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Last Active 12-11-18 10:02 am
Joined 12-19-12

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12.10.23 Favourite Albums 202312.20.16 Another 2016 list...
12.08.15 Favourite's from 201512.22.14 2014 In Review - 35 Albums Rated

Another 2016 list...

Inspired by a list I saw earlier this week, this is MOSTLY new 2016 music but also contains a few other albums that I jammed a lot for the first time this year. Most genre's are laughably off (what am I, an Argos catalogue?) and albums rated the same aren't really ranked in order of preference. As always, I only listen to music I think I'll like, hence why it skews positive. Recommendations welcome as I know I missed loads this year!
1Sun Ra

Genre - Intergalactic jazz
Score - 4.5
Out of this world, and very difficult to score. I'm still not sure. Recommended music for everyone, as I'm convinced there's something here for most people.
What One Becomes

Genre - Ugly, bruising metal
Score - 4.4
Superb sophomore record, Aaron Turner did good. Heavier than a 12-ton badger.
3Fucked Up
Hidden World

Genre - Pretentious hardcore punk
Score - 4.3
Best Fucked Up, also last of their records that I've listened to for some reason.
Fantastic Planet

Genre - Space rock
Score - 4.2
Saturday Saviooour…why haven't I listened to this before, it's great?
The White Album

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 4.1
Return to form, better than 'Everything…'. Also saw them live for the second time in Manchester this year, first time at Reading Festival '02 or '03…they still got it!

Genre - Alt. metal
Score - 4.1
Beauty school.

Genre - Intergalactic party metal
Score - 4.1
Van Halen/Burzum (ok, not quite), this is still the most fun I've had this year.
A Moon Shaped Pool

Genre - Alt. rock/electronica
Score - 4.1
True Love Waits, you guys.
9Danny Brown
Atrocity Exhibition

Genre - Alt. hip-hop
Score - 4.1
Really Doe = hip-hop SOTY, all else is excellent, first rate DB.
She Sleeps, She Sleeps

Genre - Avant-jazz
Score - 4.1
Recent listen (thanks to this site), omg it's so good. Slow at the end, but worth sticking around for.

Genre - Alt. Country
Score - 4.1
Super gentle but lovely alt. country record.
12A Tribe Called Quest
We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your service

Genre - hip-hop
Score - 4.1
So much better than I thought it would be; Tribe, Busta and Consequence all on point. RIP Phife.
13Charles Mingus
The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady

Genre - Jazz
Score - 4.1
Another Sput find, thanks for whoever did the write up for this because this piece of music is incredible.

Genre - Rock
Score - 4
Loved this album when it dropped, still love it now. Reminds me of moving house (because that's a thing I did).
15Every Time I Die
Low Teens

Genre - Metalcore
Score - 4
Astonishing record, not sure why it hasn't connected as well with other people but I love it.
16The Dillinger Escape Plan

Genre - Metal / Punk / Glitchcore
Score - 4
RIP Dillinger, might try and see them in Wolverhampton on their last tour. Going out with a strong one.
17Jon Hopkins

Genre - Electronica
Score - 4
Best electro record I spun this year, though I've been recommended countless times. There's a humanity here which I just don't hear in other electro music. In short, brilliant.
18Husker Du
Zen Arcade

Genre - Hardcore
Score - 4
Trying that 'listen to classics' thing and this one lives up to the hype. Took me a few listens though, 80's hardcore production is charming.
Art Angels

Genre - Pop
Score - 4
Another miss from last year; Grimes is phenomenal, first album from her which has connected with me. Every track is a banger.
For Your Own Special Sweetheart

Genre - Post-hardcore
Score - 4
Re: Husker. Excellent stuff.
21Neutral Milk Hotel
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

Genre - Lo-fi / Folk / Rock
Score - 4
Yet another Sput find; took me ages, but I love this album now.
22Kendrick Lamar
untitled unmastered.

Genre - hip-hop
Score - 3.9
Levitate, levitate, levitate; Kendrick defacates on 99% of MC's. I idolise him a bit.
23Oranssi Pazuzu

Genre - Black-hole metal?
Score - 3.9
WTF is this. It's good, though.
24Carly Rae Jepsen

Sugar-sweet pop
Score - 3.9
I heart Carly; pop AOTY, easy.

Score - 3.9
Never rated Alcest before, however this album is goddamn incredible.
26Altar of Plagues
Teethed Glory and Injury

Weird-ass black metal
Score - 3.9
I really like this but have no idea why.
27Car Seat Headrest
Teens of Denial

Indie rock
Score - 3.9
Sprawling indie, but with tunes up the whazoo.
28Drive Like Jehu
Yank Crime

Score - 3.9
See also Husker and Jawbox.
Outer Heaven

Genre - Post-hardcore
Score - 3.8
Way better than their debut, I like this record a lot. Colourful and snarky, but insightful at the same time.
30Bon Iver
22, A Million

Genre - Glitch-folk
Score - 3.8
It's really good, but maybe not the second coming.

