Iamthe Nightstars

Reviews 8
Approval 89%

Soundoffs 39
News Articles 42
Band Edits + Tags 483
Album Edits 301

Album Ratings 912
Objectivity 81%

Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

Review Comments 2,984

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  • Drifter Have you ever heard Rappin 4-Tay's Off Parole? Really really good and crisp production with great lyrics and flow as well.
    October 24 04:34 PM
  • Divaman Ohhhhhh!
    January 20 06:32 AM
  • Divaman I'm confused. What did you mean?
    January 20 04:50 AM
  • MarsKid It took me by complete surprise, I really enjoyed it
    November 18 05:45 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I can tell I'm going to listen to this quite a number of times though (and every time imagine another voice lol).
    July 14 08:58 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Adblock was the culprit =) . Well yes, thanks for sharing: musically it's enticing. It's just that I think her voice is way too sugary, like a female pop star voice. Too bad, would've done better with Rainer Maria style female vocals.
    July 14 08:57 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Well yes I'm interested. But I can't hear anything. I hear the very slight hiss tone that occurs every time my headphones are used, but no music comes in
    July 14 08:51 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Ever heard this piece? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy-B9MNtkyg
    May 31 08:18 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Opinion sent =)
    May 20 09:11 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I'll message you my e-mail on facebook. Don't really feel comfortable sharing it on this site with all the malware that's on here.
    May 18 01:35 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 In any case: you don't need a turntable in order to already start your collection. That's what I did. If you spot a reasonable priced vinyl record of one of your favourite albums, you can't just bookmark it and hope it's still there you know =)
    May 12 03:51 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 ...worse though, is that the volume isn't evenly distributed across tracks. I need to keep a remote at hand. All in all, I'd definitely recommend buying the original pressing if you want to hear a different angle.
    May 12 03:50 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Still, losing family is always a bit of a shock, so take care. It's good to hear you're moving steadily in your education, feels nice when things are moving doesn't it? Yeah, the vinyl sounds like it has a larger sound stage and feels more natural somehow. You know those background vocals at the end of 'Soundslikesunday'? These are much more present on the vinyl record. And the ending third guitar tones of 'Lovelettertypewriter' sound less pitched. To give you two examples =) One thing that's
    May 12 03:49 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've got the original release of Endserenading on vinyl btw. It has revealed some more little sounds, very cool.
    May 8 05:02 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I'm very sorry to hear about your grandfather. Were you close with him?I don't really know what you mean with 'health fair', but I imagine it's something that will further your chances for a job within your domain?
    May 8 05:01 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 My ears bleed and I'm mad at seeing this ripped off. Does anyone of these people even know where that sample is from- even though it's much too long to be just a sample. Well, I hope they just don't know lol. Do you play Lovelettertypewriter on guitar? I've learned it recently, very fun to play somehow.
    May 8 04:59 PM
  • minty901 Hey man don't worry I'm not done either to be honest so it may be me making you wait. I will try to make some time very soon though. Mostly for me it's been a process of trying to figure out what stuff will work in the context of an album I'm putting together, and what stuff will work best in the context of a split. So I've kind of had to spend a lot of time arranging and sequencing stuff until I'm happy with where things sit before I properly put them together and mix them.
    April 16 09:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Still steady going without a job, though I've got a prospect to work in a library. Musicwise, I'm lacking behind in playing the guitar because playing alone gets tiresome and in the listening department I just listen to stuff I discovered ages ago but didn't really give a proper chance. I lack the motivation to delve as deep into my to-read-list as I want to and I've got the feeling I'll never leave my elderly home for they rely on me too much. Lol. How are you ?
    April 16 07:25 PM
  • minty901 I think I have about 7 and a half minute's worth of stuff that might work for a split right now. Needs more mixing and maybe some re-recording too but the skeleton is there. There may be more coming that could flesh that out if necessary but need to work out what is and isn't going on my album before committing any additional stuff. Anyway just thought I'd keep the dialogue going.
    March 5 10:16 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 This brings the feels, though I might have shared it before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5OBKQoFVAk
    February 26 11:16 AM
  • minty901 Cool, I can aim for around the same length of stuff then. If you have any preference for your tracks going first or vice versa, let me know, because that might play into how I approach things, depending on if we want to aim for a certain flow/pace of the thing. It could either be us putting our self-contained tracks alongside each other, or we could try to add some consistency between them or maybe collaborate a little bit on the structures/transitions between the songs. I dunno just a thought.
