
Reviews 3
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 480
Objectivity 70%

Last Active 08-11-14 10:17 am
Joined 05-25-12

Review Comments 8,298

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  • zakalwe Woah!!!!
    May 12 09:32 AM
  • skeames1214 Salman Rushdie does some really good short stories too. Any recs for me? I'm working my way through the book John Darnielle (from the mountain goats) wrote.
    September 3 02:39 PM
  • skeames1214 that sounds amazing, man. I'm green with envy. Gonna have to try to take a big trip like that here in the next few years. I'm majoring in social work. As for books, I would def recommend Thomas Pynchon. The Crying of Lot 49 is super short, and you'll know pretty quick whether or not he's for you. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance is a pretty cool book too, I forget the author on that one. I also love James Joyce, particularly a short stories collection he did called Dubliners.
    September 3 02:37 PM
  • skeames1214 Wow, that sounds amazing. Any highlights you wanna share?Uni is good, I'm at a new one now. Moved in with my gf, joined the debate team, etc. Life's been pretty decent to me.
    September 3 02:03 AM
  • skeames1214 How've ya been, man?
    September 2 09:40 PM
  • Snake. miss you
    June 8 06:04 PM
  • fromtheinside Lukid.caribou.Teebs.Tipper.Arca.Pogo.Glitch Mob, I guess as well. (pretty generic obvs s*** tho)off the top of my head.
    March 17 10:17 AM
  • unclereich what happened to your gay ass i miss u bro
    January 23 10:43 PM
  • Rowan5215 check my list pls
    September 30 08:43 AM
  • Mongi123 Been pretty well man, school just stated and I like my classes a lot so there's that haha. Currently smoking with bros right now.
    September 6 01:58 AM
  • Mongi123 Damn bro, sorry to disappoint you with that album. Really thought you'd love Clarity. I've been known to be wrong haha
    September 1 10:29 PM
  • Mongi123 Atta boy haha hope you love it man. It also got bumped to a 4.2 today
    August 28 12:45 AM
  • Mongi123 It's not really pop punk though, more emo. Dude I'm telling you, I think it'll be that next album to wow you as you described. Plus, if all the 5 star reviews by pretty much every critic does hype you idk what will haha
    August 28 12:06 AM
  • Mongi123 Yo you try Clarity yet??
    August 28 12:00 AM
  • Mongi123 Dude I know, I took a walk around my complex that has a fantastic view of the mountains and the sky was all orange and s***. I literally thought about how small I was and coupled with Let Yourself be huge by cloudkicker playing, it really made me feel like something was watching over me and the world is so beautiful.
    August 26 02:13 AM
  • Mongi123 Man, I wish I was around when you and SpaceMan were talking about this stuff haha. I'm finally starting to get through this. I thought I was getting depression and that made me feel so down because I was, of course living in the past and s*** with stuff that happened to me. But after reading books about this stuff, I realize that I'm only human and I have to learn to forgive. So I started to. Humans are complex things right??
    August 24 05:34 PM
  • TheSpaceMan we are just an organ of the universe, the sensory organs to be exact. people just overanalyze our function and begin to seperate ourselves from the rest of the world. we aren't born INTO the universe, we are born OF the universe. all of the material that makes up our thoughts and body existed eons before we ever did. we are just cells of a greater picture and that really puts the useless bulkls*** into perspective
    August 24 03:18 AM
  • TheSpaceMan I've read what you've dropped in my shoutbox a few times over and thats some profound stuff, but I think I'm getting what you're saying... when you get right down to it, theres nothing that actually matters in your life beyond the experience itself. I think consciousness is the universe's way of knowing it exists. kinda like the age old "if a tree falls in the woods, does it make a noise?" but reworded into "if life didnt exist to perceive the universe, would the universe still be there?"
