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QotSA - Full Discography Ranked

The results of this week's DiscoRun. I didn't know them that well, but damn these guys are really bloody consistent. It was one of the hardest ones I had to rank so far, there could've been 20+ songs that I'd feel no shame putting in my top 10. Enjoy.
80Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

Lightning Song

Sweet and short interlude. I really enjoyed it, but as always I won't rate these kinds of songs.
79Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

Six Shooter

Just over a minute, I'll count this one as interlude
78Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

This Lullaby

Intro song, won't rate
77Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

Quick and to the Pointless

Not my song this. Good thing its only a minute and a half long. Title is acurate though.
76Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Battery Acid

Nah I just straight up don't like this song. Weird and noisy, not my cup a tea at all.
75Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

Skin on Skin

Hmm apart from Medication, this is the first swing and miss for me on Lullabies. The album as a whole is a lot moodier and more experimental, but here they've lost me with the odd screams and super fuzzy baslines.
74Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze


A Straightforeward affair really. Not a big fan, but it's short so it flies by.
73Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

Broken Box

Ehh that's two in a row that I don't really like. Cmon guys, don't drop the ball on me now, album was being so consistent until now.
72Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

Leg of Lamb

Don't enjoy this one as much as the previous two. The dissonant guitar 'whining' doesn't stick with me as the others do.
71Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

"You Got a Killer Scene There, Man…"

Uh its better than the previous two I guess, but still not my fav. The boring sounding vocals are completely intentional, but are just that for me, boring. The guitar solo starts out kinda bad but than becomes pretty great again near the ending.
70Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

You Would Know

Not my favorite of this album so far, but decent song nonetheless.
69Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

Gonna Leave You

So far this is the song on Song for the Deaf that I like least. That is not to say it's not a good song mind you, I just don't enjoy it as much as the others, most of which are fenomenal
68Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

Hispanic Impressions

This song is like, super silly. Sounds kinda like a joke.
67Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

I'm Designer

Another one that really didn't stick at first listen. The energy seems lower somehow than on other albums or is that just me?
66Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Suture Up Your Future

See 3's & 7's.
65Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

3's & 7's

Don't remember anything from this song. The quality of this album is pretty steady I have to say, but overall just a bit less than their previous four outings.
64Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Turning on the Screw

Huh… I have no idea what to think about this song. It seems quite different from the other records so far. It surely ain't bad, but it didn't really stick either.
63Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

Monsters in the Parasol

This a really weird one. Don't really know how I feel about it.
62Queens of the Stone Age


This is the first song from Villains that I don't really care about. It feels a little safe to me.
61Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Make it Wit Chu

You know, I think I enjoy this song more because I disliked the previous song so much, 'cus this is a very safe song. I did enjoy it though, one of the better ones from Era Vulgaris so far.
60Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Into the Hollow

Kinda average. Not to much to say about it.
59Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

In My Head

A little more straightforeward than the others so far, but a good song in its own right. Josh's voice keeps the experimentation up enough to keep it interesing.
58Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

Another Love Song

It's a pitty, but I think the second half of the record is decidedly less amazing than the first half imo (at first listen ofcourse).
57Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age


Nice and groovy. I already feel that I'm going to really enjoy this ride.
56Queens of the Stone Age


Do I like this. I dunno. Average song for me.
55Queens of the Stone Age

Un-Reborn Again

Nah this is not my cup a tea. I don't know why, but I feel like the energy is somehow lacking on this song. I did like the ending though, second half of the song kicked it up a notch!
54Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

Smooth Sailing

Not one of my favorites from …Like Clockwork, but it has a lot going on in therms of instrumentation which make it more interesting.
53Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

River in the Road

Hmm I don't know man. Maybe my head was just not in the place as I listened to this record, but it was (almost) never outright bad and never as good as any of the other records.
52Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Misfit Love

So far this album sounds kinda phoned in. Like they had a deadline but not really the energy or inspiration. Maybe I'm to harsh on it but the moment I think it I can't stop thinking it.
51Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

I Think I Lost My Headache

The ending of this spins completely out of control in a weird way. The song itself was pretty ok, but not one of my favorites from Rater R. Overall it was a great album though!
50Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

If Only

In some ways I've always felt QotSA was simple rock'nRoll at its finest. Yet I never really took the time to get myself versed in it. I'm enjoying this a hell of a lot though.
49Queens of the Stone Age

Head Like a Haunted House

I liked the teramin sounding instrument. That helped giving extra juice to the song. Rest of the song is a little average for them.
48Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

In the Fade / Feel Good Hit of the Summer [Reprise]

QotSA taking the energy level down a notch to make a more mid-tempo rock anthem. I like it, but its not my favorite from Rated R so far.
47Queens of the Stone Age

Villains of Circumstance

The last song of the run. Overall I am amazed by how consistent QotSA is. Only Era Vulgaris felt like a dip in quality, but forgetting that one every album has been consistently great. This one is a great swansong that I enjoyed more than most others on Villains.
46Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork


A bit more toned down than the others but quite the nice song in its own right.
45Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Sick, Sick, Sick

Loving the bass sound on this song. So punchy and groovy. Song is better than the previous one for me.
44Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

I Never Came

The mood and atmosphere is really good in this song. I don't know if I enjoy so much headvoice in this song, but it didn't annoy me so that's something I guess. I can see this being in people's top10, but its not for me.
43Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

Auto Pilot

Just a plain, mid-tempo, good ol' time. Really catchy chorus.
42Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

