weakest album by this band
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Album Rating: 3.0
System rules, but this album was pretty average. S/T, Toxicity and STA! are amazing though
edit: agree with Dryden
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Album Rating: 2.5
weakest album by this band
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Album Rating: 4.0
hypnotize is muuuuuchhhh worse
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little bit better then mezmerize
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Album Rating: 2.5
Hypnotize had more memorable parts than Mezmerize but lacked what the albums before it had
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Album Rating: 4.0
Twas a good review, pos'd.
I liked this album, but its not as good as their other stuff.
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even their weaker albums are still good. just to show how awesome SOAD is/was
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Album Rating: 4.0
^pretty much
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Album Rating: 3.0
hypnotize sucks
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rating of 3 = good
hypnotize sucks
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Album Rating: 3.0
hypnotize has u-fig which means it doesn't suck because u-fig is one of their best ever songs
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and cigaro. that song is sexy
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whoops i commented on a different mezmerize thread
byob rules
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Album Rating: 2.5
no it dont
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Album Rating: 4.0
I love this album. Mezmerize > Hypnotize.
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SOAD > music
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Album Rating: 3.0
Used to love this. Still solid, but time has definitely dulled it a little for me.
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Album Rating: 4.0
SOAD > music
Lol, perhaps that's taking it too far
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Album Rating: 3.0
Oh if only eclectic could see the glory that is SOAD.
Anways, album is pretty meah. The thing about the Mezmerize/ Hypnotize catalogue is that some of the songs are really good, but then others are just sh*t. Mezmerize prpbably takes the cake for being more consistent (Hypnotize had Lonely Day, She's like Heroine, and Vicinity of Obscenity which are all [bold]AWFUL[/bold]. Anyways, the s/t and Steal this Album! are what put SOAD at god status
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