    August 24 03:16 AM
  • TheSpaceMan **** man I wish we could talk this over a blunt or something, sucks that there is such a big ocean between us
    August 23 01:21 AM
  • TheSpaceMan I get you 100%, living the past is a problem that a lot of people face. I can actually go into huge detail with the human mind's tendency to "cling" to either the past, present or future in response to a problem it faces... for instance a drug addict lives in the present whereas someone with huge anxiety or stress lives in the future and someone with depression may live in the past. Its cool that you've consciously made an effort to better yourself and surround yourself with new people
    August 23 01:20 AM
  • TheSpaceMan that all sounds fantastic man! everyone can use a good roll every once and awhile (I'm long over due myself lol, haven't been ****ing with molly for sometime tho). back packing sounds amazing too... I bet that'd be so rad. I'm glad s*** seems to be going your way. I've just been working a lot lately, meeting new people and actually going to the parties I get invited to instead of blowing them off to sleep with my ex like I used to lmao tryna build a new social group
    August 23 12:52 AM
  • TheSpaceMan yooo whats up hows life treating you bro? I'm sorry I left you hanging on my end of the story awhile back but I've been so caught up in s*** lately its ridiculous...
    August 22 08:23 PM
  • oltnabrick don't really kill yourself XD
    August 22 04:15 AM
  • Futures man that would be so awesome.
    August 19 06:27 AM
  • Futures haha that would be really cool man. i want to get out to australia sometime soonish!
    August 19 06:18 AM
  • Futures just a mcdonalds haha. need to find a new job going to look during the school year. dude that's sweet where do you want to go? got an open couch here in the states!
    August 19 06:05 AM
  • Futures since i took a year off i have about 8 grand saved up :P. and i will be working like 15-20 hours a week.
    August 19 05:57 AM
  • Futures haha not really. going to be so cool though. so weird looking at furniture and stuff like damn.
    August 19 04:58 AM
  • Futures dude that's awesome! hope you get the job man! exciting news for me as well in the near future im moving in on the 26th!
    August 19 03:50 AM
  • Futures hey pal hows it going? miss u. rec me some good alt rock :P
    August 19 01:55 AM
  • tommygun yea the stadium is great man. still don't rate freo at all really, this arvo should be interesting, reckon the hawks might give em a touch up! yea totally over the ASADA stuff, either make a decision or stfu about it already
    August 17 03:16 AM
  • tommygun absolutely, 7 straight and playin some good ball. totally outplayed us dude, they just wanted it more and attacked the footy harder. tip for the flag? probably lock sydney in for the gf now, battle between hawks and cats to take em on
    August 17 02:50 AM
  • tommygun yea man went along to the game, tiges way too good!
    August 17 02:38 AM
  • Mongi123 Yo man I know you've said you've never listened to Agalloch before. Hope you enjoy this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB2PQQyK8uk
    August 4 12:06 AM
  • Futures ugh ye dude the us is sucking hard balls atm. hows aussie land?
    July 31 08:51 AM
  • Futures have def heard of both and know the premise of 1984. really need to read it. dude read much might have to change that.
    July 31 08:24 AM
  • Futures gonna jam animals tomorrow man! will def check back haha. expecting great things man.
    July 31 08:19 AM
  • Futures time comes close! what's your fav on it haha?
    July 31 08:13 AM
  • Futures p sure us and them is the great song ever made
    July 31 07:55 AM
  • Futures only heard wywh and dsotm so far both hard 5s. but i do prefer dsotm just a bit. the flow is fvcking incredible unlike anything i've heard save godspeed.
    July 31 06:46 AM
  • Futures agreed man. what's your fav floyd dude?
    July 31 05:47 AM
  • Futures that's awesome dude. i'm moving out in a couple weeks and then starting school in about a month. so that should be pretty exciting. definitely need a change.
    July 30 07:59 AM
  • Futures yep man those are next to jam haha! nothing much unfortunately my life is very boring haha. how about yourself dude?
    July 30 05:54 AM
  • Futures wywh and dsotm so far. both 5d haha. fvcking incredible stuff man.
    July 30 04:45 AM
  • Futures ayy you're alive. but yeah HOLY FVCK MAN! WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSING OUT ON?
    July 30 04:25 AM
  • Futures DUDE i'm listening to pink floyd finally omg
    July 29 05:26 AM
  • Futures damn haha both hard 4.5s for me. you might like bleachers- strange desire. really loving it.
    July 21 12:28 AM
  • Futures '68- in humor and sadness prob not something you would dig haha. but have you checked nothing or the war on drugs?
