Mitch Worden

Reviews 172
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Objectivity 86%

Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

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Build-an-Album II, R4(P1): Seeing Sounds

Up and around we go again! Who was able to prosper in the previous round, and who faltered? Did the chicken come first, or the egg, and if one or the other, which crossed the road? Can an egg cross? All these questions and more will (not) be answered. . . . .
1Job for a Cowboy

The last time we were gathered here, the genre was DEATHCORE, the theme was ABSOLUTE BEATDOWN, and every submitted album was required to both include nine songs and endure past the 30-minute marker. A “dumb rule” necessitated that contestants had to include a track that was not only from an opposite genre, but was also a hit single on charts. I’m unsure if everyone is still alive after being subjected to the mess that is deathcore, but for those still along for the ride, let’s see how things played out in the end!
Embrace the Eternal

Johnny's album: This was perhaps the only record submitted that could deliver consistently enjoyable deathcore bangers, with the only potential drag being track 4's pointlessly excessive soloing. There was a great variety of technical outputs and more straightforward cuts that aimed to write compelling heavy music. Using the slept on Methwitch was a smart choice, and the way its effects allowed the pop song to sneak in surprisingly well was amazing. Top tier stuff. 4.0
3Ovid's Withering
Scryers of the Ibis

Steak's album: This ran out of steam a bit towards the end, but the opening four numbers of this album put Steak in prime position to succeed. Some killer grooves and breakdowns were featured, including the particularly memorable conclusion of track 3. Even Whitechapel were capable of holding their own here in surprisingly effective fashion. Few complaints here. 3.85
4Lorna Shore
...And I Return To Nothingness

Shemson's album: Since when did Cryptopsy go deathcore? Poor souls... can anyone reach out and save them? Unfortunately, a fair few tunes here were absolute slogs to get through, and the quality of the album suffered greatly because of it. Track 8 especially felt like ceaseless breakdown abuse, which is perhaps the cardinal sin of bargain bin deathcore. The chart song also fit in FAR too easily due to its inherently sinister tone. Too many misses included here to get out of the abyss. 2.9
5War from a Harlots Mouth

Mort's album: Although the middle of the album nearly caused everything to plummet to the depths, the rest of the record held strong. Track 1 was a suitably vicious opener that set a clear tone, and for the most part, ensuing songs were able to carry the weight. The pop song came and went without disrupting proceedings, which was an achievement in of itself, and it managed to be rather pleasant to listen to. Very good overall, and with the help of other tunes like track 4, it improved its standing. 3.7
6Aversions Crown

bg's album: Carnifex really isn't that bad. They just play deathcore, simple as that, and they know how to do it to a certain standard. I respect it, I suppose! Beyond that, bg delved into some wonderfully over the top scifi aesthetics (a la track 1) or symphonics (see: track 4). It was a fun record to listen to because of those moments; well written, but lovingly bombastic. A good outing from the bg man. 3.8
7Chelsea Grin
Desolation of Eden

Sloth's album: Oh golly, I cannot and never will be able to take "Recreant" seriously. Eternal Marge Simpsoncore. It caused the record to fall into a pit early on, but the rest of the album was able to recover to an extent. Not too many songs stood out in particular, but they were able to accomplish their usual deathcore goals. The delightful solos of the closer were appreciated, as were the symphonic elements of track 5. There just wasn't much else that leaped out at me, and other songs were just kinda average. I also suspect at this point Lorna Shore can only write one type of breakdown, and they're lame, sorry. 3.4
8Infant Annihilator
The Elysian Grandeval Galèriarch

Uzu's album: You knew better, Uzu. You knew better than to open with Infant Annihilator. Fortunately, the remainder of the album submitted here was far from offensive, and it even possessed a handful of highlights. The breakdown that emerged in track 4 was an impressive one, and it came as a good surprise. The apparently solid Carnifex did their thang and so did Thy Art. A fun time was had! But some choices just should NOT have been made, my dude. 3.6

rock's album: Too generic would be the best way to describe this record. Deathcore tends to fall victim to cliché on a regular basis, but there were hardly any tunes here that helped break up the monotony. Some, like tracks 1 and 4, while not necessarily awful, had no business being as long as they were and ran out of ideas fast. Acacia Strain are typically just dull; using them as a closer is a miscalculation. Disappointing, this one was, by virtue of chronic mediocrity. 3.2
10The Acacia Strain
Death Is the Only Mortal

