I thought he meant Benighted and Aborted like that was a bandname. Yeah I listen to Aborted already, it's brutal DM. The majority of brutal DM is terrible though from what I've heard, maybe I'm just hearing the wrong stuff. Waking The Cadaver, Cephalotripsy are the main two pieces of shit I've heard. I don't exactly know the difference between brutal DM & slam DM though in some cases, so yeah. I'm pretty confused, if someone can clear that up for me it'd be great.
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waking the cadaver's genre is "slamming gore groove". lol
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a handjob
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Idunno, I've seen them labeled as brutal dm, slam, "slamming gore groove", deathcore, brutal deathcore, it's all fucked up. I have no idea what to call it. Pretty terrible regardless though.
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Album Rating: 5.0
maybe try getting some understanding and knowledge of the genre's before you go slating off bands.you obviously have no clue what you are talking about and are very narrow minded when it comes to music. so what if bands or(most of the time) the fans class a band in a crazy sub-genre? who actually really deeply cares. .....
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maybe try getting some understanding and knowledge of the genre's before you go slating off bands.you obviously have no clue what you are talking about and are very narrow minded when it comes to music. so what if bands or(most of the time) the fans class a band in a crazy sub-genre? who actually really deeply cares. .....
If you took the time to look at my ratings, you'd see that I rate a decent amount of genres that I enjoy and that I actually find a large portion of deathcore very enjoyable. This however, is by-the-books monotonous deathcore with little going for it. This band is the perfect example of why so many people hate deathcore, it's bland, it's uninspired, its unoriginal.
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I'm really liking this for some strange reason.
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^Strange reason is right.
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The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza is at the top of my list right now, THATS grindcore...good grindcore at least. Especially the new album they dropped.
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This album is terrible. lol Chug-chug chug=Three word summary of the band.
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seeing these guys on sunday with martyr defiled. dont know what to think of these guys this album is quite boring ill see how they are live.
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Album Rating: 2.5
vocalist is decent... i guess
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Pig Destroyer - Terrifyer and Discordance Axis - the album with the blue cover, I forgot the name are amazing grind albums. No squeals either, I don't like those.
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The Inalienable Dreamless
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Oh fuck yeah, the album is pretty perfect.
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Album Rating: 2.5
Their self-titled was way better. There was some brutality beyond the chugging, something more. The production was way better too imo. Anyway, this is utterly bland, plain and simple
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Album Rating: 2.0
I remember seeing these guys live years back. Terrrrrrrrible.
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I can jam this. Pretty by the books deathcore.
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classic deathcore bump
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