
Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician



by Zebra USER (177 Reviews)
November 8th, 2005 | 100 replies

Release Date: 1987 | Tracklist

The Butthole Surfers are one of the oddest bands I have ever listened to. I own four of there albums and you can't compare any one them. Starting off in the mid 80's Butthole Surfers play rock music and combine every single genre they can into it. This is my favorite Butthole Surfers album, but it is probably different for everyone else because there albums are so different. The Butthole Surfers are one of the weirdest bands I have ever listened to, so if you don't like weird music than you probably shouldn't even look into this.

Locust Abortion Technician is everywhere. This album is rock music fused together with blues, metal, psycho tape recordings, african music, psychadelic, and a differnt vocal delivery on every song. When I say weird I mean listening to this album is very unsettling, and spooky. You cannot compare the Butthole surfers to any other band, it's that weird. Most of these songs are powered by guitar, drums, and bass just like regular rock music. The thing is that the Butthole Surfers mix a normal rock sound with every other music style imaginable. Pittsburgh To Lebanon is a raging blues influenced tune with a psycho vocal delivery, it feels like a song straight out of hell. Hay is another unsettling song. Powered by some tape effects and a heavy bass, with old stale voices in the backround shouting "Hay!" The O-Men is possibly one of the oddest, furious songs I have ever heard. There is a psycho guitar line and some high pitched screams. Later on in the song a bunch of fast gibberish is spoken, this song is just spooky. Kuntz is an african influenced tune, it has vocals that are singing in mexican with some eerie backround noises. The only rule that the Butthole surfers have is that all of there songs have to be weird. None of these songs sound the same so the album can be replayed over and over again.

Locust Abortion Technician is crazy, it can sometimes even be a scary experience because all of these songs have a very haunting and sometimes an even hellish feel to them. Once again most of these songs are hard rock tunes mixed in with some other weird genre, this album is not normal and is as far away from mainstream music as possible. With raging guitar riffs, and a nice rythm section Locust Abortion Technician is powered by a nice hard rock foundation. In every one of these songs there is a heavy influence of something. Weather it's blues, metal, hell music, or spooky african tunes there is some heavy influence. This album can be scary, even if you're not taking acid or chemical inhancement. The guitar playing is probably the most apparent instrument, it takes some raging solos on Graveyard and is the center of attention on Sweat Loaf (hint hint Black Sabbath's "Sweat Leaf.") Tape effects also dominate some songs on this album. They play a big role in twisting these songs to a more psychadelic sound. The Butthole Surfers create a huge mess with this album, but for some reason I just love it. I think that I like this album so much is because it is so different that I just can't stop listening to it. Running just over the 30 minute mark this album doesn't go on for too long, but it doesn't make you want anymore. Everything about this album is so different, Locust Abortion Technician is spooky, haunting, unsettling, intense, and it can put you in a trance. This album can be dangerous, so watch out.

Overall I really enjoy the Butthole Surfers, especially because of this album. If you do not like experimental, or haunting music than don't even come near this because you will not like it. The Butthole Surfers mess with every genre, even the vocals are being screwed around with. On Graveyard the vocals are extremely slow while the guitar line is high pitched and screaming, some freaky stuff. The hellish rythms ands spooky influences give these songs a psychadelic sound, almost like you're in hell. You won't find any classic rock songs on here, you may find some rock songs that are messed with by heavy blues and psycho guitar lines and vocal deliveries. Once again there are no rules when it comes to this album. There are no soft, soothing songs (with the exception of Sweat Loaf.) Everything is straight up madness and chaos. If you want something odd, haunting, unsettling, clever, and most of all different than you can check this album out. With various influences of psycho vocal deliveries, odd tape effects, blues, metal, and rock this album is complete chaos. You can buy this at your own risk, it's a wonderful album if you like this kind of music.

Overall Rating : 4/5

Pros : Covers Every Genre // Psycho and Haunting // No Two Songs Sound The Same // Very Experimental

Cons : Too weird and psycho at times // Not for everyone

Recommended Tracks : Graveyard, Hay, The O-Men, Kuntz

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Comments:Add a Comment 
November 9th 2005


Do you not run your reviews through word? Good work as always. I hate this band though.

November 9th 2005


Album Rating: 4.0

Yeah it just got screwed up, I'll edit right now.

There we go, all fixed now. This Message Edited On 11.08.05

December 5th 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

I love the creepy guitar lick near the end of "22 Going on 23." I sadly can't find this album anywhere near me, but I have heard some of it before. I definitely need to see if I can pick it up.

April 23rd 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

God, how I love this album.

May 14th 2006


i really want this album. i love this band (at least what ive downloaded) i havent heard anything from it but i dont care.

September 30th 2006


I liked "Hairway to Steven" better.

October 4th 2006


Can it be compared to mr bungle in some points?

good review, very intrigant band and album

October 20th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

i just got this

im a bit... surprised

i hope it grows on me

October 20th 2006


You spelled a lot of words wrong ("weather" instead of "whether" for example) and you didn't specify which Graveyard is the recommended track (first one is better!).

Anyway I think this album is awesome. If any piece of music can define the word "irreverent" in the truest sense (holding nothing sacred, not "quirky"), it's this one. They just totally destroy any regard for music and create something unique and bitchin in the process.

October 24th 2006


Album Rating: 3.0

gotta love the unique name too..good band

November 21st 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

I personally would've put 'Human Cannonball' and 'Sweat Loaf' as recommended tracks, but whatever.

Great band and great album.

November 22nd 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

I'm really digging Human Cannonball lately.

December 14th 2006


haa!! LAT was the first buttholes album i got!! IT creeped me out for some time. i even made the mistake of listening to it while i was asleep. some would say it makes u wanna disembowl a cow in the morning!! not a fan of their later stuff tho, became too genreic. me wuvs em tho!! gibby is a mental fuck!!


dub sean
June 11th 2007


This album is seriously fucked up.
I just got it, and, whoa.

July 25th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

Kuntz is an african influenced tune, it has vocals that are singing in mexican with some eerie backround noises.

Might wanna change this before a bunch of civil rights weirdos break down your door.

July 26th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

I'm kind of confused with this. I like it, though.

January 10th 2008


Album Rating: 4.5

Drop a tab and just listen to this album. Just do it.

January 10th 2008


these guys did something never to be done before which is mentionable but the people in this band really are an absolute gang of losers and deviants. they used to show videos of sex change operations live. geez.

January 10th 2008


Album Rating: 3.5

who really gives a shit

January 10th 2008


those in the sex change


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