    February 9 09:44 AM
  • minty901 Hey thanks man, that's very kind of you. Yeah I'd be interested in a split for sure. It might take me some time though as I don't have a lot of spare time to get stuff done these days but let me know what your thoughts are on regarding time-frame or other logistics about it and we can go from there. But yeah I'm open to it for sure.
    February 7 08:52 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yeah, stressful is kinda good if it's within limits. You hate it when you have stress, but once you're without, everything seems dull again. Don't you think?
    February 7 05:01 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 It's nice going back to school I reckon? I'm out of a job again so I have too much time to waste (literally). That Peter Gabriel song is very nice, I wonder how it fits in a SP episode lol
    February 6 10:47 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 It started out really nice but then descended quickly into background music for me. I'm listening to the same stuff all over nowadays lol. How are you?
    February 1 09:23 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Finding a new job and start something in politics perhaps. You got any?
    January 5 10:14 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I wish you all the best for this new year!
    January 2 08:21 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Late, but Merry Christmas to you as well =)
    December 28 07:02 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 This is outworldly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCrBDbc1GrUWarning though, it's also pretty depressing =)
    December 24 02:39 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 No, I haven't. Normally I let these finds linger in a playlist 'curation' and if they hold up over 5 listens I check out the album haha
    December 18 10:33 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Some very nice sombre shoegaze this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dQIwH0Opuo
    December 17 02:20 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Well, maybe if you're lucky enough to have a boss who's generous and appreciates your work
    December 16 10:56 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Will your internship be paid?
    December 12 07:29 PM
  • Spec I am the nig
    December 4 10:48 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 ...and yet we need the money to fulfill our overdue rent, food, technological gadgets etc. to not drag behind in our rapid societies. Anyhow: how's your medical assistant education?
    December 3 09:50 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I don't get much satisfaction out of it- notwithstanding that that is my foremost goal in a job, so I'll need to look further. Couple the lack of satisfaction with the fact that I temporarily live alone for my trial period (easier commuting) and need to do all of the household and cooking etc.. Well, it's kind of depressing. The more I live this, the more I question our current 'normality' of two working people in one household etc. There's just not enough time for things that really matter...
    December 3 09:49 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 It's not really exciting lol: I help with the webshop- and a little bit in the bricks and mortar store- of this ridiculously expensive menswear store: https://www.fransboonestore.com/
    December 3 09:45 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I'm stressing out because I'll start at my new job, and you gave me something to relieve the stress. Great song, thanks. Odd how they aren't more known within the genre.
    November 30 11:17 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Ah, I meant The Malady of Elegance lol, Evelyn was just a song
    November 18 09:03 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've bought Seam's 'The Pace Is Glacial' on vinyl. You should hear the two closing songs. It stirs me a lot: https://youtu.be/3W97-SiFh4w?t=37m19s (link is already set at the right time)
    November 17 10:42 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 His album 'Evelyn' is also outstanding btw. I've played it quite a bit during last year's winter.
    November 17 10:39 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 It was marked 'thumbs up' so I've heard it before. But it sure is nice that you remind me, I'm off for a good night sleep haha
    November 17 10:37 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yeah, I certainly hope that the division in the USA will end soon. These riots that are happening now look scary. I just hope they don't blow up any further.
    November 11 09:53 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 So Trump's your new president. How do you feel?
    November 9 09:31 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Well, you're going steadily =)
    October 29 09:17 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Sounds stressful. Is your education done after these finals?
    October 29 12:08 PM
  • Trebor. Yeah right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_-VQifZNxM. Sweet I'll check out your EP
    October 29 02:53 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 That's early, compared to the time I used to have finals anyways. I wish you all the best of luck!
    October 28 11:09 PM
  • Trebor. Yeah but it hasn't been my main source of creativity for a while. I mainly have been writing music for my film projects
    October 28 07:32 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Listened to the new JEW yet? Sure, it's poppy, but they've really set it almost on par with their Bleed American era
    October 27 10:01 PM
  • Trebor. same pretty much
    October 27 07:06 AM
  • Trebor. I am TheNig you're alive!
    October 26 05:18 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 'Desire gets in the way' made the biggest impact on me, but I have only heard like 4 songs.
    October 8 09:59 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've just now listened to some songs off it, and I pretty much agree with your thoughts. Its guitar work is consistently impressive but yes less inspired than the first album. I also feel like it is less tight sounding than before.
    October 8 09:58 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I thought of the exact same song haha. Idk why, structurally it's different but stylistically it's very reminiscent.
