
Soundoffs 3
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Last Active 01-06-21 11:21 pm
Joined 02-20-18

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Star Wars: My Final Verdict

This is the last time I will be discussing the live action star wars movies. The clone wars animated series won't be included although it would be very high on this list probably. My opinion is definitely going to be different from most people so discuss below of how you feel about this franchise.
1John Williams
Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

The prequels get too much hate in my opinion. The only really bad part of the movies is the dialogue. Other than that the movies are alot of fun to watch for me. I feel that Hayden Christensen gets too much hate for these as well.
2John Williams
Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

I don't really need to go into detail of why i believe this to be one of the best star wars movies.
3John Williams
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope

This movie is very dated for some of the effects and the obi wan vs vader duel, but the plot is very good and characters are very entertaining to watch.
4John Williams
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

This movie sometimes gets hated on for the ewoks, but the music is gorgeous and the fight scenes are very good for the time.
5Michael Giacchino
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Original M

This is what A New Hope would look like if it was made in 2016.
6John Powell
Solo: A Star Wars Story

The movie that no one asked for turned out to be pretty good for me. The only part that I hated is the 'woke' droid. i'm a big fan of donald glover and I thought that he did a really good job as young lando in this.
7John Williams
Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace

People will really hate me for putting this movie this high up. I won't deny that Jar Jar Binks is the most annoying character ever, but other than the terrible dialogue these prequels tend to have, the movie is very enjoyable, plus it has my favorite sith Darth Maul.
8John Williams
Star Wars, Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Most people consider this movie to be the worst star wars movie. I used to feel this way mostly because of the terrible bachelor type dialogue between anakin and padme,
9John Williams
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

This is the part people will disagree with me because they feel like the prequels are the worst part. For me, I am not a fan of the sequels that much but still enjoy parts of them. The only character I really like is Kylo Ren because he actually has some character development in these movies in which the others don't have much at all.
10John Williams
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

This movie is basically a repeat of a new hope. The best part of this movie is harrison ford for me. I'm just not really a fan of rey and how she basically can do anything with no training. I was intrigued at first because of who her parents were and all of that at the time.
11John Williams
Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Here it is, the one star wars movie that I cannot stand. The movie looks gorgeous in alot of the scenes, but that's about it for me. The scene where leia flys through space like mary poppins ruined this for me. I wasn't a fan of where they took lukes character in this movie too. They also killed off a few characters from this trilogy in ridiculous ways.
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