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The Fall Discography Run

If it's me and your granny on bongos, then it's a Fall Discography Run.
1The Fall
Bingo-Master's Break-Out!

August 1978 | Step-Forward | 4.0 | β†’

1. Psycho Mafia (4.5/5) πŸ‘
2. Bingo-Master (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. Repetition (4/5)

We begin our little odyssey with (if my sources are correct) the band's first release, a pretty styling EP. Bingo-Master's Break-Out! wasn't my first exposure to the band, as it probably should've been, but listening to this as an already-established fan is a nice little treat. The best track has to be the opener, "Psycho Mafia," with its driving drums and yelped vocals. "Bingo-Master" is a fine track for what it is, but this era of the Fall has much more to offer. The band starts off strong on this short EP. Now its time to see if this momentum carries.
2The Fall
Live At The Witch Trials

March 1979 | Step-Forward | 4.1 | πŸ†•

1. Frightened (4.5/5)
2. Crap Rap 2/Like To Blow (4.5/5)
3. Rebellious Jukebox (4/5)
4. No Xmas For John Quays (4/5)
5. Mother-Sister! (3.5/5)
6. Industrial Estate (4/5)
7. Underground Medicin (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
8. Two Steps Back (4/5)
9. Live At The Witch Trials (4/5)
10. Future Pasts (4.5/5)
11. Music Scene (5/5) πŸ‘

Planned to be recorded and mixed over the course of 5 days, but ended up being recorded in one day and mixed the next, Live At The Witch Trials almost has a demo quality to it. The drums are too loud, the guitar is barely audible, and the vocals sound like they were recorded using a pigeon with a mic taped to its belly. What I'm saying is, the mix is a hot mess. And I wouldn't have it any other way. For best track, "Music Scene" takes the cake. For weakest, "Underground Medicin" doesn't really dazzle. I had never checked this album in full up until this point, but the curious will be rewarded with a great, albeit rough record.
3The Fall

October 1979 | Step-Forward | 4.3 | ↑

1. Psykick Dancehall (4.5/5)
2. Figure Walks (4/5)
3. Printhead (4.5/5)
4. Dice Man (4/5)
5. Before the Moon Falls (5/5)
6. Your Heart Out (3.5/5)
7. Muzorewi's Daughter (5/5) πŸ‘
8. Flat of Angles (4/5)
9. Choc-Stock (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
10. Spectre Versus Rector (4.5/5)
11. Put Away (4.5/5)

Less than a year later (Live At The Witch Trials was recorded in December 1978), the Fall were back with another record with Dragnet. With a more clear direction and a pep in their step, the Fall took their signature style we saw on Witch Trials and polished it just enough to make this the superior record. Keep in mind, "polished" for a Fall record isn't a glossy sheen, more like a sharpened knife. The stellar "Muzorewi's Daughter" still manages to wow me after such a long. "Choc-Stock" is a good track, but there's a reason it's one of the album's shorter songs. On Dragnet, the Fall prove that they were ready to take on the world. Well, at least Mark S. Smith was.
4The Fall
Fiery Jack

January 1980 | Step-Forward | 4.3 | πŸ†•

1. Fiery Jack (4.5/5)
2. 2nd Dark Age (4/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. Psykick Dancehall #2 (4.5/5) πŸ‘

Now, you may be saying: "Sandwich, this is a single. You're obviously senile and need to be banned for ruining the database with this nonsense." You'd be right on all three points: This is a single, I'm an ass, and a ban would do me good. However, I think if I play it cool, no higher-ups/fat cats will notice. With that said, Fiery Jack is a set of 3 tracks, two new ones and an alternate of a song off Dragnet. The latter, "Psykick Dancehall #2," is just a treat to listen to (even if it's not terribly different from the Dragnet version). Out of the three, "2nd Dark Age" just barely weaker due to its short length. As a single (don't snitch), Fiery Jack definitely burns bright.
5The Fall
Totale's Turns (It's Now Or Never)

May 1980 | Rough Trade | 4.1 | β†’

1. Intro (4/5)
2. Fiery Jack (4.5/5)
3. Rowche Rumble (5/5) πŸ‘
4. Muzorewi's Daughter (5/5)
5. In My Area (5/5)
6. Choc-Stock (3.5/5)
7. Spector Vs. Rector 2 (4.5/5)
8. Cary Grant's Wedding (3.5/5)
9. That Man (3.5/5)
10. New Puritan (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
11. No Xmas For John Quays (4/5)

The Fall are no strangers to live albums. In fact, if their website is anything to go by, they've released around 40 live albums. I'm gonna say this right now so nobody's disappointed: I'm not gonna listen to every live album they've released. I'm through, not an idiot. Which is a shame, because if they're all as good as this live/studio hybrid, then I'll be missing out. The real surprise on this one is the great live rendition of "Rowche Rumble," which was originally off a single. The lowest point is "New Puritan," a demo track recorded at Smith's house. Even if you look past the lo-fi production, it's just fine. Despite that, the Fall's hot streak continues on Totale's Turns.
6The Fall
Grotesque (After the Gramme)

November 1980 | Rough Trade | 4.4 | β†’

1. Pay Your Rates (5/5)
2. English Scheme (4.5/5)
3. New Face in Hell (4.5/5)
4. C 'n' C-S Mithering (5/5)
5. The Container Drivers (5/5) πŸ‘
6. Impression of J Temperance (4/5)
7. In the Park (4/5)
8. WMC-Blob 59 (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
9. Gramme Friday (4/5)
10. The NWRA (4.5/5)

Now, you saw all the praise I was giving the Fall's first few records? Toss 'em. We haven't even gotten to the main course yet. Grotesque (After the Gramme) is the first Fall album I copied on tape for use in my walkman and that gives it a special place in my heart. I was worried that Grotesque might underwhelm me if I were to return to it, but I'm delighted to say that this has only gotten better with time. I'd have to choose "The Container Drivers" as my favorite off this one just out of sheer force of will. "WMC-Blob 59" is just an interlude, so it gets the neg. Grotesque has remained near the top of the Fall's extensive discography for me for years, and that still reigns true.
7The Fall

April 1981 | Rough Trade | 4.6 | ↑

1. Middle Mass (4.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. An Older Lover Etc. (4.5/5)
3. Prole Art Threat (4.5/5)
4. Fit And Working Again (4.5/5)
5. Slates, Slags, Etc. (5/5) πŸ‘
6. Leave The Capitol (4.5/5)

Touted by some Fall fanatics to be the band's crowning achievement, the Slates EP has quite the reputation to uphold. Do I agree with this assessment? While I can't say for sure so early in this Discography Run, it's hard to argue against it. While not a perfect record by any means, it is one of the few Fall albums I can say does not have a noticeable dip in quality like other Fall albums tend to. They're all hits on this one and that's a remarkable feat in and of itself. The best track has to be "Slates, Slags, Etc." Worst track was difficult to choose, but I will go with "Middle Mass," but even that track is stellar. Slates condenses the Fall's sound at the time into a short 23-minute package with stellar results.
8The Fall
77 - Early Years - 79

September 1981 | Step-Forward | 4.2 | πŸ†•

1. Repetition (4/5)
2. Bingo Masters Breakout (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. Psycho Mafia (4.5/5)
4. Various Times (4/5)
5. It's The New Thing (4.5/5)
6. Rowche Rumble (5/5) πŸ‘
7. In My Area (4/5)
8. Dice Man (4/5)
9. Psykick Dance Hall No. 2 (4.5/5)
10. 2nd Dark Age (4/5)
11. Fiery Jack (4.5/5)

Like I said, Sputnik doesn't like singles. Luckily for me, the Fall compiled some of their singles/EPs into a compilation with 77 - Early Years - 79. Which means I can cheat a little and only listen to the songs I haven't already listened to. The best, yet again, was "Rowche Rumble." The weakest was "Bingo Masters Breakout" (or just "Bingo-Master"). Not too much to say with this one, but the singles I hadn't heard until listening to this compilation (those being It's The New Thing and Rowche Rumble) more than make this worth a listen.
9The Fall
Live In London 1980

March 1982 | Chaos Tapes | 4.1 | πŸ†•

1. Middle Mass (4.5/5)
2. English Scheme (4.5/5)
3. New Face In Hell (4/5)
4. That Man (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
5. An Older Lover etc (4/5)
6. Slates, Slags etc. (5/5) πŸ‘
7. Prole Art Threat (4/5)
8. Container Drivers (4.5/5)
9. Jawbone And The Air Rifle (4/5)
10. In The Park (3.5/5)
11. Leave The Capitol (3.5/5)
12. Spectre Vs. Rector (4/5)
13. Pay Your Rates (4.5/5)
14. Impression Of J. Temperance (4/5)

Recorded in the winter 1980 at the Acklam Hall, Live In London is the 2nd live album the Fall produced. This album is a lot different than Totale's Turns in production. The albums were only recorded a few months apart, but while Totale's Turns was 4-5 performances taped together, Live In London 1980 is a full-bodied experience. That said, Totale's Turns just barely beats this one. But only by a hair. For best, I'd choose "Slates, Slags etc." For weakest, "That Man" takes it. While not their best, Live In London 1980 is no lightweight.
10The Fall
Hex Enduction Hour

March 1982 | Kamera | 5.0 | β†’

1. The Classical (5/5)
2. Jawbone and the Airrifle (5/5)
3. Hip Priest (5/5)
4. Fortress/Deer Park (5/5)
5. Mere Pseud Mag. Ed. (5/5)
6. Winder (Hostel-Maxl) (5/5)
7. Winter 2 (5/5)
8. Just Step S'ways (5/5)
9. Who Makes the Nazis? (5/5)
10. Iceland (5/5)
11. And This Day (5/5)

I just had an epiphany about Hex Enduction Hour:

It might not be the best album of all time.

