Review Summary: Electro Pop band "The Medic Droid" shows little promise
Picture youself in a band and you record one little song just for fun. You post that song on your myspace page, and it turns into a hit overnight. You've just stepped into the shoes of The Medic Droid, a band from Phoenix, Arizona who released their first "full length" album in June of 2008. Their new record "Whats Your Medium" does not do anything that hasn't been heard before and quite frankly, other bands are doing it better.
This album does not offer much as fars as content goes, so this is going to be a rather short review. Alright here we go...
The main problem that I had with "Whats Your Medium" was the length. The band put out bulletins on myspace stating their first "full length" album was going to be coming out in June. However, this full length album contained a mere 8 tracks, enough just for an EP. Five of the eight tracks had been previously release on the bands myspace as demos, leaving only three tracks on the album that I had not heard before.
Of those three tracks that I had not previously heard, only one of them was halfway decent. ("Tease") The remaining seven tracks on the album were nothing short of terrible. The lyrics to some of the tracks were so corny, that they made me cringe at times. Just take a look at this un-needed addition to the bridge of "Fscene8": <i>"Bitches ain't *** but hoes and tricks, lick on these nuts and suck the dick"</i> It was lines like these that took away from the seriousness (if there was any) of the album, leaving me with an album that a 12 year old "scene" girl would be able to sink her teeth into.
Another major problem with the album was the overused auto tuning. Literally every song on the album has Chris Donathan's voice autotuned through the entire song. It gets very annoying to hear and it makes me want to know what the guy's voice <i> really</i> sounds like.
Overall, this album falls flat on its face. The final versions of the five demos were far inferior to the demo versions. This is another "myspace band" that doesn't look like it has a very promising future.
At least there are only 8 bad songs instead of 12
Overused Auto tuning
Bad Lyrics
"Into The Groove"