    September 29 09:26 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 It does sound more dynamic on vinyl though. But if you like, I can upload it for you
    September 27 07:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've uploaded that Karl Larsson (Last days of april) song. I've succeeded ripping it from vinyl. Apart from some vinyl crackling, I think it's a good riphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXdRDhWpfaU
    September 27 07:08 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 You know Bluetile Lounge already, but here's one of them that was on a compilation. It's a little different (less subdued) compared to their regular style, but very pretty imo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMv7DpfOVwo
    September 22 07:05 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Very relaxing. I have only heard two of his albums, but this song could fit perfectly on Copia I think
    September 21 08:15 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Are you on Discogs? I've known the site for years but only now am really looking around. Aside from a vinyl marketplace it is also a good alternative way for discovering new and obscure music with user lists, recommendations based on you wishlist etc....
    September 12 08:38 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Your album's rating are already looking better
    September 3 01:36 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 No problem man =), the review is already up at 837 views, which is by far the most in one day A review of mine ever had. So your music is definitely getting more exposure I think.
    September 2 10:25 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 And I don't get it. I see people commenting that this a nice/ emotional/ sparkly type of post-rock you've made. And one of these same people rate it then 2.0. Just trolling. It makes me mad. People can troll all they want on lists but I feel it's too far when they troll on other people's music.
    September 2 12:02 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 And you don't owe me anything btw. You let me write something, which is good training for the brain lol =)
    September 1 11:54 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Ok, I will let it exist since you will link it. You don't need to mention me at all btw
    September 1 11:51 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Going to have itd. I think it's better.
    September 1 10:33 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've gambled away whatever neutral image I had here by going into longwinded debates in user lists. It has backfired onto the review. Users look at it personally and neg it because it's me and it drags your album down. Although it did get mroe exposure. But I'm so sorry.
    September 1 10:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 review is up: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/71584/Green-Grass-For-Miles-More-Than-Months/#comments
    September 1 05:39 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yes, please do try. Maybe it'll work because you're an American and you're closer to the server. Idk
    August 30 06:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Okay, so your album's review is ready. But I have to wait until sputnik is stabile enough to accept a new album submission. I've tried 4 times already but to no avail
    August 29 03:37 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 And to let you know: I think I will manage to rip that song off vinyl. But I need more time 'cause I'll have to buy some cables and I'm out of cash haha. Ofcourse I could buy some cheapo cables, but I want a decent rip, so I'll have to spend a bit more to get copper plated ones.
    August 29 01:29 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I'm not one for elektronica, but this one feels like an electronic part of a post-rock album. I think you'll dig it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FWf7ONmNWE
    August 29 01:27 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I liked it a lot
    August 28 11:50 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yeah, me neither. But I can't really judge it, 'cause I'm not really in the mood for AF-esque music anyway. I've been searching to get that song ripped to a digital format, but I'm afraid I won't succeed. None of my friends have such type of turntable that is required. I've also sent an e-mail to a record store to ask if they could do it for payment, but no response lol
    August 26 09:22 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I'm wondering if I could just go to an electronics store
    August 16 09:54 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Oh, how I wish that I could share a certain song with you. It's by Karl Larsson, the guy from Last Days of April. But he's only released it on a 7 inch vinyl, which I got. But I don't have a turntable that can rip songs. It's called ' I'll keep the sun, moon and stars right here' and might be the best I've heard of his: tender, surprising and grand. It's made me feel like 4 years ago, when I was still knee deeo in music discovery. I think it would have a special effect on you as well.
    August 16 09:53 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Like a more country Carissa's Wierd somehow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YwJvvDIpeM
    August 16 05:18 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 It sound splendid, very soothing so far
    August 12 12:24 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Listening to it right now. Your review will come some time, if you're wondering. I said it could take a while right =) .
    August 12 12:24 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 This is a good new post-hardcore band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp3e-xc30eA
    August 2 06:47 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I agree, it's refreshing. Though I can't say why
    August 2 06:34 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've heard that album already. I can definitely see the comparison with Brand New, although more early BN. It's quite nice
    July 27 09:18 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yes, maybe they could've flowed a little better. But it is an EP, so it's not that important either way. You've shown great musicianship, that's what matters
    July 25 10:14 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Last night when I listened through it for the second time I got quite emotional. You've really managed to enhance both the music and the spoken word samples by combining them.
    July 23 09:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Thanks but I won't need it. It'd only confuse me in writing a review lol. It could take a while though. It's been two months since I last wrote something of worth when my writing classes ended. So yeah, inspiration is not within me right now =)
    July 23 09:11 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I'll give it more listens over the next couple of days and when I feel I could do it justice, I will start writing. Right now I'd say it is something of a 3,8/5 but I'm not sure if I could justify a 4 in a review. Users are quick to think 'hey, he only gave it a 4 because it's of another sputnik user'.