Shocking to hear I know. Just a few months ago this was in my top 3 records ever, and now its probably in the top 10 or 20. How the mighty have fallen. Instead of doing a best/worst here, I just want to explain why this album is so much better than the rest of the Fall's discography up until this point: the drums. That's it. Even if my feelings on this album have softened due to overplay, Hex Enduction Hour remains a campfire in a world of dull matches and shrubs. It isn't to be ignored.
11The Fall
A Part Of America Therein, 1981

May 1982 | Cottage | 4.3 | πŸ†•

1. The N.W.R.A. (4.5/5)
2. Hip Priest (4.5/5)
3. Totally Wired (4/5)
4. Lie Dream Of A Casino Soul (4/5)
5. Cash 'n' Carry (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
6. An Older Lover (4.5/5)
7. Deer Park (5/5) πŸ‘
8. Winter (4.5/5)

If you thought I was joking about those 40 live albums, here's yet another live album. This time, the Fall head to America for 5 shows in 5 major cities. Fortunately, this may be the best live record they've done so far. The best track has to be "Deer Park" and the weakest was "Cash 'n' Carry." Even though I can see myself getting sick of these live albums after a while, the fatigue hasn't set in just yet. If anything, the live records are only getting better as time goes on.
12The Fall
Room To Live (Undilutable Slang Truth!)

September 1982 | Kamera | 3.6 | ↓

1. Joker Hysterical Face (4/5)
2. Marquis Cha Cha (4.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Hard Life In Country (4/5)
4. Room To Live (3.5/5)
5. Detective Instinct (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
6. Solicitor In Studio (3.5/5)
7. Papal Visit (3/5)

Ladies and gentlemen: the first sub-4 Fall record in the Discography run! Took long enough. Recorded as a quick follow-up to Hex Enduction Hour, Room To Live is often seen as one of the band's earliest missteps. Whether it be because they didn't practice before recording or were just not feeling very spry that day, the album is a case of a strong beginning tapering off to an okay end. "Marquis Cha Cha" is always fun little number. "Detective Instinct" is cool, but nothing we haven't heard a hundred times before. Despite the admittedly weak latter half, Room To Live does sound like a Fall album. But maybe a little bit too comfortable with themselves for their own good.

Also, "Papal Visit" is the most grievous case of missed potential ever.
13The Fall
Kicker Conspiracy

September 1983 | Rough Trade | 4.3 | πŸ†•

1. Kicker Conspiracy (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Wings (3.5/5)
3. Container Drivers (5/5)
4. New Puritan (5/5) πŸ‘

Another "EP" (as far as you know), Kicker Conspiracy is made up of two different sets. The first two tracks were recorded in London 1983 and the latter tracks were cuts from one of their many Peel Sessions. The difference is night and day. Guess I do need to check that set with every Fall Peel Session on it, cause damn. How nice is it to hear a cleaner version of "New Puritan?" What a massive improvement over the Totale's Turns demo version. Weakest track is "Kicker Conspiracy," which doesn't really get moving until halfway through. Piggybacking off the stellar Peel Session tracks, Kicker Conspiracy manages to win me over. Just don't do it again, you sly dogs.
14The Fall
Perverted By Language

December 1983 | Rough Trade | 3.9 | β†’

1. Eat Y'Self Fitter (4/5)
2. Neighborhood Of Infinity (4.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Garden (4.5/5)
4. Hotel Bloedel (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
5. Smile (4/5)
6. I Feel Voxish (4.5/5)
7. Tempo House (3.5/5)
8. Hexen Definitive/Strife Knot (3.5/5)

Notable for being the final Fall release on Rough Trade before the band began their stint with Beggars Banquet, Perverted By Language does hold a very important place in the Fall's canon. The end of an era, as it were. But it's not all doom and gloom, cause this album is a step up quality-wise when compared to Room To Live. Best track is the terribly short "Neighborhood Of Infinity," with the least interesting track being "Hotel Bloedel." Lost Cranberries track, more like. Perverse in name alone, Perverted By Language holds its own.
15The Fall
In A Hole

Late 1983 | Flying Nun | 4.3 | πŸ†•

1. Impression Of J. Temperance (4.5/5)
2. The Man Whose Head Expanded (4/5)
3. Room To Live (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
4. Hip Priest (4.5/5)
5. Lie Dream Of A Casino Soul (4/5)
6. Prole Art Threat (4.5/5)
7. Hard Life In Country (5/5) πŸ‘
8. The Classical (4.5/5)
9. Mere Pseud Mag Ed (4.5/5)
10. Marquis Cha-Cha (4.5/5)
11. Backdrop (4.5/5)
12. Fantastic Life (5/5)
13. English Scheme (4/5)
14. Joker Hysterical Face (4/5)
15. No Xmas For John Quays (4/5)
16. Solicitor In Studio (4/5)

88 minutes and killing it every minute of the way, In A Hole features some of great live renditions of some Fall staples. Best was "Hard Life In Country" and the weakest was "Room To Live." Not much to say with this one; one of their best live records front to back.
16The Fall
Oh! Brother

June 1984 | Beggars Banquet | 3.2 | πŸ†•

1. Oh! Brother (4/5) πŸ‘
2. O! Brother (3/5)
3. God-Box (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž

Hot singles near your area. I won't lie to you, Oh! Brother is kind of a let down. Not for lack of trying though, the title track ("Oh! Brother") is a really good single. However, There's very little meat on these bones. "God-Box" is probably the weakest track so far, and the 12" mix of "O! Brother" is a bit bland compared to the first. Oh! Brother gets the blood pumping early on, but turns it stone cold by the end. Not terrible by any stretch, just not very memorable.
17The Fall

August 1984 | Beggars Banquet | 3.3 | πŸ†•

1. c.r.e.e.p. (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Pat-Trip Dispenser (4/5) πŸ‘
3. C.R.E.E.P. (3/5)

Like its cohort Oh! Brother, c.r.e.e.p. is a single with two versions of the title track an a b-side. In a twist of fate though, the b-side actually caught my attention more than the single. "Pat-Trip Dispenser" is a great track, and should've been the hit. Sadly though, the two versions of the title track ("c.r.e.e.p." and its slightly longer sibling "C.R.E.E.P.") are nothing great. Just some decent synth-pop goofiness. I should probably be more angry about the Fall throwing away the guitars for keytars, but I don't really mind it. What we need now is a Oh! Brother/Pat-Trip Dispenser combo single and it'd be a strong outing. But for what it is, c.r.e.e.p. isn't as blasphemous as it may appear.
18The Fall
The Wonderful And Frightening World Of The Fall

October 1984 | Beggars Banquet | 3.4 | ↓

1. Lay Of The Land (4/5) πŸ‘
2. 2 x 4 (4/5)
3. Copped It (3.5/5)
4. Elves (3.5/5)
5. Slang King (3.5/5)
6. Bug Day (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
7. Stephen Song (3/5)
8. Craigness (3/5)
9. Disney's Dream Debased (3.5/5)

In a turn of events I could've never foreseen, I actually kind of grew off this. By a lot, actually. The Wonderful And Frightening World Of The Fall is a good album in its own right, but the cracks in the Fall formula really began to show with this one. Call me whatever names you want, but it just doesn't sound quite right. Maybe its the mastering or the producer, I have no clue. Still, it isn't all bad: "Lay Of The Land" is a great tune I still jam on the regular. But songs like "Bug Day" are more boring than interesting a lot of the time. The Wonderful And Frightening World Of The Fall; less wonderful than I had remembered, but not too frightening to the senses.
19The Fall
Call For Escape Route

October 1984 | Beggars Banquet | 3.0 | πŸ†•

1. Draygo's Guilt (3.5/5) πŸ‘
2. Clear Off! (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. No Bulbs (3/5)
4. No Bulbs 3 (3/5)
5. Slang King 2 (3/5)

Released on the same day as The Wonderful And Frightening World Of The Fall, Call For Escape Route definitely had me worried. While it's slightly-longer twin was serviceable, an EP with material recorded from around the same time doesn't necessarily sound like a recipe for success. Sadly, I can't say I was wrong for thinking that, as this record is easily the band's weakest set of tracks. It should say something when I'm calling an EP with a 3.0 average the weakest thing a band has done up to a certain point. Translation: this band is usually fantastic, just not at the moment. "Draygo's Guilt" is a pretty good tune, "Clear Off!" is a bit of a snore, and the rest is just kind of okay. At this point, the Fall could continue on this path of self-destruction or come back swinging with their next release. We'll just have to see.
20The Fall
Hip Priest And Kamerads

March 1985 | Situation Two | 4.6 | πŸ†•

1. Lie Dream Of A Casino Soul (4.5/5)
2. The Classical (5/5)
3. Fortress (5/5)
4. Look, Know (4.5/5)
5. Hip Priest (5/5)
6. Room To Live (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
7. Mere Pseud Mag. Ed. (live) (5/5)
8. Hard Life In Country (5/5)
9. I'm Into C.B. (5/5) πŸ‘
10. Fantastic Life (4/5)

Talk about a clusterfuck. Only reason I wanted to cover this was to see how a single/LP compilation hybrid would sound like. Turns out, it's amazing. But only if you put some of your best tracks on it. Mainly the abundance of Hex Enduction Hour on this is what makes it shine bright. But even the singles surprised me. For the sake of variety, I'm naming "I'm Into C.B." (off the Look, Know single) my favorite track. Weakest was "Room To Live" again. Please stop putting this song on every compilation/live record please. It's not worth the effort. Hip Priest And Kamerads serves as a great collection of the Fall's 81-82 output. Still, I'd prefer the albums and singles separate any day.
21The Fall
Couldn't Get Ahead/Rollin' Dany

June 1985 | Beggars Banquet | 3.2 | πŸ†•

1. Couldn't Get Ahead (3.5/5) πŸ‘
2. Rollin' Dany (3/5)
3. Petty (Thief) Lout (3/5) πŸ‘Ž

If I've learned anything from this Discography Run, its that singles can vary a lot from release to release. Whether it be quality or style. But sometimes, singles are so similar to a band's pre-existing work, that you can barely recognize them as original songs. The latter feeling is kind of how I felt listening to Couldn't Get Ahead/Rollin' Dany. Nearing a decade since their inception at this point, the Fall don't exactly do anything here that justifies their continuation as a band. The best of the lot was the short "Couldn't Get Ahead" and the weakest was the uneventful "Petty (Thief) Lout." While there are more positives than negatives here, it's not really too noteworthy or necessary.
22The Fall
This Nation's Saving Grace

