


by br3ad_man USER (164 Reviews)
July 30th, 2007 | 164 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Untitled hammers yet another nail into Korn's coffin. Bland, trite, uninspired and boring.

Let's just be honest here: the notion of Korn being relevant in 2007 is laughable at best and ridiculous at most realistic. To say that it's been a bumpy ride for Korn over the last few years is to make the understatement of the decade. Given their history (in this decade especially), it's almost admirable that they haven't split up or at least faded into obscurity. For those who haven't quite yet caught up, here's a brief rundown of some of the more notable points of their career:

1994 - Korn releases their self-titled debut which becomes one of the pillars of the nu-metal genre
1996 - Life is Peachy is released to immediate success, hitting number three on the pop charts
1998 - A high school student is suspended for wearing a Korn shirt to school while the band are recording their third album, Follow the Leader (which becomes one of their most successful records to date). The principal of said high school declares their music to be "indecent, vulgar and obscene"
1999 - Korn releases Issues, which does away with a good amount of their hip-hop influence, proving them to be ahead of most their peers
2002 - Untouchables is released and Take a Look in the Mirror is released the following year
2005 - Guitarist Brian "Head" Welch leaves the band following a rather radical conversion to Christianity. Korn team up with production team The Matrix and See You On the Other Side is released at the end of the year.
2007 - Drummer Dave Silveria goes on "hiatus" and sits out on the recording of Untitled. Korn appear on the MTV Unplugged program. Singer Jonathan Davis announces that he is writing an opera and the band record and release Untitled as a three-piece.

Apologies for the history lesson, but it's necessary to understand the mid-life woes that Korn seem to be horribly afflicted with, certainly in the past few years (2007 especially) and undoubtedly on Untitled. Korn teamed up with The Matrix for See You On the Other Side (presumably to jumpstart the band's sound after the departure of Head) and are joined here by them again. Unfortunately, the added electronic textures and the highly processed feel of the record cause it to sound unoriginal and feel uninspired. For most Korn fans, their appeal always lay within their aesthetic rather than their songwriting or the performance of any individual members. Their chugging downtuned riffs, coupled with their hip-hop influences and the versatility of singer Jonathan Davis created a sound that was original, unlike most of their followers and imitators. Unfortunately, Korn's days of originality are long behind them, with Untitled hammering yet another nail into their ever-increasingly airtight coffin.

Untitled begins with an 'evil carnival' ambient intro; a sound that has been done so many times before that it's extremely difficult to take seriously in this context. Much of Untitled follows the same pattern; flat, unoriginal, uninspired and difficult to take seriously. While Korn have always thrived on teen angst, it becomes repetitive by album 8 and one has to wonder when they're going to, you know, cheer up a bit. The fact that songs like "Bitch, We Got a Problem" are being written by guys in their late 30s makes them seem all the more ridiculous.

Perhaps moreso than any other Korn release, the songs of Untitled blend together to the point that it's very difficult to distinguish individual tracks even when Korn throw some variety into the mix like with the subdued "Kiss" or the ambient verses of "Hushabye". Lyrically however, the album goes in the other direction, with individual lines standing out over any bigger picture Davis tries to paint. More often that not, this is just because Davis' lyrics are sub par at best and highly angsty. "God is gonna take me out", he yells over the top of overproduced industrial metal of "Starting Over", while "Hold On" features possibly the most trite lyrics of the record; "Hold on/Be strong/So right/So wrong", only tied with "You're always wrong/With your dumbass song/Yeah that's all that you will ever be" from "Ever Be". The aforementioned "Bitch We Got a Problem" sports far too much ridiculousness to be taken as anything but a joke.

On Untitled, Korn feel tired, bland and dated. The electronic textures, while perhaps intended to feel modern, make the album feel more like outtakes from The Downward Spiral, without its power or sincerity. Even its title (or lack thereof) makes it seem like the band were merely going through the motions rather than creating honest music. Unless you're a diehard fan, don't bother with Untitled; it's not like Korn did.