    July 21 12:15 AM
  • Futures damn haha. good album. drones were a little boring imo. gotta check deathconsciousness.
    July 20 08:47 PM
  • Futures hey man what's up it's been a while. how's it going? got any 2014 recs for me? trying to catch up a little.
    July 20 07:51 AM
  • tommygun yea ruled, man so glad to hear you're doin good after the hole you were in only like a month ago, life helps you if you help yourself hey
    July 17 09:46 AM
  • Rowan5215 Yeah it ain't a 5 but damn close
    July 17 09:45 AM
  • tommygun right on man happy 4 u, yea same old just been off to nz for skiing now back to work, uni soon, life goes on, tunes, beers etc
    July 17 09:43 AM
  • Rowan5215 Dude first half is pretty much as good anyway. ARROWHEADS ARROWHEADS ARROWHEADS ARROWHEADS
    July 17 09:11 AM
  • Rowan5215 MONOLITH INDEED The Unnatural World is cool but nowhere close to the way Deathconsciousness just crushes your mind
    July 17 08:56 AM
  • Rowan5215 nothing wrong with writing ****ing s*** ****ing s*** that whole album is ****ing s*** ****ing s*** ugh
    July 17 08:40 AM
  • Rowan5215 Nice dude. The ending of Hunter ****ing beyond belief
    July 17 07:54 AM
  • tommygun good man distinctions all round how you been? kicking life in the dick?
    July 16 05:32 AM
  • Rowan5215 Unless your coat of arms is actually just "bold" in which case, fair enough
    July 16 03:53 AM
  • Rowan5215 Amazing dude just release an album so I can 5 it and afterwards listen to it already :] think you may have got cut off there lol
    July 16 03:50 AM
  • Rowan5215 I read that in the sequence they filmed for Hey You it was a montage where 80 per cent of the images had already been shown in the film so they thought it was too repetitive. Fair deuce to them I suppose. I'm just so glad they included What Shall We Do Now that song is such a ****ing JAM. Dude you actually have a real coat of arms? That is some badass s***. Nice dude spreadin out them conscientious vibes that's some nice work. I can't wait till you actually record something.
    July 15 12:29 PM
  • Rowan5215 As in the movie of the Wall? Of course dude, bit confusing at the start but Geldof ****ing nailed the main part and the soundtrack *greater than greater than greater than* the actual album. Yeah that dude, heard he was the wildest motha****in gangsta in town and that he could spit rhymes faster than Kendrick Lamar. Crazy dude, piercings first next you'll be telling me you want a tattoo! My god, they grow up so fast. And dude Waiting for Black Metal Records in the Mail holy ****
    July 15 11:28 AM
  • zakalwe That sounds a right laugh. I hope no one took liberties and trashed the place, there's always one total dick head.
    July 15 10:44 AM
  • Rowan5215 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbljlx9VjHo
    July 15 07:08 AM
  • Rowan5215 also dude you love Mother by Floyd right? you gotta check this version
    July 15 07:08 AM
  • Rowan5215 Was wondering who that weird dude who added me outta nowhere was! :D Lovin that mentality man you gotta keep that s*** up. I think Earthmover may literally have crushed my ribcage when I first listened to it, holy **** that track is a beast. Normally I'd hate an album dragging on that long and with so much droney repetition but **** me they pull it off
    July 15 06:41 AM
  • deathschool Always sputphone
    July 15 06:19 AM
  • deathschool No computer. : / goddamn do I have some jams to share right now too.
    July 15 06:02 AM
  • demigod! http://plug.dj/sup-86/
    July 15 05:33 AM
  • demigod! plug
    July 15 05:24 AM
  • Rowan5215 Dude I couldn't find you, Facebook is a strange beast to me. See if we can do it vice versa, its Jack Bowden and my pic is me in a trolley on a hill :-) Dude glad to hear it, I'm good too although tired as ****. HOW ****ING BANGIN IS THAT ALBUM THOUGH JESUS
    July 14 10:50 AM
  • zakalwe Where have you been dude? Yep did it on my own, it was all about meeting other people. Still keep in contact with some of em. There's no way I'd be able to do that now I'm such a miserable ****er :D
    July 14 07:57 AM
  • Rowan5215 OH GOD thank **** you have no idea how worried I actually got
    July 13 12:18 AM
  • Rowan5215 Please come back I'm worried that you've left me
    July 10 12:32 PM
  • zakalwe It was only a short term thing that I did for about 6 weeks dude before moving on. Dish washer, fruit picker/packer, tele sales, door to door tat seller, hand car washer. They were the days!!! The tune is from ten rapid bro, more a collection of rarities than a 'proper' album. For me Happy songs for happy people is their best album.
