
Album Ratings 217
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 06-24-18 6:32 pm
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Popular bands that I HATE

Inspired by a great list by Rowhaus.
OK Computer

This band has 3 chords. "boring", "yawn" and "snooze". If you haven't listened to anything by this coma inducing band yet, prepare your energy to disappear faster than a bowl of percocet at Farrah Fawcetts house.

If you are a Rush fan, then chances are you probably have shoulder length hair parted in the middle, wear Doc Martins, collect bottle caps and hang Hit Parader creased foldouts on the wall in a purposefully tilted manner. If there is anything I hate, it is everything about this band.

Okay, we get it... you're an alien. Maybe on your home planet your voice doesn't sound like a witch being boiled in oil, but this is Earth and it's weird.

Nothing ruins my day more than a bunch of straight, Jewish tryhards wearing makeup and singing songs about their penis. I'm sure Jerry Stiller enjoys this shitty, radio ashtray, but I do not.
Dawn Of The Black Hearts

"Hey! Since we can't play instruments and have the I.Q. of a snail poisoned with mercury, let's steal our Mom's makeup and pretend we are hard!" Mayhem. Nice band name for 0 Mayhem going on. So some dipshit decided to kill himself and another dipshit thought "Fuck we suck, let's use his dead body for an album cover! That will get me some pussy!" What a joke. They sucked so bad they killed each other, thank God. There's a lesson here. If you suck, just give up.
6Linkin Park
Hybrid Theory

Rap Rock.
Get a Grip

If I hear Love In An Elevator one more time, I will jump down an elevator shaft head first into a thumb tac. This band is silly and Steven Tyler looks like he always just got done blowing a bee hive not to mention the band name is fucking stupid. It doesn't even make any sense.
8Grateful Dead
Shakedown Street

Can anyone name ONE good Grateful Dead song? No? You know why? One doesn't exist. Maybe if I was a scurvy pothead in the 60's and lived in a van down by the river, this band might be appealing to me.
Hell Awaits

Slayer? More like Gayer...because this band sucks dick. Kerry King can't play a solo so save his life, Tom shouts like a spaz and whichever drummer they have, always, seems bored. Pseudo satanic lyrics combined with random rage and sloppy power chords = grow up.
10Pink Floyd
The Dark Side of the Moon

Can anyone explain to me this inexplicable success story? Think of a Pink Floyd song. Any song. Then think of a song that's good and compare them. By the way, which one is Pink? Boring British lullabys twisted with sloppy pentatonic leads and bad electronic saxophone. Lame.
Scream Bloody Gore

How original. Death. Was Life taken? Maybe if I murdered small animals with blunt objects I would like this overrated garbage. Misanthrope? Nice way to teach kids to hate all mankind, and themselves. Emo Metal for unemployed fast food workers.
12The Cars
Heartbeat City

Male Stevie Nicks. Gross.
13Dream Theater

I can't think of a time when I would be cruising around town with my friends and spontaneously thought "Hey! Do you have Octavarium!?" This band is a prime example of how to fuck around in the studio with no aim and all the money in the world and try to fit in somewhere. Let's face it, this piece of the jigsaw puzzle doesn't fit anywhere on the puzzle of good music.
14Fleetwood Mac

Once upon a time this band was good. Then it escalated into a barrage of cheating, coke habits and bad albums written about those experiences. If Nicks can sing like a goat, not the acronym, and be successful than anything is possible. "Thunder only happens when it's raining" ummm no. I hear thunder all the time and no rain. Probably should have thought about it a little but then again, cocaine is a helluva drug.
15My Bloody Valentine

Sex Pistols called, they want their everything back...except for the rudimentary song titles. Blown A Wish? For an album titled Loveless, there sure is a lot of sappy shit here. Make up your minds, do you want to get girls or scare them away? This band manages to do both in one album. I could record something like this in 3 hours if I had $17, a non-soundproofed basement, a British ego and a grade school diary to rip lyrics from. Kevin should have stuck with Karate, because this shit blows goats for quarters.
16Van Halen
Van Halen II

Speaking of Cocaine, nice job with the leads, Eddie. Now can you make David Lee Roth sing something we can understand? SKEE BIDDY BEE BOO BOP, ZOPPITY FROOP A ZOOOW! What the fuck is that shit? Is that something hardcore? David is a male bimbo and sounds like he is having a seizure when he drops a line. BOP BIZOW! Makes no sense.

