Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
American Me don't have singing and pop sensibility like For The Fallen Dreams but they know that. They're basically saying "this is what we sound like, in your face, like it or don't"
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Album Rating: 3.0
this is worse than heat
at least heat had some catchy songs
some of these sound like another 3 on the album
but there are a few enjoyable tracks
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I dare argue that FTFD didn't do singing for the scene girls. but definitely agreed on the rest of that comment. Whiteout is an EPIC song.
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i really liked FTFD's first album compared to this, i still got to to listen to their last album
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the singing in FTFD makes them better.
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Album Rating: 3.0
makes them more generic
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ever so slightely haha, nothing to do with the song structure and regurgitated chug chugga rhythms.
To be fair they have been pretty generic from the beginning.
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a poor man's Misery Signals?
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....Going back to the subject of American Me, I like the album, but it's not a heavy hitter for the year. It's kind of for people who already like the style of music. Not a hugely accessible album. But I do like that it's harsh, in your face, and raw though.
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
You know, you should check out the band MONSTERS. I recently came upon their EP and holy shit, it blew American Me out of the water.
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Album Rating: 3.0
Monsters is lol. Not only does the vocalist sound like Vincent Benet but Frankie Palmeri manages them (or so their myspace says)
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no roses- i love have heart, just want to let you know they kicked IMMENSE amounts of ass at bamboozle left, despite being fenced off from the crowd.
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Album Rating: 3.5
Wow, this is like Emmure making good music :D
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Heat is better, meltuga.
Far better. This album was kinda cool at first, but Heat's got much better replay value
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Still pretty raw though
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