September 1985 | Beggars Banquet | 4.0 | β†’

1. Mansion (4/5)
2. Bombast (4.5/5)
3. Barmy (5/5) πŸ‘
4. What You Need (4/5)
5. Spoilt Victorian Child (4/5)
6. L.A. (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
7. Gut Of The Quantifier (4.5/5)
8. My New House (4/5)
9. Paint Work (3.5/5)
10. I Am Damo Suzuki (5/5)
11. To NK Roachment: Yarbles (4/5)

After The Wonderful And Frightening World Of The Fall dropped in my ranking upon relisten, I'll admit I was scared to check This Nation's Saving Grace. Not only was it my number 2 favorite Fall record at certain points in my life, but it's also the 80s Fall record I revisited the least. But man, when the Fall get down to business, they don't mess around. Who can resist that guitar on "Barmy?" No one, that's who. Even weaker points like "L.A." don't detract too much from the album as a whole. Remarkably consistent and tons of fun, This Nation's Saving Grace proves it earned its place in Fall history (and at the top of many Fall ranked lists).
23The Fall
Cruiser's Creek

October 1985 | Beggars Banquet | 3.8 | πŸ†•

1. Cruiser's Creek (4.5/5) πŸ‘
2. L.A. (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. Vixen (3.5/5)

Recorded around the same period This Nation's Saving Grace was being formulated (mid-1985), Cruiser's Creek doesn't fall too far from the mighty oak. The titular "Cruiser's Creek" is a fantastic number with one of the group's most infectious guitar lines. While it may have one of Saving Grace's weaker tracks as a b-side ("L.A."), Cruiser's Creek still is a joy to listen to. I would especially recommend this record for Saving Grace die-hards.
24The Fall
Living Too Late

July 1986 | Beggars Banquet | 4.0 | πŸ†•

1. Living Too Late (4/5) πŸ‘
2. Hot Aftershave Bop (4/5)
3. Living Too Long (4/5) πŸ‘Ž

Two words: promotional aftershave. Alright alright, lets get serious. 1986 is here for the Fall, and they start it in style. Living Too Late is a great little EP with no frills, just jams. What is interesting to note is that I remember not liking the 4-minute version of "Living Too Late" originally, but now I'm really enjoying it. This may be the first time in recorded history that I've liked the cut-down version of a song more than the elongated one ("Living Too Long" in this case). Not by much mind you, they're both strong 4.0s, but I'm pleasantly surprised by this development. Does this mean my indifference to Bend Sinister may turn into adoration? I'll just have to wait and see.
25The Fall
Bend Sinister

September 1986 | Beggars Banquet | 3.2 | β†’

1. R.O.D. (4.5/5) πŸ‘
2. Dktr. Faustus (3.5/5)
3. Shoulder Pads 1# (3/5)
4. Mr. Pharmacist (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
5. Gross Chapel-British Grenadiers (3.5/5)
6. U.S. 80's-90's (3/5)
7. Terry Waite Says (2.5/5)
8. Bournemouth Runner (3/5)
9. Riddler! (4/5)
10. Shoulder Pads 2# (3/5)

One of the main reasons I wanted to do a Fall Discography Run is to revisit all the albums I wasn't really a fan of. And Bend Sinister was definitely one I was looking forward to revisiting. I've always thought of Bend Sinister as just "okay," so I was curious to see if my opinion of it had softened on it. The good news is that I enjoyed this listen much more than previous listens. Bad news is I didn't like it enough to bump my score for it. Just barely on the border of a 3.5, Bend Sinister is an album with a few genuine standouts ("R.O.D.") held back by several mediocre tracks (like "Mr. Pharmacist"). Perhaps a little more time between Bend Sinister and I will do me good.
26The Fall
There's A Ghost In My House

April 1987 | Beggars Banquet | 2.6 | πŸ†•

1. There's a Ghost in My House (3.5/5) πŸ‘
2. Sleep Debt Snatches (2.5/5)
3. Mark'll Sink Us (2.5/5)
4. Haf Found Boorman (2/5) πŸ‘Ž

The first Fall single to hit near the top of the UK charts was their admittedly-good cover of "There's a Ghost in My House." If that's not the kiss of death for a band, I don't know what is. There's A Ghost In My House is by far the Fall's weakest release up until this point, with very little to clamor over. At least for past singles, the b-sides would hold your interest, but that isn't the case here. "Haf Found Boorman" is a boring slog of a track I don't think I ever want to sit through again (though it does get a little leeway for being mercifully short). On There's A Ghost In My House, the Fall hit it big with their weakest work. I'm not sure if this is a slight at the Fall or the UK charts, but either works.
27The Fall
The Peel Sessions

June 1987 | Strange Fruit | 3.9 | πŸ†•

1. Put Away (4/5)
2. Mess Of My (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. No Xmas For John Key (4/5)
4. Like To Blow (4/5) πŸ‘

I was impressed with the Peel Sessions I had heard by the band previously, so I was excited to see what surprises this EP would bring. These tracks were recorded in May 1978, so this is fairly early material we're working with here. Meaning I felt right at home with these songs. The Peel Sessions is a great little snippet of the Fall's extensive history with John Peel's program. "Like To Blow" still jams, which is nice. "Mess Of My" is the only real weak point on this, and even then it's not bad. The Peel Sessions EP is great, but sadly serves as a reminder of a better time in the band's history.
28The Fall
Hit The North

October 1987 | Beggars Banquet | 3.0 | πŸ†•

1. Hit The North Part 1 (3/5)
2. Australians In Europe (3.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Hit The North Part 3 (3/5)
4. Northerns In Europ (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž

Egg McMuffin? This one's screw-y. Hit The North has a lot of issues, and for once I'm not talking about the quality of the music. I mean there are a lot of issues (or releases) that go by the name Hit The North and I have no clue which one is the one to. There's one on picture disk as a single, a remix EP, and all sorts of other stuff. For the sake of moving on from this, I'm gonna choose this particular release, because it has the most variety. You may notice I'm stalling a bit with this because I don't have a lot to say about this record here. It says something when the title track(s) aren't even worth mentioning and the real star is "Australians In Europe." "Northerns In Europ" (not my misspelling) is just a poor recording and someone saying Egg McMuffin. Baffling little number to say the least.
29The Fall

January 1988 | Beggars Banquet | 3.0 | πŸ†•

1. Victoria (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Guest Informant (3.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Tuff Life Booogie (3/5)
4. Twister (3/5)

Yet another run-in with success, yet another cover. Say what you will about the band at this stage in their career, at least they were still trying. Not in the way I would've hoped, but trying nonetheless. This time around it's the Kinks' "Victoria" and unfortunately, it's not as good as their take on "There's a Ghost in My House." Luckily, the record is kept afloat with a pretty set of b-sides. "Guest Informant" is an especially fun number. Very little to say about this one, but here's the main takeaway: stick with the Kinks version.
30The Fall
The Frenz Experiment

February 1988 | Beggars Banquet | 3.2 | ↑

1. Frenz (3.5/5)
2. Carry Bag Man (3/5)
3. Get A Hotel (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
4. Victoria (2.5/5)
5. Athlete Cured (4/5) πŸ‘
6. In These Times (3.5/5)
7. The Steak Place (2.5/5)
8. Bremen Nacht (4/5)
9. Guest Informant (Excerpt)
10. Oswald Defence Lawyer (3.5/5)

After a stretch of singles and EPs, we're finally back to some studio records. The Frenz Experiment is one of two records the Fall released in '88 (the other being I Am Kurious Oranj). While I originally had lukewarm feelings for this album, this go around was much more rewarding. "Athlete Cured" is a fantastically-frantic number with some great lines ("An odor resembling hot-dogs permeated the whole bedroom"). The album might've gone up a full 1.0 points in my ratings had it not been for songs like "Get A Hotel." Nevertheless, The Frenz Experiment proved successful. Perhaps all it needed was a bit more testing by me.
31The Fall
I Am Kurious Oranj

October 1988 | Beggars Banquet | 3.1 | ↑

1. New Big Prinz (3.5/5)
2. Overture From 'I Am Curious Orange' (3.5/5)
3. Dog Is Life/Jerusalem (3.5/5) πŸ‘
4. Kurious Oranj (3/5)
5. Wrong Place, Right Time (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
6. C.D. Win Fall 2080 AD (3/5)
7. Yes, O Yes (3.5/5)
8. Van Plague? (3/5)
9. Bad News Girl (2.5/5)
10. Cab It Up! (3/5)

There's a lot to cover with I Am Kurious Oranj. Which is strange, cause I never really thought of it as a "turning-point" sort of release, but in many ways it is. Upon discovering that the album was devised as the soundtrack to a ballet (I'm just as confused as you are), I also learned that Brix Smith left the band after this album. And while she does return at a later date, the records that follow I Am Kurious Oranj definitely should be interesting. As for this album, I was surprised yet again. "Dog Is Life/Jerusalem" is a tune (once it gets going). "Wrong Place, Right Time" is a weak test of patience though. It's consistent sure, but at what cost?
32The Fall
Seminal Live

June 1989 | Beggars Banquet | 3.6 | πŸ†•

1. Dead Beat Descendant (4/5) πŸ‘
2. Pinball Machine (4/5)
3. H.O.W. (3.5/5)
4. Squid Law (3.5/5)
5. Mollusc In Tyrol (3.5/5)
6. 2 x 4 (4/5)
7. Elf Prefix / L.A. (3.5/5)
8. Victoria (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
9. Pay Your Rates (4/5)
10. Introduction / Cruisers Creek (3.5/5)