At least they're trying reinvent themselves to some degree
Some catchiness

Sounds dated
Feels lifeless
Really boring

Recommended Tracks
Bitch We Got A Problem
Love and Luxury

Final Rating: 2/5

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1 of 2
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    tribestros (4.5)
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    With their legacy and career basically covered, and facing a time of adversity, Korn has m...

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Comments:Add a Comment 
July 31st 2007


I feel bad for people who like this band.

July 31st 2007


Yeah, it's terrible when people like stuff that's not really considered amazing.

July 31st 2007


This seemed to be a half-decent thing considering all the propaganda.

1998 - A high school is suspended for wearing a Korn shirt to school while the band are recording their third album, Follow the Leader (which becomes one of their most successful records to date).

The whole high school got suspended?
And, probably I'll listen to his, but I think you have a good say here. Nice writing.This Message Edited On 07.30.07

July 31st 2007


Tojes, who was that who used to be your avatar?

July 31st 2007


Album Rating: 2.0

:lol: fixed

July 31st 2007


Album Rating: 2.5

Let's just be honest here: the notion of Korn being relevant in 2007 is laughable at best and ridiculous at most realistic.
Haha, I was going to touch on this in my review, but I forgot to.

Great job.

The Jungler
July 31st 2007


They played some single off this on Fuse and I really couldn't listen to it.
Great review though.

July 31st 2007


solid Яeview

July 31st 2007


Album Rating: 1.0 | Sound Off

this so much difrent than there old stuff like life is peachy and korn but it is still a good album

good review

July 31st 2007


Nice review but I don't agree with it one bit.

July 31st 2007


Korn last album was one i could genuinely say i hated. This one looks just as bad tbh, even though one of my mate will eventually force me to listen to it.

July 31st 2007


[Quote=]Korn last album was one i could genuinely say i hated. This one looks just as bad tbh,[/Quote]

Believe me, this may suck in the eyes of most here on Sputnik, but this is no way as bad as their last.

July 31st 2007


Album Rating: 1.0 | Sound Off

I want to get this

July 31st 2007


Most of Sputnikmusic won't give this a chance and insist its crappy because its Korn.

July 31st 2007


Did you really have to write this?

You are quite boring to read and just sound like your trying to get us to understand why you hate Korn rather then why this album isn't very good.

I haven't got it and haven't heard tracks so i can't touch on the creditability of what you said but it sounds like you spun this twice maybe three times while you were probably already setting up the dissing review

It looks nice and all but i cant take you seriously as your so one sided its unreal.

And because your staff does it mean i am meant to take you more seriously? Because you pretty much tarnished that right there.

July 31st 2007


Album Rating: 2.0

It would be nice if you had explained more why you think its repetitve, instead of just stating that it is.

Also, Korn lyrics have always been kind of dumb... their appeal is more in the overall vibe of the music, not in any kind of inspirational lyrics.

Why do the electronic textures make it sound like NIN outtakes?

I agree that this feels more like a bash session then a review.

July 31st 2007


That's exactly my point...most of this site was insistent that this would suck before it came out and guaranteed they half-listened to it and blew it off and said it sucked.

I see the genius in it this time around and I'm not even a Korn fan. The last album they had that I enjoyed was Life is Peachy. And that was about a 3.5. I hated their debut as well, so this is the first time I've really liked a Korn album.

July 31st 2007


See, you're doing the exact same thing.

It's Korn so you automatically think it sucks. You know, I'm pretty sure you may be the biggest dick and 'know-it-all' on this website.

July 31st 2007


Just leave those who don't want to buy it alone, for Christ's sake.

July 31st 2007


No, I started picking fights because he wrote, "and tbh the people I respect on this site think it sucks"

So, if you think its good or even average you don't get iluvatar's respect!

Oh dear god no!

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