    July 22 11:18 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yes, there's definitely no filler. It's been a long time since i reviewed, but if you would want that I could write one.
    July 21 08:35 AM
  • minty901 Hey man. Really enjoyed your EP. Here's my bandcamp if you're interested in doing a split or something as I said in the list thread: http://shootermusicuk.bandcamp.com/Cheers
    July 20 06:17 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I feel like I didn'tt stress it enough, but you really outdid yourself. The last album you showed me was technically impressive, but here you get everything spot on. Only gripe is that it could've been longer and some tracks could've progressed even a little more. But it is an achievement that I'm a long way from. And 'Dream Sequence' is a favourite.
    July 20 09:14 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Hey man, congratulations! It is a succes in my opinion. Especially that last track coupled with the emotional outburst of the spoken word fraction, it's very moving. I've downloaded it.
    July 20 09:12 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I suspect Keaton Henson's latest will strike a chord with you too : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwZ7duewhng
    July 8 01:40 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I don't think I've shared this band with you yet. This song wasn't on youtube previously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=artFycuIJ5E
    July 5 10:06 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 thanks again for rec'ing me that 'talons album about half a year ago. I fell asleep to it for about that time every evening. Now it's waning off. It's a perfect sleeping album in the best sense possible
    June 30 07:17 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 It's pretty. But I probably have got to listen at night to get the full experience
    June 21 02:43 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yeah, that song grabbed me. But I didn't really pay attention to the lyrics. Will do
    June 16 02:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I like your score for the Hotelier's latest. The average rating is just insane. Seems like people will rate every new emo album a classic these days
    June 14 09:00 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I think you'll like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udlER1XPrK0
    June 13 10:26 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I liked that poppunk/ emoish track. It's really solid but it did remind me of another pop punk band I've heard before but fail to remember right now
    June 10 09:04 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Hmm, it seems I cannot watch that post-rock video in my stupid country lol
    June 10 09:03 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Don't really feel it, but that's just my musical apathy. Did you check out the new Tiny Moving Parts album? It's rather nice emoish pop punk really, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpRbMr-H0lg
    June 3 08:38 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 It might be just me, but don't you think his voice has improved?
    May 28 02:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Okay, listened immediately after all. It's beautiful, what can I say, always something so calming about his music
    May 25 09:22 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Not really stoked as should be, but I'll get to it. WHat's your impression?
    May 25 09:20 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I have to correct myself: Heroine doesn't just sticks out, it is utterly beautiful. Sincere guys, you can tell
    May 19 08:24 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I listened through it all. It certainly was enjoyable, but like you said: 'Heroine' sticks out. Going to listen to that some more via your just uploaded video
    May 19 08:16 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Phew, all those projects =) . Everything's still the same over here. You seem to have found passion again, that's for sure. Glad for you
    May 3 12:20 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Still, the urge to release it as quickly as possible must be there, right? But it's better to be patient probably, get every little detail just the way you want it. I wish you all the endurance you may need
    April 29 08:00 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I was carried away- I was feeling blue, so it clicked. I think it's good, but a little too much electronica for my liking. How are the final stages of your record?
    April 28 09:00 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Hey man, you need to hear this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r27Ivm34-3c It's a indietronica/ lo-fi/ dream pop album written by an 18-year old. It's been a while since I've been excited about an album.
    April 25 12:25 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Hah, I figured you were going to share this. Saw you like it on Facebook. =) i'll listen
    April 12 12:30 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 That's great, I'm quite curious.
    April 12 12:29 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yeah, me neither. It helps focusing entirely on something else for a while, though. Are you still working on your album? Over here it's been the very same as it has been this past year. Still without a job too.I presume your education is going well, since your last results were so good =)
    April 6 03:29 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Hey man, how have you been? It's in Portuguese I think, but this is some really solid emo so I had to share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjDtIegMM2s
    March 28 10:45 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Thank you =)
    March 25 12:03 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 That beautiful song was created for an exhibition http://random-international.com/work/rainroom/ Too bad there isn't an album
    March 7 10:50 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Well, it is truly devastatingly beautiful. Among my favourite ambient, I can tell already. I hope there's an album that has this song and is in the same vein.
    March 6 10:45 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Carolyn succeeds at emulating Owen, that's for sure. Though his voice lacks the charm Kinsella carries in his. That Max Richter song is very pretty. I have only the album the blue notebooks, but don't enjoy it very much. Have you listened to the entire album that song was from?
    March 6 01:39 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 It has a few good songs, but overall I suspect they've drawn a lot of influence from Rainer Maria and failed to reproduce it.
