
Reviews 9
Approval 88%

Soundoffs 21
Album Ratings 82
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 09-15-10 4:55 pm
Joined 04-06-10

Review Comments 97

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  • ToSmokMuzyki almost a good kid
    June 2 03:54 AM
  • combustion07 I'm doing great man. Started up a site and I'm interviewing some cool bands. Cool to see your still around doing reviews, I must've missed them. Incubus destroys.
    March 16 07:19 AM
  • grungethrash91 4-6-2010-11-24-2010 SIB
    November 24 10:39 PM
  • antiprog86 What do you think of immolation?
    November 3 05:40 PM
  • antiprog86 Opprobrium owns. It's too bad they last their original name to that crappy pop band.
    November 3 05:40 PM
  • Motiv3 thanks man haha i wrote that timmmmmmmmmmmeee ago. I dont often review that much, im ok i guess haha. Some of my reviews looking back werent that great, others were pretty good tho. Cheers man.
    October 14 06:17 PM
  • antiprog86 Atheist is a great band, but they started to go downhill after their first album.
    October 14 04:17 PM
  • antiprog86 Protector is badass. Urm the mad has more agression thanvwhat slayer accumulated in their entire career.
    October 7 05:02 PM
  • antiprog86 I dont know i just hate rap. pluss, I didnt even know Demo Hammer had a black lol.
    October 7 04:54 PM
  • grungethrash91 I thinks rap sucks to, but don't generalize. Not all of them even listen to rap, and some make real music. Take Demolition hammer, Overthrow, Suffocation, and a few other bands with african americans in them for instance.
    October 7 04:50 PM
  • antiprog86 I made a typo. Rap Sucks, and much of the music comming from african-american culture.
    October 7 04:47 PM
  • antiprog86 Im a huge Sadus fan, so i saw your review when i looked 'em up. and what i mean was i hate rap, r
    October 7 04:27 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 wtf ur still here?
    September 29 09:43 PM
  • combustion07 Nope, I'll check them out!
    September 16 07:32 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 dundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundun
    September 16 03:04 PM
  • Dethtrasher Btw, you should check out Hypnosia, early Carnal Forge or Flesh Made Sin. I think you will dig those bands. They don't sound like Sadus but still...
    July 10 09:35 PM
  • Apollo cheers, check out my review man Daylight Dies - No Reply, feedback is appreciated
    July 9 02:24 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 yeahhh dude up da thrash, down with the trash.
    May 27 07:19 PM
    May 27 05:21 PM
  • combustion07 I only got to listen to about half of it today, but what I've heard is great.
    May 25 08:14 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 shut up kid lol
    May 25 07:27 PM
  • grungethrash91 My oppinion is S*** you say, as well as my taste? Well, that makes it seem like the only oppinion that matters is yours, which is childish, inmature, and displays to me a lack of intelligence. in fact I can hardly even take you seriously, with your stupid remarks. You are just a loser dude. get over it. Go back to your buttbuddies for support.
    May 25 05:56 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 dude shut up. Here it is: You write like s***, your taste is s***, your opinions are s***. Get over it you thrash obsessed, rebel wannabe. ****ing Opeth in the same BREATH as Dragonforce is absolutely insane. Just leave. Your done.
    May 25 12:02 AM
  • combustion07 I've actually never heard them either but they are obscure older thrash and I found a copy on wax for $8 so I'm gonna go for it. You go to any shows lately?
    May 24 10:24 PM
  • combustion07 Yeah the new Hellwitch doesn't have that edge that attracted me to their old work but it is still a quality album. Have you ever heard INC? I'm thinking about picking up their albums on vinyl
    May 24 08:24 PM
  • Motiv3 review is a bit better and u expand on your points. I never said your review doesn't make sense btw, just really not enough detail explain the bands sound/ why they are 5 worthy. You did a better job with editing it. Again, let me point out that im not bashing you because you don't like Opeth, i was bashing you because you said they are as bad dragonforce. That is all.