I wish I had a talent for brainwashing millions of dumbfounded dipshits into believing I recorded music with an obscure hidden meaning on purpose and make money from it. Learn to swim? Learn to write. How about that. None of this bands material can be taken seriously. Hooker With A Penis? Nice Maynard. No one gives a shit about your personal life, if you want to wear a bra on stage, more power to you. If you want to make up some asinine story about the fibonacci sequence, more power to you. But when this band hits hard, it doesn't hit anything except me to grab a pillow and take a nap. Boring music with a message, and that message is the facade this band is. A costume of the universe wrapped over a giant turd. Here's some math for you, Tool. 2+2=forgotten.
Ghost Reveries

I remember a time when I was walking through a forest 7 miles from my hometown and pondered. "What if I fuck a tree and scream about it?" Thank God for this album, it hits close to home with all the tree fucking and random outbursts I have about ghosts. Because I am 3 years old and I think ghosts exist. This is a good album if you believe in Santa Claus too. Sometimes I just want to scream shit like "there is a death that's awating" and then sometimes, when I am --wink wink-- in the mood, I will sing something in the shower like "mist ripples 'round your thin white neck" and then I wash my body with lava lamp oil, submerse myself in an isolation chamber and dream about fucking trees. Acorn? Here's my seed, do what you will with it, brethren treefolk. And if they don't listen and keep swaying with the wind and not talking to me, like usual, I will scream random things irrelevant to the situation at hand. Something like "RISE TO SUBMISSION!" Contradicting garbage.
Vulgar Display of Power

Whenever I hear Walk I feel like headbutting a railroad spike. Nice way to steal some lyrical content from Aretha Franklin and put a sour, cringe twist to it. We get it Phil, you're a raging alcoholic with daddy issues that can't play an instrument. Here's a thought; put the bottle down and go to rehab. I think more people would watch you trying to sober up than listen to anything you write. But you would probably fuck that up too.
20Pearl Jam

Ah, the good ole days of wearing a dirty flannel around your waste and never taking a shower. Eddie Vedder has gained triumph by making words up as he sings. I'm no English teacher but I'm pretty sure "Ahhuhughhuuuuuha mmmmhmmm aaayy hmmmm oooh mmm" aren't words. Also, there are more than 10 songs on Ten. Who's Mookie Blaylock? Is this a joke?
21Kate Bush
The Dreaming

Get some sun.
Sixteen Stone

Anyone remember this shitty band from the 90's? Unfortunately I do. Who knew all I needed to make a best selling album required songs with 2 chords, lyrics that make no sense and a clean perspective on "yeah we're kind of grunge but we still have jobs". This is one of the worst bands of all time and everything they produced has been garbage.
23Bad Wolves

What the fuck is this shit? Is this a SNL Skit? Is this serious? Nice way to ruin an already shitty song with terrible vocals and Three Days Grace samples. Nothing says "corporate sellout" like a 48 year old man singing Zombie. Shouldn't you be making bird houses in your garage or something?
24The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

This band is a good example of how you can be brain damaged yet become rich by recording trash.
25Kanye West
The College Dropout

What can I say about this artist that hasn't already been the title of a Richard Pryor album? Pretty soon he will be recording albums of random audio clips of Kim throwing up in the bathroom while he farts. Terrible mocking of the music industry as a whole.
26Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath

Does anyone think Ozzy remembers recording anything with this overrated band? He probably doesn't even remember their names. I've never listened to a bigger crybaby than Ozzy. Ever. He whines and complains mid sing and it sounds like shit. "Wah wah wah wah waaaah". Cry more, noob.
White Pony

Never in a million years would I have thought this band could get worse, but it happens with every release. White Pony? I see what's going on here. The band is racist. Why not Black Stallion? They also spelled the song titles wrong. Boring radio rock that should be tossed in a lake.
The Mantle

Broke musicians with the inability to be musicians. Loop after loop after loop. Repetitious and boring.
Nattens Madrigal

Jesus H Christ, did they record this abomination on a broken 8 track? This is nothing but noise. I would rather listen to 5 hours of wolves howling at the moon than this trash.

