


by Angmar USER (24 Reviews)
October 10th, 2007 | 119 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Exploding with emotion and Atmosphere, Estrangement is an epic journey that will be sure to please many.

Whenever a highly renowned band in the underground metal scene releases an album, a lot is usually expected. Fans often hope they continue on the same path they have always triumphed over, while some hope to see bright new things from the band. Either way, Drudkh is definitely one of those bands whose fans have high expectations. Since their debut in 2003 Drudhk have had a very productive career, releasing a total of 6 albums and 1 EP. Unfortunately the EP Anti-Urban showed a more boring and less atmospheric side to Drudkh, and had many fans, including myself, uneasy about the new album. Luckily,after listening to the new album Estrangement, I knew they were back.

An eerie Ukranian spoken section opens the epic Estrangement, then the listener is pulled through the nearly 11 minute long track "Solitary Endless Path" which seems much like older Drudkh, but with some new twists. This track is very upfront, no useless intro noise(minus the 3 second spoken sample), no drawn out slow sections, just an explosion of simple riffs backed up by basic but highly majestic keyboards much like what you would find on an older Drudkh album. Although simple, Drudkh have always managed to keep their music interesting by providing an indescribable atmosphere that can always satisfy anyone that isn't looking for music that is all about being flashy and technical.

There are new qualities that show up on the album that have not always played a part in past Drudkh albums. One noticeable thing is the bass; it is highly audible and played perfectly. The bass does not simply follow the main melody of the song, but stands out to provide the perfect rhythm, unlike in most black metal. Along with the bass, the drums also help to combine and make the perfect rhythm section. This drumming is also a bit different from other Drudkh albums; the snare is much more prominent, which some may see as irritating, though I have no problem with it. Drumming from Amorth is very good, from well placed blast beats to roaring rolls he keeps you interested and holds everything together flawlessly.

Overall the songs on Estrangement are quite long. The first 3 main tracks are all about equal in length at just under 11 minutes. Despite their length, the songs rarely grow tiresome. Each of the songs have interesting instrumental work, and all of them have nice guitar solos thrown in the mix as well. The solos are nothing fancy or technical, but they are fittingly beautiful and melancholic and keep the songs from becoming too repetitive. Inevitably with songs this long, there are sections of draggin, though it’s a rare occurrence that does not take away anything from the overall listening experience.

One of the most notable changes over Drudkhs career is the vocalists Thurios(Roman Blagih)'s style. On the first 2 albums he was more of a traditional black metal vocalist with a rasp, but his voice has grown into more of a growl over time. A notable aspect about his growl though is that he does not have a low guttural voice, his vocals are much more aggressive and emotional and have a more medium pitch to them. Thurios sounds better than ever on this release, displaying plenty of emotion and standing above many other vocalists in black metal

Lyrical themes on Estrangement are just as they always have been; poetry about forests, nature and the band’s heritage. Despite all the song titles being written in English, the lyrics are all sung in their native language Ukrainian. This to me is a nice switch up to hear bands sing in different languages aside from English. After all, hearing a band sing in one language all the time (although not very important) can become boring and it is nice to hear a change from the regular.

I am sure there will be people who dislike certain features of this album such as the snare tone of the long song lengths. But for me, these factors all add up and merge perfectly to create this epic masterpiece of atmospheric black metal. This album may not appeal to fans of the more folk influenced Drudkh but for those who like their black metal simple and exploding with atmosphere and emotion, look no further because Estrangement is the perfect way to go. I can only hope that Drudkh keep up this sound and never revert back to the Anti-Urban style that did not release the full potential of Drudkh

Things that are good about this album
+Excellent display of atmosphere and emotion
+Superb rhythm section
+Awesome vocal performance
+Nice guitar solos

Things that are bad about this album
-Nothing revolutionary or new, just a return to an older style
-Some songs drag in sections
-At 36 minutes, album is a bit too short for my tastes

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Comments:Add a Comment 
October 11th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

Hope this turned out good

I have not written in ages.

October 11th 2007


:- *

Good review, got my vote.

Hey, we both posted reviews on the same night! Zomg!

October 11th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Nice review, I'll need to check out this album before I can give it a fair rating.

October 11th 2007


This is a really good album. I think I like it better than Autumn Aurora.

Also, looks like you missed your chance Lewis.

October 11th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

Autumn Aurora is a classic, this album is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite by them, it is still continuing to grow on me.

October 11th 2007


I know some random songs of Drudkh, my favorite is the Furrow of Gods or something like that. I don't know if to check this out, one song is nice, but 30 till 50 minutes of depressive and grudgy black metal is maybe too much for me to take.

October 11th 2007


this album sucks =

October 11th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

I have this album somewhere, I remember liking it quite a bit, just not listening to it much.

October 11th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

Way to lower your rating :mad:

Yeah but the new WITTR is better.

October 11th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

i like this album but not as much as Autumn Aurora. good review. im probably just having a brain fart but who's WITTR?

EDIT: nevermind, i just realized who it wasThis Message Edited On 10.11.07

October 11th 2007


Wolves in the throne room

October 11th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

thanks though altmer, yeah the WITTR is really goodThis Message Edited On 10.12.07

October 12th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

I finally got a hold of this album. I really liked the few times I've listened to it so far.

October 13th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

Thanks for the comments all, Yeah this is a spectacular album ;)

October 25th 2007


Gud album.

December 20th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

Solid album. I'd love to have the real disk but nonetheless this is sick. Solid review.This Message Edited On 12.20.07

February 13th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Band is elite. Album is elite. New record coming out in 2009 elite x10.

February 13th 2009


why dont i have this?

April 14th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Listening to this now as I plan on finishing my bullshit 5 page term paper. Very classy album.

June 16th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

As solid as this is I think Microcosmos beats this. Stronger production/acoustic passages, and killer solos. Roman Saenko rules face. Bout time he get's mentioned with the other credible metal musicians like Neige.

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