    May 24 08:19 PM
  • combustion07 Yeah they are more modern but you get the idea. I just checked out Hellwitch's newer material and I was really impressed
    May 24 08:16 PM
  • combustion07 Not much man, my neck is still recovering from the Revocation show I went to saturday. Have you ever heard Revocation? I'm not sure if you would dig them or not but they have a decent blend of technical death and thrash metal
    May 24 08:12 PM
  • Motiv3 dream theater albums.
    May 24 07:45 PM
  • Motiv3 overrated, they were practically flawless live. Just proves my point in the differences between Opeth and Dragonforce and why your comparisons of both are stupid.
    May 24 07:25 PM
  • Motiv3 are a few carbon copies of that band and some newer metal bands such as Periphery borrow heavy influences from Meshuggah, considering they practically made that style then i can't see how u can say they are unoriginal. And you just proved my point about Opeth and Dragonforce right without even noticing it. Dragonforce have recorded stuff which they at times can't even perform properly. I saw Opeth this year at the London 20th Anniversary show and regardless of how u think their recorded stuff is
    May 24 07:25 PM
  • Motiv3 Oh so it was a typo. Fair Enough. I can't see how you can say Opeth are unoriginal when they and Edge of Sanity were the first 2 bands to play their style of Progressive Death Metal (Crimson 1 and Orchid). Yes there were prog/tech death metal bands before them but not in the style which implemented Progressive rock and folk. Repetitive? matter of opinion i guess. I agree Meshuggah are repetitive, but again, their style of metal, polyrythmics and time changes were unheard of at the time. There
    May 24 07:22 PM
  • grungethrash91 look again.
    May 24 07:06 PM
  • Motiv3 don't know what your talking about.
    May 24 07:00 PM
  • Motiv3 so ur basically saying song structures don't matter in music? well good game there because you have just proven to me that neutral wasnt just being an overreacting troll as usual. Im not ignorant, i didnt bash on your review and im not bashing u for disliking Opeth (which isnt the point) but tbh unless u can actually come with concise terms as to why Opeth are just as bad as Dragonforce and to be honest..with the review u wrote i doubt u could. Then it just proves that in this case you honestly
    May 24 06:56 PM
  • Motiv3 i know u did, i explained it on your review. If your not an idiot u might understand what im getting at.
    May 24 06:48 PM
  • Motiv3 i have no problem if u feel Opeth's talents have been exaggerated or that u don't find them that impressive. Im fine with that, its when u make retarded comparisons with wank metal bands like Dragonforce who you couldnt even attempt to justify how they are the same league as a band like Opeth that makes u look stupid.
    May 24 06:38 PM
  • Motiv3 i didnt expect u to know that, it was to prove that if people are taking his side then u must be an idiot, which in some cases u do come across as one. Especially if u honestly think Opeth are as bad as Dragonforce. I will continue to not even take u seriously if u stand by that.
    May 24 06:14 PM
  • grungethrash91 And i listen to Inticate, and complex music, such as athiest, goreguts, and so on, and i still think opeth is a joke.
    May 24 04:55 PM
  • grungethrash91 STFU, you dont know s*** about me.
    May 24 04:43 PM
  • Brylawski you're pretty stupid bro
    May 23 08:21 PM
  • Motiv3 what you are talking about. They are 2 completely different bands with different purposes and song writing skills. Opeth have plenty whilst Dragonforce have zero. Maybe you should try to either listen to Opeth and understand that your comment is pure egotisical bollocks (even if you find them overrated, which is cool) or refrain from making such stupid comments again. Not gonna question your knowledge of Thrash but your comparison of Opeth and Dragonforce is ridiculous.