    July 10 07:24 AM
  • zakalwe Ha. I love Adelaide, I was a door to door salesman there and they went mad for me accent and the fact I was so straight up about the product "seriously love don't buy this s***, go to the library" I was flogging National Geographic educational books. Check out Helicon 1 bro it's my fave Mogwai tune and I reckon you'll dig.
    July 10 12:33 AM
  • zakalwe Phenomenal tune that one. Album is immense, great to see you dig dude. Mogwai are one of my all time greats.
    July 9 07:28 AM
  • zakalwe Ha the slacker attitude that can't be faked but is done so within an inch of it's life by the copycat try hards. It's the real deal bro.
    July 4 10:11 AM
  • zakalwe Last track on Young Team mate. Yeah I see it didn't grab ya, it will. What is more unreasonable is the rating for On Fire. That is a belter of a record dude!!!
    July 4 10:04 AM
  • zakalwe Mogwai Fear Satan. You will love it bro, 17min epic of slow build ups, crashing guitars, haunting flute. It really is a classic tune.
    July 4 09:55 AM
  • Rowan5215 http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/63098/Aaron-West-and-The-Roaring-Twenties-We-Dont-Have-Each-Other/ check it broman
    July 4 06:17 AM
  • Futures Haha **** you and **** andrew luck. going to be a pain in the ass for like 10 years.
    July 2 07:16 AM
  • Futures Close! Jaguars haha
    July 2 07:05 AM
  • Futures dude i follow every sport pretty much haha!
    July 2 06:53 AM
  • Futures nah not really dude. isner is ok all he can do is serve tho. and there really isn't any young dudes that look promising. jack sock looks alright sometimes but other than that lol
    July 2 06:42 AM
  • Futures fvcking lol. wonder if he can do anything now. someones gotta replace hewitt right? i thought it would be tomic but he has been p disappointing lately. better hope than american tennis what a joke.
    July 2 06:37 AM
  • Futures i know man proud of the guys though almost brought it back. looking forward to the futures. also tim howard is literally god.
    July 2 06:27 AM
  • Futures aussie upsets nadal at wimbledon m/
    July 2 02:38 AM
  • Mongi123 Yea dude, man I gotta find more of this style haha
    June 30 01:32 PM
  • Futures their encore stephen just came out with his acoustic and played slow motion which is such a jam. then he started going into an acoustic version of how's it gonna be? and the rest of the band gets back on stage and plays the final couple of verses. it was ****ing crazy. seriously just see them if they ever come to aussie land.
    June 30 06:24 AM
  • Futures that's the one song i wish they played. but still it was insane. it's crazy how jenkins in almost 50 now and still sounds the same and he is a brilliant showman. talking to the crown constantly and running around messing with the drummer and stuff it's hilarious. he can even still hit those screams on the s/t i couldn't believe it.
    June 30 06:21 AM
  • Futures 7 songs from s/t 3 from blue a couple from their other albums and two new songs that are going to be on their new album which i am actually pretty excited for now.
    June 30 06:15 AM
  • Futures damn. oh yeah dude if you ever get the chance to see third eye blind live please do it. holy s*** it was so good man.
    June 30 06:06 AM
  • Futures sweet man thanks! man if that's not the best track then ****. gonna jam it tomorrow.
    June 30 06:01 AM
  • Futures sweet man i hope it's as good as wait that blew my ****ing mind and i was surprised my friends were jamming it haha. also off topic do you have a facebook dude?
    June 30 05:56 AM
  • Futures Going to jam really soon. Double album I gotta set some time away haha.
