
Escape the Fate
There's No Sympathy for the Dead



by ESCAPExxFATE USER (1 Reviews)
June 3rd, 2006 | 205 replies

Release Date: 2006 | Tracklist

Escape the Fate is an up and coming band from Sin City, and they are on track to be huge. This is their first release off of the indie label Epitaph, which have released such artists as From First to Last, Matchbook Romance, and Motion City Soundtrack, but if you think that they are as light as Motion City Sountrack, think again. Escape the Fate's EP is so far my favorite CD that has come out in 2006, over many of the full length's out there.

Track 1 : Dragging Dead Bodies In Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills - 4.5/5
A great song, and is as good as the name is long. Starts off with pounding octaves and a snare roll that starts a fast roller coaster ride. Double bass riffs are prevolent in this song and are perfectly executed. Vocals are excellent and sound great. The singer, Ronnie Radke, does a great job in this song as he does in the rest of the album. The guitar solo (yes, there is a guitar solo) is well done, and is perfect for the song. This song marks an amazing start for this EP.

Track 2 : There's No Sympathy for the Dead - 5/5
The first song I heard from Escape the Fate through a Taste of Chaos label sampler, and the title track. This song starts off with a flurry of open C power chords paired with a blasting double bass kick. Then, a harmonization of the opening riff comes through and is perfectly executed. There is much harmonizing in this track, and a technical solo harmonized by both guitarists Omar and Bryan. Throughout the song, catchy lyrics, loud screams, pulsing riffs, melodic octave chords, smooth bass guitar riffs, and strong double bass kicking makes this song the best on the EP.

Track 3 : The Ransom - 3/5
The slowest song on the EP, but that doesn't mean it's not heavy. This song begins with slow seperate picked chords and a smooth bass line comes in with pull-offs that make you think Max, the bassist, was a guitarist at first. Hooky lyrics make this song the poppiest song on the EP ("We have the ransom, so tell me now that you can swim when ropes are wrapped around your limbs"), but screams remain prevolent throughout it. A good song, but the worst on the CD.

Track 4 : As You're Falling Down - 4/5
This song also has a lot of hooky lyrics, ("As you're falling down, my heart beats the same. And the tears now, run down your face) but again has lots of screams and strong riffs to back it up. It starts off with a chord progression you just know you've heard before, but i can't recognize it (please help?). This song is great with a large amounts of riffs and strong drum beats to enclose their heavy-ness within the heartfelt lyrics.

Track 5 : The Guillotine - 4.5/5
This song is the heaviest on the EP and its lyrics are related to Halo 2 (Uses the words spartans, covenant and says "They fight at Lockout")! It starts off with a seperate picked chord and battle worthy lyrics. Just then, palm muted chords erupt, a double bass riff explodes and deep screaming collides with them. Harmonizing lyrics and guitar riffs then pick up throughout the prechorus and the song is up and running within the first minute. The guitar solo in The Guillotine is very 80's Hair Metal-esque and has the effects are there to back it up. The only thing that holds this song back is that in the end there are near-Grind screams and it just doesn't seem to fit within the song.

Overall this 5 song EP is amazing. It has everything that a good band consists of these days. Strong guitar riffs, pounding drum beats, smooth bass riffs, great vocals, and explosive screaming. As I said above, so far in the year 2006 this is the best album so far. I can't wait for their full length LP in September. I can tell, these guys will be huge, but i hope they dont get too big. I don't think they would fit well on MTV :[


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June 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

This is my first review so please not that much bashing?

June 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

They're pretty new, just got signed to Epitaph, EP came out May 23. Go to their myspace for 4/5 of the songs.

June 4th 2006


Not to be an asshole or anything, but I checked out the myspace, and they sounded like pop punk to me.

June 4th 2006


decent review, although you go a bit into being overly techical. Most of the people who read your reviews probably arent well versed in guitar terminology. That can sometimes ruin reviews for some people, myself included. Also, try to stay away from formatting tbt's like this, just write in paragraphs seeing as its alot easier to read that way and looks more professional.

That being said, this band is pretty terrible. Underoath ripoffs ftw.

June 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

At first listen, i would agree with the pop punk label too, but it gets a lot heavier later in the songs.

A resemblance to UnderOATH? Maybe in the lyrics, but nowhere near the music. Yes, the lyrics are a mix of screaming and singing, at pretty much the same rates as UnderOATH, but Escape the Fate rips with their guitars, and can drum amazingly.

June 4th 2006


These guys are going to be huge.

But, the solo in No Sympathy For The Dead isn't technical atall i'm afraid.

Otherwise, good review. The band themselves are simply trying to copy Avenged Sevenfold, but they are doing alright.

June 4th 2006


They mispelled their own lyrics in their blog.
Speaking of which, no song about the ass-kickery that is Halo 2 should include the lyrics:
'we stay here tonight dont let them find us or were dead promise me you wont leave my side the warmest place to lye my head'
All that aside, they sound pretty generic. Admittedly they can play their instruments, but it feels like I've heard it all before.

June 4th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

OK, let me rephrase myself, it's pretty technical for the bands these days. It may not be that technical to fans of extremists on the guitar, but to me who listen to Post Hardcore, and some Metal, its pretty damn technical. Also, to me this sounds nothing of A7X.

And the reason they misspelled lyrics is because, its myspace. No one spells things right on there. As for the lyrics, most of it seems to be like Halo 2, except they were trying to throw some hooks in there, which downgrades the Halo 2 reference.

The Jungler
June 4th 2006


Yeah, Pattern is right. This is really generic.

June 5th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

I might have found my new guilty pleasure band.

June 6th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

At least I helped someone find this band and enjoy it.

June 6th 2006


I thought this was a great first review, and while I don't like the band, you have secured my vote. Perhaps in the future you could add a conclusion to the review? Gives it a nice sense of completion etc.This Message Edited On 06.05.06

June 6th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

Oh, i considered the OVERALL part to be the conclusion.

I'll keep that in mind.

June 6th 2006


Yes it was, but it could have been, well, "beefier". But all the same, good review.

June 6th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5


June 8th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

I'm voting a yes as well and am picking this up later today. I'll post back once I give it a few listens.

June 8th 2006


Btw, these guys are perfect MTV material.

June 8th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

Hehe, I resisted from buying the EP. For some reason 8 bucks for 5 songs seems like a slight rip off to me.

June 10th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

Its on iTunes for $5

June 10th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

Well I have a hookup at Best Buy so it might be $5 there once they get their discount.

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