    May 23 12:05 PM
  • Motiv3 intricate and beautiful music in metal. They have complex structures and are brilliant song writers (you only need to listen to blackwater park to understand). Its clear that either you haven't given them time to sink in or you don't know what your talking about. Saying Opeth is overrated i would have no problem with. They are literally worshipped here so i could see where you are coming from. But to say Opeth are in the same low league as Dragonforce is just idiocy and proves you have no idea
    May 23 12:03 PM
  • Motiv3 lololol dude, saying Opeth are in the same league as Dragonforce is like saying papa new guinea are in the same league as Brazil when it comes to football. You clearly have no idea what your talking about when it comes to them 2 bands. Have you actually listened to them 2 bands? because if you did, you would know they are worlds apart. Dragonforce play some of the most egotisical music known to man consisting of the same song structures and pointless guitar wankery. Opeth play some of the most
    May 23 12:00 PM
  • kount good music
    May 22 10:16 PM
  • combustion07 Later dude
    May 22 10:09 PM
  • combustion07 Oh hell yeah! Considered Dead, Erosion, and Obscura are all classics
    May 22 10:02 PM
  • combustion07 Yeah I can agree for the most part, some modern death is decent but most of the original charm has gone away. Bands like Cancer, Krhoma Death, and Jumpin Jesus may be to your liking. I wasn't real big into thrash until around 2008 (I'm only 16) I'd also had the essentials but the more obscure stuff just seems to click with me more
    May 22 10:01 PM
  • combustion07 No I haven't, I'll have to check them out, I've been looking for more Demolition Hammer esque stuff. Are you into death metal at all?
    May 22 09:50 PM
  • combustion07 Yeah man, I'm more into old school death but I dig the more menacing thrash bands out there as well. Have you ever heard Hydra Vein?
    May 22 09:45 PM
  • Dryden scary stories to tell in the dark, hell yeah
    May 22 08:01 PM
  • Dryden I probably didn't see what he said. But in any case theres worse people here like bloozclooz and igotshotintheface and yeahtoast
    May 22 07:56 PM
  • Wizard Sorry, I will say that your re-write is alot better than I thought so here's a vote!
    May 21 09:56 PM
  • Wizard Judging by the grammar and English of your re-write, you still write like your a child. If you ask anyone on this site, they will say the same thing as me. Do you not notice how I'm not the only one flaming you? Realize that I'm one of the nicer guys on this site and I advise that you don't carry this any further. Just learn to take constructive criticism and everyone will get along.
    May 21 09:54 PM
  • KILL what
    May 21 09:52 PM
  • vanderb0b Holy s***, you disrespected Nick Drake (in your conversation w/Neutral). We are now enemies forever.
    May 21 08:55 PM
  • vanderb0b Holy s***, you disrespected Nick Drake (in your conversation w/Neutral). We are now enemies forever.
    May 21 08:54 PM
    May 21 06:02 PM
  • Motiv3 and wait, did u just put opeth and dragonforce in the same sentence as 'poser metal.' lolwut?
    May 21 06:01 PM
  • Motiv3 as i said, read some review on this site, you need expand on the fact that it is 'fast, technical and progressive', expand on why that makes it good, use examples from songs, analysis some of the musical aspects such as the instruments, vocals and lyrics (if u feel lyrics are important in that matter, thrash generally i dont find importance for lyrical sake). But yeah, im not the best writer on this site (i hardly write at all actually), you need to read reviews and see what they do right and
    May 21 05:51 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 The fact that you think Nick Drake looks like a Weezer-head and then laughed just shows how sophomoric and obnoxiously retarded you are, seriously, learn how to write a cohesive review you ribald ass clown. LOLLLLLL
    May 21 05:34 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 1. Stop blowing sadus. 2. Stop blowing sadus. 3. Stop blowing SADUS. 4. LOLLLLLLL ok im done bro. No ass clown, that is not ME in the profile pic, that is legendary singer-songwriter Nick Drake, who you wouldn't know about, because you have no idea what folk probably even is, and you don't know what focus, lyric-based songwriting is, because your a little rebellious, teenage metalhead who's pissed because Metallica is more famous than Ripping Corpse. IS THAT ME IN THE PROFILE PIC?????? NO!
    May 21 05:32 PM
  • jingledeath yeah it looks much better now, good job.
    May 21 05:26 PM
  • jingledeath sure man, read a few reviews from a few of the better writers on the site (like Mr. Wizard) for some tips.
    May 21 05:12 PM
  • Foxhound yeah, this site really brings the lulz sometimes.
    May 21 04:39 PM
  • Wizard Dude, you're a retard. Take the constructive criticism and learn to write professionally. Your review was s***! Get over it.
