
The Haunted
The Dead Eye



by loathed USER (9 Reviews)
October 29th, 2006 | 20 replies

Release Date: 2006 | Tracklist

Note: I'd like to say that prior to this, i havent heard any other material of this band, so i cannot really compare this to their earlier works.

I cannot explain through words, how much i love the legendary At The Gates. Of course, they've influenced me alot, not only in musical choice, but also in my personal guitar playing and song writing. Prior to getting this, I heard the Björler brothers formed The Haunted after ATG broke up. I was left asking myself..."is this band anything like ATG?". But then, for a period of time, I completely forgotten about them...until I saw this CD today at a local music store. So, is this album anything like ATG? Well, to put it simply, no.

* Peter Dolving - Vocals
* Anders Björler - Guitars
* Jonas Björler - Bass
* Patrik Jensen - Guitars
* Per Möller Jensen - Drums

First off, the vocals. Peter Dolving is no Tomas Lindberg. This is by no means saying that Dolving is not as good as Lindberg, but what i'm comparing here is the vocals. Dolving uses more of a rapsy scream/voice on this album, with some clean vocals scattered around this album, compared to Lindberg, who of course, uses more of a death metal shriek/scream. Dolving does have pretty good vocals though, songs like The Flood and The Medication showcases some of the good rapsy scream that he chooses to use. While songs like The Reflection and The Fallout shows his ability to sing cleanly, with the most notable being the starting of The Reflection, where Dolving displays his really good clean voice. Another very noticable thing you will find here is that, there are alot of vocal melodies. Especially in the choruses. Just listen to The Medication, The Prosecution and The Flood for some examples. In my opinion, Dolving does it just right. He doesn't overdo it, nor underdo it. He has just the right voice for the music The Haunted is coming up with. Definitely a plus point for the band. However, for this plus point, there is a downside. Well, yes, you guessed it...the bass. I feel a little sorry for Jonas because he is most of the time drowned out by the heavily distorted guitars. Granted, you can hear him a couple of times, and he doesnt really play bad stuff, listen to The Cynic for an example. But overall...he really needs more exposure. Just like with any modern metal band.

Per Jensen does a good job behind the drum set as usual. He definitely knows when to play and show-off and when to tone down and play simple beats. The driving force behind the songs, and more importantly the band. There are some really good beats and fills here and there. However, you could always complain about him not being very technically adapt. Yes, he does not play alot of technical stuffs behind his kit. Heck, i dont even think you will be able to find 10 second furious double kick bass playing on here. But does that take away what he has done, or is that sufficient enough to say he is not good enough? Well, imo, no. Comparing him to Adrian Erlandsson from old ATG, i'd say that Erlandsson has the edge. Why? Firstly, you will hardly hear the furious "blast beats" that Erlandsson was famed for when he was with ATG, on here. I mean, just listen to Blinded by fear from ATG and any song off this album, and you will know why i gave the edge to Erlandsson. But then again, i'd like to stress that Jensen is by no means a really bad drummer. Some of the songs that he stands out on are The Shifter.

Ahh, finally...this is probably the most important reason why i like this album. Of course, the guitars. Ahhhhhh! Yes! You havent forgotten that Anders Björler was playing in ATG as well, havent you? So would you expect this band to have the same playing style as he did on ATG on here? Well, if you did...you'll be...somewhat disappointed. My friends, most of the riffs here are almost nothing like ATG. Yes, there are a few moments reminiscent of ATG, but overall, this record will not in the least remind you of ATG. Yes, the riffs here are still melodic, and some of them even quite trashy. But i dont know, it just doesnt have the "ATG" feel to it. Of course, Anders, being the awesome guitar player that he is...does have some really stand out moment on here. The Flood starts out with a rather melodic yet simple riff, The Reflection shows more of the "chuggy" riff that he churns out, and The Stain features a melodic, yet very flowing riff to the song, especially in the chorus. "Whaaaaaaat? Theres only 1 guitarist?", you may be asking. Well, no...they have 2. The other in Patrik Jensen. However, i'm not very sure what both of them specifically play, so i cant really judge what Patrik is playing. However, my description of Anders as above, is based on my assumption that he handles most of the lead riffs and solos. Oh, if youre expecting alot of ATG like solos, or just any kind of solos on here...be mentally prepared. There are few solos on here, with the main emphasis on the riffaging department. Guitar harmonizing that was so frequent in ATG, is well, almost non-existant here. You won't find both guitarists solo-ing together, and hardly will you find them playing riffs together. One thing that i really like here though, is the addition of clean sections. In my opinion, they add, instead of take away from the song. Most of the clean sections are beautifully played, with Peter Dolving singing cleanly over it. They are also not overdone, with long drawn out passages, but is done just right. The distorted guitar tone is pretty good as well. Overall, the guitars are sure a plus for the band. If you like melodic/catchy stuff, you should give this a try. Edge...err, At The Gates. Personally, i'd love to have seen more ATG influence on especially the guitar playing.

