Album Rating: 4.0
That makes me like the song even more tbh
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Album Rating: 4.0
don't actually know if it's true or not - was just a thought I was amusing myself with while listening to The Grime and the Glow earlier
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Album Rating: 4.0
I honestly think that Grime might be better than this to me. I just love Movie Screen so much.
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Album Rating: 4.0
those two and Birth of Violence easily make up my top three right now...
I really wasn't before, but listening to this and The Grime and the Glow the past couple days has me eager to check out the new
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Album Rating: 3.5
Hmm, might be one of her best right here
Consistently enjoyable atmosphere. Nice array of influences. Movie Screen is superb.
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Album Rating: 4.0
Movie Screen is legit a top 5 CW track. I fucking adore that song
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Album Rating: 4.0
It is up there yeah. “Pale on Pale” is the one I jam the most nowadays, though.
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Album Rating: 3.5
The Grime and the Glow's Demons > this one, potentially (both are great)
Liking the 'official' (distinction needed, apparently) debut a decent amount
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Album Rating: 4.0
dooonnt you ever cross that
briiiiidge in your mind again
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Album Rating: 3.5
Friedrichshain is a pretty good PJ Harvey song
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Album Rating: 3.5
Lol ditto Moses
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