
Reviews 6
Approval 84%

Soundoffs 3
News Articles 1
Band Edits + Tags 3
Album Edits 7

Album Ratings 1174
Objectivity 70%

Last Active 03-14-18 12:47 pm
Joined 10-24-12

Review Comments 11,458

shoutbox » all posts 
  • unclereich one of the best lads of all time
    May 6 04:39 PM
  • Fair play mate. You still involved with the acoustic guitar? You genuinely had some talent.
    May 20 11:17 PM
  • zakalwe Married with kids yet? Cosmic carrot revival on the cards?
    April 29 05:19 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Hey now bro brotha bro! Welcome to 2022!!!!!!!!
    January 1 04:57 AM
  • CaptainDooRight I see you
    December 8 05:42 AM
  • icewolf I am an enigma
    April 23 04:53 AM
  • unclereich miss you goat
    December 4 02:55 PM
  • icewolf nort
    April 9 01:43 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Keep me posted boss
    January 5 02:41 AM
  • CaptainDooRight sweet glad you like it! You got anything new?
    January 3 05:43 PM
  • CaptainDooRight butter! feel the new trvth melodies!!! https://trvth.bandcamp.com/album/inordinate-and-surpassing
    December 12 07:32 PM
  • unclereich U still puffin lye?
    November 22 01:40 PM
  • Jethro42 Hello BBB, sup man... there is a prog tournament in process. We need one more contestant...Would you be the lucky one?
    May 13 12:39 AM
  • unclereich Smoak
    May 6 08:18 AM
  • Atari I've been good man, just busy as ever being a dad now and all. how about you? nice to see a review already for that Suldusk, makes me feel less guilty lol
    April 15 02:40 PM
  • Atari I know I?m slow af but looking forward to jamming that Suldusk today. ?Aphasia? is nice
    April 12 11:20 AM
  • Atari gotcha! Right on, I'll let you know what I think once I've had some more time to listen and process it
    January 24 11:28 PM
  • Atari oh nice, I thought you said it was an EP not an LP!
    January 23 05:49 PM
  • Atari I've heard Havukruunu, they're pretty awesome :) sry for the late reply, jumping on that EP you sent me now!
    January 23 05:23 PM
  • Atari *when, typo
    January 18 07:02 AM
  • Atari No prob, atari857@outlook.com. You?ll have to let me know what that Meus is done! The most recent black metal album I really enjoyed is Marsh Dweller - Wanderer if you haven?t heard it
    January 18 07:01 AM
  • Atari hey man! I'm good but have pretty bad writer's block lately. you can send it but I can't give much of a guarantee that I'll review it. certainly will if I enjoy and can come up with the words tho
    January 16 09:10 PM
  • zakalwe Woah
    December 24 11:45 AM
  • icewolf Don't
    October 9 02:49 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Thanks bro Hass!!!
    September 16 06:59 PM
  • CaptainDooRight jam my new al bruff
    September 12 05:23 AM
  • icewolf Your name Joe mate?
    June 5 08:03 PM
  • lalchimiste Yeah man, I have just replied
    June 4 04:46 PM
  • Atari you bet man! gonna be checking your other albums soon too. and yeah I loved Sangre de Muerdago's last album from 2015 as well. my 4 is a placeholder rating, so may be bumping Noite with more listens. honestly they're easily in my top 5 favorite for the genre. I'm also glad you loved the new Winterfylleth as much as I did. got any all time favorites?
    April 19 06:04 PM
  • CaptainDooRight cool bro glad you dig it! I'm gonna starting writing some melodic dm/bm next, craving it!
    March 21 12:15 AM
  • CaptainDooRight haha no worries bro, its all love! :)
    March 17 12:16 AM
  • CaptainDooRight oh dang gina maybe there was a miscommunication, im not doing an acoustic album, its a pure dm bm album super heavy, sorry for confusion my bro
    March 16 08:23 PM
  • CaptainDooRight also good news gonna spend the next two days in the studio recording everything I wrote. Album should be done and released pretty soon
    March 16 12:03 AM
  • CaptainDooRight captaindooright@yahoo.com
    March 16 12:02 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Thanks bro I?m down however I don?t use social media
    March 15 10:20 PM
  • CaptainDooRight sup bro! It?s def in the works, maybe 40% done, still got some things to accomplish on it ))
    March 15 04:52 PM
  • icewolf Was the username 'Robin Hood' already taken?