    May 21 04:33 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 I bet you think Black Sabbath is overrated too right?
    May 21 02:47 PM
  • FadeToBlack aight thanks bro
    May 21 02:47 PM
  • FadeToBlack yeah I've heard the name before just never bothered to check them out. i see you've heard Epidemic Of Violence, how does it compare to that cos that's probably my favourite death/thrash album
    May 21 02:41 PM
  • grungethrash91 Your childish remarks only show who is the real "kid" here. i need not say more. you are doing all of it for me.
    May 21 02:29 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 "for one to assume that this band is inferior to say, metallica, or any of the big four,for that matter is ignorant"- lol stfu dumbass
    May 21 02:13 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 and technicality. Never originality, influence, songwriting, lyrics, organization, diversity or overall quality. You dont know s*** about music, but you are new, so maybe this will change bro. "And this DEATH/THRASH, not just death metal."- FAIL. Bye kid. I hope you improve and learn than Opeth stomps on any band you like.
    May 21 02:12 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 1. You posted it on your own wall first ass clown. FAIL. 2. Did you just say that Opeth is panzy metal? FAIL. 3. I dont give a s*** what you write, if you think that its ALL about speed (which based on your review, it is) than you are even more of an ass. FAIL. 4. Metallica rapes every thrash bands you like in terms of songwriting and influence. YOU FAIL. 5. Your review sucked, but you may improve, so I will say: HALF FAIL. 6. In every soundoff, all you say about the quality of thrash is speed
    May 21 02:10 PM
  • grungethrash91 Get you rstupid inmature comments the **** off my profile. I dont need someone to tell me who the expert on thrash is,especaily since i ****ing write music of this kind dumbass. anybody who walks aroung calling themself the "master of thrash" sounds like a ****ing poser to me. you dont know s*** about me, or real metal. go back to your pussy poser metal such as dragonforce or opeth loser.
    May 21 01:57 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 You wanna know the thrash master? His name is KILL. Look him up.
    May 21 12:51 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 dude ur ****ing stupid. Im sorry. You just are.
    May 21 12:42 AM
  • Rugter32 AiC is indeed awesome, good sir.
    April 23 04:58 PM
  • Rugter32 AiC is indeed awesome, good sir.
    April 23 04:14 PM
  • Dethtrasher Thanks for the recs. I will check out those albums.
    April 11 04:22 PM
  • Dethtrasher Mighty kind words, appreciate that. I've actually never heard anything by Sadus. Anything you can rec me?
    April 10 07:08 PM
  • Phrike Nah Exhorder and Dark Angel are pretty great (haven't heard Sadus yet) and most of the local thrashheads would agree with that. Oh and Victims Of Deception
    April 10 10:05 AM
  • Phrike Seriously, what's your problem
    April 9 08:05 AM
  • Carnifex Alright, makes sense.
    April 8 03:50 PM
  • grungethrash91 I dont try to act anything other than what i am. and yes, in fact i am intelligent, not to be arrogant.
    April 8 07:08 AM
  • Carnifex Nah, they're just dumb as s*** and nobody pays attention to them due to possible trolling. You on the otherhand try to act intelligent by calling anyone who enjoys popular music "posers." The only posers are the kids at hot topic calling slipknot death metal and hawthorne heights screamo bro.
    April 8 12:28 AM
  • grungethrash91 if you agree with me good, but if not, i really dont care.
    April 7 10:38 PM
  • Carnifex You're pretty much a **** bro, jus sayin'
    April 7 09:58 PM
  • KILL erm ok whats that got to do with metallica fans? just stick to thrash 100% i'm sure you'll be really happy, oh and it has to be true thrash remember only bands which arent popular
    April 7 09:45 PM
  • KILL wtf is a true thrasher? i listen to thrash and enjoy it isnt that all that matters? i hate you elitist ****in pieces of s*** it does my head in
    April 7 09:40 PM
  • KILL just because you dont think they are great doesnt mean u can start calling fans posers you moron
    April 7 09:36 PM
  • KILL METALLICA DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    April 7 09:30 PM
  • KILL wow you are sad
    April 7 09:10 PM

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