Sint's album: Sint somehow focused in on Chelsea Grin's potentially only good song, and it was a wonderful addition to a record that sported an impeccable flow. Seriously, the chorus on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" goes unreasonably hard. There were other triumphs to find, such as track 7 and how it perfectly matched the album's energy, and the absolutely DIRTY breakdowns of track 5. Consistently delivered and proceeded seamlessly. A strong entry for sure! 3.9
I Ain't Movin'

David's album: This contained a fair few tunes that reached into the back catalog of the genre, allowing a more old school aesthetic to flourish. There was more of an emphasis on the 'death' rather than the 'core,' which was a pretty neat change of pace. Track 4 in particular had some great aggression that I loved getting into. Some of the songs just didn't do much for me, and using the opener as the pop song just didn't work as a good tone setter. That song is also just kinda grating to me, unfortunately. Still good enough to pass by relatively well. 3.65
12Assemble The Chariots
The Celestials

Pangea's album: Did they use a Robin Williams sample for a breakdown? That's... a new one, and I dunno how I feel about it yet. The ending half of this album became unremarkable enough to the point of exhausting me, but I guess it wasn't awful? Who the hell knows anymore, deathcore is real and it's coming for your children and will burn your house down. This wasn't bad though, honestly. It did OK. 3.45

Storm's album: This was the only record to truly bend the genre and go too far outside the bounds. A Loathing Requiem is, by all accounts, a technical death metal project, and I couldn't detect a whiff of deathcore here. I wasn't even able to find any reliable source that classified them as deathcore. That, combined with other poor choices such as: Piano Man (why?), track 1 being an unnecessary into, and the chug abuse of track 6. This was a skippable experience, sadly. 2.5
14Preschool Tea Party Massacre
Hardcore Died With Hitler

Phero's... attempt: I put about as much effort listening to this as you did making it. 0.0
15Make Them Suffer
Old Souls

Tyman's album: This was the only chart tune that I genuinely disliked regardless of whether or not it worked. I think its aggression was a good complement for sure, but the song itself was nearing garbage tier. I do love hearing some good bass sweep breakdowns, which this world has precious few of; Track 6 forever lives on another level for that very reason. Track 3's breakdown was about as impactful as a wet fart. Everything else ranged from enjoyable, dummy thicc deathcore jams to average stuff that went in one ear and out the other. Still brought things to the middle of the pack, but it was unremarkable for the most part. 3.5
16Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

Slex has requested to be removed from the game in order to handle real life responsibilities. Send him some positive vibes and show our friend love. Everything will proceed normally, except with 4 players being eliminated after Round 5 rather than 5. I know the original signup said after the fourth round, but I've bumped the deadline.
17Job for a Cowboy

And there goes deathcore, hopefully to never return again. Sheesh. I exaggerated a bit, but that genre really did take a chunk of my soul away. It may not be regained, much like the 3 hours I wasted watching Boyhood. Yikes. Anyways, who rose to the top in this round?
FIRST PLACE: Johnny (4.0)
SECOND PLACE: Sinternet (3.9)
THIRD PLACE: Steak (3.85)
This was far easier to call than prior rounds, and the scores reflected the difficulty of finding solid deathcore out there. Oh well! Them's the breaks. Some people were able to recover from poor performances and others fell down. Let's check our updated scoreboard!
18Genghis Tron
Board Up the House

1. Johnny >>> 54
2. Steak >>> 46
3. bg >>> 32
4. Shemson >>> 25
5. {TIE) David >>> 22
5. (TIE) Sint >>> 22
7. Tyman >>> 16
8. Uzu >>> 14
9. Mort >>> 12
10. Pangea >>> 11
19Genghis Tron
Board Up the House

11. (TIE) Storm >>> 10
11. (TIE) Rock >>> 10
13. Sloth >>> 6
14. Phero >>> 5
20Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