Genre - Prog
Score - 3.8
Best of the prog years to date. Not by much though, I really liked Pale Communion!
32Kevin Morby
Singing Saw

Genre - Folk
Score - 3.8
So good, like sitting round a campfire with a guy who isn't an arsehole and actually understands song-craft.
Purple Rain

Genre - Timeless
Score - 3.8
RIP Prince. Couldn't live up to the hype but it's still great.
34Agent Fresco

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.8
Feel through the cracks last year, I dig this a lot more than most.
35Jimmy Eat World
Integrity Blues

Genre - Emo
Score - 3.8
2 points awarded for the end of Pass the Baby (jokes, it's all good…but that RIFF!)
36Rx Bandits
...And the Battle Begun

Genre - Ska / Prog
Score - 3.8
Didn't know this was a thing, surprisingly ace.
37Steven Wilson
4 1/2

Genre - Prog
Score - 3.7
Odds 'n' sods. Really good, but looking forward to his next full length more.
38The 1975
I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It

Genre - Pop / Rock / Funk
Score - 3.7
So much better than it's given credit for, I really like this album.
39The Body
No One Deserves Happiness

Genre - Metal for serial killers
Score - 3.7
Like being trapped in a basement with a misunderstood ghost.

Genre - Post-rock
Score - 3.7
Beautiful, haunting, ace. Solid Mogwai.
41Biffy Clyro

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.7
Better than it's given credit for, I like.
42Against Me!
Shape Shift With Me

Genre - Punk
Score - 3.7
Decent, not as good as Blues though.
Ultimate Care II

Genre - Electronica / Experimental
Score - 3.7
Washing machine, GTFO.
44Eight Bells

Genre - Doom
Score - 3.7
Recent but decent find.
Supersonic Home

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.7
Code Orange's side project which I way prefer, I think they missed a trick and should release a follow up!
46Animals as Leaders
The Madness of Many

Genre - Alt. metal
Score - 3.7
Lovely instrumental metal, AAT get better with each release. I've spun this loads this year.

Genre - Black metal
Score - 3.7
In some ways, the scariest album I've listened to in a long while. Hauntingly personal BM.
48Oneohtrix Point Never
Garden of Delete

Genre - Electronica
Score - 3.7
Like being trapped in a hall of mirrors, stalked by synths.
49Droids Attack
Sci-Fi or Die

Genre - Stoner
Score - 3.6
Riffs for breakfast, riffs for lunch, riffs for tea (and riffs for pudding).
50Explosions in the Sky
The Wilderness

Genre - Post-rock
Score - 3.6
Very nice listen, although that sounds like damning-with-faint-praise. It's not.
51Black Mountain

Genre - 70's-worshipping rock
Score - 3.6
STILLWATER!! This rules, especially the opening track.
52Death Grips
Bottomless Pit

Genre - ??
Score - 3.6
Gif-core. Meme-tronica. It's cool.
53DJ Shadow
The Mountain Will Fall

Genre - Electronica
Score - 3.6
Best since Private Press, especially Bergschrund which is stunning.
Wild World

Genre - Pop
Score - 3.6
These guys don't get the credit they deserve; way better and more interesting than it seems.

Genre - Post-punk
Score - 3.6
Not as good as Viet Cong but still miserablism at its finest.

Genre - Metalcore / Blackgaze
Score - 3.6
Rage and sadness, distilled. Vocals are pure passion (though it's a tad long).
57Inter Arma
Paradise Gallows

Genre - Alt. metal
Score - 3.6
Really good, but not quite the masterpiece it could have been.
58David Bowie
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars

Genre - Timeless
Score - 3.6
RIP Ziggy. Couldn't live up to the hype but it's still great.
59Car Bomb

Genre - Metal
Score - 3.6
Hi, we're Meshug-, I mean Car Bomb. Not really, this is great.
The Glowing Man

Genre - Swans
Score - 3.5
Swans do Swans. Fitting end to the trilogy, but not as good as To Be Kind.
61Sturgill Simpson
A Sailor's Guide To Earth

Genre - Alt. country
Score - 3.5
Beyond The Fleeting Gales

Genre - Nintendo-core
Score - 3.5
This made me laugh out loud the first time I heard it. Weird and ADHD-like, but pretty good.
63Ben Nichols
The Last Pale Light in the West

Genre - Alt. country
Score - 3.5
Liked this a lot; reflects the colour of the book it's based on.
64Iggy Pop
Post Pop Depression

Genre - Rock
Score - 3.4
Nowhere near as good as year end lists would like to think, but Homme makes it as good as it could be.
Move Thru Me

Genre - 80's-indebted hardcore
Score - 3.4
Yaaaaaar, fun! Short and sweet, can't wait for their debut major.

