it western in a pastoral kind of sense, but I was always bummed that the western feeling was so vague.
    December 3 03:00 PM
  • Gameofmetal It's a constant learning process for me so the next release should only be more authentic. Hoping to add a lot more instruments to the mix like trumpet, harmonica, more violins etc. One of the biggest annoyances is that I don't know how to whistle and whistling is a huge trope in sphagetti westerns.
    December 3 02:58 PM
  • Gameofmetal I forgot to say it earlier but I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my album, big love bro
    December 1 06:14 PM
  • mindleviticus And that's really good news! I look forward to hearing it :]
    November 18 06:06 PM
  • mindleviticus Haha thanks yeah it took a while but I've been playing guitar/bass for so many years I had to do something with it, didn't have the willingness at the time to write a full length LP for it, and honestly programming drums is a massive pain in the ass
    November 18 06:06 PM
  • mindleviticus I didn't realize also that you're Rota Fortunae. Those EP's are excellent!
    November 18 05:33 PM
  • mindleviticus I appreciate the edit too haha! Hope so!
    November 18 04:36 PM
  • mindleviticus Haha thanks! I'm sure there are a few nooks and crannies that should have been buffed out but I already had spent a long time trying to level the mix out so if I neglected it I guess it is what it is :p
    November 18 04:35 PM
  • mindleviticus Hey man, thanks for future listening; hope you like it. The guitar, bass are all recorded by me, but the drums/synths are programmed, because I'm not a good drummer :[
    November 18 03:41 PM
  • starboystargirl thanks for the feedback my bro
    November 7 08:22 PM
  • Panzerchrist I wanted to let you know, I listened to Solstice a while ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Good s***, man.
    October 29 09:08 PM
  • dbizzles yeeeeeah, man m/
    October 24 03:01 PM
  • starboystargirl Hey bro.New The Atlas Ghost album, if you're insterested!https://theatlasghost.bandcamp.com/album/heathen
    October 23 03:28 PM
  • SitarHero Yo, don't feel bad man. Sensitivity to criticism is a luxury that most musicians can't afford in this day and age. It's good enough that people are listening to the music, even if they hate it. :)
    October 15 07:19 PM
  • SAPoodle Regardless, I genuinely really appreciate you taking the time to check all my music - I know it's pretty s***ty but it's a creative outlet for me and so it means a lot to have a few people check it out. Thanks man
    August 20 11:12 AM
  • SAPoodle Hey man, thanks again for checking my latest release! It was a very personal album to me and I think it just came out sounding pretty uplifting by way of trying to move past things. And to be honest I think I prefer making more melodic ambient stuff than dark ambient - I'm not really in the headspace for it right now. But I plan on experimenting more with different sounds so we'll see what happens in the future.
    August 20 11:10 AM
  • zaruyache WOO
    August 18 08:53 PM
  • zaruyache Did you get your Falls of Rauros vinyl yet? Ppl in the Gilead Facebook group been posting Yellow Eyes vinyl pics so I was wondering
    August 18 12:10 AM
  • Sowing no problem!
    August 16 05:15 PM
  • Davil667 Lol don?t know what?s wrong with sputnik or if you even see it, but the message right below is from me. Just in case you were wondering...
    July 26 09:17 PM
  • Yea sure, I?m always glad to discover new sound I actually enjoy. The opener really slays, sets the pace for the whole record. Unfortunately I?m not very good at recommending stuff but I think about it and maybe I?ll be able to return the favor :]
    July 26 01:30 PM
  • Davil667 Hey man, that Good Riddance album is pretty sweet. Never heard of them before so thx a lot for the rec!
    July 25 06:06 PM
  • botb Playing a house show Saturday with gif from god and some others, but city of caterpillar just announced a last minute show at studio two three in Scott?s addition so if that?s more your fancy I?d go for that haha! It?s our drummers last show bc he?s moving to Portland so we gotta take some time to figure out what were doing about that
    July 25 03:12 PM
  • botb That sounds so ****ing familiar. Do you know the diet blood guys? Maybe I?ve seen that name on a flier or something
    July 24 07:18 PM
  • botb Yo what band are you in
    July 24 01:33 PM
  • SAPoodle Absolutely no worries whatsoever, I'm just appreciative of anyone giving anything I make the time of day haha! Thanks as always for the support
    June 6 03:46 PM
  • SAPoodle Hey man, I dropped your Green Man Label (at least I think it's yours) an email, please check it out when you have a moment!
    May 30 01:48 PM
  • CaptainDooRight sweet! I?m glad you found it enjoyable and just simply took the time to hear it :]
    May 22 01:54 PM
  • CaptainDooRight bro jam me new albummmz
    May 22 12:46 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD ahah offcourse I'm taking that pill twice a day...it requires a bit of initial reciprocity...the whole thing is cool (if you can do it with lights out and with that video)...prob easier tracks to get in are Beneath The Forest Floor and The Color Of My Memory....but even those...