Is this Cheap Trick? No one will ever know. Sounds like a cheap knockoff of thousands of other shitty punk bands during the time of their fame. How much of a loser do you have to be to write a song about sedation? A big loser and a horrible singer. Tune your instruments, it sounds like you just bought your guitars at a pawn shop and left them alone.
31Nine Inch Nails
The Downward Spiral

If you're a fan of mixed loops made on a cheap program using a mass produced Casio keyboard, then this is for you. This album describes this band with a nice image. Flushing shit down a toilet bowl. Unfortunately, Trent kept recording some bullshit emo stories that never happened and still to this day has never changed out of the tight leather pants he wore on that stupid video they played on MTV all the time. He believes in God which only means he either has the mentality of a 6 year old or is mentally retarded. I'm going to go with a combination of both.
32Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

Speaking of God, I heard that Catholic Priests are making things a whole lot sexier! On a side note, let's talk about Jesse for a bit. He is 40 years old and still writing songs you would expect to come from 17 year olds. But then again, maybe that's his target audience. All in all, he can only play single notes, he can't barr chord properly and he looks like he smells like the inside of an old bowling ball bag. Brand New? More like Old Guy Sings Weird Shit.
None So Vile

I love the lyrics by this band. Did they go to the dog pound to get this idea? How did that pan out in the studio? "Hey man, we need some lyrics and vocals but we have nothing, can you bark like a dog the entire album?" Lord Worm - "Hold my beer". "ROUH ROUH ROHOHOROUH ROHU ROOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Settle down, Cujo, Sit. Good boy.
Back In Black

How does a band that has had two different vocalists suck this bad? One dude sings about Balls and the other sings about Bells. Which is it? Most importantly, how does a new singer for the band write an entire album dedicated to him being "back" when he was never there to begin with? Must have been tough finding an Aussie on karaoke night in Newcastle. Brian sounds like he is trying to shit out a pineapple backwards when he sings and he dresses like a night manager at a tea cup factory. Nice skirt, angus. Apparently Baby Gap doesn't sell tuxedos.
35Guns N' Roses
Use Your Illusion II

Whenever I want to dress up like a boring loser and act like an arrogant edgelord, I listen to Guns N' Roses. Not Guns And Roses, Guns N' Roses. Axl was a genius here. I can't imagine what the entire thought process was like during the time of the band title debate. "And? Fuck that, we're using 'N' because I said so!" Nice way to ruin a Bob Dylan song with 5 hours of stuttering the same shit over and over again. But this band has done some good things, most notably Axl's latest donation to the "Free Ribs On Me" night on 3rd street. You keep eating that Asian spaghetti, the only incident here is Axl's gut taking down small children at the buffet as he turns his hips. Lardass.
Souls at Zero

When I think of boredom, when I think of random panic attacks, when I think of how my blood is like motor oil and is pumping my veins with old, dirty and absolute cancer, I dream of Neurosis. Such a great band if you enjoy listening to a middle aged hippie writing songs about something trivial and making it seem like the end of existence. You're human. Deal with it somehow. Here's an idea: Stop recording the bible backwards.

I've never been to Iowa but I'm sure it's littered with dipshits who pierce their face, have fading tattoos, like corn and fuck their cousins. That being said, this band is a good example of how to appeal to a fanbase that already exists. "Shit! We only tune to B and can't play solos...what now?" Corey Taylor - "Doesn't your little brother have some old Halloween costumes in his closet?" And Slipknot was born. Apparently jumping around the stage in shitty grade school costumes while shouting demands at the audience has made this band famous. Who's buying this shit? Oh, nevermind, read the first sentence.
38In Flames
Come Clarity