Time to close the book on deathcore. As a friendly reminder, NO ONE is eliminated yet; the pain can’t just end that easily. See, I’m like one of the dudes from Hellraiser… eliminations are a waste of good suffering! Thus, it is prolonged for now. There’s still this round and the next to earn points and secure a spot in Phase Two. To this point, we’ve already jumped around several different musical categories, all of which have tested the resolve and knowledge of each competitor. Logically, the wheel dictates that another shift is called for. Perhaps a palette-cleanser for you, or another potential challenge? Brace to exit that comfort zone, if you must.
21Paper Route

Our chosen genre for this round is INDIETRONICA. This is one of those tags that isn’t on Sput, but depending on your taste, you’ve encountered it: the motifs of indie rock and/or pop with a healthy dose of electronic elements, occasionally in a pretty experimental context. There’s a vast selection of artists to choose from, so be prepared to explore!
22Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

The theme is set to be GOLDEN CHORDS. Vocals can play a pivotal role in the engagement a listener has with an album, even elevating lackluster material that otherwise wouldn’t have much personality. While designing your record, concentrate on finding excellent or better vocal performances. Finding a sweet combo of instrumental intrigue and singing brilliance will reap great rewards!

In terms of requirements, your album cannot include more than twelve tracks, and it must also be longer than 35 minutes but less than 50. Bit of a range to work with there instead of the usual rules! The choice is yours; longer tracks could prevail, or a series of shorter tunes. Embrace the freedom! With restrictions, of course. God bless.
23Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

A big issue I’ve noticed lately is that this competition is almost entirely based around audio… which perhaps should have been predictable. This is a game of gathering songs together, after all. But that’s not sufficient! There are visual learners out there and also deaf people. Sometimes both! In order to be sensitive to anyone and everyone possible, each record submitted must have its own cover art. How do you make it? I have no clue. Photoshop? MS Paint? Crayons? I’m not the judge. Wait—

Also for your consideration: the first “point of no return” rule is in play! These are permanent requirements that add an extra layer of difficult to proceedings. Starting this round, YOU CANNOT USE REPEAT TRACKS. Once a user finalizes their choice on a song, it is TAKEN and cannot be included on the records of others.
24Macho Man Randy Savage
Be A Man

Genre = Indietronica
Theme = Golden chords
Requirement = no more than 12 tracks; greater than 35min., less than 50
“dumb rule”: have to create a custom cover art
“point of no return”: no repeat songs allowed
25Gang Gang Dance

bg's album:

1. Gang Gang Dance- J-TREE (from Kazuashita)
2. Clio- T’as vu
3. Chairlift- I belong in your arms
4. Tame Impala- One More Hour
5. Gang Gang Dance- House Jam
6. Is Tropical- Calling out
7. Melodie Lauret- quand j’entends les gens
8. The Postal Service- We will become silhouettes
9. TV on the Radio- Seeds

Sint's album:

1. Caribou - Odessa
2. MGMT - Time to Pretend
3. Santigold - Disparate Youth
4. Shiny Toy Guns - You Are the One
5. M83 - We Own the Sky
6. Neon Indian - Polish Girl
7. CHVRCHES - The Mother We Share
8. Let's Eat Grandma - Falling Into Me
9. Hanne Kolstø - One Plus One Makes One Out of Two
10. Susanne Sundfør - White Foxes
11. Phantogram - When I'm Small
Dots and Loops

Steak's album:

1. Stereolab - Brakhage
2. Animal Collective - My Girls
3. LCD Soundsystem - I Can Change
4. Sweet Trip - Walker Beware! We Drive into the Sun
5. Supecar - WARNING BELL
6. Frou Frou - Let Go
7. The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
8. The Notwist - This Room
28The Naked and Famous
Passive Me, Aggressive You

Sloth's album:

1. The Naked and Famous - Punching in a Dream
2. Kishi Bashi - Can't Let Go, Juno
3. Dirty Projectors feat. Amber Coffman - Stillness is the Move
4. Metronomy - The Look
5. Szymon - Runaway
6. Blood Cultures - Best For You
7. Neon Indian - Deadbeat Summer
8. James Yuill - No Pins Allowed
9. Jonsi - Go Do
10. Purity Ring - fineshrine
11. School Of Seven Bells - Windstorm
12. Broken Bells - The High Road
29Lali Puna
Faking The Books