Seminal Live is yet another in the line of Fall studio/live hybrids, but this one is much less revered than its brethren. And for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out why. Maybe my ears finally gave out after repeated use, but this sounds more like the Fall than anything they put out around the same time. The studio tracks are well-done and the production, while a bit muddled at times, is a million times better than the 80s shtick they were doing. Best track is the rather short "Dead Beat Descendant" and the worst is their inescapable cover of "Victoria." Just goes to show: you can't always trust the crowd's opinion.
33The Fall

February 1990 | Cog Sinister | 2.1 | β†’

1. Sing! Harpy (3/5) πŸ‘
2. I'm Frank (2/5)
3. Bill Is Dead (2.5/5)
4. Black Monk Theme Part I (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
5. Popcorn Double Feature (2/5)
6. Telephone Thing (1.5/5)
7. Hilary (2/5)
8. Chicago, Now! (2/5)
9. The Littlest Rebel (2/5)
10. And Therein... (2.5/5)

I was dreading relistening to this one, let me tell you. From the start of that soggy beat on "Sing! Harpy," I could tell Extricate hadn't really grown on me in the slightest. It's almost baffling how bland Extricate is compared to Seminal Live (released just a few months prior). What's sad is that the snore that is "Sing! Harpy" is actually a highlight on this thing. That should tell you all you need to know really. Lots of contenders for worst, but "Black Monk Theme Part I" is a butchering of a classic Monks tune I just cannot tolerate; definition of high treason. If 'to extricate' means 'to free,' than I'd wish to be locked right back up.
34The Fall
The Dredger

August 1990 | Cog Sinister | 3.2 | πŸ†•

1. White Lightning (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Blood Outta Stone (3.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Zagreb (3/5)
4. Life Just Bounces (3.5/5)

It might be because Extricate was so dull, but The Dredger feels like a quick return to what worked for the band for the last few years: record a cover and put it on an EP with a few throwaway tracks. Not thrilled by this development, but it's familiar at the very least. "Blood Outta Stone" is my choice for best. Worst is (of course) their rendition of "White Lightning," which wasn't really an amazing song to begin with. While I enjoy most of this, it feels like it's been a few entries since a Fall record has really blown me away. Shame.
35The Fall

April 1991 | Cog Sinister | 2.0 | β†’

1. So What About It? (1.5/5)
2. Idiot Joy Showland (2.5/5)
3. Edinburgh Man (3/5) πŸ‘
4. Pittsville Direkt (2/5)
5. The Book Of Lies (2.5/5)
6. The War Against Intelligence (2/5)
7. Shift-Work (1.5/5)
8. You Haven't Found It Yet (3/5)
9. The Mixer (1/5)
10. A Lot Of Wind (2/5)
11. Rose (1.5/5)
12. Sinister Waltz (1/5) πŸ‘Ž

Shift-Work is the only thing the Fall released in 1991. This is the first time this would happen, and it would only ever happen again in the 2010s. Suffice it to say, this better be damn good.

It's not.

Managing to be just ever-so slightly more annoying than Extricate, Shift-Work is genuinely disappointing. There are more highlights than on Extricate, specifically tracks like "Edinburgh Man." But the lows here are just terrible, like the title track ("Sinister Waltz"). The decline is slow-going, but becoming more apparent as we get to what I remember as their lowest point. Remember: we haven't hit the bottom yet!
36The Fall
Free Range

March 1992 | Cog Sinister | 3.0 | πŸ†•

1. Free Range (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Everything Hurtz (3/5)
3. Return (3.5/5)
4. Dangerous (3.5/5) πŸ‘

It's releases like Free Range that make me question what was happening on the LP side of the tracks. What we have here are a perfectly decent set of tunes that I wouldn't be ashamed of listening to. "Dangerous" is a good little number with some great guitar. The low point is "Free Range," which just kills me every time I hear it (and not in a good way). Besides that assault on the ears, this is a decent release. It's like the bizarro dimension: I'm getting more excited for singles than LPs. If this continues, I might need to check myself in to the loony bin.
37The Fall
Code: Selfish

March 1992 | Cog Sinister | 1.8 | β†’

1. The Birmingham School Of Business School (1.5/5)
2. Free Range (2/5)
3. Return (2/5)
4. Time Enough To Last (3/5)
5. Everything Hurtz (3/5)
6. Immortality (1/5)
7. Two-Face! (3.5/5) πŸ‘
8. Just Waiting (2/5)
9. So-Called Dangerous (2/5)
10. Gentlemen's Agreement (1/5)
11. Married, 2 Kids (0.5/5)
12. Crew Filth (0/5) πŸ‘Ž

Is there even anything left to say at this point? Well, yes, but I'm not doing it with a smile on my face. Recorded in 1991, Code: Selfish feels like an inside joke that I'm being excluded from. It's deathly close to being abhorrent, but there are still some tunes to be discovered. "Two-Face!" (aside from the opening drum machine) really was a shining beacon in a sea of mud. Speaking of which, I'd like to extend a congratulations to "Crew Filth" for being the very first 0/5 track in a Discography Run; you've earned it. Overall, the good tracks on Code: Selfish bolster it's rating, but don't go out of your way for this one.
38The Fall
Ed's Babe

June 1992 | Cog Sinister | 2.9 | πŸ†•

1. Ed's Babe (3/5)
2. Pumpkin Head Xcapes (2.5/5)
3. The Knight The Devil And Death (4/5) πŸ‘
4. Free Ranger (2/5) πŸ‘Ž

Ah, yes. Back to the familiar warmth of 90s Fall singles. As with many singles this band put out, we have a bit of a mixed bag on Ed's Babe. The best track was "The Knight The Devil And Death," a surprisingly good little jangly number. But of course, there's always one track that soils the bed. How many times is Free Range gonna show up on this list? Sure, it's called "Free Ranger" on this and it's a remix, but it's pretty much the same song. We know it did well as a single, but you gotta stop. We're all worried about you, Smith. Overall, this just reaffirms that the 90s Fall singles are essential compared to their 90s LP output.
39The Fall

March 1993 | Strange Fruit | 3.9 | πŸ†•

1. Kimble (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Gut Of The Quantifier (4.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Spoilt Victorian Child (4/5)
4. Words Of Expectation (4/5)

I know I should shy away from dating these Discography Runs anymore than I already do, but I feel this image really sums up my feelings about Kimble:

After who knows how many releases, we finally get some relief in the form of a few Peel Session tracks. I could complain about these not being original, but after listening to this single, it really is like eating a juicy hamburger after surviving on twigs and berries. "Gut Of The Quantifier" alone puts this band's 90s output to shame. The weakest is (surprise, surprise) the track that was recorded in 1992, "Kimble." But even that song isn't terrible. After a decade of lowered expectations, I guess they realized their best years were behind them and just started releasing old material. Sad thought, but I can't say I disagree.
40The Fall
Why Are People Grudgeful?

April 1993 | Cog Sinister | 1.6 | πŸ†•

1. Why Are People Grudgeful? (1.5/5)
2. Glam Racket (2.5/5)
3. The Re-Mixer (0/5) πŸ‘Ž
4. Lost In Music (2.5/5) πŸ‘

And they've gone spoilt again, fantastic. Why Are People Grudgeful? is a dance single through and through, complete with no sense of taste or music someone would want to dance to. The best track on this is a cover of Sister Sledge's "Lost In Music;" why wouldn't it be? That's the bar the Fall have set for themselves. The low point is "The Re-Mixer," which I could barely finish it on my first go-around. While this isn't the bottom of the barrel just yet, it's getting pretty close to hitting the floor in a stylish, face-plant-type fashion.
41The Fall
The Infotainment Scan

April 1993 | Cog Sinister | 2.5 | ↓

1. Ladybird (4/5) πŸ‘
2. Lost In Music (2.5/5)
3. Glam-Racket (2.5/5)
4. I'm Going To Spain (3/5)
5. It's A Curse (3.5/5)
6. Paranoia Man In Cheap Shit Room (2/5)
7. Service (1.5/5)
8. The League Of Bald-Headed Men (3.5/5)
9. A Past Gone Mad (2/5)
10. Light/Fireworks (0/5) πŸ‘Ž

The Infotainment Scan was one of the albums I was looking forward to revisiting. Out of all the Fall's 90s output, this is the one I remembered fondly. Sure, a 3.0 isn't a glowing review, but it stood tall as an oak compared to the weeds that were their other 90s LPs. While I can say that this album is still better than those records, this one doesn't hold up as well as I thought it did. "Ladybird" is still a solid jam, thank god. I don't know why the Fall has this habit of ending their albums with a shit track like "Light/Fireworks," but I do wish they wouldn't. But even without that stinker, The Infotainment Scan is spotty enough to neutralize any appeal it may have had.
42The Fall
BBC Radio 1 'Live In Concert'

August 1993 | Windsong International | 3.6 | πŸ†•

1. Australians In Europe (4/5)
2. Shoulder Pads (3.5/5)
3. Ghost In My House (3.5/5)
4. Hey Luciani (4/5)
5. Terry Waite Sez (3/5)
6. Fiery Jack (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
7. Lucifer Over Lancs (4.5/5) πŸ‘

Recorded in 1987, BBC Radio 1 'Live In Concert' serves as another reminder that live albums shouldn't be overlooked. Which is a shame, cause I'm cutting a lot of later live albums from this Discography Run after a certain point. Ah well, that's the way the world spins. "Lucifer Over Lancs" is definitely a a standout, fantastic track. A pretty underwhelming rendition of "Fiery Jack" and a slightly better version of "Terry Waite Sez" aside, this is a solid mid-era Fall record. Nothing mind-blowing, but still worth a listen.
43The Fall
Behind The Counter

December 1993 | Cog Sinister | 3.0 | πŸ†•

1. Behind The Counter (3/5)
2. War (3.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Cab Driver (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž

Behind The Counter (an actual EP this time) contains two single mixes of songs off their then-upcoming record Middle Class Revolt; a fact I had totally forgotten about when listening to this. Which means there is a chance that LP might actually be good, cause the two single mixes on this ("Behind The Counter" and "War") are pretty good. The latter (a Henry Cow cover) especially surprised me with how much I liked it, with it's pseudo-industrial kind of feel. The fun screeches to a halt at "Cab Driver," but at this point, you pretty much expect a lemon or two with every Fall release. Behind The Counter gives me a little hope for releases in the very-near-future, which means it's done its job well.
44The Fall
15 Ways