Jonathan Davis called, he said try harder.
Captain Morgan's Revenge

This is a treat... if you are an overweight dork that plays Runescape. This band only writes about pirates and ships and the trials of being lonely and never getting anywhere in life. This band deserves to be the real life version of that one movie where the 2 divers were lost at sea and sharks ripped them to shreds. One can only dream.
Southern Discomfort

Discount Beastie Boys make an album...and the only people who gave a shit were lonely middle aged housewives and college "I party but I need to study" scrubs. If I had a penny for every time some overweight 30 something tramp asked me to play some shit from this album, I would be a billionaire. But then again, when I DJ I love me some Rehab. By that I mean I would rather go talk to people with real problems than these fake pieces of shit.
All Eyez on Me

You spelled "eyes" wrong.
42Rob Zombie
Hellbilly Deluxe


43 Weezer

"If you want to destroy my sweater..." This is a band that got famous for recording silly shit and a lot of morons took them seriously. Once they realized "holy shit, there sure are a lot of retards on this planet" they tried to write more complicated and intricate albums. But they didn't. This band is a joke and they ripped off Buddy Holley. Way to go, assholes. You're getting rich making fun of an icon.

What the fuck happened here? They went from Yes to No in a heartbeat. How do you even tell someone you like a band called "Yes" when you're deep down thinking "hell no!". The only time I want to hear this band name mentioned in a sentence is if someone asks me "Do you think this band is severely overrated?"
45Porcupine Tree
In Absentia

Here's another one of those "we try so hard to be Pink Floyd, but we can't afford lasers" bands. Nothing this band has done could be considered as "fruitful" or "inventing". This dude, apparently leading this sleeping bag, has tried everything and where did it get them? You're right. Close to the middle of nowhere. I can make weird band names too that have no correlation in respect to the music. Jolly Rancher Star Pony Turd Flyer. First album... "I Believe In God". Yea, shit gets deep here. ...or shallow.
46King Crimson

Hey look everybody, it's the band that hasn't been relevant since Reagan was President starring the guitarist who can't stand up and play guitar at the same time. What a dork. Hey Fripp, can you chew gum and walk at the same time? Or how about write and record a good album at the same time? Didn't think so.

Get your bookbags and notebooks ready for School kids, don't forget to pick up this album on the way to 5th grade recess. Are these guys like in their 40's now? It's sad to see so many people heartbroken after waiting 11 years for something that sounds like it was recorded in 15 minutes on Fruity Loops Studio, the trial version. Nice artwork too, it looks like Window's Paint is getting some high definition these days.

I would rather hear 17 monkeys with cerebral palsy bang spoons on a dinner plate for 47 and a half minutes than listen to this garbage. Okay Chris, we got it, you can't sing, write or play an instrument. Don't forget to copy a Mother Love Bone song and make it your own. That title belongs to Metallica. Soundgarden, more like Shitplantation.
Shrines of Paralysis

Nice name. It suits the target audience who wear hearing aids by giving them ulcers while listening to this cacophony of emptiness and boredom. I could record something like this in 3 hours if I had some kitchen utensils, cardboard boxes, a Radio Shack microphone and my Daughter's diary. How do they sound live you ask? Set up a ham radio and switch it to channel "nobody cares" and listen to the static. By the way, my Daughter is 3 and has more creativity with her fingerpaintings than this heaping load of shit.
50The Rolling Stones
Their Satanic Majesties Request

This band is radical. By that I mean they suck. Mick Jagger is the worst singer of all time, he dresses like a hooters waitress and he probably smells like cigarettes, dish soap and shame. Keep spazzing out Mick, get R done. Is Keith Richards still alive? Wow! I wish I could have lived that life. Ingest everything toxic and poisonous and play guitar hero with a real guitar. Get in a casket already.
51Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

Every night before I went to sleep in the year 2000, I used to think about starting a band with my best friends and being famous. I can't play any instrument and I sing like the rock monster from The Neverending Story. Neither of my friends can play anything either and I think Josh might be mentally retarded. I kept trying to force myself to dream of being in a band with my autistic friends and then BAM! 2001, Avenged Sevenfold stole my idea. Way to steal my dreams you bastards, we sound better than you and you use girls jumping on beds to sell your shitty psuedo "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas" song that got the attention of 15 year old boys and 0% girls. Nice. Plagiarize my dreams and make it sound like the ending credits of a Friday The 13th movie. Assholes.
Ten Thousand Fists