    March 15 03:18 PM
  • unclereich Huge dong
    February 25 08:49 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Sweet album, some beautiful passages!
    February 10 12:38 AM
  • Astral Abortis Definitely interested! A heavier and more involved approached sounds like a good idea, I have no doubts what you create will be brilliant
    February 6 05:12 PM
  • Astral Abortis Awesome man, I?ll keep youd with future drafts, hopefully the time gaps won?t be too large but i do believe these opening chapters are the hardest because once I finally get into a rhythm with a set of characters and story, I find myself needing to write a new one and the planning process begins anew. Once they?re all set up though, writing them through will be easier. Thanks for that, will fix
    February 6 04:10 PM
  • Astral Abortis Good catch, will fix that asap
    February 6 03:51 PM
  • Astral Abortis sent you the latest draft. If you get around to it, some feedback would be really amazing
    February 6 01:36 PM
  • Astral Abortis Yeah, a novel. It follows metal fans of different eras and countries and their lives. If you want to read it so far and provide feedback I?d be happy to show you, just give me your email
    February 6 10:13 AM
  • Astral Abortis Just wanted to let you know that Miserere Mei Deus has been my writing soundtrack all week. I've had a very productive few writing sessions with this music backing me up.
    February 5 03:17 PM
  • Greem Hi! Thanks, but i already connected with other lable. Anyway, this is my facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009455770954. Didn't know you run the lable. Would like to know more about it, name, genres etc. I have some unreleased material, may be some of it will fit.
    January 29 06:30 AM
  • CaptainDooRight That sounds pretty cool. I?ve been working Classical like compositions on Guitar in both the clean and distorted kind. Think some Beethoven or Bach style but original compositions in my own style. I?m trying to take the emotion of Classical further if that makes sense.
    January 20 03:13 PM
  • CaptainDooRight I?ve been pretty good. And you?
    January 20 03:40 AM
  • CaptainDooRight dang bra your album ripz
    January 19 01:41 AM
  • CaptainDooRight faith
    January 12 02:16 PM
  • BigPleb Good good! Just working and stuff man, you the same? Yeaahhh I am tbh, Salah is back fit for City as well so its all on the up!
    January 11 02:07 PM
  • Rowan5215 just helping out at a local cafe, i'm rubbish at it but it pays
    January 11 12:44 PM
  • Rowan5215 finally got my lazy ass a job so that's pretty good. just tryina stumble to the next thing like everything else innit
    January 11 12:29 PM
  • BigPleb Butters lad, hows it going?
    January 11 12:12 PM
  • Rowan5215 buttery bollocks, how are you lad
    January 11 12:00 PM
  • Dewinged Tx for the message man. Sure, I don't use FB much these days but i well know that every bit helps! My stuff is sort of acoustic, can't say is neofolk but it's pretty dark I think. It got a wonderful review here by Blush (eternally grateful to him). You can check it out here, and let me know if you need a download code, I'll shoot you one tomorrow. https://manueltrillo.bandcamp.com/
    January 11 11:23 AM
  • DungeonBoy https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/75815/Meus-Miserere-Mei-Deus/ review is up! Hope I did it justice, it's definitely my favorite you've released so far man. Really great album, I'm sure you're happy with it
    January 9 07:19 PM
  • Koris laun laun time ago
    December 19 04:29 PM
  • BandNewbac this is what i was talking about "walking in shapes" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE0_mE5JFWU
    November 8 02:17 PM
  • BandNewbac oh **** that could actually be amazing from you, cant wait.
    October 28 07:00 PM
  • BandNewbac experimental and heavier sounds brilliant, in what way?
    October 26 06:01 PM
  • BandNewbac yeah i am. ive got a full new album done that im planning dropping in january. and im working on an acoustic project at the moment too. you?
    October 25 07:14 PM
  • BandNewbac not bad man, you?