    March 1 09:56 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Maybe I should look at more Hammock albums, the only one I've listened to is Kenotic.Here is some new emo, I don't fully know what to think of it yet, but I feel like it needs to be shared: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy6HHixzqJY
    February 29 10:16 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Have you got any other albums like that 'talons album you recommended me? It really helps me to calm down before bedtime, unlike many other ambient/ folk albums which just depress me =)
    February 27 10:23 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Oh, 'human diseases', sounds like a title for an emo album haha. Be sure to drop me a link when your ep's finished- if you want ofcourse.With me, all is still stuck. No movement whatsoever, still looking for a job and low creativity. I nneed to finish a short story for a writing class, but I lack the drive. My guitar playing is becoming natural though, so that's a plus.
    February 25 10:18 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 It's been quiet here as well, concerning the musical front. That's an impressive feat, being one year sober, did it influence you in your musical writings?
    February 25 10:16 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 How have you been?
    February 24 09:23 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Ah yes. Well, there are lots of European politicians and 'intellectuals' who advocate gun prohibition in America and what not. But these people really don't know what they're talking about, they assume that Americans and Europeans are the same in that regard. But we- Europeans- don't have the Second Amendment in our blood. In any case, here's a doom track that I like. I don't know how you feel about doom, but here goes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVV2jSLNzqM
    February 1 09:57 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 ...hundreds of deaths as a results. Whereas if only a handful of civilians would've carried guns and be trained to use them, well...I think the total deaths would be a lot less. It's no coincidence that the husband-and-wife-terrorists in the US, not so long ago engaged with kevlar vests and other combat armour. They knew they could face a victim with a gun.
    January 29 09:10 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Also, how do you feel about gun control? I feel that's a major issue in the presidency run right now. To be honest, I do think it's too easy to get a gun in the US, but proposals that would steer your policy more towards Europe's stance are to be avoided imo. While I do think yearly background checks, safety boxes and max calibre should be effected, a downright prohibition would render you weak and defenseless. For instance: every major terrorist strike in Europe, everyone could get shot with
    January 29 09:07 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've just heard today that Bloomberg might run as an independent. His personal wealth is so high that he could avoid being supported by lobby groups, just like Trump. But aside from him being the former NY-major, I don't really know anything about him.
    January 29 09:00 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Haha yes, it's like Obama's a really good president if you compare him with what you're being offered now: a socialist, a narcissistic lunatic or an evil witch lol
    January 29 08:57 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I mean underrated lol
    January 29 11:35 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Anyways, this album is sorely overrated on sputnik. Not on rym. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_Ri4_BKUn4
    January 29 11:35 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 That is, if he didn't start a nuclear war by then.From the only full debate I've seen (repub), I must say that I was impressed with that Carly Fiorina. She seemed very sincere and has a proven track record that she can climb up from the very bottom. And since she's a female, she could nibble at democrate votes. But ofcourse she won't get elected as well.
    January 27 09:41 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I can see why Trump would be a major nightmare. Maybe he could pull of a presidency, but I highly doubt it. He has ruined his much needed cohesion as a president already. On the other hand, iff he'd win it would be a major blow to politics in general (also for European countries) and it could herald the start of some serious thinking and rekindling of honest politics. Even though you'd have to sit him out haha.
    January 27 09:36 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I pay some attention yes, probably more than the average American, but definitely not as much as those actively following politics, like you.Yeah, the probably choices you'll have won't be actual choices at all. And God, if Hillary ends up nominee for the democrats... She's so lusting after power, I can't understand why people won't see that. Bernie Sanders at least has some convictions other than power, but he's in the backpocket of George Soros.
    January 27 09:33 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 So I understand that you'll be voting for Paul? I'm not an expert or anything, but aren't his chances of getting the nomination pretty slim?
    January 27 01:26 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Wow, nice results. Yeah, I feel for you, 6 years is a long time to keep motivated.
    January 23 09:38 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Ah okay, I take it that the results were satisfying- or at least satisfying enough to continue?(I did a year longer over my studies than the regular time, so no worries if that's the case)
    January 22 04:34 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 That talons album is perfect to listen to just before sleep. It really calms me down.Are you already finished with your examinations?
    January 21 12:32 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 It's a worthy hommage to Carissa's Wierd I think. I've grabbed the entire album, it's been a while since I listened to this type of sound
    January 5 03:02 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Happy New Year! I have long discarded this band until this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAj-ptUeBn8
    January 1 01:40 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Sounds really good, I can see the picture in my head. Seeing loved ones who are normally far away makes it all the more special
    December 28 11:14 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Nothing extraordinary, but nice and cosy. How was yours?
