
Nick Drake
Pink Moon



by br3ad_man USER (164 Reviews)
January 14th, 2005 | 31 replies

Release Date: 1972 | Tracklist

Nick Drake - Pink Moon

In his short lifetime, Nick Drake went almost completely unnoticed. There are certainly many reasons why, the biggest being Nick's reluctance to perform live. At a live show in Cambridge, Nick was noticed by someone who reccomended him to a producer, Joe Boyd who asked Nick for a tape. It was through Joe that Nick released his three albums, Five Leaves Left, Bryter Later and Pink Moon. Nick's sound was unique, his lyrics often hinted at being meloncholy, yet all thoughts of this were destroyed by his uplifting melodies and calm, soothing vocals. His first two albums, however never sold well and Nick sunk into deep depression, making him unable to make music or even walk and talk. However, he was able to record a final album, Pink Moon, which to this day, stands out as one of the most naked and bleak albums in rock music. On November 25, 1974, Nick died of an antidepressant medication overdose. Many people speculate that it was suicide, but his family and friends disagree.

Nick's music speaks to both the generations of now and their baby boomer parents.

Nick Drake 1942-1974

All guitars, piano and vocals by Nick Drake

All the songs on the album are played with nothing but vocals and acoustic guitar (some have piano, like the title track). If there was more than this on the album, I think it wouldn't have been as good as it is. The vocals on every single track are great, as are the guitar parts. I would give just about every track on this album a 5/5. In fact, the only real problem with this album, is that it is too short, not even touching half an hour. If anyone ever wonders why artists such as Elliott Smith, Lou Barlow, Belle and Sebastian and Robert Smith are such big Drake fans, it's all here on this record.

The songs on this record all sound very similar so my track-by-track will be breif. With Nick being who he is (a loner), his vocals are often mumbled and hard to understand, so lyrics aren't easy to interpret. It is easy to hear what he is singing about by the feel of the music. But make no mistake, this IS one of the best albums ever made. For me, this was the best record that came out of the 70s.

Just in case I forget to say it in any track review, the guitar and vocal parts are excellent in every song

Pink Moon - Easily one of the best songs ever recorded. I do not say that lighty. The guitar parts and vocals are wonderful, but the thing that really makes it is the short piano melody, one of the most beautiful parts ever written.

Place To Be - Very pretty guitar parts and Nick's voice is tops. The whole song is beautiful with lyrics that we can all relate to.

Road - The guitar is fingerpicked and sounds very raw. Nick's voice is great and it often sounds like the tempo is changing. The song is quite emotional and very pretty.

Which Will - An extremely happy sounding song. The guitar sounds like "Road". The melodies are gorgeous.

Horn - The best solo guitar instrumental I have ever heard. Quite classical sounding actually. A wonderful piece of music, the only problem is that it is so short.

Things Behind The Sun - Straight in with a saddish strummed guitar. The chorus' mood picks up a bit though. All the usual, great vocals and guitar.

Know - A bit different from the other tracks. This song is farily jazz influenced. It starts with just Nick humming and a repetetive guitar part. The song gets even better when Nick starts singing lyrics. The song is mainly hummed though. Very pretty.

Parasite - A sad song. The only lyrics I can make out are in the chorus "I am the parasite of this town". Nick tries to fool you though, with an uplifting melody.

Ride - The song sounds a bit dark at the start but Nick's vocals make the mood quite happy. The guitars are great.

Harvest Breed - The guitar part is beautiful. Then Nick comes in with the vocals and turns a nice song into a wonderful one. A bit dark as well.

From the Morning - A happy and fast song. The guitar is excellent as the vocals. The fingerpicked melody is lovely.

This album is really a must have. I think everyone and their parents should own a copy of this. It is now avaliable with a nice hard cover. If it's diversity you are looking for, then this probably isn't your bag, but if you have an ear for nice acoustic emotional songs, then you won't find a better album than this. Ever. If you want a feel for the whole album, just listen to the song "Pink Moon".


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Comments:Add a Comment 
August 28th 2004


Sorry about the short track-by-track, it's hard to write long descriptions without being too repeteive on this album.

August 28th 2004


Nick was the Elliott Smith of the 60s/70s. His 3 pre-death albums are pretty much essentials. Good review and I agree with you.

August 28th 2004


Nick Drake is one of the only musicians I can really connect and releate to on an emotional level, his music is truly inspiring. As for this album it is truly an exceptional album and mind blowing.

el doctor
August 28th 2004


I'm surprised this wasn't reviewed already. :eek: I can't give anything but praise to Nick Drake. All three albums were fantastic, and Pink Moon is just full of so much raw emotion. Each song is as uplifting as it is sad. The great vocals and lyrics are a given, but the guitar work is exceptional. The simplicity of all the parts work so well together. One of my favorite tracks is Know, just because it's so simple, yet so powerful and beautiful. Your review was right on, too. 5/5

Tangy zizzle
August 28th 2004


Good work.

I was waiting for this.

August 28th 2004


After hearing you guys talk about Nick Drake with such high respect, I downloaded the title track Pink Moon a couple days ago, I like it.

I think I'll get the rest of the songs you rated 5/5, and if I like those, maybe I'll even buy it. ;)

August 28th 2004


Do it.

August 28th 2004


Great album.

I think it's kind of a good thing that it's short, because I'd probably start to want some variety and get tired of it if it was much longer.

August 28th 2004


Absolutely brilliant album. Great review. I love Nick.

August 28th 2004


lol. When I bought the album about two month's ago the sticker said "Pink Moon, the song from the Volkswagon commercial." When I listened the album I couldn't believe the raw emotion and great guitar playing. Thank you for reviewing it.

Dark Hero
August 28th 2004


I was thinking about reviewing this album but i'm glad you did it. Good work Bread Man. :thumb:

August 29th 2004


I just heard this album for the first time a week ago, and I like it. a lot. the atmosphere is great, its really nice and stripped down... I dont care much for his other stuff though, I just like this cause of the emptiness and lack of drums or bass.

September 30th 2004


I bought this album about two or three weeks ago and find myself listening to it all of the time. It is one of my favorites. The whole melancholy feeling of the album is awesome and powerful. Your review was great and I agree with it in full. 5/5

January 4th 2005


I have picked up the rest of Nick's albums. I think I'll be reviewing them sometime in the near future. They actually are a lot different from this one which is his last. The dark mood of this album really reflects what was going on in his life at the time before his death. Once again, Great Review. A bump can do it no harm.

January 4th 2005


I'm reviewing Five Leaves Left though!!!!

January 4th 2005


This is a brilliant album. Easily deserving of 5/5 and probably one of the best examples of the genre as well.

Broken Arrow
May 10th 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

Great Album indeed.

rateyourmusic recomended this album and it certainly didnt dissapoint me.

5/5 for sure.

July 13th 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

My bro is a hugeeeeeeeeeeee nick drake fan, I will definately look into him after this review

August 18th 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

A masterpiece. A big bump herem bear with me.

But comparing Nick to Elliiott Smith is a bit unfair. In my opinion, Elliott Smith is just a solid songwriter, Nick on the other hand was a genius.

August 18th 2005


Still, they both wrote emotional songs and both died far too early.

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