Nightmares Made Flesh



by Dethtrasher USER (232 Reviews)
December 27th, 2006 | 386 replies

Release Date: 2004 | Tracklist

Review Summary: A modern old-school brutal death-metal album, created by some of Sweden's biggest metal musicians.

Somewhere between 1999 and 2000 a collaboration was engaged by Mikael Akerfedlt also known as a guitarist from a famous band called Opeth, he started a the band alongside some of Sweden’s finest metal musicians. The original idea was just to play old-school brutal death-metal, most because of the fact that many of the members had their musical interests rooted in the more extremer metal genres. The main thought was to release an EP and it would be the end of the line, but the members thought otherwise and the little project grew into a much bigger project. This so-called ‘’supergroup’’ has released yet one EP (Breeding Death) and two studio albums (Resurrection Through Carnage and Nightmares Made Flesh). There has been a few changes during the line-ups, members swapping instruments and the brainchild himself left the band to continue with his finer band Opeth, but luckily there was one person who became a perfect replacement, the metal genius Peter Tagtgren from Hypocrisy. He replaced Mikael Akerfeldt and was responsible for the vocals on [i]Nightmares Made Flesh. You sometimes see other forms of supergroups emerging and sometimes you think that the line-up and the final product is or was completely crap and then you suddenly discover another supergroup that has a perfect blend of famous musicians, Bloodbath is one of those bands that has a perfect line-up with the best of the best.

In 2004 their second full-length album was released, the accomplishment was called Nightmares Made Flesh, an album that dug up the past from the old-school brutal death-era and played it with new influences and craftsmanship. This album delivers a deadly and heavy dose of unpleasant death-metal, all songs has great structures and musical engineering that creates a very good variety in the material. You both have fast songs like Stillborn Saviour and Bastard Son Of God, slow songs like Draped In Disease and Outnumbering The Day, some small doom-metal influences can be found in songs like Eaten and Blood Vortex. There are very few signs of melody here, since this is brutal death-metal melody should be out of the question but you can sense some melody in some of the songs, especially in some of the guitar solos and the lead work. Everything here has a great sound, nothing is too overwhelming, perhaps the bass might be a bit overshadowed by the thick guitars but the rest is totally flawless. Atmosphere is very present in this album, all the songs displays some kinds of unwelcome, eerie, haunting and mystical atmospheres. This factor creates life in the material, as a sign that the members really deliver precise and serious performances and not some sloppy or unenthusiastic nonsense.

Peter Tagtgren, he might not have incredible instrumental skills but he is definitely vocally talented nonetheless. He has the ability to sing almost anything, growls, screams, shrieks, chants, raspy or harsh vocals and clean vocals; these are some of his vocal register. Peter delivers some of his best vocals in this album, from the deepest beast growls to cutting black-metal shrieks and agonizing hollering. He definitely helps to create a brutal atmosphere with his respective vocal work. Anders Nystrom and Dan Svanö are also of the same calibre as Peter Tagtgren, these guitarists has also been included in lots of famous Swedish metal bands, they have even created projects where they are responsible for all the instruments and vocals. They are the two guitarists in this album and both of them makes high-quality performances, bone-crushing rhythms, cutting lead work, haunting solos and some unusual guitar breakdowns are also present here. The guitars have a massive sound which creates pure heaviness, one of the band’s triumph cards. Jonas Renkse is the bass player on this album, this bassist has been playing in famous bands as well, not to famous but Katatonia is one of them. Jonas actually stands out a bit in this album, he mostly follows the heavy guitars but he also jumps forth and delivers a few short bass solos. But he remains in the rhythm section and helps to create a steady wall of sound. Martin Axenrot, a drummer who has also performed with numerous of other bands, Opeth, Witchery and Satanic Slaughter to name some of the bands. Here you will find a varied drum performance, some death-bands tend to use a rather one-dimensional and un-changing style of drumming but Axenrot doesn’t. Ferocious blast beats and heavy double bass kicking are some of the main patterns that you will experience in this album, there are of course other style of drumming here, both fast, moderate and slow drumming. There are no signs that tell that the drumming is repetitive, every song has a different drum pattern that doesn’t mix up with other songs.

