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Radiohead - Full Discography Ranked

The results of last week's DiscoRun. Was a fun run. Radiohead was never and will never be my favorite band. I have a lot of problems with the vocals at times and since I have no personal connection with the band my ranking might be 180 degrees different from others. Let the angry rantings commence.
Hail to the Thief

Ok, so after making the list I noticed a full album missing in the list. Since I can't add songs in the middle and I'm not doing the whole thing over here comes Hail to the Thief with the placements the songs should've gotten.
Hail to the Thief

The Gloaming - Place 76

I don't know why, but the sample are literally giving me a headache. I don't know if that's bad luck or the way they're mixed, for on the surface there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with them. Weird
Hail to the Thief

Where I end and You Begin - Place 75

Not really a fan of this. The first time I feel that Radiohead is dropping the ball a little on this album. It feels a little less inspired and frankly a little boring at first listen.
Hail to the Thief

We Suck Young Blood - Place 69

The clapping is nice, but other than that the first half is a little boring. Then the unexpected time-shift comes in and for about 20 seconds it gets really great before coming back down again. Could've finished the song high-tempo for my money.
Hail to the Thief

Scatterbrain - Place 67

I feel like the album is a little too long. They could've cut this in my opinion. Not a fan.
Hail to the Thief

A Wolf at the Door - Place 64

Yeah they coul'dve also put this as a bonus song or something. It just drags the album longer than nessesary. They could've just ended it on a high note with Myxomatosis and that would've been fine. Now it kinda just bleeds to death in my eyes.
Hail to the Thief

A Punchup at a Wedding - Place 52

I'm feel like I've been repeating myself too much during this run. Overall average song on a average Radiohead album. Straight middle of the pack I guess.
Hail to the Thief

Backdrifts - Place 37

Another one I did not really find memorable and couldn't quite remember after listening
Hail to the Thief

Go to Sleep - Place 35

Nice and energetic song that keeps the energy high and has a really infectious acoustic guitar running throughout it.
Hail to the Thief

Sit Down. Stand Up - Place 34

Not to much to say about it. Middle of the pack
Hail to the Thief

I Will - Place 27

I actually really like the vocals here. The close harmony was well done and it fit the mood of the album very well.
Hail to the Thief

Sail to the Moon - Place 26

Sweet and smooth ballad where the vocals really work for me
Hail to the Thief

There There - Place 22

Love the part where the drums switched to a steady beat. One of the better songs on Hail to the Thief for sure.
Hail to the Thief

2+2=5 - Place 17

Hail to the Thief starts off with a bang! Great song this.
Hail to the Thief

Myxomatosis - Place 12

These are the kind of samples I can really get behind. The groovy low basslines that really drive the song foreward. I enjoyed this. Might be my favorite from Hail to the Thief
OK Computer

Fitter Happier

interlude/filler, which I'm not going to rate.
Kid A


I find it hard to rate this against other songs, since it's a full ambient song that kinda feels like a pallet cleanser of sorts. I will count it as such and not rate it.

Hunting Bears

This is a pretty cool interlude, but only an interlude so I won't rate it.

Pulk / Pull Revolving Doors

Oeh I'm not really liking this one though. The robotic vocals does nothing with me accept for being slightly annoying
The Bends


The vocals where a little off-putting on this. I don't really know why though, because I guess it's not that different from the other songs on this record. Goes to show that Radiohead's vocals walk a very fine line between enjoyable and obnoxious to me.
Pablo Honey

Anyone Can Play Guitar

This sounds like basic 90's rockmusic to me, but with vocals that get a little obnoxious
Pablo Honey

How Do You?