    December 27 12:22 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Late, but merry Christmas =)
    December 26 11:56 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Ah yes. I don't know why I stopped watching this show. I should start again but don't know where I left of lol. Do you watch the show?
    December 19 04:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Nice guitar layers over a spoken word sample can make for some haunting sounds, like this one. It's very pretty. I wonder, do you know where the sample is from? I know one of the voices, but I can't assign a name to it.
    December 19 12:17 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I think I showed you Aereogramma before or you've known them before. Their style differentiates between albums, so I needed to show you this song; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzKDOrSwcro
    November 29 03:51 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Never heard of a condenser mic, I'll be looking into that. Thanks a lot!
    November 26 10:36 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 May I ask you something? Except for a good mic, what gear would you recommend me to add a wider range of sounds to an acoustic set-up and maybe try (ease into) some babysteps into recording.
    November 25 03:19 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 This is the full link, sorry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vzMNG2fZc
    November 21 01:45 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I can totally understand your country's decision though. Just imagine they did the same like Germany: a country of 80 mil people letting in one million this year alone, which can add up to 4 mil after family reuniting efforts. It's a total suicide. I wonder if you've seen this video already. It is at some points overly dramatic and at others a little anti-Jewish, which I hate, but overall it just gives a view about how Europe is destroying itself willingly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vzMN
    November 21 01:44 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 This is a nice and calming shoegaze song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_aY3oK1YuA
    November 20 10:29 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 And about refugees. Yes there's an underlying threat in accepting them. HopefullY your state does a good screening of whoever it accepts. With some luck you'll be getting the civilized, good meaning bunch =) And terrorist threat or not, keep in mind that the chances of dying in a car accident will always be higher. Plus, if you live in a neighbourhood- don't know where you live- that's relatively calm and not the capital or a major city, terrorists won't target it. they want as many victims
    November 18 07:21 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 ...for decades. If one dared to touch it, you'd be called a racist/ Xenophobe,... But like I said, people should learn to aim for the ideology. Just like not every nazi supporter was a bad guy (most regular nazi sympathisers back then were regular people, but still supported a contested ideology), but nonetheless advocated an ideology with too much evil in it.
    November 18 07:16 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 ...(whole chapters) really wherein jihad, submission of non-believers, killing of non-believers and the borderless caliphate are taught. In spite of all these hateful lines, Imams (like Islamic pastors) tell muslims that the Quran should be strictly interpreted. So yes, most of Islam supports undirectly ISIL; And in a scenario in which Islam gets the upper hand, most muslims will turn to what is most familiar to them: radical Islam instead of Western values. Its a threat that has been silenced .
    November 18 07:14 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Most of Islam-thus most muslims- don't immediately support ISIL I think. Most just want to have a good life like everyone else. But there are definitely hardliners, lots of them. Infact, a poll done by the BBC in Great Britain showed that 27% of British muslims sympathised with Charlie Hebdo attackers. And that's just a poll wherein they can lie or deny... The link with Islam and terrorism is almost unrefutable, yet it keeps on happening (denying). There are lots and lots of verses ...
    November 18 07:11 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 ...no, and for good measure. Anyways, I just wanted to point out what a rotten composure Europe politics have. The continent is disintegrating for quite some time now, for what seems to achieve a false ideal of togetherness which is in reality nothing else than a slowly spreading submission by external values. End rant/
    November 18 03:01 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 ...thousands of people. A noble thought it might seem at first, but no one seems to think in the long term about the integrity of the nation. One (for now) terrorist of the Paris shootout was a refugee. Moreover, 90% at least of these refugees are young men, almost no women or children to be detected. It sometimes seems like an Islamci army lol. In the US Obama thought about- what was it- 10000 refugees to give shelter? That's not much ,yet even then lots of states said Anyways, I'll stop here
    November 18 02:59 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Anyways, I'll tell you one more thing. Overall the mentality is different in Europe than in America. Some months ago, three Americans stood up to a terrorist on a train and rescued possibly a little short of hundred lives. In the venue where the biggest shootout happened in Paris, people all ran and duck, with the result of 86 deaths in that venue alone. En masse they could've disarmed these four men, with only maybe 10-20 deaths.Also: we feel like we have the responsibility to give shelter to
    November 18 02:56 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Sorry for all these ranting, but I'm a little angry lol
    November 18 02:51 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 After this first shootings in Charie Hebdo, 100.000 muslims protested against...Charlie Hebdo, in London. After the attacks some days ago, 1 out of 3 tweets in Belgium (where I live) about ISIL carried a positive connotation. We shouldn't single out people, but neither should we remain blind to the ideology which forms a solid fundament for all these barbaric crimes. Yet it's what Europe has been doing for decades, afraid of returning to nazism/fascism, so they did the completeopposite lol
    November 18 02:51 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Well, I'm much closer to Bruges than I am to Paris, so I'm relatively safe. I was never afraid to begin with, unlike so many others. There's a lot of hysteria right now, but what's highly frustrating is, that instead of acknowledging there's a problem with Islam itself, everyone seems to resort to phrases like 'let's stick together', 'love will beat hate' and all that kind of catchphrases that literally get you nowhere. We've seen this escalating for decades- because integration failed.