    June 30 05:47 AM
  • Rowan5215 pretty sweet you are thanked
    June 30 04:26 AM
  • Futures dude i can't get over how good wait is by m83. reminds me really hard of how to disappear completely. do you hear that?
    June 29 10:16 PM
  • Mongi123 NICE rathing for ABC. If only that ambient section was a tad shorter in Radio PC, it'd be a perfect album.
    June 29 02:45 PM
  • zakalwe Early 90s Shoe-gazing guitar bliss dude. Brace yourself.
    June 29 11:51 AM
  • zakalwe Yep all is good bro. The ups, downs, laughs and misery continue. Check Yo La Tengo - Painful. Total classic dude. I guarantee you'll dig the opening tune.
    June 29 11:15 AM
  • zakalwe Ello dude. Just thought I'd say cheers for rec'ing that Nothing album a few months back. I knew it held something. It's hit hard recently. Definitely one of the years best.
    June 29 10:53 AM
  • Mongi123 More like most chilling intro ever haha
    June 29 02:04 AM
  • Mongi123 Haha ill add you later and I just jammed them earlier. Amazing band.
    June 29 01:59 AM
  • Mongi123 Saw you talking with spaceman about adding each other on fb and I am SICKENED you haven't added me yet! Would you mind if I added you haha
    June 28 10:01 PM
  • Rowan5215 Everyone's jammin except you my nigga :/
    June 28 10:36 AM
  • Rowan5215 http://plug.dj/everything-is-riffs/
    June 28 10:31 AM
  • Mongi123 Awesome man, those last four minutes of radio PC like holy Jesus
    June 27 01:36 PM
  • Rowan5215 You suck don't talk to me
    June 27 10:53 AM
    June 27 10:50 AM
  • Rowan5215 Introducing you to your knew favourite song of all time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl3nzAjQvAg
    June 27 10:45 AM
  • Futures USA USA USA
    June 27 02:41 AM
  • to end the relationship to spare that pain. in truth, it was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, I had to cut off all communication with her in order to help get over her...I miss her with all hell but I've grown so much since the week I've been single its not even funny. I appreciate you asking man, its been hard as **** and thats why I wanted to help you out too :) we can ****ing do this bro
    June 26 09:11 PM
  • and about me and my ex... well yeah she's now my ex lol. she was the best relationship I've ever had, and also contributed to the best 2 years of my life. she seemed like a gift from god tbh, she was absolutely gorgeous, loved my music, loved taking the drugs I love... it just seemed so surreal. towards the end her feelings started to change and she felt like I was becoming more of a best friend (she still continues to say I was the greatest thing thats ever happened to her life), so I decided..
    June 26 09:09 PM
  • hey man sorry for a late response, just got around to sputniking... and sounds like you're well on your way to healing! like you said it yourself, this only helps to show you what kind of person you are. I know you'll get through it man, you're not gonna let some girl ruin everything you've built yourself up to be... like I said just try to use the situation as fuel to better yourself in ways you've always wanted
    June 26 09:06 PM
  • Mongi123 Hell yes and it's more of an emphasis on the post rock part, I think I'm definitely 5ing this like damn it's so beautiful
    June 26 03:22 AM
  • Mongi123 Bud you ever hear of the band A Bunnys Caravan? Please try their album. Not only is it so you, but I'm so close to 5ing it. If you love There Will Be Fireworks, you won't be disappointed :)
    June 25 06:27 PM
  • Rowan5215 It just gets me dude. Nah only listened to him once gotta jam again
    June 25 11:13 AM
  • Rowan5215 Its the dude from the Wonder Years btw, cannot ****ing stop listening to it. Heard one Milo Greene jam ruled hard
    June 25 10:59 AM
  • Rowan5215 ****ing link messed up just look up Aaron West - Divorce and the American South pls
    June 25 10:46 AM
  • Rowan5215 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded
    June 25 10:45 AM
  • Futures thanks man! did the last part cutoff or something on that last message?
    June 25 07:18 AM
  • Futures good way to think about it man. her loss for sure. wish i could write a piece like that about jimmy eat world honestly. just haven't emotionally connected with any album really. i know it will be there when it happens though.