April 1994 | Cog Sinister | 3.7 | πŸ†•

1. 15 Ways (3.5/5)
2. Hey! Student (4.5/5) πŸ‘
3. The $500 Bottle Of Wine (3/5) πŸ‘Ž

Continuing the surprising upswing of quality the Fall has displayed recently, 15 Ways is another EP full of tracks off Middle Class Revolt. And by golly, I'm actually getting pretty excited for that release, because I have a feeling I may have to raise my rating for it quite a bit if songs like "Hey! Student" show up. Our lemon this time around is "The $500 Bottle Of Wine," but even that track isn't too bad. I'm happy to say that things seem to be on the up-and-up for the Fall. Still, there is a chance these EP tracks are the only good ones... here's to hoping that's not the case.
45The Fall
Middle Class Revolt

May 1994 | Cog Sinister | 3.1 | ↑

1. 15 Ways (3.5/5)
2. The Reckoning (3.5/5)
3. Behind The Counter (3/5)
4. M5#1 (3.5/5)
5. Surmount All Obstacles (4/5)
6. Middle Class Revolt! (2.5/5)
7. War (3.5/5)
8. You're Not Up To Much (3.5/5)
9. Symbol Of Mordgan (2.5/5)
10. Hey! Student (4.5/5) πŸ‘
11. Junk Man (3/5)
12. The $500 Bottle Of Wine (3/5)
13. City Dweller (2/5)
14. Shut Up! (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž

Take a good, long look at that up-arrow at the top there. It's a fairly-rare sight.

Middle Class Revolt isn't a masterpiece by any stretch, but it does mark a slight improvement from their last few LPs. The best is "Hey! Student" again; just a knockout track. The rest of the album is good for the most part, but my god, why do they keep butchering the poor Monks like this? "Shut Up!" is just a awful rendition of the original. I was so sure that I could coast through the rest of this Discography Run calling everything a dud, but here's the proof I can't.
46The Fall
Cerebral Caustic

February 1995 | Cog Sinister | 2.7 | ↓

1. The Joke (3.5/5)
2. Don't Call Me Darling (2.5/5)
3. Rainmaster (3/5)
4. Feeling Numb (2.5/5)
5. Pearl City (2/5)
6. Life Just Bounces (3/5)
7. I'm Not Satisfied (2.5/5)
8. The Aphid (3/5)
9. Bonkers In Phoenix (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
10. One Day (4/5) πŸ‘
11. North West Fashion Show (2.5/5)
12. Pine Leaves (2/5)

Cerebral Caustic has a lot going for it. It's following the Fall's best record in quite some time and it marks the return of Brix Smith. But in a stunning turn of events, I actually find myself liking Middle Class Revolt more than this. At least this album has "One Day," which still shows a bit of spirit. Unfortunately, the track preceding it ("Bonkers In Phoenix") is just a whole lot of nothing. While it isn't a sharp dip in quality, Cerebral Caustic finds the Fall tripping on their laces, struggling to fit into their old, poppy boots.
47The Fall
The Twenty Seven Points

August 1995 | Cog Sinister | 2.4 | πŸ†•

1. Mollusc In Tyrol (2/5)
2. Return (2.5/5)
3. Ladybird (2.5/5)
4. Idiot - Walk Out (3/5)
5. Ten Points (0/5) πŸ‘Ž
6. Idiot Joy Showland (3/5)
7. Big New Prinz (3.5/5)
8. Intro - Roadhouse
9. The Joke (3.5/5)
10. M.H.'s Jokes / British People In Hot Weather (2.5/5)
11. Free Range (2/5)
12. Hi-Tension Line (4/5) πŸ‘
13. The League Of Bald-Headed Men (2/5)
14. 95: Glam Racket/Star (2.5/5)
15. Lost In Music (3/5)
16. Prague '91/Mr. Pharmacist (3.5/5)
17. Cloud Of Black (0.5/5)
18. Paranoid Man In Cheap Sh..t Room (3/5)
19. Bounces - Leeds (3/5)
20. Outro (0/5)
21. Passable (2/5)
22. Glasgow Advice (1.5/5)
23. Middle Class Revolt - Simon, Dave & John (1/5)
24. Bill Is Dead (2.5/5)
25. Strychnine (3.5/5)
26. War! (3/5)
27. Noel's Chemical Effluence (3.5/5)
28. Three Points/Up Too Much (3/5)

No room, too cramped. Live compilation, it's meh. Way too long. Best track was "Hi-Tension Line." Worst track was "Ten Points." Clever ending sentence.
48The Fall
Sinister Waltz

January 1996 | Receiver | 2.8 | πŸ†•

1. A Lot Of Wind (3/5)
2. Couldn't Get Ahead (2.5/5)
3. Blood Outta Stone (3.5/5)
4. Arid Al's Dream (3/5)
5. The Knight, The Devil and Death (3/5)
6. Chicago, Now! (2/5)
7. Birthday (1.5/5)
8. Pumpkin Head Escapes (2/5)
9. Wings (3.5/5)
10. Dr Faustus (3.5/5)
11. Telephone Thing (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
12. Black Monk Theme Part 1 (2.5/5)
13. Gut Of The Quantifier (4/5) πŸ‘
14. Edinburgh Man (3/5)

The first of three Fall compilations released in 1996, Sinister Waltz is full of unreleased tracks and outtakes from god knows when. What I can say is that this first compilation isn't worth shelling out a fortune over (not that anyone is). Sure, the good songs ("Gut Of The Quantifier") are nice additions, but there are better versions out there. But even though songs like "Telephone Thing" just make me want to drop dead, Sinister Waltz is a ultimately just a scattershot collection. Plus, they didn't mess up the Monks cover too bad this time. Points for that.
49The Fall
Fiend With A Violin

February 1996 | Receiver | 2.7 | πŸ†•

1. I Feel Voxish (4.5/5) πŸ‘
2. The Man Whose Head Expanded (2/5)
3. Ed's Babe (2.5/5)
4. What You Need (3/5)
5. L.A. (3/5)
6. Petty Thief Lout (2.5/5)
7. Fiend With A Violin (3.5/5)
8. Spoilt Victorian Child (3/5)
9. Bombast (3.5/5)
10. Married, Two Kids (1.5/5)
11. Haven't Found It Yet (2.5/5)
12. Gentleman's Agreement (1/5) πŸ‘Ž
13. Fiend With A Violin (2.5/5)

Another Receiver compilation, Fiend With A Violin starts off promising enough with a pretty banging version of "I Feel Voxish." But from that point on, it's a pretty underwhelming listen. Forgive me being a broken record, but it's just okay as a compilation. Only diehards would probably enjoy some of these cuts I feel, but who knows? The aforementioned "I Feel Voxish" is my pick for best. "Gentleman's Agreement" is still crap, but credit where it's due: it is slightly better than the version off Code: Selfish. Not the worst thing they've put out, but probably one of the least-essential.
50The Fall
Oswald Defence Lawyer

April 1996 | Receiver | 2.8 | πŸ†•

1. Just Waiting (2.5/5)
2. Oswald Defence Lawyer (3/5)
3. Victoria (2/5)
4. Frenz (3/5)
5. 2 x 4 (4/5) πŸ‘
6. Bad News Girl (3/5)
7. Get A Hotel (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
8. Guest Informant (3.5/5)
9. Big New Prinz (3/5)
10. Bremen Nacht (2.5/5)
11. Carry Bag Man (2/5)
12. Bombast (3.5/5)

It took Receiver 3 compilations, but they finally managed to keep the selection to a single era. Oswald Defence Lawyer (mainly) sports live cuts from the Fall's Frenz Experiment tour, but unfortunately it has the same issues as the previous 2 compilations. I mean, you really can't go wrong with "2 x 4." no one can ruin that song. "Get A Hotel" didn't win me over back on Frenz Experiment, and it sure didn't win me over here. As a final thought on the Receiver compilations, I can't really say they were all that necessary. Sure, we got a few good outtakes and live cuts out of it, but that really doesn't justify a 3-disk set. Take the best tracks from each of these and it'd be killer.
51The Fall
The Light User Syndrome

June 1996 | Jet | 3.1 | β†’

1. D.I.Y. Meat (4.5/5) πŸ‘
2. Das Vulture Ans Ein Nutter-Wain (2.5/5)
3. He Pep! (3.5/5)
4. Hostile (3.5/5)
5. Stay Away (3.5/5)
6. Spinetrak (4/5)
7. Interlude/Chilinism (3.5/5)
8. Powder Keg (2/5)
9. Oleano (4/5)
10. Cheetham Hill (1/5) πŸ‘Ž
11. The Coliseum (2/5)
12. Last Chance To Turn Around (2.5/5)
13. The Ballad Of J. Drummer (3/5)
14. Oxymoron (3.5/5)
15. Secession Man (3/5)

The Light User Syndrome feels like a breath of fresh air for the band, if only because it had so much going against it. Scanlon left the band, Mark was absent from most of the recording: it sounds like a recipe for disaster, but it works. The opener ("D.I.Y. Meat") was proof enough that the record was going to be alright. Sadly, The Light User Syndrome's main issue is that it is too inconsistent. Tracks like "Cheetham Hill" only serve as reminders of terrible Fall records of old. If only for how un-Fall it is, The Light User Syndrome is worth a listen.
52The Fall
In The City...