Johnny's album:

1. Lali Puna - Faking the Books
2. Supercar - PLAYSTAR VISTA
3. Sweet Trip - Chapters
4. School Food Punishment - Pool
5. School of Seven Bells - Half Asleep
6. Frou Frou - Shh
7. Macaroom - Tsuiraku
8. Triangulo de Amor Bizarro - Fukushima
9. LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends
30Lemon Demon
Spirit Phone

rock's album:

1. Lemon Demon - Lifetime Achievement Award
2. Digitalism - Battlecry
3. Jupiter - Sake
4. L'Imperatrice - Vacances (Yuskek Remix)
5. Girls Who Care - Out Here
6. Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch
7. Fever the Ghost - Source
8. Justice - Randy
31The Postal Service
Give Up

Shemson's album:

1. The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone Tonight - Remastered
2. Bloc Party - Better Than Heaven
3. MGMT - Kids
4. Klaxons - Golden Skans
5. Hot Chip - Ready For The Floor
6. Glass Anomals - Life Itself
7. The xx - Islands
8. Vampire Weekend - Sympathy
9. The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
10. Radiohead - 15 Step
11. Crystal Castles, Robert Smith - Not In Love - Radio Version

Pangea's album:

1. Porches - Underwater
2. Say Lou Lou - Julian
3. FKA twigs - fallen alien
4. Thon Yorke - Impossible Knots
5. Sweet Trip - Sept
6. Sharon van Etten - No One's Easy To Love
7. Eefje de Visser - De Parade
8. Sufjan Stevens - Vesuvius
9. Passion Pit - Where We Belong

David's album:

1. Cornelius - Drop
2. Frou Frou - Breathe In
3. Sweet Trip - In Sound, We Found Each Other
4. Spinvis - Bagagedragger
5. Imogen Heap - Closing In
6. Insides - Darling Effect
7. Stereolab - Rainbo Conversation
34Bloc Party
A Weekend in the City

Mort's album:

1. bloc party - flux
2. foals - hummer
3. mgmt - electric feel
4. enter shikari - the pressures on
5. passion pit - sleepyhead
6. everything everything - get to heaven
7. does it offend you, yeah? - lets make out
8. yeah yeah yeah - heads will roll
9. enter shikari - undercover agents
10. late of the pier - bathroom gurgle
11. pinback - the yellow ones

tyman's album:

Joywave - The Inversion
Metronomy - Right on time
Letting Up Despite Great Faults - Corners Pressed
Geography - So Low
Paper Route - Lover's Anthem
Sir Sly - Astronaut
Grouplove - Close Your Eyes and Count to Ten
The Japanese House - Saw You In A Dream
The Naked And Famous - Girls Like You
36Corey Feldman
Angelic 2 The Core

Storm's album:

1. Cup Feelings
2. Moriendi
3. Challenger
4. Excerpt From T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land
5. March
6. Message From Mork of Ork
7. Catch The Wind
8. Hopesfull
9. Possession
10. Perspectives
11. Rebel
12. Third Round Trauma From A Third World Genre
The Sophtware Slump

Phero's album:

1. Grandaddy - He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's The Pilot
2. Junior Boys - Teach Me How To Fight
3. Yeule - Pocky Boy
4. The Notwist - Consequences
5. Dolphin - Любовь
6. LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great
7. Pinback - Tripoli
Dagen van Gras, Dagen van Stro

Uzu's album:

Spinvis - Ik Wil Alleen Maar Zwemmen (off his album Dagen van Gras…)
Manitoba - I’ve Lived On A Dirt Road All My Life
Dntel - This Is the Dream of Evan and Chan
The Shortwave Set - Is It Any Wonder
Broadcast - Papercuts
Khonnor - Screen Love, Space, and the Time Man
The xx - Angels
Sampha - Beneath the Tree
Cornelius - Star Fruits Surf Rider
M83 - Run Into Flowers
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