
Reviews 19
Approval 96%

Soundoffs 8
Album Ratings 320
Objectivity 61%

Last Active 08-12-14 10:26 pm
Joined 01-16-10

Review Comments 3,989

12.19.16 I'm back to share my new album 08.12.14 New Music, Ep Release
11.20.13 It's Been A Long Time06.11.13 New Wolves In Aramid Ep
06.01.13 My First Steps Into Scoring04.20.13 The Dear Hunter, Holy Crap
03.20.13 Radiohead Cover?03.02.13 Critique My Music
02.18.13 New Hrvrd Album Rules01.31.13 New Project And Demo
11.23.12 Show Me The Ways Of Your Culture11.01.12 I Need Some New Music :(
10.24.12 Effects Pedals10.15.12 Concert The Other Night Ranked
09.17.12 Listen to this? Debut EP09.08.12 Debut Ep
04.25.12 I Like Metal, I Guess...04.22.12 Recs To Foray Into New Territory
More »

The Good Old Days

Remember the good old days, listening to music with your dad in his truck? These are a few things I always listened to with him back in the day.
1Matchbox Twenty
Yourself or Someone Like You
3Jerry Cantrell
Boggy Depot
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