    October 22 12:00 PM
  • Drifter There's no vocals?!?!!
    September 27 04:31 AM
  • Drifter Sorry bro I've been meaning to check it but I just kind of forgot ):-- I'll try to check it soon!
    September 26 04:03 PM
  • BandNewbac Not that i know of man, sorry.
    September 18 03:30 PM
  • Drifter Hey I'm kinda interested in your folk albums. Could you drop a link in my shoutbox to remind me later please?
    September 4 09:13 PM
  • tommygun Uni stuff mate, current experimental research area is improving reproductive performance (insert sheep shagger jokes here :D). Sh*tting bricks about the upcoming Ashes, reckon you might do us in.
    August 20 11:27 AM
  • tommygun same old s***e mate just arseing about with animals, yourself?
    August 5 07:02 AM
  • BandNewbac Glad youre enjoying it so far :) yeah it is a pretty dense album.
    August 4 01:18 PM
  • BandNewbac Perfect thanks for your interest!
    August 3 05:07 PM
  • BandNewbac https://boringbathtimes.bandcamp.com/album/the-bardo-of-becoming
    August 3 04:47 PM
  • BandNewbac Thanks man!
    August 3 04:46 PM
  • BandNewbac i was going to release it mid august but i think i'll probably just release it this evening lol, no point in waiting.
    August 3 04:03 PM
  • BandNewbac really really beautiful man! and that album art is brilliant too.
    August 3 02:51 PM
  • BandNewbac Thank you :)
    August 2 02:01 PM
  • BandNewbac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCKWXpNTJsY - here it is :)
    August 2 10:15 AM
  • BandNewbac you too my dude :) im in the process of releasing a new single - so i'll shout you when its up.
    July 31 09:46 PM
  • BandNewbac thanks man!
    July 30 01:34 PM
  • BandNewbac yeah still got lots going on. just released my collab with LSBP and i should have an album out in august thats been finished for over a year haha. im also working on a new album that should be done relatively soon :) yeah i checked that demo, really impressive stuff.
    July 27 05:02 PM
  • Rowan5215 Yeah the Queens vibe was really strong bro, based on their first new single you guys could probably make a better QOTSA album than QOTSA this year :-( gotta write some more scenes for that sucker this weekend cos there's been some gold from improvs, but I'll send the next draft
    July 26 05:08 PM
  • BandNewbac Good, you still making music frequently?
    July 26 04:12 PM
  • Rowan5215 damn good stuff, lots of Queens of the Stone Age vibes for me, really dug it. the guitar especially was on point
    July 26 12:34 AM
  • Rowan5215 Yeah man we're just starting rehearsals and meetings for it now and it's gonna go on stage in September, exciting tomes. I'll definitely shoot you a copy sometime! jammin the song now
    July 26 12:29 AM
  • Rowan5215 bruh it's slipped past like a goddamn silk dildo at this rate. I've written a play which we're putting on in September of this year which is gonna be dope as ****. hopefully the reactions to that will give me some idea as to what I will actually do with my life visave pursuing writing or just going completely into something else. who knows ay
    July 24 10:10 AM
  • Rowan5215 I win some and then I lose some, you know how it is. only a couple months off graduating which is scary times
    July 22 04:32 AM
  • BandNewbac ton of metal lately, not sure why but i always seem in the mood for wintery music in the summer lol. stuff like Evilfeast and Burzum are in constant rotation. and yourself? :)
    July 21 03:27 PM
  • zakalwe They're a decent bunch but **** me stereotypes exist for a reason.
    July 21 03:16 PM
  • zakalwe Verona, Lake Garda, Dolomites. Absolutely stunning, full of krauts.
    July 21 03:07 PM
  • zakalwe Today 67 views tomorrow the world. I dig it mate, there's some effort being put in which is nice to see. I went to Italy with the wife, place was amazing. They love their bread and pasta though Jesus.
    July 21 02:54 PM
  • zakalwe Just got back off me hols son. Can't view the link, what's the bands name? I need to check it.
    July 21 01:40 PM
  • BandNewbac yeah man, how are you doing?