    May 16 01:37 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD don't do that X(
    May 16 01:11 PM
  • Darius The Imposter its ok you were a good one
    May 6 03:30 PM
  • SlothcoreSam Yo, 2nd rec time for song of the day. Apparently you need to rate the other songs as well, I'm happy with Jay a conversation starter about the song, but the database likes stats.
    April 14 11:50 PM
  • Atari hey man, apologies for the delayed reply. I had the staff share your review request for that album. nobody really jumped on it but I'll probably at least give it a listen, bnelso55 is the man! and the way you're submitting the review requests is correct. Jom indicated they get a LOT of emails so sometimes it's easy for things to slip through the cracks. let me know if you have any concerns :)
    April 10 03:21 PM
  • artiswar hope the email went through. cheers
    April 6 10:40 PM
  • artiswar ok thanks!
    April 5 04:20 PM
  • artiswar Hey, would you be interested at all in looking over my new album and giving me some feedback before I go into the final stages? I know your rep and I respect your opinion.
    April 5 01:37 AM
  • Atari I don't receive those emails personally but I can look into it for you. are you just requesting a staffer to maybe review it?
    April 2 09:28 PM
  • Atari Hey man! What?s the album?
    April 2 03:26 AM
  • lalchimiste Yeah man, I really liked the single but I haven't jammed the whole thing yet. My girlfriend made me a rec the other day and I've been spinning it a lot since and thought you might like it. It has a kind of Norwegian Tenhi vibes, very ritualistic with plenty of instruments and awesome vox: https://ivarbjrnsoneinarselvik.bandcamp.com/
    March 26 03:23 PM
  • lalchimiste Hey man, I've only heard the first track and was instantly reminded of Aorlhac and bit of Obsequiae, so I know I'll eventually check it out for sure. thanks man :)
    March 14 07:38 PM
  • starboystargirl emailed ya
    March 12 02:35 PM
  • starboystargirl To answer your question from 2 Augusts ago, sure, let's do a collab. Got a better way to communicate?
    March 11 05:52 PM
  • Atari It?s not as guitar-heavy as their last one, but the hooks are just as big. Their lyrics are often such a blast
    February 18 06:56 PM
  • Atari you check the new Millencolin? happy to say it's on par with True Brew
    February 15 10:55 PM
  • Josh D. damn, it sounds good for a free vst. I have some of the more expensive libraries, but I'd love to be able to get someone to record cello for me. Guess I could scour Craigslist, but I improvise a lot so I'd have to write more parts and then see if I can get them transcribed
    January 29 02:48 PM
  • Josh D. Also, I'm curious about the cello in your songs. Is it a sample library, or are you playing that as well?
    January 29 01:03 PM
  • Josh D. Hey, since you're one of the few that have given me positive feedback, figured I'd let you know I already release new material. It's my first time recording ambient guitar stuff, so the album is geared more that way. I'm not a guitarist, so without trying to give you homework, if you do listen and have any tips based on my sound, I'd love to hear them. https://spieglass.bandcamp.com/album/old-blood
    January 29 01:02 PM
  • SAPoodle That's so exciting man, I can't wait to hear it eventually! A full-length would be awesome. I've been working on some stuff, it seems I'm very much moving away from dark ambient into straight-up ambient/new-age stuff so I might have to consider a project name change eventually haha! But it'll probably still be a little while before I release anything, maybe a new EP out in a few months
    January 29 03:45 AM
  • user thanks hombre m/
    January 28 07:06 PM
  • SAPoodle Thanks so much for the mention in the Sputnik User music compilation mate. Still been digging your album a lot - Midwinter Nights is actually my phone ringtone haha!
    January 28 05:52 AM
  • oWhoadYo Ahh, it seems that Routenote is similar to Distrokid. That's what we go through to get our stuff on Spotify and blah blah blah
    January 23 02:57 AM
  • oWhoadYo Awesome, thanks for responding! Ive never heard of Routenote, Ill check that out. Grassroots is often the way to go. and Blogs are definitely a great way to get out there, and weve been fortunate to get featured on quite a few actually. Foreign Breath did especially well on blog features, that album really took off (for us). That's really interesting that you co-run a label though man good for you! Thats our goal at the moment, to get signed by a label. Nothing too big but its our next step/goal
    January 23 02:47 AM
  • oWhoadYo Hey man! Just wondering where and how you share your music? I've never seen many outlets to share your style of music. Thanks! Just curious
    January 19 01:25 AM
  • artiswar Hey, I got the Ozone 8 finally like you said. I seem to have got it working and I'm starting to mess with it. I'll let you know how it goes.