This has to be the longest running joke band in the history of music. I wonder what the other guys in the band asked David to sing once they had their sound set? "Dude, you can't sing, you probably have throat polyps and you look like you just got done masturbating to the entire Buffy The Vampire Slayer series. Can you do some monkey noises?" And that he did. Think about it, this guy has made his way through life singing like a monkey. Sincerely jealous because the last time I threw poop at someone they ran off with The Sickness. This dude is 43 years old. "What should we do next fans?" I dunno, maybe quit making music and just take the money and run...a marathon of Murder She Wrote. Ooww ah ah ah...nah.

Thank God for this band. Whenever I want to dress up like a terrorist and pretend I know how the government works strictly based on global network news, this gets me pumped! Yeah! Isis! Let's make a band about a group of Americans pretending to be Muslim and write songs about the Ocean. Members of Isis during an interview: "I dunno man, we just kind of... ya know... want to blow shit up and make music. We did that and now it's time to disband". Or Taliband...amirite? Oceanic. Nice album name, what's the next release after you come back to record something? US East? Puhleeze.

This is a lesson on what not to do when you lose a bass player that actually rocks. Which is share the stage with Lady Gaga. Never in a trillion years would I have ever imagined James Hetfield singing with Lady Gaga on stage, not to mention him throwing a fit like a hyperactive 7 year old with no time to play Minecraft and still trying to play it out like they're "hard". What? What kind of mindset did Metallica have at this point? "Well, we can't make good songs anymore, we're like 60, we only care about alcohol and Napster raped us in the ass...wait! Lady Gaga is famous! Let's leech off of her like we did with Diamond Head! mmmyeeah!" This band has sucked since I can remember and they should just cover country songs now, because deep down they all have lost something and can write about it. Their integrity.
Countdown to Extinction

Hey Tori Amos, stop dressing like a dude! When someone spills a drink in public, when someone leaves their wannabe ragbry bycicle unchained in downtown New York, when the cashier asks "would you like to donate a dollar for muscular dystrophy?", when you realize it's 5 in the morning and you're shitting on Dave Mustaine? You might be Dave Mustaine. This guy is a walking, living, breathing accident and he has the ego of Joseph Stalin. Dave, just remember Marty was the only reason why you have money to buy pizza's every night, asshole. Also, I don't get the whole "head turn while singing" thing, or attempting to sing at that. The last time I checked, growling like a pregnant Cat isn't vocals, it's just you being a pussy. REEWAWR! Whatever.
56The National
Sleep Well Beast

zzZZZzzzzZZZZzzzZZZzzz... sorry I was sleeping listening to this waterbed. I will sleep well, just lemme put this on repeat to induce a coma.
57Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin IV

"Hey, let's steal songs from other bands who are more talented that us and make them our own!" - Led Zeppelin in a marble jar. The thing is when that marble jar got spilled, it only caused injuries and hassle. Have you ever listened to an entire Led Zeppelin album and/or picked up 639 marbles scattered all over the place? Not even good marbles, like the small ones with no cats eye twirl. What a nightmare.
58Lynyrd Skynyrd
Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd

Drunk redneck hippies from the south get instruments and record their life story in every song. Tuesday's Gone, apparently if it's Wednesday when you recorded it, assholes. Simple Man, nice way to tell the females you're dumb and can't find your penis if you looked straight down, fatasses. Free Bird, oh snap is that a bird flying? Let's write a song, YET AGAIN, in pentatonic scale and have a boring ending. Saturday Night Special, it's Saturday and it's special...? wha... Cheatin' Woman, yeah you're a cuckold, whatever. Gimme Three Steps, please gimme three steps the fuck out of this soundscape of losers. Sweet Home Alabama, let's record a song about a state that encourages incest and beastiality. Congratulations, hillbillies, you ruined music.
59Puddle of Mudd
Come Clean