Overall, this is a pretty good album. If you're expecting another ATG, i say get on with life. The Haunted is The Haunted, At The Gates will forever be At The Gates. The songs here are mostly catchy and melodic, from the vocals...to the guitars. Of course, there will be shouts of "sell outs!"...mainly because the riffs are melodic, and they follow a standard heavy verse-singing melodic chorus now. But whatever people say, this is still a good album. Enjoy this album throughout...however, always remember...

This is no At The Gates...
Never has been, and never will be...

Long live At The Gates

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The Haunted has taken another direction in their latest album The Dead Eye. This album is a bit dark...

Comments:Add a Comment 
October 29th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

Ahhhhh, i smell propaganda...in the last 3 lines

sorry people! im such a big fanboy of ATG.


October 29th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

I have only heard two songs from this band and I love them both, but I always forget to buy an album from them. I guess you didn't had to mention ATG so many times but...

Good review, enough to make me wan't this

October 29th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

geeez, 71 views...2 comments...

October 29th 2006


I was going to comment earlier, but I forgot.

Good review. I haven't heard too many good things about this band though.

south_of_heaven 11
October 29th 2006


Album Rating: 2.5

Good review, but go back through and capatilize those I's...it hurts my eyes...

This band is pretty damn bad...except for a few songs here or there...

October 29th 2006


Good review, I might have to check this out.

October 29th 2006


I've had nothing but bad experiences with The Haunted. Maybe I'm setting my stabdards too high after At the Gates, but this band is just blagh.

October 29th 2006


Album Rating: 2.0

After hearing their free MP3 'The Medication' I can honestly say that these guys seem to be dumbing down their sound for no apparent reason. The song had nothing technical to it whatsoever, unlike their first 3 albums which were awesome. rEVOLVEr was a terrible album at best and the new song is not changing my mind about these guys. I will listen to the whole album before I bash it though. This Message Edited On 10.29.06

October 31st 2006


I found this album disappointing, the slow clean vocals at points ruined it for me.

November 9th 2006


Album Rating: 2.0

The Haunted got worse?! Whoa! That's some achievement. I've liked about 3 songs from 4 albums. Not a great ratio.

BTW Erlandsson played on The Haunted's debut. But he seemed to have forgotten how to do anything bar Slayer beats.

November 10th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

ok so here are my points:

-You are obsessed with ATG and you picked this album by chance(the Björler bros as you mentioned).And now you are comparing every Haunted thing you hear with ATG.Big Mistake and a big minus to your review for me.

-Haunted are (neo)thrash while ATG were death metal.in fact the establishers of the NWOSDM.Would you compare slayer with cannibal corpse?no

- Dolving's voice is one of the best in the metal genre for me.amazing capacity(pissed and clean)you cannot confuse it with anyone's else.(the same way you cant confuse (eg) chris cornell's voice)

-Per Möller Jensen is an amazing drummer.he plays some more complicated stuff than previous albums(rEVOLVEr for one) and shows very good dynamics.he is one of the secret diamonds in the metal wolrd(along with (eg) chris kontos).Blinded by fear has no blast beats.it has a typical thrash beat.

-Guitars now.In this album Anders didnt want to go for any solos.as you can see only one song has a solo.As an ATG fan you should know that he despises complexity.short solos with harmonies and accurate meaning is what he goes after.