    December 9 10:14 PM
  • lalchimiste I know there's sooo much stuff to check out in 2018 and I'm not sure if you'd dig it, but you got to check out Thrawsunblat's Great Brunswick Forest. It's like a modernized English-speaking East Canada traditional folk record made by a BM band
    October 24 04:29 PM
  • lalchimiste Hey man, have you ever considered getting Eloign on board with the label? I jammed the EP yesterday and really thought it would be a nice fit musically he's a Sput user.
    October 11 02:41 PM
  • lalchimiste Hey man, how much of hastle was it to create a Spotify page for Rota Fortunae? Do you have to pay something or is it free like Bandcamp?
    September 21 02:13 PM
  • Atari Nice to see u dig alkaline trio man!
    September 6 03:19 PM
  • SAPoodle You're awesome man, seems you listen to lots of music by Sputnikers which is really cool of you. Just want to say thanks again for checking out my stuff, really, really appreciated.
    August 13 10:20 AM
  • Beardog awesome! thanks man
    August 2 12:48 PM
  • Beardog Hey man, my latest record (this time with vocals) is finished, would be great if you gave it a listen! https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=182573
    August 2 11:59 AM
  • InFlamesWeThrash666 https://uploadfiles.io/bcjjaYour link mate. Click the "slow download" button. The file might not be in mp3 so you must rename it and add an '.mp3'
    August 1 07:08 PM
  • budgie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMFRRL-pkyM:)
    July 12 09:08 PM
  • Sevengill hey Dungeon, thanks for linking my album. feel free to make a news article if you're interested -- I'm not much for self-promotion.
    June 22 09:47 PM
  • lalchimiste Forgot the link from the last rec : https://vallenduskmusic.bandcamp.com/album/fortress-of-primal-grace . I just listened back to back twice the new Winterfylleth and I am so blown away, those vocal harmonies, the violin/cello parts, the highs and lows, everything is just perfect.
    June 6 03:38 PM
  • Sowing How did you find out about Allelic? I always try to dig up obscure but great groups on bandcamp and never find anything half as good.
    June 1 10:47 PM
  • lalchimiste Man these guys know how to riff, I jammed it after right after Soknardalr (Windir) and definitely hit those same vibes. The hurdy gurdy part was such a tease though haha! There so much good stuff right now, but if you have time I have another rec which is pretty much another in the same vein with major key/modes uplifting/epic BM. There a slight prog influence in the some of time signatures and song structures so it definitely keeps things interesting
    June 1 07:51 PM
  • lalchimiste You have to check out Uada, it clearly owes to classic swedish melodic black/death (read Dawn, Sacramentum, Dissection) but it's got that Pacific Northwest vibe as well with the catchiest riffs. Also, the vox are pretty eclectic but so good. https://uada.bandcamp.com/album/cult-of-a-dying-sun
    May 31 01:14 PM
  • Atari Thx for the heads up man :] I?ll check it out tomorrow!
    May 30 04:28 AM
  • bnelso55 Thanks for reaching out! I saw this, but I still need to check it out. Based on the descriptions I've read, I expect to really like it. Listening now.
    May 29 08:31 PM
  • foxblood alright awesome thanks dude, I will check it out
    May 29 06:08 PM
  • zaruyache will cheq
    May 26 09:47 PM
  • ZombieToyDuck need your rec for round 2!
    May 24 03:54 PM
  • lalchimiste I am humbled by your offer and will definitely take your help. Do you prefer .wav of FLAC format? Again, I dont know how to thank you
    May 17 04:53 PM
  • lalchimiste The cello really fitted the compositions and felt perfectly restrained, not overshadowing the guitars and complementing the soothing atmosphere. I will definitely purchase it on bandcamp.Again, thanks for your input!
    May 16 06:46 PM
  • lalchimiste I would be thrilled to hear a mastered version of the demo while keeping a good dynamic range. On another note, I gave multiple listens to your project Rota Fortunae's latest EP (Solstice) and I really enjoyed it. It definitely brought all the things I love about Musk Ox, Vali and October Falls within great compositions. I really liked the "ornamental"/lead guitars and the way they are panned, it really gives quite a depth to the recording and rewards multiple listens.
    May 16 06:38 PM
  • lalchimiste Wow, you don't know how appreciative I am right now reading about your insights and constructive criticism. It was a motivation I really needed right now with the lack of comment/criticism that was starting to make me doubt about the project as it is really hard to be objective. As you pointed out, I did not master the demo as my technical abilities with production duties are very limited and professional mastering services are quite expensive
    May 16 06:32 PM
  • lalchimiste Hey, I read your review of Ulvesang's latest (which I really enjoyed) and it seems you like bm and neofolk. Would you care checking my demo out and giving me some feedback (negative or positive), thanks! : https://allelic.bandcamp.com/album/reverberations-article-in-preparation
    May 8 05:32 PM
  • Atari the neofolk binge continues haha
    April 16 09:52 PM

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