    July 21 12:30 PM
  • tommygun not bad you big bloody chav, how are things with you?
    July 20 11:21 PM
  • Rowan5215 EY UP its been a minute, what's happening butters
    July 19 02:38 PM
  • tommygun nonce
    May 28 07:16 AM
  • kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=174557 \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
    April 19 12:11 PM
  • kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: http://poleyounger.bandcamp.com/album/go-daylight \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
    April 19 12:11 PM
  • Greem Hi! Just released new LP. Check it out, if you want. Thanks. https://lifeless4.bandcamp.com/album/simulacrum
    March 28 12:29 PM
  • unclereich smokkkkke
    March 16 08:12 AM
  • zakalwe He seems to have got some belief back. I have to say Ibra is immense as well. Total **** but immense.
    February 28 07:02 PM
  • zakalwe Yeah they're the best I've ever seen them tbh. Still a bit bitter about football in general though, ranieris sacking was a disgrace. What's your thoughts on the stroppy sod Jose?
    February 28 06:55 PM
  • DoofusWainwright Pete Townsend's lovechild?
    February 28 06:46 PM
  • zakalwe Ello butters, how's tricks mate?
    February 28 06:45 PM
  • Snide I will man! I trashed my originally upcoming EPs and released the already released singles on a small three song EP, so I'm working on my third album right now - http://www.sputnikmusic.com/soundoff.php?albumid=240281
    December 31 12:02 AM
  • Snide s*** I gotta check your new stuff man
    December 29 07:36 PM
  • DungeonBoy Hey man, Merry Christmas! Hope you had a good one. I set up a page https://www.facebook.com/RotaFortunaeUS/ but I think you might have already liked it haha. Take care, and have a happy new year!
    December 26 05:58 PM
  • DungeonBoy Sweet, I'll definitely check out the video for September. Collaborations would be great, and it should be pretty easy to send audio files back and forth with drop box, or google drive.
    December 13 04:46 PM
  • DungeonBoy .. them together. I'll try to come up with some ideas and let me know if you think of anything for a good place to start. I'm open to anything, just want to write some thoughtful music!
    December 13 04:07 PM
  • DungeonBoy Ha nice! Hope you had fun, thanks for giving it a listen and I'm glad you got some enjoyment from it! It was a compilation of ideas from the past 8 years, so some of the songs are very old ideas that I really wanted to finally set in stone after years of them just sitting there. But now, I'm really looking forward to writing some new stuff. I was thinking we could do like a two song split maybe write like one 5-10 minute song each that either has a similar theme or opposing themes and release..
    December 13 04:06 PM
  • DungeonBoy Hey man! Just released Vespers this afternoon, let me know what you think.
    December 11 07:04 PM
  • CaptainDooRight playin live i hear, gotta record so we can all dig
    December 9 07:48 PM
  • CaptainDooRight nice sounds legit! lovin' the music hard, gotta rate!
    December 9 07:40 PM
  • CaptainDooRight been good just working on this new technical bm music project since my last release, what about you cheif, how are you?
    December 9 05:13 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dude haven't seen you around in days, will def check, and check my new Trvth album too :)))
    December 9 04:27 PM
  • JJKeys Your EP 'September' is fantastic, man! 'The Demon Star' and the title track actually had me audibly surprised at how good they are (not that I expected them not to be, course) - looking forward to hearing more!
    December 9 01:43 AM
  • SandwichBubble I'll check it later today! Thanks. :)
    December 8 01:57 PM
  • unclereich Thanks you british pos :p
    December 8 12:43 PM
  • unclereich I can hear it in the tunes man lots of emotion. Yea 2016 has been terrible to me as well, i lost a lot. But its almost over
    December 8 12:39 PM
  • unclereich U gotta tell me what happened with the lady
    December 8 12:34 PM
  • unclereich September jams dude well done this sounds so professional
    December 8 12:33 PM
  • unclereich Would love to hear that manly gay british voice.
