he was like
WHY CANT YOU RESPECT THE FAMILY OF THE DECEASED i was like the dude was a queef let him rust in peace bitch
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Album Rating: 2.5
Yeh andcas was getting trolled hard by kill
Was pretty funny
Then andcas accused me of being a kill alt
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crap band
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Album Rating: 4.0
Cygnatti's avatar is dope shit
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Album Rating: 4.5
"Great album, good review. But dude chill, people will say anything either good or bad. Filter stuff up. And that first sentence about the comments and all, that shouldn't be there really. Makes it look rather unprofessional - Just trying to help"
True enough, I just get annoyed when I have to explain myself to too many people.
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Album Rating: 4.5
""Hilarious gutturals"
Phils vocals are great on this album"
I did say they were fucking great. I also said that solely because of the many times on Eternal Refuge where it sounds like mindless gutturals. I do know there are lyrics though, but it's funny to end up hearing "ERROEREROREOEREOERORE" instead of lyrics.
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Album Rating: 2.5
the father
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Album Rating: 4.5
"jalix what anime is your image from"
Kuroshitsuji. Or Black Butler.
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Album Rating: 1.5
awful awful band
awful awful genre
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Album Rating: 4.0
KuroSHITsuji. Got it
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Album Rating: 4.0
Hey crymson is that buffy the vampire slayer you have on your avatar?
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Album Rating: 1.5
"said the faggot"
"Hey crymson is that buffy the vampire slayer you have on your avatar?"
indeed it is, pennywise
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Album Rating: 2.5
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Album Rating: 1.5
i know, quoting you should be a criminal offense
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Album Rating: 2.5
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Album Rating: 1.5
Malleus doesn't understand how boring and gay Deathcore is its just chug chug chug breakdown more chugs and more breakdowns and a shitty solo thrown in there somewhere it's all the same shit
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Album Rating: 1.5
yeah no kidding viral
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Album Rating: 2.5
you guys acting like im such a deathcore fan must make u feel so good abt yourselves ha ha ha
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Album Rating: 1.5
why yes i do feel superior to deathcore fans
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Album Rating: 2.5
said the escape the fate fan
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