
Reviews 6
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Album Ratings 219
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 03-01-17 10:56 pm
Joined 12-23-16

Review Comments 113

02.28.18 Classic Teenage Angst12.19.17 My Big 4 of Thrash
11.08.17 Favorite Guitar Teams10.24.17 Guilty Pleasures
10.12.17 18 albums for 18 years09.28.17 Bands I can't seem to get into.
09.27.17 Favorite Guitarists09.14.17 Songs that deserve a bit more love
07.27.17 Recommend Some Good Progressive Metal06.26.17 Anyone else noticed this?
06.20.17 Bands my dad enjoys06.01.17 Overrated bands
05.25.17 Alternate Facts: Metal Edition05.19.17 Bands to give my mom a heart attack
05.05.17 Top 10 Favorite bands (redux)05.02.17 Overrated Albums
05.01.17 A7x Ranked04.11.17 Just Garbage Gateway Bands
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My Top 5 most disappointing albums

These albums are, in my opinion, the most disappointing albums. Basically, there had to be some hope that they'd be good, so albums by bands such as Limp Bizkit and Attila will not be considered, as I have never really had any hope that they'd be any good. Also please note this is coming from someone who just got into metal, so if I missed any big ones, let me know in the comments so that I can avoid them. Also, since this is my first list, try not to rage too hard.
5Sum 41
13 Voices

My favorite album on the list, 13 voices does deserve a spot here. After the release of its singles, the album looked very promising. It was an enjoyable listen the first time around. The second time through I found myself skipping around a bit more than I usually do on an album. This album just failed to live up to the expectations I had coming into it.
4Avenged Sevenfold
Hail to the King

This album is infamously bad and I don't really think it requires an explanation on why it isn't worth listening to.
3Linkin Park
A Thousand Suns

I like the band, but this album is ugly. This is the only album in the top 3 that I haven't fully listened to, nor do I have any intention to.

As a Christian myself, Skillet has had an extra appeal to it. Something that my parents can't get too angry over and was the first "metal" band I was actually interested in. A couple songs off it are nice, Invincible and Back from the Dead come to mind, but the rest of it feels phoned in. Skillet follows the same formula as they always have: Heavyish opening followed by a lot of hit or miss "eh" music. What really hurt was their live show is actually quite good and since I saw it the day before I listened to the ablum, I was excited for it. I was let down.
1Fall Out Boy
American Beauty / American Psycho

Oh God, where to start. I enjoy early FOB (up to Infinity on High), which I ironically discovered after this album and Save Rock and Roll. But this album defines the word "mess". Relying way too heavily on mainstream pop ideas lead this album to chart well and destroy hope for Fall Out Boy. This album is a pop-punk band's mainstream nail in the coffin and I really wish I did not buy this album.
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