The production is really really different from Creep, which came before it. This sounds like a band who has no idea where they're going musically. It's too different from the first two songs for me.
Pablo Honey

Thinking About You

Yeah this is a little to whiney in the vocal department for me
The King of Limbs


This didn't do a whole lot for me. I'm not sure if I'm really digging this electro (almost lounge) vibe.
OK Computer


Nah this is not my game. In the more active songs, his voice annoys me more. On the previous song I disliked the three slow songs back to back, but be careful what you wish for I guess.
Pablo Honey

I Can't

Oeh I don't like the vocals here.
The Bends


I don't have much to say about this song. Its not bad, but not really good either.
The Bends

Bulletproof.. I Wish I was

I listened twice, and twice nothing really sticks. A pretty basic ballad I guess (god people are gonna hate me for this list aren't they, sorry if I just offended your favorite song).
Pablo Honey


I was busy with something with this on my inears and I don't remember anything from it, so it must have been unremarkable without being bad.
Pablo Honey


I don't know if it is cursing in church, but I've always hated this song with a passion. Too suicide top10 for me. Still don't really enjoy it, but it's not as bad as it used to be, more energy than I remember. Also somehow the production is better than the rest of the album.
The King of Limbs

Little by Little

This song was okey. Not one of their better ones, but not bad perse.
Pablo Honey

Prove Yourself

Ok song but a little forgettable at first listen
Pablo Honey


This was a step up from the previous two songs. More memorable and catchy with a better production quality. I find it weird that the production on this album seems so uneven.
The King of Limbs


This might piss a lot of people off, but this album is kinda boring to me (at first listen). There's not really a song that grips me like other records of them have done so far.
Pablo Honey

Stop Whispering

You know what. So far I'm enjoying this a hell of a lot more than I expected. Lets hope it stays that way! This is a pretty good song.
The King of Limbs


Hmm, I don't think I'm liking this one. It feels a little too random and experimental to me. It does have a kind off smoothing atmosphere though, so I think this might be a grower
The Bends

My Iron Lung

I just notice, but why does the album cover look like one of those dolls I practiced CPR on during my first aid training? Song is ok, not one of my favorites from this album. That bridge is weird. Ha, I did Melt-Banana last week and there was a song there that sounded like my earbuds dying on me. I thought this song had the same but this time it was actually my earbuds dying. Fuck me now I have to go to the store in my break and get new ones.
Pablo Honey

Blow Out

Album ends with one of the better songs imo. Although pretty much everything from this run except for the hits are first time listens.
A Moon Shaped Pool

Glass Eyes

I don't remember much from this song after listening it. Middle of the pack I guess.

Morning Bell / Amnesiac

See Knives Out first before reading > Ah there it is again, phew. No likey them singings here. Though I do have to say I can enjoy them more despite me not liking them.
Kid A

In Limbo

The strenght of this song is in its formlessness. It's a good piece that fits its role on the album, but doesn't grip me like some of the others have done so far.
OK Computer

Karma Police

The third slow/mid tempo ballad in a row. This one feels less immediate because of that reason and doesn't really stick with me.
The Bends


Hey another one I know! That's more than I expected. No one of my favorites though.
The Bends

The Bends

This song is pretty good, but I didn't really like the bridge. The chorus is very nice though so that evens it out
Pablo Honey


One of the better ones from their debut album. More emotional and authentic feeling than most of the others.

Like Spinning Plates

This song was not for me I guess. At 4 minutes, it still felt like a transition song instead of a fully fleshed out song on its own.

Dollars & Cents

The instrumentation is really weird and experimental on this song. I applaud them for it, but for a first listen it didn't really click with me.
Kid A

Kid A

Hmm I hope the entire album is not filled with these kind of robotic vocals, because I don't really enjoy them. Song is pretty good I guess, but the vocals get me out of the vibe too much to really enjoy it.
OK Computer


Yeah I see to be liking the slower more subdued songs better than the energetic once, but that's purely because of the vocals. They are so hit or miss for me. This one was a slight hit.
OK Computer

Paranoid Android

You know, there are parts of this song I really like, and than there are the parts that I really dislike (like the mumbling bridge).
The King of Limbs

Morning Mr. Magpie

The guitars are nice and groovy on this song. Better than the opening song for me.
A Moon Shaped Pool