    June 25 07:12 AM
  • Futures thanks man means a lot! review was amazing by the way dude. incredible work.
    June 25 07:05 AM
  • Futures I understand man. a pretty similar thing happened to me. talked to this chick everyday thought we were pretty good friends. really liked her a lot. haven't talked since high school. life sucks sometimes. but we all eventually get over it.
    June 25 06:59 AM
  • Futures dude you're one of my closest friends on this site. one of the first people I talked to on this site as well. always love talking to you man. you will brush it off and forget about it soon man. if it makes you feel better I'm 19 and haven't even been in a relationship. just not what I'm concerned with in my life right now. living free of worry is nice.
    June 25 06:47 AM
  • Futures yeah man so pumped haha! so what happened with the chick man?
    June 25 06:35 AM
  • Futures man that sucks dude. really feel for you man. I'm great haha. world cup has been ****ing amazing. going to a restaurant to watch the us game. man its going to be crazy. also seeing arctic monkeys tomorrow and third eye blind friday. life is good
    June 25 06:23 AM
  • TheSpaceMan ?Don?t ever let anything smother your flame. It may seem like these external forces can crush and drag you down, but everything you surround yourself with is nothing more than icing on a cake. Sometimes that icing can turn sour and ruin you, but the beautiful thing is you can just scrape that s*** off. If you work to better yourself in ways that you have always wanted, then you will realize how fantastically unique you are. You become what you were searching for in whatever ended up hurting you
    June 25 04:08 AM
  • TheSpaceMan avon you are the ****ing man, couldn't help but notice that you seem to being going through something but I want you to know that you aren't alone. Next time you feel down, next time your thoughts feel like poison, and next time you want to roll over and not start your day, I want you to take a deep breath; close your eyes for a second, and realize everything about yourself that makes you who you are. Realize that you are the only mind that will ever exist in the ways that you do...
    June 25 04:06 AM
  • Futures sup dude how's it going?
    June 25 03:45 AM
  • Rowan5215 Commented :-)
    June 24 09:28 PM
  • Mongi123 Lol ahh who cares man :D I'll check in a little while.
    June 24 12:13 PM
  • tommygun yea man channel it, what's that quote somethin like 'all great art comes from suffering' reminds me of a bit from holidaykirk's high violet review 'Without depression Elliott Smith and Kurt Cobain would spring back to life, their music erased.'... something to think about
    June 24 11:12 AM
  • tommygun don't be sorry man it's totally normal, like i said i been there! the wallowing bit is important and you gotta indulge it from time to time but yea gettin out and about, keepin busy, seein friends, and music music music are all the fast lane to feelin better. basically rediscovering stuff you do and enjoy for you and you alone
    June 24 11:03 AM
  • tommygun absolutely dude you're gonna be sad for a little bit anyway might as well be sad with your dick in someone else, best way to take your mind off things for a bit
    June 24 10:50 AM
  • tommygun cheers bud was interested to hear your thoughts cos it seems you share a lot of the same perspectives, after that convo in for emma and esp in your kid a review. re: the girl, sorry to hear it man, you've done the right thing severing ties tho. have been in a similar position before man it's never a good idea to put someone on a pedestal that way, in the end all it does is deplete your sense of self worth, sometimes we gotta find out the hard way tho (trust me i know). keep jamming man :]
    June 24 10:43 AM
  • tommygun also reading between the lines it seems a purple haired she-devil has kicked your heart in the nuts, keep that chin up pal there will be plenty of others
    June 24 10:11 AM
  • tommygun reading thru again, really digging your thoughts man. love having those sort of conversations. i wrote something bout 10 days ago that shares some similar ideas that might interest you (esp since you were hassling me to write something longer :D) http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/62746/Milo-Greene-Milo-Greene/
    June 24 10:07 AM
  • tommygun czeching
    June 24 09:41 AM
  • Rowan5215 Thanks my man
    June 23 11:11 AM
  • Rowan5215 hey man check my review http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/62920/Keaton-Henson-Romantic-Works/ also lemme know what you thought of the album if you jammed
    June 23 10:29 AM
  • demigod! yea sorry bout the crazy length lol, let me know what you think if you manage to sit through the whole thing
    June 22 01:11 AM
  • demigod! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHBTEaJVFNc
    June 22 01:06 AM
  • demigod! dude was it you who wanted me to make a follow up vid for "15 albums thatll always stay with you" or was that tom or row
    June 22 01:01 AM
  • Rowan5215 Yeah haha Hospice is bad enough on a good day, **** that man. Tell me what you think of the album though its super relaxing and such
    June 20 07:47 AM
  • Rowan5215 Yeah dude, sadness can make those downbeat jams sound like the most beautiful thing in the world and Keaton is the goddamn master of downbeat jams
    June 20 07:40 AM
  • Rowan5215 Glad to hear that dude friends and family are the best. Hopefully I can help out a little by rec'ing that album I linked you, there are some truly beautiful pieces on there that just calm my soul so good
    June 20 07:36 AM
  • Rowan5215 **** man, I'm sorry. That is some rough s***
    June 20 06:27 AM
  • Rowan5215 Damn dude, is something up? And have you checked Birthdays yet? Album is just dripping with gorgeous sadness.