    November 18 02:47 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 The first one is definitely the darkest of both albums. It feels a bit suffocating, claustrophobic in that it's all so dense with these relentless drums harshly tuned guitars, and somewhere amidst all of that we get the same vocals as in the second album, but they're somewhat more detached here which makes it a little more discomforting.
    November 12 01:11 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I have to express myself more clearly =), yes I have heard the first one. Been playing it a little longer than the second one. It's heavier than their second album, drums have some sort of industrial vibe to them and there are crescendos (beautiful crescendos) in lots of songs which I can only describe as haunting and cathartic. I'd definitely give it a listen, both of the albums are beautiful but they differ quite a bit.
    November 12 01:04 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 So what are your thoughts on Dating? I've explored both albums rigourously and I think they're on par in quality. The last one is more calm and what I'd call drone-/ shoegaze emo and We Put Things in The Water and Kids Are Ripe (lol, that title) are both stunners I think. The former is the speedier one and serves multiple crescendos towards song endings but might be of less lasting value maybe.
    November 11 12:24 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Haha =) , thanks a lot!
    November 10 03:44 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Your latest upload is another appealing one. And the amazon link makes me think I shoudl check out the entire album.
    November 9 10:24 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 It sounds like Rika mixed with There Will Be Fireworks somehow. I have yet to warm up to the singer's voice
    November 9 02:23 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Will do. Bookmarked it, I'm sceptical as well because I remember their first album as something a little too poppy.
    November 4 03:54 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Don't know if I showed you this before, so if I did, sorry. This song is one of many short pieces from the album Capri by Celer, it's gorgeously morose ambient music imo. I has quickly become one of my go-to ambient albums: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRI7EpnQKEo
    November 2 02:44 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Normally I'd say it is a bad thing for a band to try resurface after all this time. But given that Mike Kinsella is doing very well solo I believe there can't go too much wrong. And that new song feels like a part 2 of another AF song, which I forgot the name of. Exciting times =)
    November 1 11:57 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I had it already 'liked' somehow. Didn't remember a single bit of it, it was cool encounter, thanks.I'm just going to wish you good luck before I forget, it must be getting busier for you every week now
    October 31 04:31 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Your semester ends around Christmas too, I presume? Luckily (well, maybe not) I've got time to practice guitar and read up on some things because I'm still jobless . So no, nothing's really new here and I'm not improving a whole lot with guitar either =)Sometimes I wish I lived around your area, surely I'd have dropped by by now and asked you to jam together haha
    October 28 12:23 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 How are you doing? Still writing music?
    October 27 02:19 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Thanks, but you don't need to. I liked the music itself quite a lot but the vocals just took too much of its power away for me.
    October 14 09:55 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 If you haven't listened to the Dating album in its entirety, I think you should. It's refreshing in its entirety. Not sure if it'll hold up in time, because right now my judgment is clouded by my enthusiasm of hearing something new.
    October 14 01:10 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Anyway, here's a sombre song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIH_hEsH444
    October 12 11:48 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Oh, my bad. =) Yes, it's quite easy too to assume that most people who know even the slightest about music now know what emo really is. But consequently you and I just extend this small community on sputnik and other circles where emo get discussed to the mainstream, I think. And can't really blame them, 'emo' as a prefix gets applied to anything these days: emo politics, emo poll, emo moment, ...pff llol
    October 12 11:25 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 It's about the youtube comment, I presume? Well, you're doing one hell of a job. You've already got a nicely filled channel with lots of obscure and worthy songs. And cool footage
    October 12 12:25 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I didn't find it overpowering, though. Maybe a case of headphones, with my more expensive pair the ambience gets much stronger haha.In any case, I think we can agree that there's still room for a band to come with the defining album in that small niche genre. This shoegaze emo seems to be the only thing that sounds refreshing regarding newer emo these days, don't you think?
    October 9 01:37 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 This probably fits in with 'shoegaze emo': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=athjn-prIbM
    October 5 02:43 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I like it, except for the singer's vocal power. He has a nice voice, but seems to hold back. Still no fan of Elliott?