Decks Dark

I have a little bit the same feelings as I had with the previous, Daydreaming. It's never bad but I'm not in love with it.
A Moon Shaped Pool


This one was not my favorite. I think this one's a real grower, but not an immediate highlight for me.
Kid A


After the titlesong, this is the first time this record that the vocals annoy me. God Radiohead is so hit and miss for me when it comes to the vocals. It really makes some songs, while completely ruining others for me.
OK Computer

Climbing Up the Walls

Those screams at the end made it almost feel like a blackgaze song. Pretty good song this.
Pablo Honey


This is actually quite groovy and energetic for a debut song. It's the start of a new discorun and I will admit that I never particularly liked Radiohead in the past from what I heard. I did listen to OK, Computer a while back and liked it better than I expected to. With this its off to a pretty good start I'd say.
A Moon Shaped Pool


Eh I don't know, A Moon Shaped Pool feels like a real middle of the pack record for Radiohead. Certainly some great songs on here but nothing that really steps into the limelight for me.
A Moon Shaped Pool

Desert Island Disk

Not to much to say about it. Pretty good song
In Rainbows

House of Cards

This one I like slightly less than the others on this album. It's a bit overly long imo. It has a nice atmosphere though, but it doesn't seem to go anywhere.

Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box

This starts of really different from all the other albums, sounds almost like a different band. Its quite groovy and the chorus is pretty catchy.
Kid A

The National Anthem

Ha those brass instruments were unexpected. Kinda cool I like it. Problem with most brass instruments is that they're often slightly off-key (not the players fault, that's just the way those instruments work) and often I find those little off-key moments annoying as hell, but here it somehow works.
The Bends

Black Star

Loving that intro.
The Bends

Fake Plastic Trees

This is a nice slow burner. I enjoyed the buildup, that was very well done.
OK Computer

Let Down

I'm enjoying OK Computer a lot more than The Bends I have to say. It feels much more streamlined, with a better production and
The Bends

Planet Telex

I think people are going to be so angry with me when I release this full ranking.
A Moon Shaped Pool

Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man

It's a good song, but again not in my top. There's a little to much of these kinda songs on this one album for me.
The Bends

[Nice Dream]

Ok this was actually a really good song. I listened to it twice to make sure, but yeah I'm really enjoying this.
The Bends

High and Dry

Hey, I know this song! I covered it once with a band when I was 15 or something like that. Didn't recognice the title. Yeah I like this one.
The King of Limbs

Lotus Flower

This is quite a nice song and so far my favorite from The King of Limbs. I think this record is supposed to have a kind of hypnotic atmosphere and on this song it kindof worked.
A Moon Shaped Pool

Present Tense

This entire album feels way more toned down than previous albums, without it becoming actually more 'safe', because all these mellow songs on one album feel like quite the risk in their own right. I think this is one of the better ones on this album.
In Rainbows


Two things that really make a difference on In Rainbows for me. 1: The production seems much more modern and crisp. 2. The vocals feel so much smoother and accessible to me
In Rainbows

Faust Arp

Starts as a nice folk song with some sweet strings. I like the fact that it stays small.
In Rainbows


Grooving for days, but them whiny voices man.

Life in a Glass House

The jazzyness of this is really really cool, but again the brittleness of his voice make it so much less for me than it could've been. This needs a strong powerful voice to make the jazz soar, but at the end its more just wails than strong soaring ad-libs. The final couple of second is cool though, that's where that voice works.
OK Computer

No Surprises

Familiar sounds here. I find that I know more Radiohead than I initially thought. The melody is very earworm-y and the song itself is nice and mellow.
The Bends

Street Spirit (Fade Out)

Hey, another one I know. I always thought this was a Muse song somehow lol, and one of the better Muse songs at that. Makes my opinion on that band even less haha…. I hate Muse.
The King of Limbs


Not a bad closer at all. This album overall has been really mediocre for me (compared to their others at least) but the final two songs seem to end it strong at least.
In Rainbows

Weird Fishes / Arpeggi

Another smooth ride that does feel a bit formless on first listen. I kinda like that steady beat though. Not a bad song by any stretch.