    December 8 12:30 PM
  • unclereich Wheres the vox tho
    December 8 12:26 PM
  • unclereich Bro the eps are legit
    December 8 12:26 PM
  • tommygun will do old mate :]
    December 8 12:22 PM
  • Greem it's ok, wrote some new material
    December 8 06:34 AM
  • Greem keep doing good music, man. you have potential
    December 6 06:24 PM
  • BandNewbac yeah man i'll give it a few more listens and decide a rating. im from the south east too :) from Southampton but im currently living in Keele which is just a bit up from Birmingham.
    December 6 05:12 PM
  • BandNewbac oh yes thanks a lot bud this is excellent stuff, i think its an obvious improvement from your first EP, good job! youre from the UK too i see? nice.
    December 6 05:02 PM
  • Rowan5215 oh man, good stuff. I'll be keen to hear how that goes. this one's a solid 3 from me
    December 6 10:58 AM
  • zakalwe Full on brexit. Reasons being. 20% immigration, 30% two fingers to the establishment and the London wankers 50% for what the EU actually is. I still don't think it'll happen though.
    December 6 10:57 AM
  • zakalwe I have to know as well mate. Exit or Remain?
    December 6 10:23 AM
  • Rowan5215 listening now, nice stuff dude, I reckon you should have a go at some other instruments though! would really liven up the stuff
    December 6 10:17 AM
  • zakalwe Always the reason you pop up on here you whore! I was taking the piss with waterparks by the way absolute dross.
    December 6 10:13 AM
  • Frippertronics will dooooooooooooooooooooo
    December 6 09:51 AM
  • Frippertronics will review asap then (cause i do need to get back into writing full time anywaysssssssss)
    December 6 09:23 AM
  • Frippertronics man if you think gingerbread man is tops, demons dance alone will blow you away
    December 6 09:21 AM
  • Frippertronics those residents ratings backed by the best, first name tucker
    December 6 08:56 AM
  • Rowan5215 yeah good, second year done now, only one more. gonna be sad when it's over but that's the way it goes. missin the old days on this site too, all the best people have stopped posting
    December 6 08:32 AM
  • Rowan5215 I'll check it as soon as I get to my computer man! Great to hear from you it's been a minute hey. I'm good, on uni holidays now just chillin and jammin
    December 5 11:49 PM
  • DungeonBoy Awesome! thanks man, I'm gonna jam this today.
    December 5 05:43 PM
  • DungeonBoy Please do! I'm excited to hear it.
    December 5 04:48 PM
  • DungeonBoy Hey dude, I'm really digging the Moon Forest demo you posted. Can't wait to hear the end result of all of the demos for your upcoming release. It's gonna be a good one!
    December 5 03:03 PM
  • DungeonBoy So awesome to hear. I listened to The Witching Hour demo 1000 times when you sent that to me. Love the melodies on that one, I really hope it makes it to your next release.
    November 22 12:46 PM
  • DungeonBoy Thanks for the kind words man, I really appreciate it, it means a lot and I'm excited about wrapping this up so I can start working on something else haha.I really like where you're going with this new song. It's super explorative and the way it drifts through all of the different parts is really captivating, but it's all really cohesive as well. I'm really digging that melody at 2:34, it's very pretty, and I like how you come back to it later in the song. Your playing also sounds fantastic.
    November 21 09:59 PM
  • DungeonBoy https://rotafortunae.bandcamp.com/Page is made and one song is up :) finishing up one last song whenever I get some free time in the near future and then it will all be done. Definitely let me know when you have some demos, I'd love to hear them.
    November 21 05:09 PM
  • BigPleb Na man waiting for them to announce other U.K. dates next year.
    November 18 08:44 PM
  • DungeonBoy Nice! That's awesome, mine's slowly coming together. Working on it when I can but using most of my free time to work on it. My goal is to have an EP released either by the end of this month or early Decemeber. Keep me in the loop man, I'm stoked to hear some new stuff.
    November 18 05:22 PM
  • DungeonBoy Jamming Downpour dude. One of my favorite user releases, bumped up my rating. Hope you're working on recording/releasing some new stuff.
    November 16 09:52 PM
  • Snide Thanks dude! Can't wait to hear what you think of the whole thing.