-You should listen to other Haunted albums too.The Haunted despise staying and exploring the same thing.You cannot find albums that look alike.It's true that this album was a bigger step.But it is as dark as hell.You mentioned a catchy stuff.ok name some catchy parts.(for me catchy is this: Ive tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesnt even matter...)

This is a great metal album.A kick in the nuts to the american metal.

so the albums takes 4.5/5

your review 1.5/5

your essay"compare and contrast these two albums" takes 4.5/5

cheers to the one guy who read my points.

south_of_heaven 11
November 10th 2006


Album Rating: 2.5

Would you compare slayer with cannibal corpse?no

Slayer heavily influenced Death Metal...so yes, I could compare those two bands.

And I'm sorry man, but The Haunted just makes me angry, because ATG was so much better...

November 10th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

I like ice cream because punk sounds better with pingy rides.

November 11th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

[quote=RoaRing_Roach]ok so here are my points:

-You are obsessed with ATG and you picked this album by chance(the Björler bros as you mentioned).And now you are comparing every Haunted thing you hear with ATG.Big Mistake and a big minus to your review for me.

-Haunted are (neo)thrash while ATG were death metal.in fact the establishers of the NWOSDM.Would you compare slayer with cannibal corpse?no

- Dolving's voice is one of the best in the metal genre for me.amazing capacity(pissed and clean)you cannot confuse it with anyone's else.(the same way you cant confuse (eg) chris cornell's voice)

-Per Möller Jensen is an amazing drummer.he plays some more complicated stuff than previous albums(rEVOLVEr for one) and shows very good dynamics.he is one of the secret diamonds in the metal wolrd(along with (eg) chris kontos).Blinded by fear has no blast beats.it has a typical thrash beat.

-Guitars now.In this album Anders didnt want to go for any solos.as you can see only one song has a solo.As an ATG fan you should know that he despises complexity.short solos with harmonies and accurate meaning is what he goes after.

-You should listen to other Haunted albums too.The Haunted despise staying and exploring the same thing.You cannot find albums that look alike.It's true that this album was a bigger step.But it is as dark as hell.You mentioned a catchy stuff.ok name some catchy parts.(for me catchy is this: Ive tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesnt even matter...)

This is a great metal album.A kick in the nuts to the american metal.

so the albums takes 4.5/5

your review 1.5/5

your essay"compare and contrast these two albums" takes 4.5/5

cheers to the one guy who read my points.[/quote]

1) You fail to realize that ATG had both trash and death influences... -1

2) If the drummer is an amazing drummer, i feel sorry for the mouniers and portneys. -1

3) Geeez, have you even listened to the album? The whole album doesnt just have 1 solo. -1

4) Anders doesnt go for complexity? are you fucking kidding me? From ATG, till now, DO NOT tell me that everything he does is just simple 1,2,3,4 riffs. -3

5) "A kick in the nuts of american metal"...ouchhh, youre an idiot... -10

6) And finally, you gave this album a fucking 5!? A classic!?!?!?!?!?!?!? -10000


November 11th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

Really really "BAD" review!! I can't comprehend why this sucker thought that he was able to write a single word about The Haunted ( Come on he didn't heard any other of their FOUR releases! He has been travel in mars during the last eight years and he brought just the Slaughter Of The Soul album!! ). Ok i agree!! That's not a classic at all and my paradoxical rated is the same as the sucker one!! This Message Edited On 11.14.06

November 11th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

to loathed...

ok man.

sweet dreams...

November 12th 2006


I love One Kill Wonder and Revovler by these guys and definitely will get all of their other stuff, your review would have been much better if you hadnt compared it so much to ATG, I think too many people on here cant just review an album for what it is, they throw in all of this nonsense about how it should have sounded and what everyone was expecting, thats just my opinion though

November 15th 2006


Ive listened to this multiple times in the car with my friend. Me like. Just dont own it and havent listened to it enough to rate it

December 15th 2006


I'm currently on my first listen through this album (on 'The Failure' atm). I'm loving it. I also have 'One Kill Wonder' and I was wondering if the vocalist has changed 'cause if he hasn't then he's improved a lot, it may have been the production on 'OKW' but this album sounds so much better.

December 19th 2006


not the same vocalist, totally different guy

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