Pyramid Song

Nice and sweeping song.
OK Computer


I have no idea what this song's about, but it feels really personal and dramatic. Pretty odd to have it as an opener, but I guess it's one of the things that draws people to this album as one of the best of all time.
The King of Limbs

Give up the Ghost

Yeah this song I get. The repetitive guitars work pretty soothing and hypnotizing and the vocal work is really smooth
A Moon Shaped Pool

True Love Waits

A sweet little final farewell to the discorun of Radiohead. I had a way better time than I expected.
A Moon Shaped Pool

Ful Stop

Another great song. These guys are nothing if not consistent to a fault.
In Rainbows


A good closer to a great album, and certainly my favorite album from Radiohead so far. judging by the overall ratings, that might not change, but who knows?
Kid A

Morning Bell

Overall, this entire album doesn't really have any weak points which is really quite something. I have the songs I like more than other, but the quality of every song is on par. This one was a middle of the pack song for me.
OK Computer

The Tourist

This song reminds me of Twin Peaks somehow. The same mysterious vibe in that Roadhouse. God I need to rewatch that show.
In Rainbows

All I Need

This followes in the same veign as Weird Fishes / Arpeggi does, with a little bit more of a buildup towards the end. Another great song here guys, I'm really starting to like In Rainbows a lot!

Knives Out

I'm not actively disliking the vocals on these last couple of songs. I surely hope I'm not getting used to them, that would mean I can start this run all over again lol. Another great song here.
Kid A

Everything in its Right Place

Wow this is actually kinda great and really different from their earlier work. Much more ambient and mechanical which was a great direction for their sound to go to.
Kid A

How to Disappear Completely

I have to say, so far Kid A, if anything, has incredible pacing. The slow acoustic strumming fits perfectly after the dissonant brass outro of The National Anthem. This song builds like a postrock song which I really like. For my money it could've used a bigger climax though.
A Moon Shaped Pool

Burn the Witch

Again with the sweet buildup. It's really their strenght imo, and there strongest sonsg seems to fall into this category.
In Rainbows


So far I feel Thom's vocals have improved and sound better on In Rainbows than on anything before. They fit the music better somehow, and this song is case and point

I Might be Wrong

Maybe it's the more electric vibes on this album, or maybe its more the post song-structures in a couple of the songs thus far, but I'm really digging Amnesiac.
A Moon Shaped Pool

The Numbers

Oeh another one that somehow really clicked on first listen. I'm a sucker for orchestras and this one is really well done and fits the music so wel..
Kid A


The lyrics fit the title very well. The song has a nice drive to it, and for me it's one of the better songs on Kid A so far.
In Rainbows

15 Step

So I was 5 songs into In Rainbows before I noticed I was appearantly listening to cd 2. Durp. So lets try again with disk 1 shall we. Really great opening. I'm liking what I'm hearing here!
Kid A

Motion Picture Soundtrack

Yeah this is a great closer to a good record. Its got its own identity even though its clearly the same band. I think I enjoyed Kid A most so far. This song is a bittersweet and satisfying conclusion.

You and Whose Army?

Okey this might be my favorite Radiohead song thus far. This clicked so hard with me jeez. Such a great buildup and payoff.
OK Computer

Subterranean Homesick Alien

This is the first song I come across that I actually love. Maybe it's because it has a lot of old-school progrock vibes, but this song clicked immediately and its gorgeous.
In Rainbows

Jigsaw Falling Into Place

This might have been one of my favorites. Damn this is a really really really great song! *puts it in all his playlists*.
OK Computer

Exit Music (For a Film)

Damn this a great song. Starts of feeling like a Johnny Cash cover but soon unfolds as a big emotional epic. Great song!
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