I’m pretty much surprised that I enjoyed this album as much as I did, but there was one thing that I thought didn’t suit the music so good. I can only find one bad thing in this album so I start with that, I thought that some of the guitar solos really didn’t fit some of the songs. Some guitar solos were trembling to much into Invocator territory, and that is a band that I have some negative experiences from. The solos felt too familiar with their style of soloing, lots of wailing and extended vibrato moments did not suit the brutal and devastating music. Other than that the album really lived up to what it is described to play, definitely a heavy and very brutal death-metal album. Everything was flawless, great production, innovative guitar work, tremendous vocal work; everything had something to add to the extreme, dark and brutal atmosphere.

I can recall that I found a few songs from this album and back then I thought: ‘’This was too brutal and extreme for my taste’’. But after six months or so the thought of getting the whole album just struck me, I got Nightmares Made Flesh and I really enjoyed it, it didn’t felt so brutal after all when I realized that Peter Tagtgren was the vocalist this time. But this is not an album that suits everybody, it is definitely not an album for the faint of heart, everything here shows no mercy. People who are dedicated followers of Peter Tagtgren and his work with Hypocrisy would probably enjoy this album because of his massive vocal performance. And judging by the gore and death based lyrics, people who like bands like Cannibal Corpse would also enjoy this album. Old-school death-metal fans that enjoys the legends of death-metal such as Obituary and or Deicide could have a look at this band and this here album.

+ An incredible and massive overall sound
+ Probably one of Peter Tagtgren’s best vocal performances ever
+ Innovative and refreshing guitar work
+ Good overall variety, very few moments of repetition
+ Past and future moulds into a perfect modern old-school death-metal album

- Some guitar solos did not suit some of the songs

Recommended Tracks
-- Cancer Of The Soul
-- Draped In Disease
-- Outnumbering The Day
-- Eaten
-- Brave New Hell

This album will be given proud a 4.5/5

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user ratings (1043)

Comments:Add a Comment 
December 27th 2006


I've heard Outnumbering The Day and I really enjoyed it.
Great review.

December 27th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

this band are fantastic . Eaten being ,possibly , my favorite death metal track ever !

Great review .

December 29th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off


Track #1, 4, 6, and 10 are my favourite tracks. Tagtgren is an awesome vocalist!

January 25th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

These guys sound like some damn good death metal with mikael from opeth sounding as good as ever behind the mic...its cool to hear him with a slightly different style of band backing him up...i like how they drape themselves in blood too...very cool

January 25th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

Wait did i mess that up? is it mikael from opeth?

January 25th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

forget it..i see

January 26th 2007


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

Mikael is from Opeth yes, and he helped to create this project but he left and Tägtgren replaced him in this album.

I suggest that you check this album out though, it is really something special.

April 2nd 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

One of the best death metal albums of the 2000's.

May 9th 2007


Album Rating: 5.0


i hope these guys will be on the music for a long time

just love it

May 9th 2007


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

I'm actually surprised that you enjoyed this LORD, and yea, I hope that they be around for a while. I hope that they could at least release one more album. I need to listen to RTC.

May 9th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

RTC is much weaker then this.

May 10th 2007


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

I have been listening to the samples at their website, sounds too familiar to Opeth. But I will get the whole album anyway. Bloodbath are planning to release a mini CD! Can't wait.

May 10th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

They're really nothing like Opeth though aside from Mike Akerfeldt being on the first two releases.

May 14th 2007


Album Rating: 5.0


Indeed....its one of my fav album, digging it a lot

Musicianship is Simply amazing

and with a guitarist from Katatonia it add spirit to the brutal music


you got my vote for the review

May 26th 2007


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

Is this the real album cover? I played some songs at my friends place with Windows Media Player and suddenly I see a pictures of a man (or corpse) with blood and stuff. Am I right or wrong.

May 26th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

That's the American release cover for it. The cover shown on the review is the original cover. I don't know why they are diffrent.

May 26th 2007


Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off

Ah, thanks for letting me know. That cover looked better than this one imo.

May 26th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

i still need this, i only have their previous album and its pretty good

May 26th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

This is so much better the RTC.

May 27th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

thats what ive heard, im going to get this tomorrow if its at my local record store

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