January 1997 | Artful | 3.1 | πŸ†•

1. The Joke (3.5/5)
2. Aphid (3/5)
3. Deadbeat (4/5)
4. Feeling Numb (2.5/5)
5. War (3.5/5)
6. Glam Racket (3/5)
7. Pearl City (2.5/5)
8. L.A. (3.5/5)
9. Don't Call Me Darling (3/5)
10. Bill Is Dead (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
11. Behind The Counter (2.5/5)
12. Edinburgh Man (3/5)
13. Middle Class Revolt (3/5)
14. Gut Of The Quantifier (3.5/5)
15. Life Just Bounces (4/5) πŸ‘

In The City... is a live album recorded in March 1995, around the same time Cerebral Caustic was released. That should mean that everything I said about that release should apply here, since a lot of songs on this are from Cerebral Caustic. However, by taking some of the best cuts from that record (and a few others), In The City... actually ends up being quite enjoyable. There's a fantastic extended version of "Life Just Bounces" on this; this track alone makes the album worth a listen. "Bill Is Dead" is as average as ever. Grab me a MetroCard, I'm heading for the city.
53The Fall
15 Ways To Leave Your Man - Live

August 1997 | Receiver | 3.1 | πŸ†•

1. Chilinist (3.5/5)
2. Don't Call Me Darling (3/5)
3. 15 Ways (To Leave Your Man) (3/5)
4. D.I.Y. Meat (4/5)
5. Pearl City (2.5/5)
6. Feeling Numb (2.5/5)
7. L.A. (3.5/5)
8. Big New Prinz (3.5/5)
9. Mr. Pharmacist (2.5/5)
10. Everything Hurtz (3/5)
11. The Mixer (3/5)
12. Das Vulture Ans Ein Nutter-Wain (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
13. M5 6-7PM (3.5/5)
14. Return (2.5/5)
15. The Reckoning (3/5)
16. Hey Student (4/5) πŸ‘

As the old adage goes: another day, another live record. At least that should be a new adage at this point. Recorded in June 1996, 15 Ways To Leave Your Man has a lot in common with In The City..., in tracklist and in overall quality. "Hey Student" still rocks hard, even when it's recorded pretty poorly. However, songs like "Das Vulture Ans Ein Nutter-Wain" are patience-testers for sure. In the end, we get 15(+1) ways to say "eh, it's pretty good."
54The Fall

September 1997 | Artful | 1.0 | β†’

1. Ten Houses Of Eve (1.5/5)
2. Masquerade (0.5/5)
3. Hurricane Edward (2/5)
4. I'm A Mummy (1.5/5)
5. The Quartet Of Doc Shanley (2/5) πŸ‘
6. Jap Kid (0/5) πŸ‘Ž
7. 4 1/2 Inch (2/5)
8. Spencer Must Die (0.5/5)
9. Jungle Rock (1/5)
10. Ol' Gang (1/5)
11. Tragic Days (0/5)
12. I Come And Stand At Your Door (0/5)
13. Levitate (0.5/5)
14. Everybody But Myself (1.5/5)

Out of all the Fall records, Levitate definitely seemed like the one I would turn around on. Here, the Fall throw out any intention of making an accessible record and just do whatever they please, which sounds awesome at first. But slowly you realize that it isn't awesome. No, what we get is some of the band's worst material and a bunch of turned knobs. "The Quartet Of Doc Shanley" doesn't bore me, but it is pretty underwritten. Worst track is "Jap Kid," if only because it almost made me fall asleep. Beyond a shadow of a doubt the worst Fall recording up to this point. Avoid.
55The Fall

February 1998 | Artful | 1.0 | πŸ†•

1. Masquerade (Single Mix) (0/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Ivanhoes Two Pence (2/5) πŸ‘
3. Spencer Must Die (Live) (0.5/5)
4. Ten Houses Of Eve (Remix) (1.5/5)

Considering how I felt about about Levitate, my feelings on its single shouldn't come as a surprise. If I may be allowed, I'd like to compare Masquerade to a benign tumor; in that it's made on mostly the same tissue as the host and is not the worst that could come of a growth. But, that doesn't mean it isn't an annoyance. Best song is "Ivanhoes Two Pence," the one track that doesn't appear on Levitate (how 'bout that). Worst is the single mix of "Masquerade," absolutely terrible. Can't say that I'm too surprised that this isn't a golden goose. Now if you'd excuse me, I need to go see a doctor about getting this removed ASAP.
56The Fall
Live To Air In Melbourne '82

May 1998 | Cog Sinister | 4.1 | πŸ†•

1. I Feel Voxish (4/5)
2. Hard Life In The Country (5/5) πŸ‘
3. I'm Into C.B. (5/5)
4. Lie Dream Of Casino Soul (4.5/5)
5. Solicitor In The Studio (4/5)
6. Tempo House (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
7. The Classical (4/5)
8. Marquis Cha-Cha (4/5)
9. Room To Live (3.5/5)
10. Hexen Strife (4/5)
11. Knot Deer Park (4.5/5)
12. Totally Wired (4/5)
13. Joker Hysterical Face (3.5/5)
14. Hip Priest (5/5)

Just when I think I'm ready to quit on the Fall, they release a archival record. And not just any archival record, an archival record from a 1982 live gig. Best is "Hard Life In The Country," which is quickly becoming one of my favorite Fall tracks. Weakest was "Tempo House," but it's miles ahead of whatever the band was putting out at the time. What's there even left to say? It's divine.
57The Fall
Live Various Years

September 1998 | Cog Sinister | 3.1 | πŸ†•

1. Deadbeat Descendant (4/5)
2. Big New Prinz (4/5) πŸ‘
3. Grudgefull (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
4. Free Range (2/5)
5. Shiftwork (3/5)
6. Strychnine (3/5)
7. Das Vulture (2.5/5)
8. Spine Track (3.5/5)
9. Behind The Counter (2.5/5)
10. Interferance
11. Hip Priest (4/5)
12. Carry A Bag Man (3/5)
13. Yes Oh Yes (3.5/5)
14. US 80s-90s (3/5)

Similar to the way The Twenty Seven Points was arranged, Live Various Years has a smattering of live tracks thrown together. And it sure does sound like it. Not in an entirely bad way, it's just very uneven. Points to the best version of "Big New Prinz" so far, really enjoyed this live rendition. Worst is "Grudgefull," but somehow it's slightly better than the studio version. Another decent live record. Truth be told though, I'm getting sick of hearing the same songs over and over. Comes with the territory, I suppose.
58The Fall
Nottingham '92

November 1998 | Cog Sinister | 2.3 | πŸ†•

1. Time Enough At Last (3/5)
2. Blood Outta Stone (3/5)
3. Idiot Joy Showland (2/5)
4. Free Range (2/5)
5. Immortality (1/5)
6. High Tension Line (2/5)
7. Married, 2 Kids (0.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
8. New Big Prinz (3.5/5)
9. Pittsville Direkt (1/5)
10. Return (3/5)
11. Everything Hurtz (2.5/5)
12. Birmingham School Of Business School (1.5/5)
13. Edinburgh Man (3/5)
14. And Therein... (2/5)
15. The War Against Intelligence (3.5/5) πŸ‘

Well, here we are: the last Fall live album I'm doing for this Discography Run. Are there more after this? Sure. Are they worth checking? I don't actually know. But I do know two things. Trying to listen to every Fall live album would've made this list unbearably long and Nottingham '92 is probably one of their weakest live outings yet. Best was a surprisingly good version of "The War Against Intelligence." Worst was "Married, 2 Kids." Probably not the the best exit for the Fall live records, but damn if it doesn't seem fitting.
59The Fall
Touch Sensitive

March 1999 | Artful | 0.2 | πŸ†•

1. Touch Sensitive (0.5/5) πŸ‘
2. Touch Sensitive Dance Mix (0/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. Antidote (0/5)

"Touch Sensitive Dance Mix"

I'm not a fan of The Marshall Suite.

"Touch Sensitive Dance Mix"

This is the single that preceded The Marshall Suite.

"Touch Sensitive Dance Mix"

I'm dragging this out because I don't want to talk about this single.

"Touch Sensitive Dance Mix"
"Touch Sensitive Dance Mix"
"Touch Sensitive Dance Mix"

The album version of "Touch Sensitive" is one pubic hair better than the...

"Touch Sensitive Dance Mix"

but that's not saying much.

"Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix""Touch Sensitive Dance Mix"
60The Fall
The Marshall Suite

April 1999 | Artful | 0.5 | β†’

1. Touch Sensitive (0.5/5)
2. F-'oldin' Money (1/5) πŸ‘
3. Shake-Off (0.5/5)
4. Bound (1/5)
5. This Perfect Day (0.5/5)
6. (Jung Nev's) Antidotes (0/5)
7. Inevitable (1/5)
8. Anecdotes + Antidotes In B# (0.5/5)
9. Early Life Of Crying Marshal
10. The Crying Marshal (0/5)
11. Birthday Song (0/5) πŸ‘Ž
12. Mad.Men-Eng.Dog (0/5)
13. On My Own (1/5)

Let me be clear when I say that I know that The Marshall Suite is considered one of the Fall's better 90s records. I know that. To my ears, this is the Fall's Summer in Paradise: i.e. a terrible record that tarnishes their legacy to an almost unsalvageable degree. Best (if you could call it that) was "F-'oldin' Money." "Birthday Song" takes it for worst, but there are many contenders. Is there a good album hidden within The Marshall Suite? Maybe, but I won't dedicate my life to finding that out.

Smegma-in-eyelids-tier album is right, holy hell.
61The Fall
The Unutterable

November 2000 | Eagle | 2.7 | ↓

1. Cyber Insect (4/5) πŸ‘
2. Two Librans (3.5/5)
3. W.B (3.5/5)
4. Sons Of Temperance (3/5)
5. Dr. Bucks' Letter (3.5/5)
6. Hot Runes (3/5)
7. Way Round (2.5/5)
8. Octo Realm/Ketamine Sun (3.5/5)
9. Serum (3/5)
10. Unutterable (2/5)
11. Pumpkin Soup And Mashed Potatoes (1.5/5)
12. Hands Up Billy (3.5/5)
13. Midwatch 1953 (2.5/5)
14. Devolute (1/5)
15. Das Katerer (0.5/5) πŸ‘Ž

The Unutterable starts out incredibly strong, almost as a sort of trap set for Fall sours like me. "Cyber Insect" is probably one of their better tracks from this period. In fact, the first half of The Unutterable shows remarkable promise. Then, Smith just flushes it down the toilet. "Das Katerer" is just dance filler for the disco mill; totally unessential. Having rated this album a 3.0 previously, this isn't too far a step down. But it's a step down nonetheless. Check the first 7 or 8 tracks and duck out for much of the rest, you'll thank me later.
62The Fall
Are You Are Missing Winner

November 2001 | Cog Sinister | 2.8 | ↑

1. Jim's "The Fall" (3.5/5)
2. Bourgeois Town (2.5/5)
3. Crop-Dust (3/5)
4. My Ex-Classmates' Kids (2.5/5)
5. Kick the Can (3/5)
6. Gotta See Jane (2/5)
7. Ibis-Afro Man (3.5/5) πŸ‘
8. Acute (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
9. Hollow Mind (2.5/5)
10.Reprise:Jane-Prof Mick-Ey Bastardo (3.5/5)

Welcome back to "SandwichBubble Loses All His Credibility." This week's exciting episode:
"The Winner Is Found! Are You Are Missing Winner Gets Higher Marks Than The Unutterable?"

