Blossoming Decay



by Sunn177 USER (12 Reviews)
April 30th, 2015 | 13 replies

Release Date: 2015 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Growth and maturity have found their way into Noisem's sophomore Lp.

Throwbacks can be a tricky thing sometimes for a band aiming for that sort of thing especially in extreme metal. On one hand the band going that direction can take that sound and combine elements of what they like from it with good songwriting and it make into something really good. On the other hand that band could want to recreate that feeling that music from the past created and try a little too hard with it. With Noisem's 2013 debut, Agony Defined, the band sat in the middle of both while also at the same time being as young as they were at the time still figuring out who they were not only as a band but as individual musicians as well. Now that's not to say "Agony Defined" was a bad or a mediocre release by any means. It showed great talent from a group of very young people who had a bright future within underground extreme music were they combined great musicianship with the elements of Possessed era death metal with a hint of "Heartwork" era Carcass along with Slayer "Reign In Blood" era sounds. It was all good but by the end of it you were left wondering were could these guys go from here after this? Well fast forward two years and we now have "Blossoming Decay" their second Lp and it comes from a much more fierce place showcasing their growth.

Though elements of their debut are still here Noisem most definitely amps it up and shows their teeth more with this release bringing more of a grind and death metal approach to the table. Production has been one upped as well as the guitars sound a lot more heavier and the drums are a bit more clear as well.The one major improvement in Noisem's sound now has to be in the vocals of Tyler Carnes. He's a lot more energetic and fierce than on the first release and he rips throughout the Lp like a mad man. While tracks like the opening song "Trials of Perturbation" or "Burning" still have that throwback feel to them they place a bit more blast beats and more frantic riffing. "1132" and "Graining Enamel" are examples of Nosiem proving they aren't just some run of the mill throwback band and that's all they know how to play with tracks like these having more of a death metal and grind influence. Noisem also prove they can work outside the fifty second or one minute song structure and adventure into more ambitious territories with songs like "Cascade of Scars" and "Blossoming The Web" hitting the four and five minute marks with ambient songs and slower tempos laced into the abrasiveness and chaos of the latter half of these two songs.

For the average listeners or even the ones who are more familiar with Noisem's music the subtle changes in which the band has incorporated into their music this time around may not be that evident to them on first or second listen but they are very much there. Although they may not be the most experimental changes or the most drastic ones Noisem do prove themselves to be more than just a one trick pony with "Blossoming Decay" frantically bouncing between the sounds or their first record while also moving forward and showing the other growth and influences of more extreme bands of past and present. Will this change the opinions of those who liked or disliked Noisem's first album? Yes and no. For the ones who didn't like them because they may or may not have thought they worshipped too much at the altar of their influences may be pleasantly surprised by this Lp while the ones who did like it will more than likely degrade this. And that's ok this album (or even the band in general too) isn't here for that it's here to say this is who we are and this is what we like.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
April 30th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

of course good sir.

April 30th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

Been at least 2 years since my last review so all criticism, both positive and negative are welcome.

April 30th 2015


Album Rating: 3.0

funny, i was just wondering to myself the other day if this band was releasing anything new.

May 1st 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

thanks ill make the changes when i get a chance. yeah this is a much better record then their last in my opinion.

May 1st 2015


Nice review, I love this band and forgot this was being released. One thing I noticed in a cursory read-through:
"And that's ok this album (or even the band in general too) isn't here for that it's here to say this is who we are and this is what we like."

-I would replace 'ok' with 'okay', and maybe rephrase it a bit differently, like so:
"And that's okay, as this album (or the band in general) isn't here for old-school worship; it's simply here to say this is who we are and what we enjoying creating."

Nice work though, and I can't wait to hear this.

May 1st 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

First release I've heard from them and man they sound like Fuck The Facts so much I almost thought it was the same band, different vocalist

May 1st 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

i dont really see the resemblance between this and FtF but whatever music is subjective.

May 1st 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

i mean, shit, almost the same riff and everything. haha iono i found it interesting

May 19th 2015


Album Rating: 4.5

Holy shit this gets me going

May 21st 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

cvlts I won't lie the riff at the beginning actually does sound similar but I think it's coincidental. ^ yup it rips hard.

June 12th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

this fucking rips

June 20th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

This album is weird for me, because it at once sounds thrashier and much less thrash-influenced than the debut. The vocals on this are leaning more towards some kind of of thrash/grind/hardcore, whereas on Agony Defined they were usually more strait death growls with the occasional gang shout. The instruments themselves sounded to me like an even blend of thrash, death, and grind, with a little bit of hardcore mixed in. I've only listened to this twice but I'm thinking it's probably gonna end up not quite as high in my book as Agony Defined, but still a future classic.

June 30th 2015


Album Rating: 4.0

^ Honestly for me this tops Agony so hard.I mean that debut is good but this is the next logical step for this band in my opinion and I also think they've gotta tighter and more fierce obviously. If they made a record similar to Agony I probably would've put this band to the way side to be completely honest.

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