


by fXpT USER (2 Reviews)
May 17th, 2008 | 56 replies

Release Date: 2003 | Tracklist

Review Summary: The first Celldweller album, was very successful in showing what they call music with its Industrial feel.

This is a Back-up File, of a review before the May 17th Sputnik Crash.

Celldweller Live Members:
* Klayton - Vocals, Guitar, Keys, Percussion, Eyris, Programming
* Kemikal - Bass, Guitar, Keys, Percussion, Backing Vox
* Dale Van Norman - Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Keys, Percussion, Backing Vox
* Cais - Acoustic & Electronic Drums, Percussion
* Kenny James - Acoustic & Electronic Drums, Percussion
* Del Cheetah - Guitar, Keys, Percussion

History on Artist:
Back in the early to mid 90's, a "coldwave industrial" band called Circle of Dust existed that was well known with christian circles. The lead singer Klayton (Real names Scott Albert) in 1995 grew tired of rising conflicts and complaints of chirstian groups that claimed the music was way to devilish and chaotic with both sound and lyrics, that he disbanded the band. Four years later Klayton created a new band called Celldweller that made music that is described as "fusion of the electronics of drum & bass and techno, with rock and orchestral elements, meshing the synthetic and the organic, darkness with beauty, into a cohesive blend entirely its own."Well I mean thats how the band itself describes it.

When I first decided to write a review for this album, I was surprised that most people I talked to about this artist didn't even know who they were. Honestly, I didn't even know until about a year ago when a friend of mine showed me them, and my reaction was "what the hells that". But to me this isn't to bad of a debut album, even though the real one was originally released over 3 years before this came out.

About this album, first off if you don't like metal music fused with industrial and techno segments, don't buy this album because I highly don't recommend this for you. This album at least seems like something new to the metal/industrial genre its listed under. Klayton himself claimed that for this album alone he made 200 songs, narrowed it down to 50, then once again moved that number down to the 18 tracks shown. So you would think that from statement like that it would come to be the best of it all. Throughout the album, there are smooth songs and much more heavier sounding songs. I guess I couldn't really put the songs together in groups except for the Cell named tracks (Listed #1, #11, and #17) because its a 3 part it seems. Even though they are beginnings to songs such as Switchback, So Sorry To Say, and Welcome To The End. So heres a short description of the songs:

Switchback - This is one of the somewhat heavy songs on the album. It begins as the electric guitar songs as a portion. This song also has became very famous as in recent years multiple albums have created remixes of this song.
Stay With Me (Unlikely) - This song becomes just as heavy as the previous song. The beginning starts very smooth then immediately kicks up. Throughout the song Klayton switches the pitch of his voice from deep and quiet to high and loud, and later throws some screams into the mix.
The First Lastborn - This song stands out as the heaviest song on the album. But this track does show some resemblance to a song later on the album called One Good Reason, that can be said as just as hard at some parts. Its starts off with a kinda of sonic wave sound and just as easily it builds up into a metal portion in this song. This is also the longest songs on the album at 7:41, but still does seem to maintain its interest the whole time making it a good track for the album. The lyrics are very good as Klayton screams them at some parts while he transitions his vocals.
Under My Feet - Unlike earlier songs on the album, this comes out to be very slow and more of a solemn track. The hardest portion in the song is when it gets to about 2:03. High pitch vocals are used continuously in the whole song, but just as much shows good lyrics. Because of the more heavier and diversity of songs on the album, this comes out to be more of a song that stands out.
I Believe You - Just like Under My Feet, higher pitch vocals are used again. It consists of a very catchy beat with techno portions along with short electric guitar riffs and drums take place. Once again Klayton chooses to transition his high pitch vocals at times.
Frozen - This is probably my favorite slow pace song on the album. Also, like the Last Firstborn, this is a very long song at 7:00. Repeatedly, the song will go into heavier portions with guitar riffs as it sounds as the guitar at times is being remixed. But at slower times in the song techno segments show, later in the song become much louder sounding. To me the highlight of the song is at 4:44 it gives a great performance with the highest point the vocals are raised and the beat becomes different from the original rhythm at the beginning of the song.
Symbiont - Starts with a build up beat that makes this impressive song with unique sounds not used yet on the album. This is a very fast paced song and the production is very well done. It makes it seems as some twist and turn sounds have been incorporated as well. The electric guitar as played very well later in the song adding to this track's individual sounds.
Afraid This Time - A very light song, seems to be averagely paced. Klayton uses transition in his voice very often, which almost makes it out to be the whole song. The bass is impressive as it can be heard in the background. At 3:58 in the song the guitar rifts become very loud and noticeable and the song builds to be heavier.
Fadeaway - Another slow paced song along with Klayton singing slowly with the song. But the techno aspects on the album really show in this song. The lyrics turn out to be good. There are some beautiful sound parts later in this song. But just like Afraid This Time, its a light song on the album.
So Sorry To Say - This song has two different speeds it sounds like. It goes on the slower side of pace until about 1:38 where the electric guitar shows its heavier parts in the song. But once again like the two songs before it, this makes out to be a very light song while it adds some piano along with the guitar.
Own Little World - This is one of two songs that are on the later part of the album that are heavy. But the awesome lyrics and the beat just adds to how impressive this song is. In my opinion this is one of the songs Celldweller should be very proud of creating and highly recommend it to be listened too and not skipped. The beginning of this track has vocals saying "No" very softly and high pitched. Whenever Klayton uses a transition in this song for his voice is when hes singing quiet and deep, but later he screams that really contributes to the emotion of the song.
(Unlikely) Stay With Me - This song is a complete reverse of Stay With Me (Unlikely), and is supposed to act as if the song played backwards gives a message. This song seems more like a filler though.
One Good Reason - The second of the two heavier songs on the later half of the album. The beginning starts with a humming sort of sound, goes into a rapid sound, and then leads into some metal genre portions that seemed to be used more as a rhythm. The electric guitar is very hardcore and is always continuously blazing throughout the song. Klaytons screams, like the previous song, show to be full of emotion and show to be very good for the song. The lyrics are very well done and seems like it doesn't give the song a dull moment.
The Stars of Orion - This song gives a pretty good beginning as the beat fades in and out. But like (Unlikely) Stay With Me, kinda feels like a filler, it does seem like a much better used filler out of the two though. It becomes like it was only meant to show some techno sounds.
Welcome To The End - The final song on the album. Its also definitely the slowest track as well. Klayton always speaks in a very quiet tone during the song. Its type shows an somewhat exotic beat. The 17th track, Cell #3, actually is the beginning to the song and start very good. But as its goes into this song, a song similar to a whale call can be heard throughout the song. This song never seems to pick up or build up at all.