In a turn of events even I myself didn't see coming, I enjoyed this slightly more than I previously did. Maybe I've just dulled my senses to bad production, but I much prefer this to the overproduced Fall of the past. The best was "Ibis-Afro Man," a cover of Iggy Pop's "African Man." Messy good time. Weakest was "Acute." Leave it to me to give a good score to a Fall album that has entirely new members and was panned heavily. Tune in next week to see me 5.0 an album on first listen!
63The Fall
The Fall vs 2003

December 2002 | Action | 1.8 | πŸ†•

1. Susan vs Youthclub (2/5)
2. Janet vs Johnny (2.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Susan vs Youthclub Remix (1/5) πŸ‘Ž

I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much with The Fall vs 2003. Maybe it's because I see the title as less "Clash of the Titans" and more "Homeless Man Beats Up Teenager." For what it's worth, I actually didn't think this EP/single was that bad at first. "Janet vs Johnny" is a hypnotic little tune, but not much more than that. It would've gotten away with a low 2.5 if it weren't for "Susan vs Youthclub Remix." I really wish remixes would stop appearing so needlessly in this Discography Run, but I'll just have to endure. I will say that it isn't the worst remix they've put out, so there's that. Ultimately, I'd say skip it. You're not missing a whole lot.
64The Fall
The Real New Fall LP (Formerly Country on the Click)

October 2003 | Action | 3.1 | ↓

1. Green Eyed Loco Man (2.5/5)
2. Mountain Energei (3/5)
3. Theme From Sparta FC (3.5/5)
4. Contraflow (4/5) πŸ‘
5. Last Commands Of Xyralothep Via MES (3.5/5)
6. Open The Boxoctosis #2 (3/5)
7. Janet, Johnny & James (3.5/5)
8. The Past #2 (4/5)
9. Loop 41 'Houston (2.5/5)
10. Mike's Love Xexagon (3/5)
11. Proteinprotection (3/5)
12. Recovery Kit (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž

The story behind Country On The Click is kind of silly honestly. After the original album leaked, Smith went back and remixed the album, hence the "Real New Fall LP" bit in the title. While I'm not exactly clear on all the details about this record, I do know that it was herald as a return to form by fans (myself included). This listen however was a bit underwhelming. Best was the genuinely great "Contraflow" and the worst was "Recovery Kit," better known as 'Relapse into Making Dull Techno.' Country On The Click is the Fall's best record in quite some time; just not by that much.
65The Fall
(We Wish You) A Protein Christmas

December 2003 | Action | 3.1 | πŸ†•

1. (We Wish You) A Protein Christmas (3.5/5)
2. (We Are) Mod Mock Goth (4/5) πŸ‘
3. (Birtwistle's) Girl In Shop (3/5)
4. Recovery Kit 2# (2/5) πŸ‘Ž

Just in time for the Winter 2003 shopping season! Show the Fall fanatic in your life that you care by giving them the gift of (We Wish You) A Protein Christmas. Supplies are limited, so call now!

Never in my goddamned life would I've thought that the Fall Christmas 7" would be one of their better releases. You could've bet me a million dollars and I would've walked away thinking I was about to make a cool million. But no, (We Wish You) A Protein Christmas is actually really good for the most part. "(We Are) Mod Mock Goth" should've been on every release of Country On The Click instead of just the USA one. Even the obligatory shit track ("Recovery Kit 2#") was slightly better than the album version. In a surprising twist, I wouldn't mind this being in my stocking on Christmas morning. Crazy.
66The Fall
Rude (All The Time)

February 2005 | Hip Priest | 2.9 | πŸ†•

1. Distilled Mug Art (3.5/5)
2. I Wake Up In The City (3.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Where's The Fuckin Taxi? Cunt (2/5)
4. My Ex Classmates Kids (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž

Recorded in 2001, the EP version of Rude (All The Time) doesn't actually include the title track. Instead, it's made up of 3 tracks from a live/studio hybrid Fall album and a "song" with the word "Cunt" in the title. On the bright side, "I Wake Up In The City" is a better version of "My Ex-Classmates' Kids," so that's good. "Where's The Fuckin Taxi? Cunt" is just 5 minutes of talking and bits of guitar, so that's not too great. Those first two tracks are pretty killer though. My advice: just check the first two tracks.
67The Fall
Fall Heads Roll

October 2005 | Slogan | 3.3 | ↑

1. Ride Away (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Pacifying Joint (2.5/5)
3. What About Us? (3.5/5)
4. Midnight In Aspen (3.5/5)
5. Assume (4/5)
6. Aspen Reprise (3/5)
7. Blindness (3/5)
8. I Can Hear The Grass Grow (3.5/5)
9. Bo Demmick (3/5)
10. Youwanner (4/5)
11. Clasp Hands (3.5/5)
12. Early Days Of Channel Fuhrer (3.5/5)
13. Breaking The Rules (3/5)
14. Trust In Me (4/5) πŸ‘

Fall Heads Roll is what I consider the start of the Fall's final act. If you notice, the releases from this point on dry up a bit around 2005 because the Fall started shifting towards live albums and compilations. Which is a real shame, because Fall Heads Roll is a step in the right direction. It helps that the album ends on such a strong note with "Trust In Me" and gets its worst track out of the way early with "Ride Away." While we won't be getting the same volume of releases as years past, lets hope they keep this uptrend in quality.

Yeah right.
68The Fall
Reformation Post TLC

February 2007 | Slogan | 2.2 | ↑

1. Over! Over! (2.5/5)
2. Reformation! (2/5)
3. Fall Sound (2.5/5)
4. White Line Fever (1.5/5)
5. Insult Song (2/5)
6. My Door Is Never (2/5)
7. Coach And Horses (3/5)
8. The Usher (2.5/5)
9. The Wright Stuff (2/5)
10. Scenario (3.5/5) πŸ‘
11. Das Boat (0.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
12. The Bad Stuff (1.5/5)
13. Systematic Abuse (3/5)
14. Outro

Reformation Post TLC features a brand new lineup of musicians after most of the band (the "Traitors, Liars, and Cunts") quit in 2006. And even though I enjoyed this album more this go-around, it still sounds like a post-breakup cry session (complete with sobbing). "Scenario" was pretty good at the very least. I never thought I'd see the day when the longest track on a Fall album ("Das Boat") is my least favorite, but first time for everything I guess. You'd think that an album that calls for reforming the identity of the Fall would appeal to someone like me, but Reformation Post TLC proves that maybe I don't know what I want.
69The Fall
Imperial Wax Solvent

April 2008 | Sanctuary | 2.8 | ↑

1. Alton Towers (3.5/5)
2. Wolf Kidult Man (4/5) πŸ‘
3. 50 Year Old Man (3.5/5)
4. I've Been Duped (2.5/5)
5. Strangetown (2.5/5)
6. Taurig (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
7. Can Can Summer (2/5)
8. Tommy Shooter (3.5/5)
9. Latch Key Kid (2/5)
10. Is This New (2.5/5)
11. Senior Twilight Stock Replacer (3/5)
12. Exploding Chimney (3.5/5)

Imperial Wax Solvent wasn't exactly in high standing when I started this Discography Run (I originally had it at a 2.0). So imagine my surprise when this listen yielded a better result! It's not going to take over the world or anything, but the album does have a few tricks up it's sleeve that inflate its score. "Wolf Kidult Man" is a really great tune, always has. "Taurig" on the other hand is just so unnecessary and serves as a constant reminder of the Fall's worst material. Overall though, Imperial Wax Solvent just barely scrapes by with an above-average score. Time will tell if that score stays, but at least next time I won't dread it.
70The Fall
Slippy Floor

November 2009 | Action | 3.0 | πŸ†•

1. Slippy Floor (3.5/5)
2. Hot Cake - Part 2 (3.5/5) πŸ‘
3. Strangetown (2/5) πŸ‘Ž

Slippy Floor is a single off Your Future Our Clutter, which I remember very little about. The good thing about that is I get to listen to it with no inhibitions. As such, this single has two tracks off Your Future Our Clutter, and they're both pretty good. "Hot Cake - Part 2" in particular is a driving tune that doesn't overstay its welcome. The band's cover of the Groundhogs' "Strangetown" is marred by some bad production (being a live track) and is too damn long. Still, I'm excited to see if Your Future Our Clutter wins me over, because the tracks found here are not bad at all.
71The Fall
Your Future Our Clutter

April 2010 | Domino | 3.4 | ↑

1. O.F.Y.C. Showcase (4/5)
2. Bury Pts. 1 + 3 (3/5)
3. Mexico Wax Solvent (3/5)
4. Cowboy George (4/5)
5. Hot Cake (3.5/5)
6. Y.F.O.C. / Slippy Floor (4/5)
7. Chino (3/5)
8. Funnel of Love (2.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
9. Weather Report 2 (4/5) πŸ‘

I'm upset that I never found myself attracted to Your Future Our Clutter in the past, because I've been keeping myself from some absolute tunes. "Weather Report 2" is an experimental little number that uses electronic elements in a way that doesn't annoy me. I know for a fact that won't be true for everyone, but I'm sticking by it. The preceding track ("Funnel of Love") isn't really much, but far from the worst thing the band has done. On Your Future Our Clutter, the Fall starts the decade off right with one of their better outings.
72The Fall
Laptop Dog

November 2011 | Cherry Red | 3.8 | πŸ†•

1. Laptop Dog (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Cosmos 7 (4/5)
3. Monocard (4/5) πŸ‘

After releasing a single album on Domino, the Fall stayed on Cherry Red till the end of their career (minus a few stray releases). So I suppose this would be a good time to mention that we're near the end of the Discography Run and the Fall are releasing some of their best work out of goddamn nowhere. Where was this a decade or two ago? Instead of this we got electro-ass for a good portion of the band's lifespan. I am fuming. FUMING. People are genuinely ILL!

