Set Your Goals
This Will Be the Death of Us



by cvlts USER (90 Reviews)
July 17th, 2009 | 134 replies

Release Date: 2009 | Tracklist

Review Summary: No Sophomore Slump found here...

I remember in the heat of high school in the United State, the huge gaps in class grades. The seniors were the older kids who dreamed of college and secretly ruled the school, the juniors were the ones who stressed over grades and routinely found themselves buried in schoolwork, the sophomores were fresh out of their hazing of freshman year and had a newfound maturity because of that, and lastly the freshmen who were the ones that thought they ruled the school but in reality just had a huge authority complex. This is how Set Your Goals seem to come across in their second full-length album, This Will Be the Death of Us.

Set Your Goal’s debut first full length Mutiny! was a solid release but in all reality failed to actually make a lasting dent in the recent surge of hardcore influenced pop-punk bands that have sprung up to fill the recently vacated area that New Found Glory has seem to have disappeared from. Mutiny! did have its high points with tracks such Mutiny, This Very Moment and Echoes and dealt with areas such as growing older, standing up for what you believe, and overcoming obstacles in ones life. But while these tracks were still solid and excellently delivered, with catchy, in-you-face riffs, it came off with a little too much teen angst. In This Will Be the Death of Us (henceforth referred to as Death of Us) Set Your Goals seem to approach this record with a new found respect that a sophomore would.

Where Mutiny! started off with a soft acoustic track in Work In Progress, it is not so in this album. In all essence, the opening track “This Will Be the Death of Us” seems to pick up where Mutiny’s last track “Echoes” picked off, subtle feedback starting with a punk influenced drum beat followed by the main riff laid out by the bass. During the song you get a very nice treat at around the end of the track with I Am Avalanches own Vinnie Caruana making an appearance. This is another thing to write home about, the guest vocals. Four tracks on this release have guest vocals featuring Vinnie Caruana from I Am Avalanche, Chad Gilbert from New Found Glory, Jon Gula from Turmoil fame, and lastly the lovely Hayley Willams from that one great band.

However, this also is one of the downsides to the album as a whole. While the dual vocal attack of Jordan Brown and Matt Wilson are still a mainstay of Set Your Goals and continues to help distinguish them from the genre, the guest vocals that are scattered throughout the record seem to overpower both vocalists and definitely take away the attention of the actual vocalists of the band and on the guest. This is painfully felt in The Few That Remain that features Hayley Williams on guest vocals at around the two minute mark; like I said, while Jordan and Matt’s vocals are still quite good, when it comes to singing, you really can’t beat Hayley. Another downfall of the album seems to be the overpowering of the guitars that can be subtlety felt throughout the entire album. But seeing how Mutiny! was done with one actual guitarist and how Death of Us sees Set Your Goals now using the conventional two guitarist approach, it might not come off as a surprise that the band might not be used to the idea of more than one guitarist.

Yet, all problems aside, this album is a definitely an improvement from their first full length. Where New Found Glory seem to sink deeper and deeper in pop-punk obscurity, Set Your Goals holds true to their hardcore roots in tracks such as Equals and Gaia Bleeds. The high energy felt on Mutiny! is carried over on to This Will Be the Death of Us, refined, improved and makes for a solid release. While there is still room for improvement, Set Your Goals in definitely on the right track and continue to show natural progression in their music were most seem to have stagnated and have even regressed. Time will tell if this band becomes the new king of hardcore influenced pop-punk that New Found Glory has abandoned. With a release like This Will Be the Death of Us, it will definitely be hard to surpass them at this point. All eyes are on Set Your Goals, the new sophomores of the musical high school.

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user ratings (569)
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Understanding In a Crash (3.5)
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Comments:Add a Comment 
July 18th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

this was quickly whipped up as I have to go back to work, so feedback is appreciated...

streaming on their myspace

very good album

edit: for one reason or another, the album art wont load... =//

July 18th 2009


Album surprised the hell out of me.

This could drop to a 4 after a few more listens.

July 18th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Pretty good Dante, although the review predominantly presumes that the reader has heard 'Mutiny'.

One other nitpick for me (which others are going to see coming) is how American this review is. I will stand corrected, but the words sophomore & freshmen are only used in Nth America. Basically, I skipped the 1st paragraph & that's not good because the introduction should almost always set the tone & theme for the rest of the review. It's probably only me who will be annoyed by this though.

July 18th 2009


I agree with what DaveyBoy says about the whole sophomore and freshman thing, it's something that's always confused me, although I think I got the idea of what you were portraying anyway.

Other then cool review, will definately check this out when my internet starts to load MySpace songs!

July 18th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

Oh wow, never thought of that lol

As long as the basic idea was understood I'm happy with it but in the future I'll definately keep that in mind, thanx DaveyBoy

July 19th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Well, they sure as shit topped Mutiny!

July 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Solid review dante, I'm with you on pretty much all your points. "Gaia Bleeds" rules.

July 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

Monstar1790, indeed

AmericnZero02, thank you very much. Gaid Bleeds rawks

July 19th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Album is amazing. Review is good, though I think the guest vox are done perfectly

July 19th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

Tempertemperature, yeah this actually might rise in my rating. and i think the guest vocals just tend to overpower the singers but they are done really good though

July 20th 2009


Album Rating: 3.0

i've only listened to this one time through and i thought it was pretty good... i'm hoping it might grow on me cuz i don't think it's as good as most of u are saying here. one thing that really annoys me on this album so far are the lyrics, especially on the last track. most of it just sounds like a pissed off lil high schooler. i'm really liking "the few that remain" with hayley from paramore, but then again anything with her i would probably like.... she's hawt.

July 21st 2009


yes, gaia bleeds is my favourite song here.

July 21st 2009


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

ebay, lyrics havent changed that much from Mutiny!, and i guess if your not into the whole hardcore pop-punk i dont see why you'd like this

bloc01, gaia bleeds is becoming one of my favs from the album

July 21st 2009


Album Rating: 3.0

Gaia Bleeds is definitely the best song. It's so hardcore it's amazing. However, it seems some of the songs on this album lose a little of the hardcore element to them in exchange for a more pop-punk sound. I like it, but I think Mutiny! was better.

July 22nd 2009


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

zachbredberg, id say they have more of a maturing sounding quality if ya namsayin??lol

July 22nd 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

The album is great but it just doesn't grab me the way that Mutiny! does.

July 23rd 2009


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

accompliceofmydeath, Mutiny! did have a very catchy edge to it, but in this album i jus think they are maturing that sound. but i see what your getting at

July 23rd 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Yeah they are definitely maturing. I can't stop listening to this album though, that's for sure.

July 26th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Heh, this sounds exactly like I thought it would. Love the album art, it'd be nice if it showed up here.

July 27th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off

WHY THE F*CK wont the album art load?

this is quite retarded...

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