The overall score I gave this album was a 4/5.

-Very Catchy Debut Album.
-Shows a Mix between slow and fast paced songs with heavy and solemn effects.
-Fuses Metal, Rock, Techno, and Industrial portions very well.
-Shows Creativity in Each Song seems to have its own beat or rhythm.

-Fillers seem somewhat pointless.
-Some songs may show repetitiveness when mixed.

Recommended Songs:
The Last Firstborn
Own Little World
One Good Reason

user ratings (360)
other reviews of this album
Aeri (4)
'This is probably the first record I've ever done that I haven't hated.'...

Comments:Add a Comment 
August 28th 2008


which album has the song "Shapeshifter"?

August 28th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

I always enjoyed this record.

April 3rd 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

Clearly, this is a superior album.

August 17th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

This album is fantastic!

August 17th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0

yes my man, yes it is

November 14th 2009


Album Rating: 4.0 | Sound Off

Well done. The review reads pretty smooth and seemed very honest. I'm a bit surprised though that you didn't include 'Welcome to the end' in the recommended songs (I think it's a little jewel and one of the best of the album). But hey, tastes differ eh? The last firstborn is definitely a must-hear, so much is true.

June 17th 2010


Album Rating: 3.5

This album is fucking awesome

June 17th 2010


It sure is, The Last Firstborn is one of my all time favourite tunes.

June 17th 2010


Album Rating: 3.5

Yeah, that song is awesome. I just recently decided to get this and give it a listen, I love the sound on this album.

June 17th 2010


Damn guy is taking forever with a new album though; he's just putting out a new song every year or something.

June 17th 2010


Album Rating: 3.5

He's like releasing songs from it 2 at a time in "chapters" or something. It's gonna take forever for all 10 to get out, hes only released 4 so far....

June 17th 2010


Yeah, and none of them have been very good : (

Staff Reviewer
June 17th 2010


Album Rating: 2.3

Lol Celldweller

July 14th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

this is a fun album

December 22nd 2010


Album Rating: 3.0

Really like this, looking back it would have fit well into my high school year "soundtrack"

January 25th 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

Pulled this back out the other day and dusted it off. It still rocks.

January 25th 2011


It sure does

January 25th 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

Yeah, this rules. I think the last pieces of Blackstar are coming out this year, although from what I've heard, this is better

January 25th 2011



Everything I've heard from Blackstar has been shite.

January 26th 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

There was one song I really liked though. I think it was called Eon. Everything else was meh.

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