I Was a Teenage Hand Model

All in all, this is such a tight album with excellent pacing. Ending with a more layback chill song after all them grooves is genius and makes this song pop in its own right. Don't really like the weird drone sounds though, they're mixed a little agressively and annoy me a little.
41Queens of the Stone Age

Domesticated Animals

Hmm I started out not really liking what I heard, and then the song got better and better until at the end I was really tapping my feet along.
40Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

…Like Clockwork

A sweet and smooth closer that for me is not one of the better tracks on the album, but is still a very interesting and good song!
39Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

Long Slow Goodbye

Its so sad really. They should've just cut Skin on Skin, Broken Box and "You got a…" and this record would've been a 4.5/5 for me. As it is I'm not even sure I'd give it a 4. This ending song at least ends it on a good note!
38Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

The Blood is Love

Now that is one odd intro. This song goes all over the place, which is a nice dynamic change from most of the other songs. I love the part where the bpm slows down to give a more moody instrumental break before it weirdly and uncomfortably steps back up in tempo.
37Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

God is in the Radio

A slow burning that's pretty sweet nonetheless.
36Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

Regular John

Huh. Start of a new DiscoRun and I didn't expect to know the first song I listen to. I know some QotSA but hey, more than I thought it seems.
35Queens of the Stone Age

The Evil has Landed

I like this one more than the previous couple of songs, and I think its one of my favorite from Villains
34Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

If I Had a Tail

The quality of this album so far is super consistent, but all songs are completely different which I really nice.
33Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

I Sat by the Ocean

More straightforeward for QotSA but its done really well.
32Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Run Pig Run

Hey they picked it up at the last possible second. The guitar licks seem way more inspired and interesting than on anything else the record has thrown at me. And that weird carnaval-esque bridge around a minute and a half was creepy and cool.
31Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

Feel Good Hit of the Summer

Ha that was fun.
30Queens of the Stone Age

The Way You Used to Do

Ha this is cool, almost rockabilly style. Nice change of pace.
29Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

The Vampyre of Time and Memory

This is a pretty great ballad. Little early on the album placementwise, but hey if its good, its good
28Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

Someone in the Wolf

I couldn't keep my feet from tapping here. Boebiedoebiedoep.. Boebiedoebiedip dip
27Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

Everybody Knows that You're Insane

The first real statement of Lullabies and I really like it. The way it starts of moody and slow and than goes into straight headbanging rock n' roll is great.
26Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

The Sky is Fallin'

This was good but didn't grab me as much as the rest of the album so far.
25Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

Tension Head

Song starts out full sludge, than goes more to a hardcore vibe. I enjoyed it a lot.
24Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

Give the Mule What He Wants

I wonder if all them grooves will ever start to get boring. So far nope, this is still fricking fun!
23Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

How to Handle a Rope

How can you keep your head from bobbing or your feet from tapping with songs as groovy as this.
22Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

Fairweather Friends

Fuck me this album is consistent. Another great one here.
21Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

Keep Your Eyes Peeled

This song has so much going on, most of it really good. Love it.
20Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

Little Sister

Hey another one I know that I didn't know was from QotSA. Or I did know and completely forgot. Good time this, I see why it was the single.
19Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

Tangled up in Plaid

This album feels a little more experimental so far and for these first two songs it really pays off. I like the slower, moodier QotSA, because they never forget to have some great riffs in there for good measure.
18Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

Go With the Flow

Another one I know that I didn't know I knew, if you know what I mean. This album man.. So full of great songs.
17Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

You Can't Quit Me Baby

For me, this is the first song where Josh Homme really shows his worth as a vocalist. The vocal lines are so infectious and the song itself grooves for days. Song spins completely out of control near the end, which is fun but wasn't really nessecary imo.
16Queens of the Stone Age

Feet Don't Fail Me

Villains starting out strong here. Its quite inventive in both its structure and instrumentation.
15Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

Do it Again

14Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

A Song for the Dead

It's cool that they can write a more mid-tempo song and still retain the energy of the first songs. It's a good heavy rock song that leaves me wanting more of this. Please rest of the album, please give me more of this. Ok that ending makes it a straight up banger.
13Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age

Walkin' on the Sidewalks

This song sounds so massive. Best song of their debut so far.
12Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

First in Giveth

Jeez if this album keeps this quality up I will be really impressed. This is awesome.
11Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

A Song for the Deaf

The album picks the quality back up kickin on all cylinders here. This song is massive and awesome.
10Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret

God this song is amazing. Many funs, much groove
9Queens of the Stone Age
Lullabies to Paralyze

Burn the Witch

Oeh kicking it up a notch with the moody atmosphere. I'm loving this guys, song's amazing.
8Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

Hangin' Tree

Damn that intro is infectious. The entire song is both groovy af and strangely atmospheric. Josh Homme does a great job here.
7Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

Better Living Through Chemistry

How are these guys so consistently groovy and straight up fun rock 'n roll without becoming boring?
6Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

My God is the Sun

Damn this track is awesome. Really epic and heavy in all the right ways
5Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age


Damn this song is massive. For sure my favorite from their debut album. Also another one I've heard before for sure.
4Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

Mosquito Song

Ow wow this song is so different from all the rest, but such a great closer. Yeah this is one of their best so far I think.
3Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

I Appear Missing

Owh this has got to be one of my favorites. It clicks immediately, strong emotional chorus some great riffs.
2Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar…

Damn this album starts of strong holy moly. Such a banger
1Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

No One Knows

God I've been looking foreward to this one. Such a behemoth. I totally get why this song became a world hit.
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