    September 22 07:42 PM
  • Snide Hey man, I put up a new album if you wanna check it out! - http://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?memberid=1075139
    September 22 05:06 PM
  • DungeonBoy Thanks man! You've inspired me to finally finish writing/recording, and actually put some stuff out on bandcamp.
    September 14 05:21 PM
  • DungeonBoy https://soundcloud.com/user-995772153/untitled-1-13sep2016 Hey man just posted a demo of a song I finished recording. It might go through some mixing changes, blah blah blah etc. but for the most part this is what I'm working with. Let me know what you think man.
    September 14 01:36 PM
  • DungeonBoy sweet dude, just liked it. Where's the merch ;) How's the recording going?
    September 13 12:43 PM
  • DungeonBoy Thanks man! Marras is one of my favorites, but I really like the Vali style you have going on with your music. Maybe we could do a split someday.
    September 9 05:06 PM
  • DungeonBoy Dude that's insane, but whatever works ya know.Here's a snippet of just an SM57 mic and my Taylor. Just for reference, it's very demo at the moment and is missing some things.https://soundcloud.com/user-995772153/acoustic-piano-1-loudmax-15-master-eq-1
    September 9 03:20 PM
  • DungeonBoy Hey man, I don't know if this was up the other day when I checked the link you sent me, but I just heard the demo for the Witching Hour, and it's awesome! Great stuff, definitely my favorite track you've written/recorded. Are you mic'ing and DI? or just mic? I've been recording with just an SM57, and it's solid but nothing spectacular.
    September 8 01:36 PM
  • DungeonBoy Yeah man, some of those built in DAW VSTs for piano sound pretty bad, but the string synths you're using sound good and not cheesy like others. Guitar is more my forte, but I've been dabbling in piano recently, trying to learn all I can to record the sounds I want to. I would love to hear your feedback, I'll send you a demo as soon as I finish the song I'm working on. As you know, writing/recording introspective music is pretty personal so it's interesting to hear other people's thoughts.
    September 2 02:01 PM
  • DungeonBoy Hey man! This new track sounds great. The atmosphere is great, very strong neo-folk vibes with this one. Even though it's a demo, the guitars and synth are mixed much better allowing this track "breathe" a lot more. I like it! I'm excited to hear what's next. I have actually started recording some acoustic guitar/piano songs myself. I've written a bunch of songs over the past 7 or 8 years that have just sat there, and revisiting some of them I was enjoyed them so I figured I'd lay em down.
    September 2 01:30 PM
  • Greem your music is beautiful, I'll be waiting for LP
    August 27 09:28 AM
  • laughingman22 cool thank you!
    August 26 10:02 PM
  • laughingman22 Just listened to your track you linked, very pretty relaxing music
    August 26 09:42 PM
  • Snide It's going pretty well actually. My debut album's ratings settled at a 2.9 so that's pretty decent, especially considering my reputation on here. My new EP is dropping in nine days and I'm super excited for that.
    August 10 11:45 AM
  • Snide This reminds me of "Downpour" which was my favorite track on your EP. I really like this. My only complaint is that the picking seems sloppy in the second half of the song, but I'm assuming that's just because it's a demo.
    August 10 11:29 AM
  • BigPleb Buttery you beauty, welcome back lad!
    July 18 02:28 PM
  • MercuryToHell Ta-dah - exists on here as well if you wanna rate! https://messfx.bandcamp.com/album/melancholia-e-p
    July 16 09:05 PM
  • zakalwe Ah. That'll explain the disappearance off the face of sput and the soppy bollocks tunes. Butters is settled!!!
    July 16 08:36 PM
  • Boyproblems Black man
    July 16 07:40 PM
  • zakalwe I honestly love it mate. Might chuck a few quid at you. Fair play!! How's things? You hitched yet?
    July 16 04:38 PM
  • Boyproblems They're def the best, no doubt. The guitar on Visions is so nice; fav song off SITKOL?
    July 16 01:34 PM
  • Boyproblems U heard all of Stevie's albums?
    July 16 12:56 PM
  • Snide No worries at all man!
    July 14 05:14 PM
  • Snide http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/71196/Meus-Downpour/ Reviewed your EP bro.
