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Punk rock revolutionized music in Great Britain during the second half of the 1970s, but the movement had exploded,imploded, and been seriously diluted by the start of the 1980s, so that former punks could be found playing in bands as fresh-faced as new romantics Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet, and as crusty as the New Wave of British Heavy Metal acts IronMaiden, Tygers of Pan Tang, and Tank. Coming together in South London in the spring of 1980, Tank were founded byvocalist/bassist Alasdair "Algy" Ward, formerly of the Damned, with brothers Peter (guitar) and Mark Brabbs (drums). Theirpower t more

Punk rock revolutionized music in Great Britain during the second half of the 1970s, but the movement had exploded,imploded, and been seriously diluted by the start of the 1980s, so that former punks could be found playing in bands as fresh-faced as new romantics Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet, and as crusty as the New Wave of British Heavy Metal acts IronMaiden, Tygers of Pan Tang, and Tank. Coming together in South London in the spring of 1980, Tank were founded byvocalist/bassist Alasdair "Algy" Ward, formerly of the Damned, with brothers Peter (guitar) and Mark Brabbs (drums). Theirpower trio format, fast-paced repertoire, and high-energy delivery were all clearly inspired by the recent triumphs ofMotörhead, and reflected a wider trend also championed by northern English contemporaries like Venom and Raven.But whereas the latter were almost instantly consigned to underground status by their pseudo-satanic presentation andproto-thrash insanity, respectively, Tank used a more accessible -- if still quite intense -- approach to connect with abroader audience, and were soon reaping the benefits via U.K. and European tour support slots with Girlschool andMotörhead. Tank were also quickly signed to a record deal by independent label Kamaflage Records, and duly satisfied earlysupporters with 1981's Don't Walk Away 12", but it was the following year's Filth Hounds of Hades long-player that cementedtheir position among the New Wave of British Heavy Metal's most promising young acts. Produced by Motörhead guitarist"Fast" Eddie Clarke, the album spawned a pair of commercial singles and ensured regular touring throughout the summer,culminating in a Reading Festival appearance.Yet the members of Tank were still able to find time to get back into the studio and release their second album, Power of theHunter, before the end of 1982. Unfortunately, this rushed, surprisingly subdued effort (more blue-collar hard rock than heavymetal) possessed neither the forcefulness nor electrifying desire (and much less the sales volume) of its predecessor, anddespite participating in a successful U.K. tour in support of Diamond Head to start off 1983, the members of Tank soon foundthemselves homeless when Kamaflage went bankrupt. Luckily for them, Music for Nations snapped up the free agents almostimmediately, and, after adding second guitarist Mick Tucker (ex-White Spirit and no relation to the Sweet drummer) to helpflesh out their sound, Tank proceeded to record their third album, This Means War, later that year. Most of the band's fanswere in for quite a surprise when the record arrived in stores, though, because the brisk, unruly, and stripped-down soundsthat had marked their early works had been significantly supplanted by multifaceted epics filled with lengthy guitar solos andeven synthesizers! The good news was that none of these radical changes stopped Tank from rediscovering the heaviertendencies abandoned on Power of the Hunter, and they seemed well on their way to a full career comeback until the Brabbsbrothers abruptly announced their departure from the group.Algy and Tucker eventually decided to soldier on with the help of new recruits Cliff Evans (guitar) and Graeme Crallan(drums), and the newfangled Tank even opened for fast-rising labelmates Metallica on a romp across Europe that year. Buttheir next studio platter, 1984's war-obsessed Honour & Blood, though even heavier than their previous outing, was uneven inquality, and an unqualified commercial bust. Tank were unceremoniously dropped by Music for Nations soon after, but carriedon nonetheless, actually relocating to America with new drummer Gary Taylor and proceeding to tour what clubs would havethem until finally being asked to record again in 1987, by GWR Records. Ironically, the resulting quite forgettable eponymousLP wasn't even released in America -- where Algy now claimed Tank enjoyed a fanatical following -- until two years later, bywhich time the group had finally splintered.Algy Ward limped back to England and remained active with several different metal bands throughout the 1990s, includingAtomgod, Warhead, and Necropolis. He briefly reconvened the latter-day Tank lads for a tour in 1997 (which spawned thefollowing year's The Return of the Filth Hounds live album), and supervised the release of 2001's War of Attrition -- Live '81disc, but not even die-hard fans ever expected a new studio album to emerge until Still at War appeared in 2002. This wascredited to a Tank lineup consisting of the Ward/Tucker/Evans trio plus ex-Praying Mantis drummer Bruce Bisland, and wasfollowed by more sporadic touring but, as of late, no additional recordings. « hide

Similar Bands: Warfare, Venom, Saxon, Motorhead, Raven


4 Votes
Sturmpanzer (Algy Ward's Tank)

10 Votes
Valley Of Tears

9 Votes
Breath Of The Pit (Algy Ward's Tank)

10 Votes
War Nation

11 Votes
War Machine

12 Votes
Still At War

8 Votes

12 Votes
Honour And Blood

30 Votes
This Means War

26 Votes
Power Of The Hunter

18 Votes
Filth Hounds Of Hades

81 Votes
Echoes Of A Distant Battle

Don't Walk Away

3 Votes
Live Albums
War Machine Live

Live And Rare

War Of Attrition - Live '81

The Return Of The Filth Hounds - Live

1 Votes
War Of Attrition (Live 1981) (Re-Issue)

Armour Plated

1 Votes

Contributors: nylonhair, Oswaldo88, rockandmetaljunkie, SylentEcho, ogan, Oswaldo88, BenMorrison, KILL, Voivod,


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