
Reviews 4
Approval 89%

Soundoffs 38
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 17
Album Edits 3

Album Ratings 2387
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 11-14-18 4:40 pm
Joined 02-17-10

Review Comments 1,926

01.25.13 How About I Mix/Master Your Music?11.01.12 Oh Look, I Made An Album...
10.13.12 We Need To Be Able To Neg Staff Reviews08.12.12 Some Meshuggah Fanboy Just Told Me Drea
05.12.12 Favorite Progressive Bands02.19.12 Check Out My Band's New Song, You Guys.
01.30.12 Musical Taste And Sat Scores01.01.12 Cutman's Favorites, 2011
06.26.11 Albums I'm Currently Listening To10.08.10 Finally Rated 1,000 Albums
09.01.10 Songs I'm Currently Addicted To08.23.10 The Dear Hunter, Porcupine Tree, & Cohe
08.18.10 Songs For Letting Go Of Dying Loved One08.12.10 Any Good Songs About Jealousy?
07.27.10 Replace Periphery's Vocalist?

Songs For Letting Go Of Dying Loved Ones

I got a lot of help on jealousy songs from Sputnik, but now I am in more serious need. My girlfriend's mom had a series of strokes, went into a coma, and came out of it a vegetable. She's been kept alive this way for many years... Until now. She's in the ICU, my girlfriend's dad has approved DNR... And my girlfriend is scared and freaked out. But at the same time, she believes her mom should probably pass... She deserves peace, and everyone deserves closure. But, the thing is, my girlfriend is like me. Music is part of how she copes. But she has no music for this. Does anyone know some songs about being ready to let go of a dying loved one if they must die? Thank you to anyone and everyone who answers.
Die Like This

This one doesn't work, but I had to list some songs.
My Immortal

But I'm trying to make them relevant ISH songs.
3Nine Inch Nails
The Day The World Went Away

Too bad she hates NIN.
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