    July 14 12:15 AM
  • Frippertronics boi you know it
    July 12 05:52 PM
  • Rowan5215 general life s*** slash head problems, you know the deal. just livin one day at a time and making the most of it, things are good
    July 12 08:52 AM
  • Rowan5215 yeah good lad, just spent three weeks in Thailand, absolutely wonderful place. straight back into uni with a ****load of stress but that's the way things go. how's things in upside down land
    July 12 08:08 AM
  • Rowan5215 nice stuff dude, sounds like they could all be on an Opeth album. only complaint is there's not a lot of variety, but that's not too worrying for an EP. keep up the buttery work
    July 12 04:30 AM
  • Rowan5215 bout time! I'll jam her right now lad
    July 12 03:24 AM
  • Astral Abortis yeah i've just been a bit busy all day
    January 15 07:59 AM
  • Astral Abortis yeah, the individual bits. haha it's no problem if you don't have high quality files of them. the more lo-fi the better right???
    October 10 02:05 PM
  • Astral Abortis Yeah I'll just work up some drums and vox for it and if you dig what i come up with, send me high quality stems of the parts and i can mix it all together
    October 10 01:41 PM
  • Astral Abortis If you just send $10AUD that'll cover the cost of shipping and that's all I need. Gonna get CDs done soon, just trying to figure out the best method for packaging and printing. I'll let you know when I get the CDs and you can cover it then and I'll ship you one early (if I get them made in time for release, hopefully I will)
    October 10 01:29 PM
  • Astral Abortis All good. I haven't started yet, still gotta buy a new recorder for the drums.
    September 21 08:38 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts i will. i just grabbed that tibet tape out of a whim and i was super impressed with it.
    May 4 10:08 PM
  • tommygun good lad, still resisting the urge to hoover that marching powder?
    April 30 12:23 AM
  • tommygun ey up! good man what's happening
    April 29 07:58 AM
  • CaptainDooRight new track is legit bruh, even tho it was acoustic i kept getting these bm vibes and kept envisioning bm shreks over it. Like that track could be an intro to a bm rusty raw atmospheric track. i really like the accents on ur riffs too and how unrushed yet technical it is, and dam that ending is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might have to steal that ending riff haha! like bro when it came on i honestly wanted to die in a good way
    April 24 03:28 PM
  • CaptainDooRight gonna try to check ur new track tomm bruff
    April 23 09:38 PM
  • tommygun nice pal
    April 21 08:52 AM
  • Flugmorph The butterybiscuit that never sets
    April 16 10:58 AM
  • pissbore bro have you had any time to add any bass to the SPIABOS recordings yet?
    April 15 08:42 PM
  • Mongi123 Sounds pretty solid dude. Snox sounds like Maynard haha
    April 14 05:51 PM
  • Mongi123 Sure dude I'll check it later.
    April 14 02:27 PM
  • NakedSnake Will definitely check it out
    April 14 02:19 PM
  • NeroCorleone80 Nice. Vocals fit really well
    April 14 11:27 AM
  • Rowan5215 yeah except you keep smashing out the good stuff day by day lad!
    April 14 09:38 AM
  • Rowan5215 yeah bro that's how it goes, keep on smashing stuff out until eventually something good comes and then cut the rest! it's brutal but that's the way of it
    April 14 09:15 AM
  • Rowan5215 The creative stuff? bit of a dry patch unfortunately, not put out anything worth glancing at for a couple of weeks now
    April 14 06:53 AM
  • Rowan5215 Really like the combo, you two should definitely do more together, so far it's just been strength to strength bud
    April 14 02:01 AM
  • zakalwe Good lad.
    April 13 06:09 PM
  • zakalwe Here we go son. An ultimatum has been reached and I'm putting it all in your hands cos I know your straight up. 35 today mate. What do you reckon, pack this sput lark in, grow up, come to terms with the fact that kids have always been the same i.e ignorant slags who will never understand that TDAG is drivel and that I am just a doddery old mug who shouldn't be wasting me time on a music website.......or do what I've done for 35yrs and stick two fingers up at everything, have a laugh and continue
    April 13 05:52 PM

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