    September 25 10:48 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Yeah, I thought almost the same. Also felt a hint of conformity. (of all the individualist ways we still want all the same)I'll let the idea of yoga sink in for a while and maybe act on it. If I do, it won't be with a dvd though, I need to get out of my house more often and yoga would make a good reason to do so =)
    September 23 11:43 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 The yoga you're following. Is that the regular yoga you find in sports associations or some other form? I'm thinking about it, might do it as well, seeing it has stress relieving effects on you.
    September 22 05:11 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Sorry about that. Here you go, it's a cool (stylistically) short video I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE4oz2u6OHY
    September 22 05:10 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 And here we have a very interesting animation video. I won't tell you the theme but I'd like to know what you think it represents after watching it though =)https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=238
    September 21 11:44 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I find this to be a stunning classical piece, I think you'll dig it too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZrxenuQV4E
    September 20 10:09 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 That song feels inspiring, thank you. You've been on meds a very long time, funny that you don't know how you managed to cope without them. But you're one of the few. Most people, once on meds, stay on them for the rest of their lives. That' quite the accomplishment.
    September 15 10:13 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 If you're doing okay now, then it is weird you've ever gotten prescribed them. Fyi, much research of the past years points towards an infection theory for the cause of depression or a major catalyst. In that case, it's evident that the pills didn't work for you. Idk
    September 15 07:53 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 And if you don't mind me asking: what meds did you quit? (you really don't have to answer if you like to keep that private)
    September 13 12:57 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 btw, I just got back from a Brand New concert in Brussels.It was only the second time they played in Belgium so I had to be there. It was awesome but regrettable that they didn't play The Boy Who and that there were an awful number of teenage girls. I have a feeling that wouldn't be the case in the US haha. Also picked up a copy of Deja on vinyl. Ever seen them?
    September 13 12:55 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Glad to hear you're doing well, aside from the musical difficulties. If I were anything near your level I'd probably ask you to work on something together over the internet haha. But all I have is some good ideas I'm proud of, but not capable of enrolling them fully.It's awesome that you're still pursuing your degree. The job market is diffficult yes, but your area will keep on needing new help so you're safe in those terms I think.
    September 13 12:53 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I know you were studying to become a medical assistant. Are you still doing that?And any progress made with the musical project you were doing with that other person (roommate or? I forgot sorry)?
    September 9 12:22 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 Still looking for a job and other than that I'm trying to get better at guitar and keeping my brain alert by reading lots of books with a hint of philosophy underneath. It's a real chore lol.I've also been preoccupied with caring for my brother (who's lost his way and missed the train to adulthood so to speak) and trying to get him on track. My mom's has been recovering from breast cancer the last 8 months and is now in the final stages of her treatment so that's a very positive aspect for me.
    September 9 12:19 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've heard them before, but I wasn't really impressed. I don't really think there's much emo left in this sound of Solea. It's nice though, don't get me wrong, but doesn't do much for me. I liked TITR a whole lot better.
    August 20 02:14 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 *Pluck pluck pluck* gorgeous melodies. Yeah, I'll check out more of The Twilight Singer's material
    August 17 07:37 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 From certain words that Chri uses a lot (Grace) to the song's structure (crescendo within a crescendo/ choir likebacking vocals). Idk, I'd be surprised you haven't heard it yet, I wonder if you see the similarities too.
    August 15 11:26 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I see their albums so highly rated and I feel like I've missed out on something. Haven't heard the song yet, it's in my watch later playlist slowly getting closer haha. I've stalled new music a lot.I've just been listening to the JEW song 'The most beautiful things'. Hadn't heard it yet, but I feel that must be the most Mineral sounding song JEW's ever done.
    August 15 11:23 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 That alone. project sure has many other great songs as well.
    August 8 01:20 AM
  • bakkermaarten007 What I'v found as of late is only a longish modern classical piece =) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esawaA450SQ Also, I don't know if it's because I've grown alert to it, but it seems more video makers are incorporating your style of old fragments. Maybe you've set a wide internet trend who knows
    August 6 03:57 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 Interesting stuff. On the one side I thought it was something like those electronica induced dream pop bands that seem so popular right now (chillwave or what's it called?). Then there was some part weirdishness like Animal Collective or Ariel Pink. Yet in the end just a straightforward tempo change with the familiar post-hardcore cleans. I don't know how to digest it yet.
    August 6 03:53 PM
  • bakkermaarten007 I've only heard that one song so far. I might check out more if the song holds up a few weeks or so
    July 27 04:40 PM

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