    June 19 10:43 AM
  • Rowan5215 If you need to chill out its time for some http://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/jun/16/keaton-henson-romantic-works-exclusive-album-stream
    June 19 08:47 AM
  • Futures haha. what an effort man. shame they couldn't pull it out.
    June 19 03:57 AM
  • Futures tim cahillllllllllllll holy s***. they are looking so good right now. might beat the dutch which would be ****ing incredible. rooting them on for you!
    June 18 04:43 PM
  • Futures i suppose that is more important but yeah holy s*** man. me and 5 friends went to a restaurant and watched it. we thought it was over when ghana scored. the place absolutely exploded when brooks scored the header and we were all going nuts. a moment i will truly remember.
    June 17 06:30 AM
    June 17 03:19 AM
  • Rowan5215 I'll hit up Jac as well hell yeah
    June 16 10:41 AM
  • Rowan5215 Yeah duh that's why I bailed dude
    June 16 10:34 AM
  • Rowan5215 Haha dude don't worry its all good. Tomorrow night should be right just sometime later in the evening maybe. Good luck with the exam! It has been way too long though. Wish your bro happy vacation from me
    June 16 09:25 AM
  • Rowan5215 Or you know just leave that's cool too
    June 16 09:13 AM
  • Rowan5215 Twenty minutes
    June 16 08:32 AM
  • Mongi123 Hey bud, check out my rev for LP's new album! Might as well try it too since sput with be talking about it for months to come hahaha
    June 16 02:33 AM
  • Futures hell yes dude. oh yeah man i listened to two death grips albums now. the new one and exmillitary. ****ing incredible stuff.
    June 15 11:36 PM
  • Futures nope dude for me its monday 5pm ct. 22 hours 34 minutes from now.
    June 15 11:26 PM
  • Futures yep haha. you gonna cheer on the us for me?
    June 15 07:31 PM
  • Futures dude i watch every game haha! i really have no life so yeah idk. its my favorite thing in the world and its only once every 4 years. going to watch the us game with a few friends hope we get to go nuts.
    June 15 07:16 AM
  • Futures ghana on monday. huge ****ing game. pretty much a must win unless we think we can beat portugal or germany. so excited for this.
    June 14 03:47 PM
  • Futures yeah dude ****ing incredible game. rvp and robben teared them a new ass. check rvps 1st goal if you haven't seen it. one of the most amazing things i have seen. a diving chipped header from just inside the 18. also yeah the aussies dominated after the first 30. cahill is such a ****ing legend. be proud of your country man! it was inspiring to watch. i am forever a socceroo fan now!
    June 14 04:58 AM
  • Futures dude the aussies gave it their all and played pretty great.
    June 14 02:15 AM
  • Mongi123 Ugh damn you, sure misfire on my part oh well haha
    June 13 01:36 PM
  • Mongi123 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16Vm9yb3hZ8 Check out the opener for yourself :) and no but Homogenic is amazing.
    June 12 10:40 PM
  • Mongi123 Yes definitely. I tried Judgement yesterday and it's beautiful. So much emotional weight and depth to it's atmosphere and lyrics. I think you'll like it.