Genre - Alt. metal
Score - 3.4
Apparently 10 years in the making; length doesn't justify the wait, but it's still a good listen.
Hypercaffium Spazzinate

Genre - Punk
Score - 3.4
Super fun, in the way Descendents tend to be. Showing the young pups how it's done (also, I can relate to the lyrics about getting older)
Hardwired... to Self-Destruct

Genre - Metal
Score - 3.4
Way better than anything since St Anger but c'mon…still low-grade Metallica. Fun, though.
69American Football
American Football (LP2)

Genre - Emo
Score - 3.4
Like it was going to get close. I still like it though (twinkly guitars are pretty).

Genre - Alt. metal
Score - 3.4
Intervals released another album this year?
71Delta Sleep
Twin Galaxies

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.4
Minus the Bear-lite.
72Dinosaur Jr.
Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.4
First Dinosaur…I like it!
73Chance the Rapper
Coloring Book

Genre - Hip-hop
Score - 3.3
Overrated and not as good as Acid Rap but still great.
Fear and Fury

Genre - Doom
Score - 3.3
Slight but fun EP; the Type-O Negative cover is amazing.
75Giraffe Tongue Orchestra
Broken Lines

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.3
Best Mastodon SP this year, but not much in it. I like this more every listen, for what it's worth.
76Gone is Gone
Gone Is Gone

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.3
It's ok, not the best Mastodon SP this year. Full length next year will hopefully be better.
77Esperanza Spalding
Emily's D+Evolution

Genre - Jazz / Funk / Rock
Score - 3.2
Decent listen, but sometimes the vocals are bit 'free jazz'-y for me.
78Entropia (PL)

Genre - Metal
Score - 3.2
Double kicks and growls with whale noises; it's weird, but pretty ok (I still dk).
79Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Getaway

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.2
Better than I'm With You; also, last track (Samurai) is all-time Chili's, for me.
80Big Business
Command Your Weather

Genre - Alt. rock
Score - 3.2
Likeable but slight heavy rock.

Genre - Metal
Score - 3.2
Not getting the hype, decent but nothing more.

Genre - Alt. pop
Score - 3.2
Better than it has any right to be.
83Wo Fat
Midnight Cometh

Genre - Stoner
Score - 3.1
Love this band, not digging this album as much as I thought I would.
84Wolf People

Genre - Folk / rock
Score - 3.1
Solid, but a bit boring. Did we need three Kingfishers?
85KEN mode

Genre - Noise-rock
Score - 3.1
Leftovers, but still aite.
86Kanye West
The Life of Pablo

Genre - Hip-hop
Score - 3
Lowest Yeezy, but there's some good stuff on here (Ultralight Beam is stunning).

Genre - Pop-metal
Score - 3
Love the Bieber-vocals, runs out of steam though.

Genre - Pop-punk
Score - 3
15 yr old me can't give it less than a 3, but really it's like a 1.5. Cynical is excellent, though.
If I'm the Devil...

Genre - Post-hardcore
Score - 3
Disappointing, but a grower.
Fires Within Fires

Genre - Post-metal
Score - 3
Short, sweet, low-tier Neurosis.
91Red Fang
Only Ghosts

Genre - Rock / metal
Score - 3
Not as good as their first three records; still a couple of bangers, though.
92Brain Tentacles
Brain Tentacles

Genre - Jazz / metal
Score - 3
Weird for weird's sake, but at least it's interesting.
First Ditch Effort

Genre - Pop-punk
Score - 2.9
Like it less and less each time I listen.
94Three Trapped Tigers
Silent Earthling

Genre - Sega-core
Score - 2.9
Nowhere near as much fun as it should be.
Power Under Control

Genre - Alt. metal
Score - 2.9
Disappointing follow up.

Genre - Alt. metal
Score - 2.8
Totally superfluous but pretty.
97Green Day
Revolution Radio

Genre - Pop-punk
Score - 2.8
Stop it. Better than the last three, though.
Warm Shadow

Genre - Post-hardcore
Score - 2.7
Underwhelming companion to Outer Heaven.
Stranger Things

Genre - 90's worship
Score - 2.5
100Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
This Unruly Mess I've Made

Genre - Hip-hop
Score - 2.4
The Heist II: Electric Boogaloo
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