What was I talking about? Right right, Laptop Dog. All 3 tracks here are off Ersatz G.B., so that's pretty exciting. "Monocard" is a great long-form track done proper. "Laptop Dog" trailed behind, but not by very much. Consider me hyped for a relisten to Ersatz G.B., cause this is quality.
73The Fall
Ersatz G.B.

November 2011 | Cherry Red | 3.0 | ↑

1. Cosmos 7 (4/5)
2. Taking Off (3/5)
3. Nate Will Not Return (3/5)
4. Mask Search (2.5/5)
5. Greenway (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
6. Happi Song (2/5)
7. Monocard (4/5) πŸ‘
8. Laptop Dog (3.5/5)
9. I've Seen Them Come (3/5)
10. Age Of Chang (3.5/5)

I've been on a ratings upswing with the Fall recently and I'm just as surprised as you probably are. That's sort of the point of these Discography Run lists, but I'm starting to think that this is only happening because I had to sit through 20 years of crap to get to this point and I'm just happy to hear something that isn't insufferable. Whatever the case may be, Ersatz G.B. did grow on me since I last visited it. The sad news is that "Monocard" and "Cosmos 7" (the two Laptop Dog tracks) are the best on this album. "Greenway" is just awful; hearing Smith try to wail like that is painful, not gonna lie. Aside from that though, Ersatz G.B. is another decent late Fall album.
74The Fall
Sir William Wray

April 2013 | Cherry Red | 3.5 | πŸ†•

1. Sir William Wray (4/5) πŸ‘
2. Jetplane (3/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. Hittite Man (3.5/5)

So, Slippy Floor was a single off Your Future Our Clutter, Laptop Dog was an EP with songs off Ersatz G.B., and Sir William Wray is a single off Re-Mit. I'm starting to notice a pattern here. And I'm also starting to notice that I could've skipped these later EPs/singles and saved myself some time. Oh well, we'll call this "buildup" and pretend it was intentional. "Sir William Wray" is another great tune and gets me excited just like a single should. "Jetplane" is okay, but I'm confident that other Fall fans might enjoy it more than me. Yeah good EP/single blah blah blah whatever: onward to Re-Mit and the home stretch! These better not be the best tracks on the album like with Laptop Dog/Ersatz G.B. or I'll be pissed.
75The Fall

May 2013 | Cherry Red | 2.7 | β†’

1. No Respects (2/5)
2. Sir William Wray (4/5) πŸ‘
3. Kinder of Spine (2.5/5)
4. Noise (2/5)
5. Hittite Man (3.5/5)
6. Pre-MDMA Years (0.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
7. No Respects Rev. (3/5)
8. Victrola Time (2.5/5)
9. Irish (3/5)
10. Jetplane (3/5)
11. Jam Song (3.5/5)
12. Loadstones (3/5)

Re-Mit isn't really what I wanted out of the Fall at this point in their career. Sure, this isn't the worst thing they've put out, but what's really painful about it is that you can almost feel the cogs grinding a bit. The elements of a good Fall album are definitely here, "Sir William Wray" is proof of that. But the rest of the album doesn't really grab you in any way. And in some cases, it feels like it's just trying to fill out the tracklist with something, anything really (looking at you "Pre-MDMA Years"). Thankfully the album picks up a bit in the latter half, but even those tracks aren't belters. Not bad per se, just another okay release by a band in their twilight years.
76The Fall
The Remainderer

December 2013 | Cherry Red | 4.2 | πŸ†•

1. The Remainderer (3.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
2. Amorator! (4.5/5)
3. Mister Rode (5/5) πŸ‘
4. Rememberance R (4.5/5)
5. Say Mama / Race With The Devil (4/5)
6. Touchy Pad (3.5/5)

The Remainderer is a fairly long EP for the Fall, considering most of their "EPs" are just singles. With the hot streak the Fall has had with their EPs/singles recently, I was definitely excited to hear this. Then I looked at the tracklist and saw that this EP was made entirely up of new tracks that don't show up on Sub-Lingual Tablet and I shot up out of my seat and did somersaults. The Remainderer is a fantastic EP not only by late-Fall standards, but even compared to their early work. "Mister Rode" is the first 5/5 track the band's made since The Nation's Saving Grace. "The Remainderer" was the 'weakest' (if you could call it that). I thought I had this band all figured out, but this just goes to show you how much can change in only a few years. Stellar!
77The Fall
Sub-Lingual Tablet

May 2015 | Cherry Red | 3.0 | ↑

1. Venice With the Girls (4.5/5)
2. Black Door (3/5)
3. Dedication Not Medication (2/5)
4. First One Today (2.5/5)
5. Junger Cloth (3.5/5)
6. Stout Man (3/5)
7. Auto Chip 2014-2016 (4.5/5) πŸ‘
8. Pledge! (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
9. Snazzy (2.5/5)
10. Fibre Book Troll (2.5/5)
11. Quit iPhone (3/5)

Why are you doing this to me Mark?

It might be strange to be so down on an album I just bumped my rating to, but after how much I loved The Remainderer, I thought for sure I was going to have an epiphany with Sub-Lingual Tablet. I mean, how could I not? The Remainderer was a great EP full of amazing songs. Sub-Lingual Tablet turned out to be an okay album with 2 amazing songs ("Venice With the Girls," "Auto Chip 2014-2016"). I need to find out why Smith insists on putting songs like "Pledge!" on his albums, because they don't do them any favors. While I did like Sub-Lingual Tablet more this time around, it just doesn't feel like I should be celebrating.
78The Fall
Wise Ol' Man

February 2016 | Cherry Red | 2.9 | πŸ†•

1. Wise Ol' Man (Edit) (3/5)
2. All Leave Cancelled (3/5)
3. Dedication (1.5/5) πŸ‘Ž
4. Wise Ol' Man (3/5)
5. Venice With The Girls (3.5/5)
6. Facebook Troll/No Xmas For John Quay (4/5) πŸ‘
7. All Leave Cancelled (2/5)

Wise Ol' Man contains a fair bit of material off the exceedingly-okay Sub-Lingual Tablet, which doesn't exactly fair all too well for it. And yeah, it is a bit underwhelming. The high I got from The Remainderer has officially worn off and I'm back to bitter ol' me. The live recording of "Facebook Troll/No Xmas For John Quay" only swayed me because "No Xmas For John Quay" is great no matter the era. "Dedication" is a remix of an already bad song, I've pretty much had my fill of Fall remix tracks at this point. We're down to the wire: can MES and his crew of changing members pull out a winner in the end?
79The Fall
New Facts Emerge

July 2017 | Cherry Red | 2.7 | β†’

1. Segue
2. Fol De Rol (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
3. Brillo De Facto (2.5/5)
4. Victoria Train Station Massacre (2/5)
5. New Facts Emerge (3/5)
6. Couples Vs Jobless Mid 30’s (3.5/5) πŸ‘
7. Second House Now (3/5)
8. O! ZZTRRK Man (2.5/5)
9. Gibbus Gibson (2/5)
10. Groundsboy (3/5)
11. Nine Out Of Ten (3/5)

The Fall begin their (unplanned) final LP with what sounds like the clanging of a toy piano and some mumbling. Some things never change I suppose. Best was "Couples Vs Jobless Mid 30’s" and the worst was "Fol De Rol." The finality of New Facts Emerge doesn't really make me as upset as I thought I'd be. I guess in a backwards sort of way, New Facts Emerge is exactly how the Fall should close it's book. Even when they don't knock it out of the park, you can always be sure that they're being the wonderful and frightening Fall we've come to know.
80The Fall
The Fall Live In Manchester

January 2018 | Riot Nation | ? | πŸ†•

1. Psycho Mafia
2. Stepping Out
3. Bingo Masters Break Out
4. Oh Brother
5. Frightened
6. Hey Fascist
7. Industrial Estate
8. Repetition
9. Cop It
10. Dresden Dolls
11. Futures And Pasts
12. Last Orders
13. Louie Louie

Bonus Writeup #1 (here's a bonus write-up just for fun)

I have no idea if this was officially released by the band or not, but there are a few things that make me double-take. The image of the empty stage on the cover is a stock photo, Riot Nation Records doesn't appear to exist, the sound quality is awful and warped, and there's no press about this at all. I'm confused and frightened, but not in a good way. What the hell is happening? Why are there so many 70s/80s-era songs on this? What? Why does it sound like it was recorded on an iPhone? Why does MES sound like he's deepthroating the mic? Tapping out.
81The Fall

May 2023 | Cherry Red | 2.8 | πŸ†•

1. Hitmen (Dream) (3/5)
2. A Disco (City) (2.5/5)
3. Suddenly, Certainly (2/5) πŸ‘Ž
4. Gray (3.5/5) πŸ‘

Bonus Writeup #2 (May 19, 2023)

Holy cow, a posthumous release? Time to dust off the cobwebs off this old list so no one can read it. Just some outtakes from the Re-Mit sessions. Not my favorite album, but I was still interested in checking this out. And... it's definitely outtakes from the Re-Mit sessions. Best is the chill indie rocker "Gray," worst is the plodding "Suddenly, Certainly." I probably won't be checking every archival release Cherry Red puts out, since there's just not enough time in the day for that, but it may be nice to check in every once in a while.
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