    June 12 10:33 PM
  • Mongi123 Btw, you ever listen to Anathema?
    June 12 10:27 PM
  • Mongi123 Most of the time I love it but on that record I'm just like "oh Jonsi come on" haha. For the most part Takk is an incredible album all around.
    June 12 12:02 AM
  • Mongi123 Haha nah I think 4.5 is about right. There are points on the album where Jonsi does things with his voice that I jut can't deal with haha
    June 11 11:49 PM
  • Mongi123 So I'm beginning to think my 4 for Tak... might be completely wrong. I've been listening to Milano and Gong nonstop for the last couple of days and damn, I don't remember them being this stunning and beautiful. Eternal happiness in a nutshell.
    June 11 03:40 PM
  • Futures hmm interesting. i don't need an emotional connection the album just has to bring the jams m/ haha
    June 10 06:15 AM
  • Futures gotcha haha. for me its the perfect blend of tdag and your favorite weapon which i actually love.
    June 10 06:05 AM
  • Futures sad to hear you say that. i'm ****ing loving it. maybe as much as tdag wow. how can you not absolutely love the boy who blocked his own shot?
    June 10 04:31 AM
  • Futures sweet man! it will be interesting haha. dude jamming deja entendu for the first time right now. damn.
    June 10 03:38 AM
  • Futures going to jam the new death grips soon! never listened to them before but i'm expecting big things.
    June 10 03:16 AM
  • Futures alright will do man! you should read my static prevails review and jam that!
    June 10 03:07 AM
  • Futures dude holy s*** that sounds like something i would love. going to check an album soon then. which would you recommend?
    June 10 02:48 AM
  • Futures sweet will do man. what band do they sound like?
    June 10 02:40 AM
  • Futures I haven't. i'm taking it i should? haha
    June 10 02:18 AM
  • Futures our generations finest guitarist at least in my opinion!
    June 10 01:56 AM
  • Futures sweet dude really happy you checked it out. more people need to listen to froosh.
    June 10 01:09 AM
  • Futures dude i saw you listened to shadows collide with people. **** yes. amazing album 5 it
    June 9 07:34 PM
  • tommygun phew thank fvck for that i was ready to end it all if you talked smack on my all time fave :]
    June 9 09:36 AM
  • tommygun AND???
    June 9 07:28 AM
  • MadGrinder Dude, don't just say that Stella is better than any GY!BE track. Dead Flag Blues? BBFIII? We Drift Like Worried Fire? The entire Skinny Fists record? C'mon, bro! Still, yeah Stella is gorgeous, will listen to the full thing after I delve more into the Yndi Halda record!
    June 8 01:31 PM
  • MadGrinder Thank you for the recommendation! I listened to Stella once or twice, it's a "stella" track (got it? "stellar"? Hehe). Guess I should really listen to the whole thing, thanks for the rec, avon.
    June 8 11:29 AM
  • Rowan5215 m/ plus even if you don't like the plot its mutha****in' Martin Freeman nigga
    June 8 02:16 AM
  • Futures hell yes i will take you up on that offer when i get the chance.
    June 8 02:12 AM
  • Futures damn dude that would be incredible. something i want to do as well. another thing is to actually get out to australia.
    June 8 02:09 AM
  • Rowan5215 Its literally the characters (even then, most of them are completely different) put in an entirely different situation. The plot and what occurs and the character development are one hundred percent different. Only the basic premise and setting are the same really. Jerry's a legend in the show as Lester though I love him
    June 8 02:08 AM
  • Futures you're right i guess i mean next school year haha!
    June 8 02:03 AM
  • Futures college and moving out! haha
    June 8 01:59 AM
  • Rowan5215 Yeah I only saw the film recently too, I loved it but coming from the dudes who made the Big Lebowski its not quite top level. The show is absolutely, absolutely fantastic though, you gotta check it
    June 8 01:52 AM
  • Futures nice dude! i just wish it could be next year already haha
    June 8 01:50 AM
  • Rowan5215 Have you been watching that new show Fargo dude
    June 8 01:42 AM

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