
Reviews 4
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Soundoffs 137
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Band Edits + Tags 9
Album Edits 36

Album Ratings 1208
Objectivity 89%

Last Active 07-06-10 6:31 pm
Joined 02-05-08

Review Comments 3,726

07.03.10 Steve Carell Left The Office!06.29.10 Top 10 "i Miss You" Albums
06.27.10 Florida.06.17.10 Recommend Me Music For A Rainy Weekend.
06.16.10 A Decade Of Silence Pt.406.15.10 Confessions Of An Asshole
06.14.10 A Decade Of Silence Pt.306.13.10 A Decade Of Silence Pt.2
06.12.10 A Decade Of Silence06.11.10 Film Scores?
06.08.10 Silence's Albums You Need Pt.206.04.10 Silence's Albums You Need Pt.1
06.01.10 Silence's Movies.06.01.10 Silence's Movies.
05.27.10 Rateyourmusic?05.24.10 Silence In The Hospital
05.15.10 Neo Classical/post Rock/drone Recs05.12.10 Silence's '10 (thus Far)
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25 Songs From The New Guy

I've finally decided to make a list, for that list i hvae decided to make it on my top 25 songs. I'm always looking for new music, so suggestions would be solid.
1Jars Of Clay
Oh My God

(i suggest only listening to this song when you're in the mood for a very powerful song)
2As Cities Burn

Broken Lungs

4After The Tragedy
The Merchant and The Blue Candle

5Manchester Orchestra
Where Have You Been?

(i also put the live version because altough the recorded version is amazing itsself it doesnt compare to pure emotion of when they play it live.)
6Brand New

7Cool Hand Luke
The Balancing Act

8Explosions In The Sky
It's Natural To Be Afraid

i can't find it anywhere but about everything else on :// is golden!
9Oh, Sleeper
Charlatan's Host

10Frightened Rabbit
Head Rolls Off
Every Breathe You Take

12Edison Glass
Let Go

13Do Make Say Think
Herstory Of Glory

14The Glorious Unseen
Close To Your Heart

15Damien Rice

16Stephen and the Lion Tamers

17As Cities Burn

18The Snake, The Cross, The Crown
Behold The River

19Jars Of Clay
Much Afraid

i can't find a link anywhere, but if you download i really suggest it.
20Johnny Cash

(an incredibly powerful music video, one of my favorite videos)
When I Remember

(there's an acual music video to this which is quite good but the audio was crap.)
Mathias Replaces Judas

23As Cities Burn

(the video was cutt short, the acual lenght is around 12, but it shows the majority of the song. If you feel like it i strongly encourage you to download the whole song or better yet buy the whole cd entitled Come Now Sleep, which sense it came out has been my all time favorite cd. Mainly what you miss in the video is powerful ending line;
Take me back to where I was before I was born.
It's life; sweet and dreamless sleep
It sounds like heaven to me.)
24Norma Jean

i can't find any sort of link.
A Rush Of Blood to the Head

26Straylight Run
The First Of The Century

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