Saw this in my friend's mag.
1 is fantastic, but I don't get how the fuck 2 got there.
Or 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13 or 16 for that matter...
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no Nightwish is fail
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Also, Kerrang rated Systematic Chaos a 5 star and said it was definitely one of the best albums this year when it was released, but didn't include it here...=/
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Ire Works really doesn't' deserve all the praise it's getting.
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no Nightwish is fail
Also, Serj's album wasn't that good 
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Serjs album was so boring.
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Seriously... what is with all of the shitty top 20 lists.... stupid mainstream garbage.
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11 and 8 are the only ones that kinda deserve to be on this.
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no joke, wheres between the buried and me.
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Fall Out Boy are so metal.
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Well said planewreq!
Why does everybody assume that these magazines are going to have the same choices in albums that all of us Sputnik users have? That wouldn't be fun to read!
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But srsly 1 & 9 are pretty good choises, as well as the stoner at the end.
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Ewwww.... Avenged Sevenfold? Are you kidding me?
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I figured Kerrang's list would suck, but not this bad. If anyone knows of a metal magazine that doesn't fail, let me know.
[quote=Thor]Ire Works really doesn't' deserve all the praise it's getting.[/quote]
Neither does The Blackening.
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There will never be a Metal Mag that meets anybody's criteria for a great 'end of the year' list.
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Not a terrible list, actually. Sure, as with any list, there's plenty of crap. At the same time there are also some pretty decent albums scattered throughout the crap.
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I'm happy 18 made it on there.
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I love Against Me!, but New Wave was a mediocre album at best
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The list is like all the other shitty mainstream lists. NIN should be there, and DOWN's album should be on every list and Yes where's Between the Buried And Me and Porcupine Tree???
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Nice to see Biffy at #1, although it's probably their worst album yet, but a great album nonetheless. #13 and 14 are pretty good too, but the rest of the list doesn't tickle my fancy.
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The bottom of this list is barrel-scraping stuff. Baroness are a poor man's Mastodon, A7X's new cd is utter balls, the NME totally bones Municipal Waste - nuff said - and High On Fire can't hold a candle to Sleep. However, my favourite cd of the year is #1, so for once i have no beef with Kerrap!
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elect the dead sucked so bad
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this list is pretty much stupid but i do like
number 5 and 9
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Ghost Of A Thousand are awful
but apart from that decent list for kerrany
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This has to be one of the most amusing lists out of all of the ones flooding the Sputnik news pages.
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It's clear that most of you haven't seen the full list in the mag
as each critic got to pick their top 20, and those that got the most mentions came out on top. It didn't concern the 'weight' of a writer's opinion, just an accumulation of the most voted for bands.
"this list is pretty much stupid" ???,
"one of the most amusing lists " ??,
"barrel-scraping stuff" ??? etc.
I'm willing to bet that all the above negative comments come from people who HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD MOST OF THE ALBUMS therefore are not in a position to judge how 'barrel-scraping' they are! You jokers!
To me, there's some of the best rock bands in the world in there. But then I have ears.
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I say give us your alternative top 20 albums of the year - all of you - so the rest of us can rip apart your list.
You shouldn't care, as you'll still like what you like - like the Kerrang writers do.
But to call it 'stupid' and not offer one alternative, or even a few albums that should have made it is just redundant.
I think the list shows a decent enough range of music that the critics listen to and enjoy, and reflects the change in opinions amongst the staff over recent years - and a change in the personnel.
Kerrang (sadly for some) is more far-reaching now, often neglecting some of the best and largely unknown bands for their style and sound are not for general consumption, but for the more discerning and the initiated.
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Personally, I quite like Biffy, but I don't 'get' them. They're interesting enough, and original, but I like my rock pretty straight up, and they're a bit inscrutable for my liking.
They don't even begin to compare to the colossal slab of masterful metallic majesty that is DOWN III - Over The Under, my album of 2007.
and how ASH - "Twilight of the Innocents" didn't make more of an impact, considering it contains some of the bands best ever songs, I'll never know, but there you go.
DEVILDRIVER- "The last kind words" is a fantastic listen.
and as ever, ORANGE GOBLIN released a mostly ignored, but tune-packed, heavy as a very heavy thing album. And THE WILDHEARTS - also didn't get a mention.
There's some of my alternatives.
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I can honestly say that I've listened to all 20 of those albums and can appreciate that some people like them.
I find FALL OUT BOY and JIMMY EAT WORLD totally boring,
AGAINST ME! and The Ghost of a Thousand interesting enough I suppose, but not really my cup of tea, AVENGED 7X annoying and desperately populist, MUNICIPAL WASTE dunderheaded fun which is nothing new, Coheed and Cambria bemusing at times, but quite delightful at others,
and apart from that, all the other bands are worthy of being in top 20 lists - for those who love to rock!
Give us some alternatives here people!
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Is that it? This really is a thriving hotbed of musical discussion!
It's easier for people to read, and they can skip whatever they like, but might look at the bits that mention bands they are interested in.
That a good enough answer?!
Plus, I copied them from a document I had open at the time, and was too lazy to type them.
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and I'll use soft returns in future, if that's at all possible.
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Forgot to mention - Monster Magnet (the one without the caps) - 4-way Diablo came out late 2007, and is worthy of a purchase by any self-respecting rock fan.
Clutch released a new one, and Capdown's 'Wind Up Toys' has really grown on me.
They'd be in my list somewhere.
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