I stole your house. Deal with it.
60Lady Gaga
The Fame

Hey Stefani, if you're reading this...please get a nose job. You look like you have half of a grilled cheese sandwich tilted sideways right between your legs, and your nose is all fucked up. Stop trying to be hot and just sing and make videos in the dark, Gonzo.
61Taylor Swift

I wish I could breathe air and wake up with 300 million in the bank. That would be sweet. If I didn't have talent, dressed like a slut from Starbucks and presented myself like a shallow cunt with a drunk one dart throw I.Q. on the board, I wouldn't be happy. Listen to my garbage that other people make, and worship me. Spare me, what a cuntsicle.

Let's record the same shit over and over and see if people dig it. I guess if I want to start playing guitar I should buy a beat up ESP and put bass strings on it, tune it with my tv, ceiling fan and microwave on and spaz out on 2 frets, one string.
63Michelle Branch
Hotel Paper

Okay you made your point, you play 3 chords and sing about a guy. SHOCKER! Also, you sound like a hyena being attacked by a mountain lion when you sing and your lips are lopsided, they look like Bill Murray's lips in Caddyshack. "Umm par 4 here, gonna sing about a guy again...Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a" Get a job and stay in the kitcken.
64Alice in Chains

65Red Hot Chili Peppers

Boom bicha cow wow buh a dum a frooda guug bipadum dum! Anthony, stop tryhardscatting on the mic. It's one thing to write a song about silly shit but flailing your arms around like you need an instrument to play is beyond silly. It's pathetic. Sit down and learn the G chord, spaz.
66Lamb of God
As the Palaces Burn

Nice band name. I thought of a similar band name when I was 7. I remember drawing psuedo Satanic artwork and I wanted God involved, because I was 7. That's a great band name. Get it, because it's the Lamb of God, like a shepherd. What a fucking joke. These guys suck so bad they have to kill people on stage to get sales. Lamb Of God, more like Rotting Christ >
67Steve Miller Band
The Joker

This is one of the worst bands in the history of music. These guys are wannabe southern dudes who smoked too many seeds but there's one problem. They are from California. What better place on the planet to write bluesy rock riffs than California. Because, living in a constant state of bliss and watching National Geographic sunsets daily, swordfish fishing and pretty much living every day like it's your last with no worry at all, becomes blues/rock/we are old and we love weed. What a joke. Speaking of Joker, this is a song title. "Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma Ma". I remember one time I wrote a song titled "The Everlasting life and Adventures of Lickity Pipizo" and thought "nah, that sounds stupid as shit". Steve Miller thought the same thing, but recorded it. Whenever I hear this shitty bands music on the radio, I am tempted to swerve into oncoming traffic to find myself in a better place. No garbage.
68Children of Bodom

Let's name our band about some creepy murders that have never been explained fully to this day! Yeah! Here's a hint to the keyboardist. Take a shot of demerol. Calm. Down. Also, this band's videos are in 250k, what the shit? Should you like update your shitty wannabe Halloween "I'm a Reaper and you are dead hah!" video in at least 1080i? or p? I would love to grow my hair so long that in the morning after a shower, I would look in the mirror and inadvertently touch my penis and think "wtf I thought I was just a really skinny old chick who couldn't play guitar well". But then again, he has a female name so maybe it works for him in the studio when he is attempting sweep picks while wearing mascara. Gimmick band.

I was saving 69 for this overrated pile of trash. Let's break this down shall we? "This is one called losing all" - Phil at the beginning of Losing All. Well, you lost your guitarist from Pantera and since then, nothing written about his loss. Not one song. How much of a piece of shit do you have to be to not even, in the slightest way, commemorate the person who got you famous? If you had Kirk Hammet no one would know who you are right now Phil. His vocals are off key, lyrics make no sense, unless you are half drunk and slamming heroin in your balls like Jordan hitting the net vs. the Cavs in game 6 , and he presents himself like he is something special. Well, newsflash Phil, you can't sing anymore and when you scream it sounds like you have throat polyps. Stone the Crow? You want to kill birds? What a loser.
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