
Reviews 2
Approval 23%

Soundoffs 13
Album Ratings 337
Objectivity 38%

Last Active 06-21-22 2:07 pm
Joined 02-06-20

Review Comments 99

12.30.23 My favourite albums of 2023.03.02.23 Bands With No Songs I Dislike.
02.03.23 My ranking of Weezer's albums.01.16.23 My ranking of Queen's albums.
12.26.22 My favourite albums of all time, V2.012.16.22 Beloved bands/artists I'm not a big fan
12.15.22 Hated Bands and Artists I Love.12.11.22 The Obligatory Favourite Albums of the
06.26.22 My Dream Theater album ranking.06.21.22 My favourite Iron Maiden songs.
06.14.22 My favourite albums from the 2020's so 06.11.22 My favourite albums from the 2010's.
06.10.22 My favourite albums from the 2000's.06.07.22 My favourite albums from the 1990s.
06.06.22 My favourite albums from the 1980s06.04.22 My favourite albums from the 1970s.
06.03.22 My favourite albums from the 1960s.05.20.22 My favourite modern bands/artists.
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Beloved bands/artists I'm not a big fan of.

A companion piece to my previous list. No particular order. These are beloved bands that I can't get into/am not a big fan of/just don't like.

Aside from Super Collider (album), the new album, and a few other songs, I just can't get into them.
2Elvis Presley

While he does have a great voice, most of his music just doesn't appeal to me.
3The Beatles

I just don't like most of their music. And I can't stand Lennon's voice sometimes.
4Jimi Hendrix

I just don't like most of his music.
5Bob Dylan

Outside of a few songs, can't get into him and his voice can be grating at times. Murder Most Foul is a masterpiece, though.
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